Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani Duties of People towards the Imam (a) Extracted from Mikyal al-Makarim fee fawaaid ad-duaa LIL qaaim Criterion of Nobilities on the benefits of praying for al-Qaim

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ينضي رَلاا بِّ رو عي بسّ لا تي

اوامسّ لا بِّ ر ُيّللا نَ احبس ميظي عْلا ييلعْلا ُّللا ّلايإ َُليإ َلا يمريكَ ْلا مُ ييللْْ ا ُُّللا ّلايإ ََُليإ َلا

َ َ ََ ْ

َ َ َ

َ ُْ ُ

َ ْ َ ُ َ ُ َ

مي يظي عَْلا شي رْعَْلا بِّ رَوَ

نّ هُ َن يَْ ب امَوَ

نّ هي ييف امَوَ

عي بْسّ لا

Note and Conclusion: Sayyid Ibne Tawoos, has mentioned a similar prayer in Prayers of fulfillment of needs on Friday eve and he says: Prayers of fulfillment is two rakats on Friday eves and eves of Eid of Sacrifice. Recite Surah Fatiha till ‘Iyyaaka na’budu wa iyyaaka nastae’en’, and repeat this verse a hundred times and then complete the Hamd. Then recite Surah Qul huwallaahu Ahad a hundred times and in every rakat do the same. Then recite the Salaam and say seventy times: Laa h’awla wa laa quwwata illa billaahil a’liyil a’z”eem. And after that go into Sajdah and recite two hundred times: Yaa rabbi, Yaa rabbi…and ask whatever you need.

  1. 76: Weeping for Imam Husain (a)

It is an action by which we can fulfill the rights of Imam Zamana (a) and there is no doubt that fulfillment of the rights of Imam Zamana (a) is a medium of achieving the nearness of Allah.

Ja’far Ibne Muhammad Ibne Qooloolay (r.a.) narrates from Imam Sadiq (a) a lengthy tradition on the merits of weeping upon Imam Husain (a): “No eye or tear is more liked by Allah than the eye that weeps on him (Imam Husain a.s.). No one weeps for him except that he has recompensed

Janabe Fatima Zahra (s.a.) and helped her in the mourning. He has presented a gift to the Messenger of Allah (s) and fulfilled my right. Everyone shall be raised in Qiyamat weeping except those who weep on my oppressed forefather, Imam Husain (a). Because their eyes will be shining. He would be given the good news and his joy will be apparent from his facial expression. All the creatures would be dreading their consequences except those who had wept on Imam Husain (a). They shall be in absolute security. All the people will gather on the plains of Mahshar but these people shall be standing under the shade of the Arsh (throne) conversing with Imam Husain (a).

They shall not be fearful of the rigorous strictness of the day of accounting. They would be told to enter Paradise but would not do so. They would prefer the company of Imam Husain (a) to Paradise. The Houries of Paradise would be sending messages to them that they are waiting for these people, however, they would be so enchanted by the conversation of Imam Husain (a) that would not pay heed to the Houries.”695
The phrase “fulfilled my right” indicates that weeping for Imam Husain (a) is an act that fulfills the rights of Imam Zamana (a) and the other holy Imams (a). The reason for this is participation in their grief implies the fulfillment of mutual rights of believers. Because when a believer passes away there are some customs that the Shariah has ordered to be fulfilled. They are of two types: The first type is that we fulfill the rights of the dead and that consist of participating in the funeral, standing by the grave, seeking forgiveness for him, paying Sadaqah on his behalf, reciting prayers on his behalf, mentioning him nicely, etc. And the second type are with regard to his survivors, that is to present condolence to them, praying for them, sharing their grief, sending food etc. to them, and doing good to them; and without any doubt the rights of the Imam (a) regarding this are greater than all the people.
Thus, when the believer mourns for our master, Abi Abdullah (a) the right of the Imam that remains after His Eminence, he is in fact to some extent, fulfilling the rights of the Holy Imam (a) and seeking proximity through it although he can never fulfill the whole of it. This is mentioned in traditional reports recorded from the Holy Imams (a). However to fully explain this is beyond the scope of this book. In the end we will just mention the saying of Imam (a) which clarifies it: “And he would have fulfilled our right.” Thus it is our duty to think upon it.

  1. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 26

  1. 77: Visiting the tomb of Imam Husain (a)

It is an act of goodwill towards Imam Zamana (a) and other Purified Imams (a). By performing this we can please the pure heart of Imam (a). Imam (a) prays for the visitor of Imam Husain (a), day and night.

