Biographical Information Name

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Biographical Information
Name: Kenneth J. Gergen
Degrees: B.A. Yale University

Ph.D. Duke University

DSS (Hon.) Tilburg University

DHL (Hon.) Saybrook Institute

Honoris Causa, University of Athens

Present Position: Senior Research Professor

Department of Psychology

Swarthmore College

Swarthmore, PA 19081

Affiliate Professor of Psychology

University of Tilburg,

Tilburg, Netherlands

The Taos Institute
2009 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Ritsumaikan University, Kyoto

2006-present Senior Research Professor

1991-2006 Mustin Professor of Psychology

2005 (summer) Cape Cod Institute faculty

2004 (summer) Cape Cod Institute faculty

2000 (fall) Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

1998 (summer) Visiting Professor, Universita di Trento

1996 (spring) Geraldine Mao Visiting Fellow, University of Hong Kong

1993 (Summer) Fulbright Fellow, Fundacion Interfas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1993-1998 Coordinator, Program in Interpretation Theory, Swarthmore College

1991 (Summer) Rockefeller Study Center (Bellagio)

1989-90 Alexander von Humbolt Award in the Humanities,

resident at Heidelberg University

1988-89 Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Eugene M. Lang Professor

l986 (Spring) Visiting Professor, University of Tilburg,

Tilburg, Netherlands

1985 (Spring) Guest Professor, Graduate School of Business,

St. Gallen, Switzerland

1984 (Summer) Alpbach European Forum of the Austrian College

198l (Spring) Max-Planck-Institut fur Bildungsforschung,

Berlin, Germany

1980-81 Visiting Professor, University of Heidelberg,

Heidelberg, Germany

1980 (Summer) Alpbach European Forum of the Austrian College

1980 (Summer) Lecturer, Inter-University Center,


1977 (Summer) Visiting Professor, Marburg University,

Marburg, Germany

1976-77 Fulbright Research Scholar, Universite de Paris

1972-73 Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto,

Japan; Fulbright Fellow

1971 (Summer) Visiting Professor, Psychological Laboratory,

Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark

1970 (Summer) Lecturer, University of Minnesota

1968-69 Guggenheim Fellow, Istituto Nazionale de

Psicologia, Rome, Italy

1967-77 Associate Professor, l967-7l; Professor, l97l-

Chairman, l967-l977: Department of

Psychology, Swarthmore College. Senior Research

Scientist, Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric

Institute, l97l-l98l

1967 (Summer) Lecturer, University of Colorado

l963-67 Assistant Professor of Social Psychology, Harvard

University; also Chairman of the Board of Tutors

and Advisors, Department of Social Relations.

Grants and Awards:

Harvard Laboratory of Social Relations grant, 1963

Yale University Project in Attitude Change stipend, 1964

William F. Milton Fund award, 1964-65

National Science Foundation grant, 1964-65; renewal, 1966-68

Ford Foundation stipend for International Studies, 1966

Guggenheim Fellowship, 1967-69

Barra Foundation grant, 1968-69

National Science Foundation grant, 1969-71;

renewal, 1971-76

James Marshall Fund grant, 1970

Fulbright-Hays Research Scholar (Honorary) 197l-72 (Japan)

Fulbright-Hays Research Scholar, 1976-77 (France)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft research award (Summer, 1977)

National Science Foundation grant, 1978-81

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant (Fall, 1980)

Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst (Summer, 1986)

Honorary Doctorate of Social Science, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands, 1987

Alexander von Humboldt Prize in the Humanities, 1989-90

Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, Saybrook Institute, 1991

Fulbright-Hayes Lecturer, Fundacion Interfas, Argentina, 1993

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, 1996-97

Honorary Professor, University of Buenos Aires, 1998

McGregor Award for Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1990-99

Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2000

Fellow, The World Academy of Art and Science, 2002

Honored Contributor, Society for Constructivism in the Human

Science, 2003

Distinguished Contribution to Psychology Award,, Division on Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2005

