Basel Convention

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Status of Ratification/Accession/Acceptance/Approval:

10.12.1999 (a)

Ratification/Acceptance of the Amendment to the Basel Convention:

Not yet as of 20.11.2002

Competent Authority

Focal Point

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

10 Kollektornaya Str., Minsk 220 049

tel: (375-172) 20-6691/20-7261/20-5571

fax: (375-172) 20-5583


web site:

Same as the Competent Authority

National Definition

Wastes are substances or goods produced in the process of economic activity or life of man that do not have any certain application at site of their generation or that have lost totally or partially their consumer properties due to physical or moral obsolescence.
Hazardous wastes are wastes that contain as their constitutes substances possessing any hazardous property or they set (toxicity, infectious, explosivity, high reaction ability and (or) other similar properties) and existing in such amounts and in such form that this waste independently or in contact with other substances can represent immediate or potential threat to environment, people health and (or) to people property including that caused by their adverse impact on environment.
Appendix 1 to the Resolution of State Custom Committee “On Improvement of Custom Control over Waste Movement through Custom Border of the Republic of Belarus” (of 12.03.1999 N 134-OD) provides a “List of Industrial and Consumption Wastes, which can not be processed or used in the Republic of Belarus”; Appendix 2 to the Resolution of State Custom Committee “On Improvement of Custom Control over Waste Movement through Custom Border of the Republic of Belarus” (of 12.03.1999 N 134-OD) provides a “List of Industrial and Consumption Wastes, which can be processed or used in the Republic of Belarus, permits for their import (transit) are given by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection”. (Appendix 1 and 2 are annexed to this CFS)
In Belarus there are no wastes other than those pursuant to Art. 1 (1)a and/or Art. 1 (1)b of the Basel Convention that require special consideration when subjected to transboundary movement.

Data* on the Generation and Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes** and Other Wastes*** in 2000 (as reported)

Quantities (in metric tonnes)


Total amount of hazardous wastes generated

73 000 1)

Total amount of other wastes generated

2 464 000 2)

Transboundary Movement

Total amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes exported

No export

Total amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes imported

290 366 3)

* Figures are rounded to the nearest integer.

** Covers wastes under Art. 1 (1)a (Annex I: Y1-Y45) and Art. 1 (1)b.

*** Covers wastes under (Annex II: Y46-Y47).

1) Figure refers to the total amount of hazardous wastes generated under Art. 1 (1)b. Data collection on generation of hazardous wastes according to categories of the Basel Convention will be introduced from next year.

2) Figure refers to the total amount of household wastes (Y46).

3) Figure refers to the total amount of hazardous wastes under Art. 1 (1)b imported.

Restrictions on Transboundary Movement

Amendment to the Basel Convention

The amendment to the Basel Convention (Decision III/1) has not been implemented in Belarus.

Restrictions on export for final disposal and for recovery

Belarus is in a preparatory process to restrict the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.

Restrictions on import for final disposal

Belarus restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal. The relevant legislation is the Waste Law, in force from 1 January, 2001, which states that “Transboundary Movement of waste to the Republic of Belarus with the purpose of their storage and (or) neutralization (landfilling, burning etc.) is prohibited”. This restriction covers all country.

Restrictions on import for recovery

Belarus restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for recovery. The relevant legislation is the Waste Law, in force from 1 January, 2001, which states that “Transboundary Movement of waste to the Republic of Belarus is allowed only with the purpose of their usage as raw materials or secondary materials and is executed only on the basis of a preliminary obtained permit for transboundary movement of waste to the Republic of Belarus issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus”.

Restrictions on transit

Belarus restricts the transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes. The relevant legislation is the Waste Law, in force from 1 January, 2001, which states that “Transboundary Movement of waste through Republic of Belarus is executed only on the basis of a preliminary obtained permit for transboundary movement of waste through the Republic of Belarus issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus”.

Reduction and/or Elimination of Hazardous Waste Generation

National strategies/policies

National Action Plan on Rational Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in the Republic of Belarus for 2001-2005 years, adopted 21.06.2001.

