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Understanding government : The judicial branch. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2000.
The Judicial Branch consists of the various Federal Court found in 50 states of the Union and the highest court, the Supreme Court, in Washington, D.C. The imperative role of this branch of government is thoroughly researched in this informative production.

DVD 001.42 Eva

Research skills for students : Evaluating sources. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2004.

DVD 025 Res

Research Skills for Students : Searching the Internet. United States : Schlessinger Media, c2004.
Learn how to focus, strategize, refine and evaluate research. From formulating a solid query to understanding when and how to best use search strategies and search tools, students can access and successfully navigate the Web.

DVD 081 Ani

Core biology : Animal science. New York, New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2007.
This program traces the development of zoology including the classification of animal species, comparative anatomy, the understanding that all animal life comes from eggs, the theory of evolution, the science of animal behavior, and the principles of animal communication.

DVD 133.4 Sal

Salem witch trials. A&E Television Networks, c1996.
For the incoming Puritan settlers, 17th century New England was a place filled with fear and uncertainty. It was an environment that - coupled with a backdrop of religious extremism - bred an anxiety so intense it ultimately turned deadly.

DVD 153 Sec

Secrets of the Mind. WGBH Boston Video, 2007.
Investigate breakthrough research in phantom limb syndrome, and how the brain undergoes a massive "re-wiring" when a person loses a limb. Explore the power of the mind in pain control. See how frightening seizures result in unbelievably intense spiritual experiences. Discover how findings learned from brain injuries help us learn about the normal brain.

DVD 154.63 Dre

What are dreams : Inside the sleeping brain. PBS ; Nova ; BBC, 2009.

DVD 220 Hol

5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Secrets of the Holy Land. Chicago, Illinois : Questar, Inc, c2009.
Discover the histories and probe the mysteries behind the Holy Land's most inspiring and compelling sites. Narrator : Richard Kiley.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years : Episode 3 : Orthodoxy : From Empire to Empire/. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore Orthodoxy's fight for survival as it stood in the path of Muslim expansion, suffered betrayal by crusading Catholics, was seized by the Russian Tsars and faced near-extinction under Soviet Communism.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 1 : The First Christianity/. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
In the first of a six part series, Professor MacCulloch goes in search of Christianity's forgotten origins. He overturns the familiar story that it all began when the apostle Paul took Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome. Instead, he shows that the true origins of Christianity lie east, and that at one point it was poised to triumph in Asia, maybe even in China. The headquarters of Christianity may well have been Baghdad not Rome. And if that had happened Western Christianity would have been very different.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 2 : Catholicism : The Unpredictable Rise of Rome/.
Over one billion years Christians look to Rome. But how did a small Jewish sect become the established religion of Western Europe? Explore how confession was invented by monks and how the Crusades gave Britain the university system.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 4 : Reformation : The Individual Before God. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore the Reformation and how a faith based on obedience and authority gave birth to one based on individual conscience. Learn how Luther wrote hymns to teach people the message of the Bible.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 5 : Protestantism : The Evangelical Explosion.New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Trace the growth of an expression of faith has has spread across the globe : Evangelical Protestantism.

DVD 270 His

A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 6 : God in the Dock. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore how the Church has rediscovered deep and enduring truths about itself.

DVD 292 God

Gods and goddesses. United States : A&E Television Networks, c2001.
Featuring comprehensive interviews with renowned Greek scholars, this searching program from The History Channel looks at where myths might have originated, and reveals recent archaeological evidence which suggests that some myths may have actually taken place.

DVD 292 Gre

The Greek gods. A&E Television Networks, 1998.
From Aphrodite to Zeus, The Greek Gods presents and unforgettable exploration of the mythic and monumental world of Greek deities.


Inside Islam. Standard format. [New York] : History Channel, c2002.
Narrated by Keith David. Introduces the beliefs, practices, and history of the second largest religion in the world, presenting commentary from leading scholars, theologians, and writers.

DVD 301 Geo

Geography for Students : Geographic Perspectives : The United States of America. United States : Schlessinger Media, c2006.
Get an in-depth look at the relationship between the physical and human characteristics of our vast and diverse country.

DVD 304 Hum

Human footprint. National Geographic, c2008.
From our cars to our clothes dryers to our disposable toothbrushes, our impact on planet Earth is astonishing. Human Footprint takes a phase-by-phase journey through life to illustrate the enormous imprint every American makes during his or her time on Earth.

DVD 304 Pop

Population geography. New York : Video Education America (VEA).
Population distribution, composition, change through time, population structure diagrams and the Demographic Transition Model, and essential terminology are all explained in clear terms with interesting graphics and relevant examples.

DVD 305.4 Bur

Burns, Ken. Not for ourselves alone. The story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony / a film by Ken Burns and Paul Barnes ; a Florentine Films production produced in association with WETA-TV (Washington). PBS Home Video, 1999.
Not For Ourselves Alone tells the dramatic, little-known story of one of the most compelling friendships in American history. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were born into a world ruled entirely by men. By the time their lives were over, they changed for the better the lives of a majority of American Citizens.

DVD 305.5 Col

Colonialism & Imperialism. Sunburst Visual Media.