Lifetime Contribution Award, Society for Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 2005

Theodore Sarbin Award, American Psychological Association, 2007

Honorary Doctorate, University of Athens, 2007

Decade of Behavior Award, National Communication Association, 2007

Lifetime Achievement Award, Constructivist Psychology Network, 2008

Honorary Visiting Professor, Adolfo Ibanez University, 2008

Fellow, Society of Experimental Social Psychology, 2009

Association Memberships:

American Psychological Association (Divs.1, 8,9,10, 24, 26, 32, 46, 52);

Fellow in Divs. 1, 8, 9, 10, 24, 26, 46, 52

President Div. 10 (1987-88) (Psychology & the Arts)

President Div. 24 (1987-88) (Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology)

International Society for Theoretical Psychology

National Communication Association

International Communication Association

Academy of Management

Former memberships

European Society for Experimental Social Psychology

Society for Experimental Social Psychology

American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)

Society for Philosophy and Psychology


Society for Social Studies of Science

International Association for Relational Psychiatry

Consultantships, Editorial & Advisory Boards:

National Planning Association (Research on public policy formation), 1965-67

Arthur D. Little, Inc. (Research on Peace Corps returnees; an innovation in educational systems, 1965-67

Psychological Monographs (Editorial consultant), 1965-66

National Academy of Science (Research on public reactions to

super-sonic transport), 1966-67

Trans-World Airlines (Established sensitivity training program), 1966

Bio-Dynamics (Research on racial bias in selective service system; psychological effects of poverty; driver education and attitude change),


Knight, Gladieux & Smith, Inc. (Survey research on opinion of youth), 1971-72

Stuart Bowie, Attorney at Law (Research into competing trademark claims), 1974

CRM Books (Consultation on publications and film in social psychology),


Journal of Personality, Editorial Board, 1973-75

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Editorial Board, 1972-76

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Editorial Board, 1972-1995

Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, Editorial Board, 1979-present

Blackwell Psychological Dictionary, Editorial Board, 1980-1983

Journal of Mind and Behavior, Editorial Board, 1981-present

Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 1981-88

Psychologia, Editorial Board, 1983-present

New Ideas in Psychology, Editorial Board 1983-present

British Journal of Social Psychology, Editorial Board 1984-1989

European Journal of Social Psychology, Editorial Board 1985-1990

Choice (Reviewer), 1986-1997

Human Studies, 1986-1998

Inquiries in Social Construction, Sage, London, 1986-2001 (Series Editor)

Activists for Alternatives (Advisory Board) 1987-present

Theoretical Imagination in Psychology, Harvester Series, Editorial Board,


Philips Corporation (management training), Eindhoven, Netherlands 1988-90

European Review of Social Psychology, Editorial Board, 1988-94

Psychological Inquiry, Editorial Board, 1988-2002

Communication Theory, Editorial Board, 1989-94

Psicologia Politica, Editorial Board, 1990-

Theory and Psychology, Associate Editor, 1990-

Contemporary Social Theory, Editorial Board, 1991-1995

Handbook of Qualitative Research, Editorial Board, 1991-1998

International Security Management, Potomac, Md. (designed multivariate program)

Sandoz Pharma Ltd., Basel, Switzerland (research on international communication)

Family Process, Editorial Board, 1993-2001

Organization, Editorial Board, 1993-2006

Journal of Constructivist Psychology, Editorial Board, 1994-

Sandoz Candada, Montreal (project for restructuring the organization)

Qualitative Inquiry, Editorial Board, 1994-

Committee on International Relations, American Psychological Association 1996-2000

Program of Global Change and Social Innovation, Case Western Reserve 1997-98

Voices in the Family, Advisory Board, 1996-2000

APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology (1996-98)