Legislation, regulations and guidelines

  • Law on Waste, in force from 2001;

  • Decision of the Government on State Register of Technologies for Waste Recycling and on State Register of Facilities for Waste Neutralization and Disposal;

  • Decision of the Government on Adoption of Regulation on Order in Approval of Limits for Waste Disposal;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Rules for Development, Agreement and Approval of Instruction for Management of Industrial Waste;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Instructions on Procedure for Registration of Transactions for Alienation and Assignation (except transportation) of Waste to Another Person for a certain period of time;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Rules for Issuing, Suspension, Cancellation of Permits for Disposal of Industrial Waste;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Classifier Waste Generated in the Republic of Belarus;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Rules for Accounting of Waste;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Form of Special Document for Accompanying of Transportation of Waste;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Rules for Norm-Setting Generation of Industrial Waste;

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of List of Waste that shall have Passports; and

  • Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection on Adoption of Order on Determination of Level of Hazard of Waste and Establishing the Class of Hazard.

Economic instruments/ initiatives

Economic Mechanism in the field of waste management includes the following elements: economic incentives, fee-paying waste disposal and lending.

Economic incentives are made by exemption from taxes, for example, exemption from tax on profit received from selling of secondary raw materials. Disposal of waste is chargeable. The rate of the charge is set at differential basis depending on the level of toxity of waste. What is more, the rate of the charge for disposal of waste beyond limits established by local authorities is five times increased.
Lending is realized by giving grants from budget environmental fund. Grants are given for introduction of cleaner technologies, scientific research and development works on creating new types of environment oriented technique.

Measures taken by industries/waste generators

The generators of waste shall develop the norms for waste generation and get agreement on them from territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. The waste generation norms help with operational quantitative control on waste generation and are used for development of waste disposal limits.

Transboundary Movement Reduction Measures

The measures taken for reduction of the amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes subject to the transboundary movement are same as the measures taken for reduction and/or elimination of hazardous waste generation.

Disposal/ Recovery Facilities

Disposal facilities

Complex on processing and landfilling of toxic and industrial waste of Gomel Region, landfilling (D1).

Bilateral, Multilateral or Regional Agreements

Multilateral agreement on Unified Terms of Transit through the Territories of States-Members of the Custom Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan), effective from 22.01.1998. Lists of waste are developed on the basis of the Basel Convention lists.
Multilateral agreement on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous and other Waste between the members of the Community of Independent States, effective from 1996. The Agreement was developed on the basis of the Basel Convention.

Technical Assistance and Training Available


Appendix 1 to the Resolution of

State Custom Committee "On

Improvement of Custom Control

over Waste Movement through

Custom Border of the Republic of

Belarus ;

(of 12.03.1999 N 134-OD)


of Industrial and Consumption Wastes, which can not be processed or used in the Republic of Belarus

Code of the Kind of Waste According to Commodity Classification for Foreign Activity (CC FEA)

Kind of Waste

Code of the Waste according to the Basel Convention Classification

from 2524 00

Asbestos waste and dust


from 262099

from 2620 99

from 2620 99

- slime with thorium content from thoriated tungsten article production

Galvanic Slimes

from 262099 100

- with nickel content

from 2620 30 000

- with copper content


from 262019 000

-with zinc content


from 26 20 99 700

- with cobalt content

from 2620 91 000

-with cadmium content


from 2920 29 000

from 2620 99 100

from 2620 91 000

Slime of lead hydroxide, nickel, cadmium


from 2620

Waste containing compounds of: cadmium, nickel, chromium, tin, lead, vanadium, copper, other heavy metals.

Y26, Y21, Y31, Y22

from 271390

Acid resin, acid tar

from 271390

Acid residual tar from oil refinement with sulphuric acid and resin sulphurized compounds


from 271390

Acid residual tar from sulfate production (white oils sulphurization) with sulphuric acid and heavy organic sulfate content

Y 11

from 2713 90

Acid residual tar from aromatic hydrocarbon refinement with sulphuric acid, aromatic compounds and sulphuric acid content

Y 11

from 2713 90

Acid residual tar from paraffin refinement with sulphuric acid and organic compounds content

Y 11

from 2713 90

Acid fumigating resin of the sulfate section of the benzene rectification shop of the by-product-coking production

Y 11

Slimes of coke and gas plants:

from 2706 00 000

- Gumlike fuses (shale processing wastes) with phenol content,


from 2706 00 000

- Preservative timber production and use waste


From 2710

Burn mineral oil waste


Useless chemical substances, produced in the course of R and D or in the educational process, whose nature has not yet been revealed and /or which are novel, whose effect on man and environment is yet unknown


from 2804 80 000 from 2804 80 000 from 2804 80 000

Hard mineral waste with detrimental impurities, specific for the given production: cake arsenious from copper production, cake arsenious -potassium from tin producti on, arsenate and calcium waste from lead production.