DVD 305.89 SLA

Slavery by another name. [Widescreen format]. [United States] : PBS Home Video, c2012.
Narrated by Laurence Fishburne. A documentary film, based on the book by Douglas A. Blackmon, challenging the belief that slavery in the U.S. ended with Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, and discussing how, in the South, a new system of involuntary servitude took its place, was tolerated by both the North and South, and continued into the twentieth century.

DVD 320 Jud

Understanding government : The executive brance. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2000.
The Executive is a very powerful brance of the government, considering the President's mandate to dictate foreign policy and direct the armed forces as Commander in Chief. His cabinet, the Vice President, and various law enforcement agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and Department of Treasury, are all an integral part of the Executive Branch.

DVD 320 Leg

Understanding government : The legislative branch. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2000.
The Senate and House of Representatives, the upper and lower hosues of The Legislative Branch are explored in this outstanding production that delves into the theoretical intention of the Constitution's Framers.

DVD 320.54 Chi

China : Inside out. WGBH Boston Video, c2008.
Examine four of the relationships China has been making around the world to discover how China's rise is impacting all of us.

DVD 321.02 Fed

Political and Economic Series : Federalism. Sunburst Visual Media, c2009.
Discover the foundation of the American government and the rules and redulations that detail which branches and divisions are in charge of what areas. The separation of state and federal powers is a vital facet of out democracy. Learn how this division of power safeguards our freedoms.

DVD 322.10 Rel

Religion and Democracy : Religious values and political life. Madison, Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2009.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America at the crossroads : The keys to the kingdom (1974 - 1980); Back to the movement (1979 - 1985). PBS, 1986.
"THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM" - - Famous and lesser-known participants recount the remedies used to solve the problems of discrimination in schools and the workplace. For blacks and whites in Boston, court-ordered busing proves an unpopular means of integrating schools. "BACK TO THE MOVEMENT" - - Experience the power and powerlessness felt in black communities during the movement's third decade through firsthand knowledge and stories. Miami's Overtown section explodes in rioting when a young black salesman dies after being beaten by police for a traffic violation.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America at the racial crossroads : The time has come (1964 - 1966) ; Two societies (1965 - 1968). PBS, 1986.
"THE TIME HAS COME" - - After a decade-long cry for justice, a new sould is on the horizon : the insistent call for Power. Malcolm X takes a nationalism message to urban streets. CBS reporter Mike Wallace, author Alex Haley, and actor Ossie Davis discuss the new leaders and their role in transforming the civil rights movement into a broader struggle for human rights. "TWO SOCIETIES" - - Examine the color lines outside of the south with rarely seen personal testimony by Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, and others who survived the times.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights movement : Awakenings (1954-1956) ; Fighting back (1957-1962). PBS Video, 1986.
"AWAKENINGS" - - Emmett Till. . . Rosa Parks. . .Martin Luther King, Jr. Rare reflections open the door to understanding America's struggle for equality. "FIGHTING BACK" - - Little Rock. . . "Ole Miss". . . the 1954 Supreme Court Decision. Unforgettable images of the battle lines drawn in the South come to life through the eyes of those who were on the frontlines.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America at the racila crossroads :. : Power! (1966 - 1968) ; The promised land (1967 - 1968).PBS, 1986.
"POWER!" - - Across America, the call for "Black Power" mobilizes communities for change in strikingly different ways as told through the perspectives of Black Panther Party members, teachers, and politicians. In Cleveland, Carl Stokes becomes the first black mayor of a major city. "THE PROMISED LAND" - - Hear leaders and activists reflect on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s crusade to overcome the fragmenting civil rights movement. A peaceful protest of striking Memphis sanitation workers ends in tragedy when an assassin's bullet takes King's life. A hundred cities explode in riots and the the murder of Robert Kennedy shortly after adds to the darkness.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights years, 1954 - 1965 . : Ain't scared of your jail (1960 - 1961) ; No easy walk (1961 - 1963). PBS Video, 1986.
"AIN'T SCARED OF YOUR JAIL" - - Sit-ins. . . SNCC. . . Freedom Rides. See young people unite to overcome segregation. Exclusive interviews with student activists, community leaders, and government officials reveal the remarkable human drama behind the lunch counter sit-ins, nationwide boycotts, and formation of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Black and white freedom riders travel together at great risk to protest bus segregation and challenge the government to protect them from mobs. "NO EASY WALK" - - Discover the power of mass demonstrations with the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. as the most visible leader of the civil rights movement.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights years, 1954 - 1965. : Mississippi : Is This America? (1962 - 1964) ; Bridge to Freedom (1965). PBS, 1986.
"MISSISSIPPI : IS THIS AMERICA ?" - - Mississippi becomes a testing ground of constitutional principals as activists focus on the right to vote. "BRIDGE TO FREEDOM" - - Eyewitness accounts by the Rev. C.T. Vivian, Stokely Carmichael, and George Wallace illuminate the events of 1965 focusing on a decade of lessons learned and the role of television in the civil rights movement.