American Psychologist, Associate Editor, 1996-2000

Soziale Wirklichkeit, Editorial Board, 1997- 2000

All Stars Forum, Advisory Committee 2000-2002

Journal of Applied Discourse Analysis, Editorial Board, 1999-2002

In Media Res, Advisory Board, 1999-2001

International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis, Advisory Board 2000-2002

Explorations in Media Ecology, Editorial Board, 2001-2005

Action Research, Editorial Board, 2002-

Journal of Transformative Education, Editorial Board, 2002-

Scientific Advisory Council, Rollo May Research Center, 2004- 2007

Adjunct Research Faculty, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 2008-2009

Heinz Award Committee, Heinz Family Foundation, 2004-2006

Advisory Board, Science and the Search for Meaning, NPR, 2008-

Psicologia Organizacional Humana, Editorial Board, 2008-

Human Systems, Board of Editorial Advisors, 2008-

Psychological Studies, Consulting Editor, 2009-

Revista Psicologia Organizacional Humana, Editorial Board, 2009-

Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, Editorial Board, 2009-

Scenari e Strategie, Scientific- Editorial Board, 2009-
PhD Dissertation Committees:

Harvard University

Oxford University

Saybrook Institute

University of Amsterdam

Tilburg University

Nova University

University of Capetown

University of Hong Kong

University of Melbourne

University of Pennsylvania

Griffith University (Brisbane)

Fielding Institute

Benedictine University

Universite de Paris

Trinity College (Dublin)

Massey University (NZ)

University of British Columbia

University of Ohio

Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

University of Delaware

University of Pretoria

Copenhagen University

Published Papers:

Role playing variations and their informational value for person perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, 53, 302-310 (with E. E. Jones & K. E. Davis). Also reprinted in Current Studies in Social Psychology (I. D. Steiner & M. Fishbein, Eds.), pgs. 357-370, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965; and in Role Theory (B. J. Biddle & E. J. Thomas, Eds.), pgs. l7l-l78, New York: Wiley & Sons, 1966; MSS Modular Publications, Module R254; Readings in Experimental Social Psychology, (A. N. Doob & D. T. Regan, Eds.) Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971.
Some determinants of reactions to being approved or disapproved as a person. Psychological Monographs, 1962, 76, Whole No. 521, No. 2 (with E. E. Jones & K. E. Davis).

Individual orientations German translation: f international relations. Social Problems,, l963, 11, 77-87 (with K. W. Back).
Apocalyptic and serial time orientations and the structure of public opinion. Public Opinion Quarterly, 1963, 27, 358-374 (with K. W. Back). Reprinted in Communications and Public Opinion (R. O. Carlson, Ed.), New York: Praeger, l975, pgs. 280-296.
Tactics of ingratiation among leaders and subordinates in a status hierarchy. Psychological Monographs, 1963, 77, Whole No. 566, No. 3 (with E. E. Jones and R. G. Jones).
Some conditions affecting the evaluation of a conformist. Journal of Personality, 1963, 31, 270-278 (with E. E. Jones & R. G. Jones).
Mental illness, predictability, and affective consequences as stimulus factors in person perception. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1963, 67, 95-104 (with E. E. Jones).
Idea orientation and integration in the interview: A dynamic model of response bias. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, 1963, 284-288 (with K W. Back).

Time perspective, aging, and preferred solutions to international conflicts. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1965, 9, No. 2, 177-187 (with K. W. Back).
Some conditions affecting the use of ingratiation to influence performance evaluation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1965, 1, 613-625, (with E. E. Jones, J. W. Thibaut, & P. Gumpert). Also reprinted in Group Dynamics (A. Cartwright & A. Zander, Eds.), Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson & Company, 1968.
Others' self-evaluations and interaction anticipation as determinants of self presentation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1965, 2, 348-358 (with B. Wishnov). Also reprinted in Georgia Babladelia, Ed. The shaping of personality, Prentice Hall, l967.
Two forms of inference and problems in the assessment of creativity. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, 1965, 215-216 (with I. Breger).
Interaction goals and personalistic feedback as factors affecting the presentations of self. Journal of Personality and Social Psycohlogy, 1965, 1, 413-424.