from 2837

Galvanic slime with cyanide con tent

from 2819

- Galvanic slime with chromium content (compounds of hexavalent, chromium)

from 2814 20 000 from 38 25 50 000

Ammonium solutions for copper pickling (waste)


from 2806 10 000 from 3825 50 000

Acids and acid mixtures with impurities specific for the given production: Waste, pickle solutions of rolling and hardware shops


from 2815 20

Alkalines and alkaline mixtures with impurities, specific for the given production (pickling, cleaning, etc.)


from 2850 00

Sorbents with arsine and phosphine impurities


from 2844 30 550

Thorium waste in chemical-metallurgical production

from 291539

Aluminium chloride waste with acetophenol impurity


From 2902

Residue of acid resin processing

Y11 RA|

from 2912

Slimes of coke and gas plants:

From 2932 19 000

Polychlorinated dibenzofuran and other related compounds


From 2934 99

Polychlorinated dibenzodioxine (dioxine) and other related compounds


from 2903

Waste of fluorine organic compounds in hydrogen bromide acid production


From 2903 69

from 340490

from 3824 90 990

Polychlorinated biphenyls, terphenyls, polybromated biphenyls, liquids, or solvents contaminated by them, and also agents and articles contained them (in concentration 50 mg/kg and more )


From 2903

Waste of chlorine organic acid production


From 2903

Highly resinous wood of bromine organic synthesis


From 2912

Highly resinous wood of phthalic anhydrite production


from 2930 from 3825

Pharmaceuticals production and use waste


From 2902 from 2903

from 2905-2909

Waste of organic solvents production and use

From 3808

Agents for fumigation and protection of plants from pests and blights (obsolete)


From 3808

Production of agents for fumigation and protection of plants from pests and blights wastes


From 3811 11 100

from 262021 000

Slimes contained tetraethyl lead (antidetonant additives)


from 701990

Glass fibre waste, similar to asbestos in its 'physical and chemical characteristics

from 8104 90 000 from 8108 90 900 from 8112 40 900

Other dust containing non-ferrous metals : magnesium dust, titanium dust , vanadium dust


from 8539

Mercury lamp and luminescent tube waste


From 901831

from 901832

from 7017

from 560110

from 3825 30 000

Medical waste , produced from the medical treatment of patients at medical institutions (hospitals, polyclinics and other similar institutions )


Appendix 2 to the Resolution of

State Custom Committee "On

Improvement of Custom Control

over Waste Movement through

Custom Border of the Republic of

Belarus ;

(of 12.03.1999 N 134-OD)


of Industrial and Consumption Wastes, which can be processed or

used in the Republic of Belarus, permits for their import (transit)

are given by the Ministry of Natural Resources and

Environmental Protection

Code of the Kind of Waste According to Commodity Classification for Foreign Activity (CC FEA)

Kind of Waste

Code of the Waste according to the Basel Convention Classification

from 0501000000

Human hair waste

from 0502

Bristle waste

from 0503000000

Horse hair waste

from 0505900000

Bird feathers waste

from 0506900000

Animal bones and horns waste

from 051191

Waste from fish and other sea products processing


Degras; residues after processing of fat substances or plant or animal waxes

from 2514000000

Shale wastes, roughly scraped or simply cut by sawing or in some other way


Mica wastes

from 2529300000

Leucite, nepheline, or nepheline syenite waste

from 2529100000

Feldspar Waste


Slag pellets, produced in iron and steel production

from 261900

Cupola slags

from 261900

Electric furnace slags

from 261900

Blast furnace slags

from 261900

Converter slags

from 261900

Other steel –smelting slags

from 261900

Scull of steel – smelting production

from 261900

Steel-casting slimes

from 261900

Rolling slimes

from 261900

Casting slimes


Hard zinc (zink-and-iron alloy)


from 2620190000

Zinc slags


from 2620190000

Zinc slime


from 2620290000

Take off lead

from 2620290000

Lead ashes

from 2620290000 from 2620210000

Lead slime

from 262099

Other metallic slimes

from 2620400000

Taken off light metal dross containing aluminum

from 2620400000

Salt slags with aluminum content

from 2620999000

Boiler cleaning residues

from 262099

Taken off light metal dross containing magnesium

from 262099

Salt slags with magnesium content

from 262099

Magnesium oxide slime

from 2621900000

Coal ash

from 2621900000

Boiler slags

from 2621900000

Hard residues contained salt from smoke-trapping ; Y • devices of unit heaters burning traditional fuel (without reagent gypsum)

