Bibliyografya: 4 Cİlyani 4

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596 Kahire 1899

597 Kahire 1904

598 Kahire 1330/ 1912

599 Yk. bk

600 I-III, Kahire 1921

601 Beyrut 1876; Ka­hire 1901

602 Kahire 1891

603 Kahire 1331

604 MI, Kahire 1898-1903

605 MI, Tahran 1330

606 İstanbul 1972

607 Kahire 1889

608 Tah­ran 1322

609 Tahran, ts.

610 Ka­hire 1889

611 Ba­ku 1325/1908

612 Tahran 1337

613 Ka­hire 1900

614 Kahire 1900

615 Baku 1328/1910

616 Kahire 1319/1901

617 Tahran, ts

618 Kahire 1902

619 Tahran, ts.

620 Kahire 1904

621 Tahran 1323

622 Kahire 1904

623 Tahran 1333

624 Tahran 1338

625 Kahire 1905

626 İstanbul 1330

627 Tahran 1318

628 Tahran 1323

629 Tahran 1333-1334

630 Tah­ran 1339

631 Kahire 1906

632 İstanbul 1339 r./1342 h

633 Tahran, ts

634 Tahran 1332

635 Meşhed 1334

636 Kahire 1907

637 Tahran 1310

638 Tahran, ts.

639 Tahran, ts.

640 Kahire 1908

641 İstanbul 1927

642 İsfahan 1334

643 Tahran 1954

644 Kahire 1909

645 Tahran 1328, 1339

646 Tah­ran 1344

647 Kahi­re 1909

648 İsfahan 1311

649 Kahire 1911

650 Baku 1332

651 İstanbul 1329

652 Tahran 1336, 1343

653 Kahire 1913

654 İstanbul 1927

655 Tahran 1334

656 Tahran 1304

657 Kahire 1333/1914

658 Tahran 1298

659 Kahi­re 1892

660 Kahire 1892; Farsça tercümesi, Tahran, ts

661 Kahire 1894; Fars­ça tercümesi, Tahran, ts.

662 Kahire 1896; Farsça tercümesi, Tahran, ts

663 Ka­hire 1331/1912

664 trc. Âdil Zuaytır

665 nşr. Ali Necîb Atvî

666 trc. M. Akif

667 Edinburg 1964

668 Chica­go 1968

669 Bu iki eserdeki görüşlerinin tenkidi için bk. M. Selim El-Awa, 11/2, s. 143-179

670 Cambridge 1971

671 London 1984

672 November 1986

673 Bk. Lisâ-nü'l-cArab, "shv", "cvd" md.leri; Râgıb el-İsfahânî, s. 293

674 Aş. bk

675 eş-Şier ue'ş-şu'arâ3, s. 164

676 Bk. el-Bakara 2/264; el-Mâide 5/2; el-Leyl 92/17-20

677 er-Rahmân 55/27, 76; el-Alak 96/3

678 el-İnfitâr 82/6

679 Tirmizî, "Edeb", 41

680 Bk. Buhârî, "Bed'ü'l-vahy", 5, "Şavm", 7, "Menâkıb", 23; Müs­lim, "Fezâ'ü", 48, 50

681 Bk. Müsned, VI, 130; Müslim, "Fezâ'il", 56, 57; Ebü'ş-Şeyh, s. 46-48

682 el-A'râf 7/31; el-İsrâ 17/29; el-Furkân 25/67

683 Bk. el-Haşr 59/9

684 Gazzâlî, III, 53, 58, 60

685 Buhârî, "Zekât", 11

686 el-İnsân 76/8-10

687 el-Bakara 2/261-265

688 el-Bakara 2/267; Âl-i İmrân 3/92

689 Medâricus-sâlikin,11, 305-308

690 Râgıb el-İsfahânî, s. 294

691 Fârâbî, s 57; İbn Sî­nâ, s. 297-298

692 Meselâ bk. İbn Miskeveyh, s. 43; İbn Hazm, s. 59,87

693 nşr. Albert N. Nader

694 nşr. Seyyid el-Cümeylî

695 nşr. Ebü'l-Yezîd el-Acemî

696 The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, I, 1047

697 Ferheng-i Nizâm, II, 408

698 Lugat-ı Çağa­tay ve Türkî-i Osmân’ı, s. 142

699 Tacü’l-canîs, "cnk" md.; keli­menin çeşitli dillere ait sözlü ki erdeki kar­şılıkları hakkında geniş bilgi için bk Gökyay, s. 107-149

700 TY, nr. 1044

701 TY, nr. 1050

702 nr. 472, 473, 474

703 Bk. Tüyatok I, 272-275

704 Bk. Atatürk Kİtaplığı'na Yeni Ba­ğışlanan Yazma Kitapların İndeks Kataloğu,s. 10-12

705 nr. 26

706 Bk. bibl

707 Haz. Nail Bayraktar

708 Muqamas, VIII, Leiden 1991

709 "The Origin of the Persian Double Dome", Burlington Magazine, XXIV-128 II913I.S. 94-99; XXIV-129, s. 152-156

710 "Indi-an Domes of Persian Origin", Asiatic Revieu), yeni seri, V |1914|, s. 475-489

711 "The History and Evolution of the Dome in Persia", Indian Antiquary, XLIV |1915|, s. 133-159

712 "Persian Domes Before 1400 A.D.", Burlington Magazine, XXV1-142 (1915), s. 146-150, 155; XXVI-143, s. 208-213

713 "The Vaulting System of the Hindola Mahal at Mandu", Jour­nal of the Royal Institute of Briüsh Archi-tects (1918), s. 238-245; bazı ilâvelerle bir­likte Indian Antiquary, XLVIİ [1918], s. 169-177