Man's diverse ways. Harvard Alumni Bulletin, 1966, 68 No. 7 (with R. W. White).
Communication in the interview and the disengaged respondent. Public Opinion Quarterly, 1966, 30, 386-398 (with K W. Back). To be reprinted in Social Gerontology (C. S. Kart, Ed.).
Opponent's Personality, expectation of social interaction, and interpersonal bargaining. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, l966, 3, 206-213 (with D. Marlowe & A. N. Doob). Also reprinted in Experiments in Social Psychology (P. G. Swingle, Ed.), pgs. 223-230. New York: Academic Press, l968, and in Social Psychologie (W. Stroebe, Ed.). Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, West Germany, l975, l98l.
Cognitive and motivational factors in disengagement and aging. In Social Aspects of Aging (J. McKinney & I. Simpson, Eds.), Durham, NC: Duke University Press, l966 (with K W. Back), pgs. 289-295.
Personal orientations and morale of the aging. In Social Aspects of Aging, (J. McKinney & I. Simpson, Eds.) Durham, NC: Duke University Press, l966 (with K. W. Back ), pgs. 296-305.
Aging and the paradox of somatic concern. In Social Aspects of Aging, (J. McKinney & I.Simpson, Eds.) Durham, NC: Duke University Press, l966 (with K. W. Back).
Cognitive constriction in aging and attitudes toward international issues. In Social Aspects of Aging (J. McKinney & I. Simpson, Eds.), Durham, NC: Duke University Press, l966 (with K W. Back).

The interactive effects of self-esteem and task difficulty on social conformity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1967, 6, 16-22 (with R. A. Bauer). Also reprinted in Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior (D. F. Cox, Ed.), pgs. 411-427. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, l967.
Deceit without dread. (A review of A. Ludwig's The importance of lying, Contemporary Psychology, 1967, 12, 204.
Self-consistency: Measurement and validation. Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, 1967, 207-208 (with S. J. Morse).
The significance of skin color in human relations. Daedalus, 1967, Spring, 390-406. Reprinted in Color and Race ( J. H. Franklin, Ed.), Beacon Press, l968.
A Select Bibliography for Social Relations. Copyrighted: 1967 by President and Fellows of Harvard University.
Student values: Myth and reality. Harvard Today, 1967, Autumn, 33-34.
To be or not to be...a single self. In To be or not to be...Existential Psychological Perspectives on the Self (S. Jourard, Ed.), Gainesville, FL.: University of Florida Monographs, Social Sciences, No. 34, l967, pgs. 15-26.
Lost in the shuffle: A political case history. (A review of L. Rainwater & W. Yancey's The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy. Science, 1967, 158, 896-987.

Assessing the leverage points in the process of policy formation. In The study of policy formation (R. A. Bauer and K. Gergen, Eds.) New York: Free Press, l968, pgs. 182-204.
Methodology in the study of policy formation. In The study of policy formation (R. A. Bauer & K. Gergen, Eds.), New York: Free Press, l968, pgs. 205-238.
The self through the latter span of life. In The self in social interaction, Vol. l (C. Gordon & K. J. Gergen, Eds.) New York: Wiley and Sons, l968, pgs. 241-250.
Personal consistency and the presentation of self. In The self in social interaction, Vol. l (C. Gordon & K.J. Gergen, Eds.), New York: Wiley and Sons, l968, pgs. 299-308.
Personality and social interaction. In Handbook of social psychology, Vol. III (G. Lindzey & E. Aronson, Eds.J), Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, l969, pgs. 590-665 (with D. Marlowe).
Social expectancy and self presentation in a status hierarchy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, l969, 5, 79-92.
Self theory and the process of self-observation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, l969, 148, 437-448. Reprinted in Studies in self-cognition (R.H. Geertsma, Ed.), Baltimore: Willians & Wilkins, l969.
Flight from the quagmire. (A review of Erik Erikson's Identity, youth and crisis). (Contemporary Psychology, 1969, 14, pgs. 49-50.) Reprinted in Southwell, E. A. & Merbaum, M. (Eds.) Personality: Readings in theory and research, Monterey, Ca.: Brooks Cole, l978.
Revealingness, ingratiation and the disclosure of self. In the Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, l969, pgs. 447-448 (with F. M. Levin).