from 2621900000

Fly ashes and unit heater dust


from 2621900000

Slags from melt electrolysis

from 2621100000

Slags and ashes from waste burning facilities

from 2621100000

Fly ash and dust from waste burning facilities

from 2621900000

Pyrolysis unit slags and ashes


from 2621900000

Slag from the production of chemically stabilized copper content a high iron (over 20%), processed according to industrial standards

from 2621900000

Neutralized red clay from alumina production

from 271390

Slimes of coke and gas plant

from 2837

Slime from cyanide containing fixing (quenching) baths

from 2805409000

Residues contained mercury: mercury on graphite, mercury on activated coal

from 280300

Activated (waste) coal

from 2804 50

Waste containing tellurium


from 2804 800000

Waste containing arsenic


from 2804 900000

Waste contained selenium


from 2811 220000

Hard silica wastes, except using in casting production

from 2844 30

Thorium waste and scrap

from 2904, from 2908

Organic chemicals, multiply nitrated



Basic slag, formed in iron and steel production, using for phosphate fertilizers and for other purposes

from 3601000000, from 3602000000

Waste of explosive substances


from 3604

Pyrotechnical waste


from 3912 20

Cellulose processing wastes (nitrocellulose)


Plastic waste and scrap, chopped plastic:

from 3915 100000

  • of polyethylene

from 3915 200000

- of polystyrene, polystyrene foam

from 3915 300000

  • of polyvinylchloride and of foam plastic manufactured on its basis

from 3915 90

  • of celluloid, photo- and cinefilm

from 3915 90

  • of polyethylene-terephthalate film

from 3915 90

  • of polyurethane, polyurethane foam

from 3915 90

  • of polyamides, polycarbonates

from 3915 90

  • of, polyacrylates, acrylic resin

from 3915 90

  • of polyvinylacetate

from 3915 90

  • of polyvinyl alcohol

from 3915 90

  • of polyolephines

from 3915 90

  • of polypropylene

from 3915 90

  • of plastics contained fluorine

Y 45

from 3915 90

  • of acrylonitrile copolymers

from 3915 90

  • of styrene copolymers

from 3915 90

  • of polybutileneterephthalates

from 3915 90

  • of polyethylenesulphides polysiloxalanes (silicons)

from 3915 90

  • of polymethylmetacrylate

from 3915 90

  • of polyvinylbutirene

from 3915 90

  • of phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-phenolic resins

Y 13

from 3915 901100

  • of epoxy resins

from 3915 90

- of urea-formaldehyde resins

from 3915 90

- of alkyd resins


Rubber waste and cuttings


Other waste rubber technical articles


Old tires, worn cut

from 4013909000

tubes, tire casings

from 401700

Hard rubber waste and scrap

from 4115200000

Slime from leather enterprises’ sewage water clearing

from 4115200000

Raw fresh hides

from 4115200000

Split leather cuttings

from 4115200000

Cuttings from the edges of chromium-plate and tanned semi , chrome chips

finished items


Artificial fibre waste:

from 5505101000

- polyamide


- polyester

from 5505105000

- polyacril

from 5505105000

- polyacrilic modified

from 5505200000

- cellulose

from 700100

Glass waste from the production of lamps, picture tubes and other articles containing specific impurities

from 7802000000

Waste containing lead


from 7902000000

Waste containing zinc


from 8002000000

Waste containing tin

from 8101970000

Waste containing tungsten

from 8102970000

Waste containing molybdenum

from 8103300000

Waste containing tantalum

from 8104200000

Waste containing magnesium

from 8105300000

Waste containing cobalt

from 8106001000

Waste containing bismuth

from 8107300000

Waste containing cadmium


from 8108300000

Waste containing titanium

from 8109300000

Waste containing zirconium

from 8110200000

Antimonium waste


from 8111001900

Waste containing manganese


Beryllium waste and scrap



Waste containing chromium


from 8112304000

Germanium waste and scrap

from 8112401900

Vanadium waste and scrap

from 8112921000

Hafnium waste and scrap

from 8112925000

Indium waste and scrap

from 8112923900

Niobium waste and scrap


Thallium waste and scrap


from 8908000000

Vessels and other floating constructions for separation, carefully emptied of their contents, and other materials formed in the process of the vessel's operation, which may be referred to the category of hazardous substances or waste

Basel Convention

Country Fact Sheet

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