Ibne Qooloolay has quoted Imam Sadiq (a) in Kamiluz Ziaraat: “One who visits the tomb of my (great grand) father (Imam Husain a.s.), has performed an act of goodwill towards the Messenger of Allah (s) and has respected our relationship. The back-biting of such a person is haraam and his flesh is haraam for hell-fire.”696
In the same book, through the author’s own chain of narrators it is narrated from Abdullah bin Sinan that he said: I asked His Eminence, Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (a): May I be sacrificed on you, your father said: One dirham spent in the way of Hajj is counted as a thousand. Then what will be the value if one undertakes a journey to visit your forefather, Husain (a)? He replied: O son of Sinan, each dirham will be considered as a thousand thousand – till ten thousand, and in the same proportion would his levels be increased and the pleasure of Allah will be better for him. And the Dua of Muhammad (s) will be there for him and the Dua of Amirul Momineen (a) and the Holy Imams (a) also.697
In the same book, it is narrated through the author’s own chain of narrators that Imam Sadiq (a) said: “The deed loved most by Allah is the visitation (Ziarat) of the tomb of Imam Husain (a). The deed of a believer loved most by Allah is making the Momineen happy and the condition loved most by Allah is that a person weeps in prostration.”698
Through the author’s own chain of narrators it is narrated from Muawiyah bin Wahab that he heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) supplicating the Almighty Allah and beseeching Him: Send Your mercy for me, my brothers and visitors of the grave of my forefather, Husain (a). Those who spend from their funds put their bodies into trouble, for the sake of goodness to us, and in hope of reward and a good turn for us, and to please Your Prophet (s), and to follow our command, and making the enemies angry, so that through this they may obtain Your satisfaction. So [O Allah], reward them through Your satisfaction on our behalf, and keep them in Your safety, day and night, reward their families and children, who stay behind in the best way. And be their supporter, and keep them safe from the evil of every evildoer and every weak and strong creature, and the evil of Shaitan of men and jinns, and reward them with the best for forsaking their native place and make them return safely to their families, children and relatives. O Allah, indeed, our enemies flay them for undertaking a journey to visit our graves, but do not make this fault-finding to forgo turning to us. In such a way that they should oppose our opponents. Thus, have mercy on faces colored by the heat of the sun. And have mercy on cheeks that fall on the tomb of His Eminence, Abi Abdullah al-Husain (a), and have mercy on the eyes that weep for us, and have mercy on the hearts that are aggrieved for us, and have

  1. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 127, Chapter 46

  2. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 128, Chapter 46

  3. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 146, Chapter 48

mercy on the cry that is raised for us. O Allah, I have entrusted those bodies and souls to You till You bring them to the side of the Hauz on the day of the great thirst…699

It is a very lengthy tradition and we have quoted only that which is needed here. And this proves that it makes all the Imams (a) very pleased when we perform this action; it is fulfillment of their command, a good turn to them and a way to show enmity to their enemies.
In the same book, through the author’s own chain of narrators it is narrated from Muawiyah bin Wahab from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) that he said to Muawiyah: O Muawiyah, do not leave the Ziarat of the grave of Imam Husain (a) due to fear, because if one leaves it for fear, will be in such regret that he would wish his grave was next to his (Imam Husain’s) grave. Do you not like that the Almighty Allah sees your person and shadow between those for whom the Messenger of Allah (s), Ali, Fatima and Imams (a) pray?700
Through the author’s own chain of narrators it is narrated from Halabi in a lengthy tradition that he said: I asked His Eminence, Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (a): May I be sacrificed on you, what do you say about one who leaves the Ziarat of Imam Husain (a) when he could do it? He replied: He has done Aaq (broken off relations) to the Holy Prophet (s) and us and considered light the command to him in this regard. And the Almighty Allah will fulfill the needs of one who goes for this Ziarat, and the Almighty Allah makes him sufficient in all the worldly affairs that are important to him, He widens his sustenance, what he spends is returned to him, fifty years’ sins are forgiven, when he returns, no sin will remain in his account but that it would be washed off, when he passes away, the angels descend and give him bath and open a door to Paradise. When he is raised in Qiyamat, he will be told: For every dirham you spent, there are a thousand for you, and the Almighty Allah has stored it for you.701
In the tradition of Abdullah bin Hammad Basri it is narrated from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) in which the Imam has mentioned the excellence of the visitor to the grave of Imam Husain (a) till he said: “And as for that which will be with for him is that we shall be blessing him day and night…”
In the tradition of Safwan Jammaal from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) it is mentioned: If the visitor of Imam Husain (a) knew what joy he conveys to the Messenger of Allah (s), to Amirul Momineen (a), to Fatima and Imams (a), to martyrs of us, Ahle Bayt, and what he gets through their prayers and how much reward he would get in the world and the hereafter and what reward is stored with Allah for him, he would wish that he is not seen at home for the rest of his life…702

  1. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 116, Chapter 40

  2. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 126, Chapter 45

  3. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 128, Chapter 46

  4. Kaamiluz Ziaraat, Pg. 297, Tr. no. 15

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