Personality and social psychological research. In Personality and social behavior (K. J. Gergen & D. Marlowe, Eds.), Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, l970 (with D. Marlowe).
The penny-dollar caper. In Studies in Machiavellianism (R. Christie and F. Geiss, Eds.), New York: Academic Press, l970 (with R. Christie & D. Marlowe).
Social comparison, self-consistency and the presentation of self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1970, 16, 148-l56 (with S. J. Morse). Reprinted in Readings in introductory social psychology (H. Kauffman & L. Solomon, Eds.), New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, l972. Also in M. Rosenberg & H. Kaplan (Eds. Social psychology of the self-concept, Davidson, Ill.: Harlan, l982.
Toward a better way of giving. Swarthmore College Bulletin, 1970, LXVLL, pgs. 6-10 (with M. Gergen).
Foreign aid: A poison gift? Trends Magazine, Dec. l970 (with M. Gergen).

International assistance from a psychological perspective. In 1971 Yearbook of World Affairs, Vol. 25, London Institute of World Affairs, l97l, 87-l03 (with M. Gergen).
You didn't play it again, Sam. In Sam Maitin, His work. Philadelphia Museum of Art, l97l.
How the war affects the campuses. Change Magazine, Jan-Feb., l97l, pgs. l0, 69 & 70 (with M. Gergen).
Material aid and social attraction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 197l, 1, 150-162.
Higher education, missing in action. College Student Personnel Abstracts, Summer. l97l (with M. Gergen).
What God hath joined together. (A review of Charles F. Hermann's Crisis in foreign policy. Contemporary Psychology, 197l, 16, No. 3, 127-l3l.

Correlates of marijuana use among college students. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, l972, 3, l-16 (with M. Gergen & S. Morse).
Skin deep is deep enough. (A review of M. McDonald's Not by the Color of Their Skin). Contemporary Psychology, 1972, 17, No. 2, 70-7l.
Multiple identity. Psychology Today, 5, 3l-35. Reprinted in Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Cases (D. N. Harlow and J. J. Hanke, Eds.), Little Brown, 1974. Also in The Consciousness Reader. (C. Schroder, H. Firestone, & M. Shugrue, Eds.), Macmillan, l974: Psychologie Heute. Sept., 1973, pgs. 37-43; Readings in Social Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives, (D. Krebs, Ed.), Harper & Row, 1976.
Individiual orientations to pro-social behavior. Journal of Social Issues, 1972, 28, 105-l30 (with M. Gergen & K. Meter). Reprinted in Handboek voor Psychisch Gezondheidsen Welzijnswerk, Devanter, Holland: Van Ooghum Slaterus, 1974.

Social psychology as history. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973, 26, 309-320. Reprinted in XIP Readings in Psychology, Xerox College Publishing, 1974; also in Social Psychology in Transition (L. Strickland, F. Abound & K. G. Gergen, Eds.), New York: Plenum Press, 1977. Knowledge for policy: Improving education through research. D. Anderson & B. Biddle (Eds.) Hampshire: Falmer Press (1991). Psykologia, 26, 5-16, (1991). Named as "Citation Classic" of the Social Sciences Citation Index, 1982. Also in J.A. Hall and J.M. Bryant (Eds.) (2005) Historical methods in the social sciences. V.1 London: Sage.

Naming the unnameable. (A review of E. Goffman's Relations in Public). Contemporary Psychology, 1973, 18, 305-307.