DVD 323.4 Eye

Eyes on the prize - - America at the racial crossroads : Ain't gonna shuffle no more (1964 - 1972) ; A nation of law ? (1968 - 1971). PBS, 1986.
"AIN'T GONNA SHUFFLE NO MORE" - - A call to pride and a renewed push for unity galvanizes black Americans. Telling interviews with athletes, entertainers, and community participants chart Cassius Clay's challenge to America to accept him as Muslim Muhammad Ali, and his fight up to the Supreme Court. "A NATION OF LAW?" - - Civil rights activists and government officials provide unprecedented insight into the sometimes violent and unethical response to black activism from local and federal law enforcement agencies. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover declares the Black Panthers the number one threat to internal security.

DVD 324.2 Fac

Political and Economic Series : Fascism. Sunburst Visual Media, c2009.
Discover how different philosophies of government affect the rights and actions of people around the world. Examine historic cases of nations living under the control of a dictator, and controlled through strict policies.

DVD 324.6 FOR

Iron jawed angels. Widescreen format. [New York] : HBO Video, c2004.
Hilary Swank, Frances O'Connor, Julia Ormond, Anjelica Huston, Molly Parker, Patrick Dempsey, Laura Fraser, Brooke Smith, Vera Farmiga, Lois Smith. Dramatizes the story of activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns who played pivotal roles in the fight to win voting rights for women.

DVD 328 Con

The Congress. Ken Burns American Collection. United States : PBS Home Video, c1988.
For 200 years, The United States Congress has been one of the country's most important and least understood institutions. In this portrait, Ken Burns explores the history and promise of this unique American institution. Using historical photographs and newsreels, evocative live footage and interviews with David Broder, Alistair Cooke, Cokie Roberts, Charles McDowell and others, the film chronicles the personalities, events and issues that have animated the first 200 years of congress and, in turn, our country.

DVD 329 Ele

The election process in America. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2007.
This video explains the electoral college, and how we actually elect our government officials. It explains concepts and terms like suffrage, disfranchisement, lobbyists and political action committees, and it explores ways in which the election process might be improved, in the wake of the hotly contested Bush-Gore race for the Presidency. It also review how each os us can become more involved in the workings of our government.

DVD 330 Eco

Global economic issues. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2004.
This program provides an in-depth analysis of current world problems. A major aspect of globalization is the increased interconnections of the world economy. This program explores the early wave of globalization, explains the post-World War II trend toward increased government control of the economy and examines issues associated with the recent wave of economic globalization.

DVD 330.12 Wor

The World Economy : Our crowded planet. Disney Educational Productions.
Travel the globe to investigate the relationship between population and financial well-being. Compare the cultural obstacles to birth control in Kenya with China's drastic birth control problems. Hear Scandinavians describe the price they're willing to pay for family-friendly economic benefits provided by their countries.

DVD 330.97 Eco

U.S. History : Economic changes. California : Cerebellum Corporation, c2009.
Develop an understanding of the economic history,progress, and ups and downs, of the United States, since the 1800's. This module reviews the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, sharecropping, and the roaring 20's of the Great Depression.

DVD 330.97 Wig

I.O.U.S.A : One nation, under stress, in debt. PBS Home Video, c2009.
The real state of the union -- The budget deficit -- The savings deficit -- The trade deficit -- The leadership deficit -- Epilogue.

DVD 330.97 Wor

The world economy : Depression and recovery. Disney Educational Productions, c2006.
See how industrialization, urbanization, and consumerism led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Learn about FDR's New Deal reforms-and listen as Roosevelt reassures Americans during a Fireside Chat. Discover how WWII's wartime economy ended the Depression, initiating unprecedented economic growth and launcing the U.S. into the global economy.

DVD 332. Car

The card game. WGBH Educational Foundation, 2009.
Examine the future of the massive consumer loan industry and its impact on a frgile national economy.

DVD 332 Cas

Cash, credit, and your future. Learning ZoneXpress, c2009.
Learn how to manage your finances using this program which provides good basic money management tips.

DVD 332 Pan

Globe Trekker : Panama & colombia. Pilot Productions, 2007.
Introduction ; Panama City ; The Panama Canal ; Portobello ; Kuna Yala ; Bogota ; Cartagena ; Santa Marta.

DVD 333 Atm

Core meteorology : Atmosphere. New York, New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc.
Chapters : Atmospheres in the solar system ; Composition of the earth's atmosphere ; The structure of earth's atmosphere; Atmosphere and solar radiation ; Atmospheric conduction and convection ; Atmospheric balancing ; Hydorlogical cycle ; The carbon cycle ; The atmosphere and climate change. This program presents the principles of atmospheric dynamics. This program also discusses how the atmosphere's elements are being impacted the unprecedented burning of fossil fuel.

DVD 335.19 Cap

Capitalism and Democracy : Self-Interest, Private Property, and Free Trade. Madison, Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2009.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.

DVD 335.4 Cap

Capitalism. Sunburst Visual Medium.

DVD 335.43 Com

Political and Economic Series : Communism & Socialism. Sunburst Visual Media, c2009.
What is communism? How is it different from socialism? Where did these concepts emerge? Do they still exist in today's world? Learn how the political philosophies have played out in reality. Experience insight into various types of government.

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