714 "A Brief Chronology of the Monuments of Egypt", BİFAO, XVI |1919|, s 39-164

715 "Some Newly Discovered Tûlûnide Ornament", Burlington Maga­zine, XXXV-200 [1919], s. 180-188

716 "The Origin of the Cruciform Plan of Cairene Madrasas", BİFAO, XXI |1922|, s. 1-54

717 "The Great Salients of the Mosque of al-Hakim", JRAS |1923|, s. 573-584

718 "Archeo­logical Researches at the Citadel of Ca-iro", BİFAO, XXIII [1924|,S. 89-167

719 A Map ofCairo Showing Mohammedan Mo­numents toA.D. 1517, Giza 1924

720 Jerusalem 1924

721 "The Evolution of the Minaret with Special Reference to Egypt", Burlington Magazine, XLVIII |1926], s. 134-140, 252-258, 290-298

722 "The Works of Sultan Bibars al-Bundugdâri in Egypt", BİFAO, XXVI 119261, s. 129-193

723 "Islamische Baukunst İn Agypten", 8. baskı, Leipzig 1926, s. CLXXXVI-CXCVIII; İng. "Islamic Architecture in Egypt", Fgypt and the Sudan Handbook for Trauellers, 8. baskı, Leipzig 1929, s. CXC11-CC1V

724 Kahire 1989

725 Oxford 1952

726 Oxford 1959

727 Oxford 1969

728 "The Ka'ba in A.D. 608", Archaeologia, XCIV İyeni seri XLIV; 19491, s. 97-102

729 "Fortification in islam be­fore A.D. 1250", Proceedings of the British Academy, XXXVIII |1954j, s. 89-125

730 A Provisional Bib-tiography of Painting in Mohammedan Art

731 A Prouisional Bibliography of Muhammedan Architecture of India

732 "A Provisional Bibliography of Moslem Architecture of Syria and Palestine", British School of Archaelogy in Jerusalem |1922|, s. 70-94

733 "A Bibliography of Islamic Astrolabs", Bulletin of Faculty of Arts-Fouad 1 Unioersity, IX-2 11947|, s. 1-15

734 "A Bibliography of Glass and Rock Crystal in islam", a.e,, XIV-1 [I952|, s. 1-28

735 A Bibliography of Painting İn is­lam IPublications de l'Institut Français d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire, Art Is-lamique 11

736 "A Bibliography of Müslim Archi­tecture in North Africa, Excluding Egypt", Hesperis, XLI (1954), Supplement, s. 1-65

737 A Bibliography of Müslim Architecture of Egypt Publi-cations de l'Institut Français d'Archeolo-gie Orientale du Caire, Art lslamique, III, 935

738 A Bibliography of Arms and Armour in islam, London 1956

739 "A Bibliography of Müslim Architectu­re Mesopotamia", Sümer, XII (1956). s. 51-65

740 "Bibliographie der Islamischen Einbandkunst, 1871 bis 1956", E. Gratzl ve R. Ettinghausen ile bir­likte; Ars Orientalis, II (1957), S- 519-540

741 A Bibliography of the Architecture, Arts and Crafts of İslam

742 Kahire 1973

743 Kahire 1984

744 Brisch, IX, 176-182

745 Bk. Riyazet

746 Beyhaki, VI, 200

747 Yûsuf 12/72

748 Buhârî, "îcâre", 16, "Tıb", 33, 36; Müslim, "Selâm", 66

749 Bk. Borç

750 Bizzat Şafiî'nin Mâlikîler'e paralel farklı bir görüşü için bk. el-üm, III, 294

751 Geniş bilgi için bk. A. Mahmûd Matlûb, s. 186-187

752 Geniş bilgi için bk. Ali el-Hafîf, s. 135-136; Mu.F, XV, 236-239

753 nşr. Selâhad-din el-Müneccid

754 trc. Ahmet Temir

755 nşr. Behmen Kerimî

756 nşr. Desmaison

757 trc. Hasan Eren

758 Bk. Cömertlik

759 Mustafavî, et-Tahkik, "evd" md

760 Hûd 1/44

761 Tekvin, 8/4

762 Dorme, s. 24

763 Tekvîn, 8/4

764 İA, III, 223

765 Yâküt, II, 180

766 Meselâ bk. Taberî, VII, 48; Zemahşeri, II, 271

767 Lisânü Arab, "cvd" md., İA, III. 224

768 Aydemir, s. 268

769 Bk. ağrı daği; ay­rıca bk. Tanyu, Ağrı Dağı, Nuh'un Gemisi, Ermeniler, tür.yer.

770 Yılların İzi, s. 59

771 Trabzon 1309

772 Trabzon 1325

773 nşr. Murat Yük­sel, İstanbul 1989

774 Trabzon 1328

775 İstanbul 1970

776 Trabzon 1328

777 Trabzon 1328

778 Trabzon 1331

779 Trabzon 1332

780 Bk. "civar", "cûdî", md.leri

781 Trabzon 13I2

782 Trabzon 1325

783 Trabzon 1317

784 Trabzon 1327

785 Trabzon 1327

786 Trabzon 1327

787 Trabzon 1327

788 Trabzon 1327

789 Trabzon 1328

790 el-Fihrist, s. 375

791 Paris 1916

792 nşr. Şükrî Faysal

793 nşr. Muhammed Ebül-Fazl - Abdülmecîd Katâmış

794 nşr. Muhammed Ebü'l-Fazl

795 el-Mecmû’atü'I-kâmile içinde

796 İbn Mâce, "Efime", 50

797 Bk. Cuale

798 Barkan, s. 392

799 Dalsar, s. 315-316

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