Deviance in the dark. Psychology Today, Oct. 1973, 7, 129-l30 (with M. Gergen & W. Barton). Reprinted in Psychologie, Oct. 1974, pgs. 29-32. Also in Psychologie Heute, Sept. 1975, pgs. 19-21; Readings in Social Psychology: Contemporary Perspectives (D. Krebs, Ed.), Harper & Row, 1976.
The codification of research ethics, views of a doubting Thomas. American Psychologist, 1973, 28, 907-912.
The manner of giving: cross-national continuities in reactions to aid. Psychologia, 1973, XVI, pgs. 121-131 (with S.J. Morse & J. Kristeller).
Toward an ethic for investigating human behavior change. In Changing Human Behavior (R. Schwitzgebel & D. A. Kolb). New York: Van Nostrand, 1974, pgs. 253-272 (with R. Schwitzgebel).
Perceiving others. In Social Psychology (K. Gergen, D. Rosenhan, R. Nisbett, & G. Clapp, Eds.) CRM Books, 1974, pgs. 147-176 (with L. Bogyo & M. Gergen).
Overpaid or overworked? Cognitive and behavioral reactions to inequitable payment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1974, 4, 3, pgs. 259-1274 (with S. J. Morse and K. Bode).
The women's liberation movement: Attitudes and action. Journal of Personality, 1974, 42, 4, pgs. 60l-617 (with J. Goldschmidt, K. Quigley, & M. Gergen).
Exchange and strategy in social life. In Social Psychology (K. Gergen, D. Rosenhan, R. Nisbett, & G. Clapp, Eds.), CRM Books, l974, pgs. 409-488 (with W. Barton & M. Gergen).
Understanding foreign assistance through public opinion. International Yearbook of World Affairs, 1974, 28, London Institute of World Affairs, pgs. 125-l40 (with M. Gergen).
What other nations hear when the eagle screams. Psychology Today, June 1974, 8, pgs. 52-58 (with M. Gergen). Reprinted in Congressional Record, May 29, 1974, pgs. 59219-59222.
Toward a psychology of receiving help. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1974, 4, pp. 187-193.

Obligation, donor resources and reactions to receiving aid in three nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1975, 31, pgs. 390-400 (with P. Ellworth, C. Maslach, & M. Seipel).
Forward to Psychology and American's urban dilemmas (by R. D. Ashmore & J. B. McConahay), New York: McGraw Hill, 1975 (pgs. vii-viii).
Forward to Psychology and social change, (by S. A. Pizer & J. R. Trauers). New York: McGraw Hill, 1975.
Forward to The psychology of intergroup relations (by L. H. Kidder & V. M. Stuart), New York: McGraw Hill, 1975 (pgs. xi-xii)
Palace revolution in social psychology. (A review of R. Harre & P. Secord's Explanation of social behavior, Contemporary Psychology, 1975, pgs. 127-128.

The psychology of self-esteem. General Learning Corporation, 1976 (with J. Marecek).
The perception of others and oneself. In Basic issues in social psychology, (K. Back, Ed.), New York: Wiley & Sons, 1976.
Social psychology, science and history. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1976, 2, 373-383.

The social construction of self-knowledge. In The self, psychological and Philosophical issues (T. Mischel, Ed.), Oxford, England: Blackwell, l977, pgs. 139-l69.
Social exchange theory in a world of transient fact. In Behavioral theory in sociology (R. L. Hamblin & J. H. Kunkel, Eds.), New Brunswick, N.J.; Transaction Books, pgs. 9l-ll6, l977.
The decline of character: Socialization and self-consistency. In We, the people, American character and social change. (G. DiRenzo, Ed.), Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, pgs. 255-272, l977.
On taking dialectics seriously. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1977, 3, 714-718.
Stability, change and chance in understanding human development. In Life span developmental psychology, dialectic perspectives (N. Datan & H. Rheese, Eds.), New York: Academic Press, l977, pgs. 135-l57.
Reactions to receiving expected and unexpected help. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, l977, 397-402 (with S. J. Morse, S. Peele & J. Van Ryneweld).
Review of P. A. Laudicina's World poverty and development: A survey of American opinion, American Political Science Review, 1977, 71, 418-419.
Personal dimensions of political activism. Handbook of political socialization (S.A. Renshon, Ed.), New York: Free Press (with M. Ullman).

