i.e.d.,prof. Kəlbiyev Yaşar Atakişi oğlu _____________________
Proqram rəhbəri
i.e.n.,dos.Seyfullayev İlqar
Zülfüqar oğlu _____________________
Kafedra müdiri
i.e.d.,prof. Kəlbiyev Yaşar Atakişi oğlu _____________________
BAKI -2019-cu il
The role of tax policy in stimulating the functioning of the economy's entrepreneurship sector in modern times Summary Topicality of research. Development of small and medium-sized enterpreneurshıps is crucial for our country. However, restrictions on the financing of this entities limit their development, lead to deepening of problems. “Strategic Road Map” stresses importance of entrepreneurship. Therefore, financial support of entrepreneurship is important for the development of local economy and thus, this topic is demanded.
Purpose and tasks of research. The purpose is studying the financing problems of small and medium-sized businesses in Azerbaijan. This includes:
Researching the theoretical foundations of the development of small and medium enterprises, sources of financing of entrepreneurship subjects, studying of international experience