Experimentation in social psychology: A reappraisal. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1978, 8, 507-527. Reprinted in T. Manstead, M. Houston, and W. Stroebe (Eds.) Blackwell reader in social psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
Toward generative theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1978, 36, 1344-1360. Reprinted in Deetz, S. Introduction to Communication, Needham, MA: Ginn Press, 1988.
Attribution in Kontext socialer Erklarung. In D. Gorlitz, W. U. Meyer & B. Weiner (Eds.), Bielefelder Symposium uber Attribution. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, pp. 221-238 (with M. Gergen).
The positivist image in social psychological theory. In A. R. Buss (Ed.), The social context of psychological knowledge. New York: Irvington Press.
Il se fluido e il se rigido. In D. Giovannini (Ed.), Identita personale teoria e ricerca, Bologna: Zanichelli, 1979.
Selbsterkenntnis und die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis des socialen Handelns. In S. Fillipp (Eds.), Selbstkonzept-Forschung. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

Selbstkonzept und Sozialisation des aleatorischen Menschen. In L. Montada (Ed.), Brennpunkte der Entwicklungspsychologie. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, l979. Reprinted in 1993, S. Filipp (Ed.) Selbstkonzept-Forschung. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.

The psychological evaluation of international aid. In Perspectives on international aid, (R. Eells, Ed.), New York: Columbia University Press, l979 (with M. Gergen).

Behavior exchange in cross-cultural perspective. In H. Triandis & R. W. Brislin (Eds.) Handbook of cross-cultural psychology. New York: Allyn Bacon, l980 (with S. J. Morse & M. Gergen).
Exchange Theory: The transient and the enduring. In K .Gergen, M. Greenberg & R. Willis (Eds.), Social exchange: Advances in theory and research. New York: Plenum Books, l980.
Toward intellectual audacity in social psychology. In R. Gilmour & S. Duck (Eds.), The development of social psychology. New York: Academic Press, l980.
Der Kummer Effekt: Psychologische Aspekte der Sterblichkeit von Verwitweten. Psychologiche Beitrage, l980, 22, 1-26, (with W. Stroebe, M. Stroebe & M. Gergen).
The challenge of phenomenal change for research methodology. Human Development, l990, 23, 254-259.
The potentiation of social psychological knowledge. In R. F. Kidd & M. Saks (Eds.), Advances in applied social psychology, Vol. l, New York: L. Erlbaum, l980 (with M. Basseches).
The functions and foibles of negotiating self conception. In M. Lynch, A. Norem-Hebeisen & K. J. Gergen (Eds.), The self concept: Advances in theory and research. Boston: Ballinger, l980.
An alternative metatheory for social psychology. In L. Wheeler (Ed.), Review of personality and social psychology, Beverly Hills: Sage, l980 (with J. Morawski).
The emerging crisis in life-span developmental theory. In P. B. Baltes & O. G. Brim (Eds.), Life-span development and behavior, Vol. III. New York: Academic Press, l980.
Causal attribution in the context of social explanation. In D. Gorlitz (Eds.) Perspectives on attribution research and theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger (with M. Gergen).

Logical force as an explanatory locus. Communication, 6, 87-98.
The broken heart: Reality or myth? Omega, 12, 87-l05 (with M. S. Stroebe, W. Stroebe, & M. Gergen).
Kreatives MiBtrauen gegenuber dem Akzeptablen. Interview in Psychologie Heute, 10, 58-65.
Theoretical issues in self-concept; The development of self-concept; and The self in applied settings; all in M. D. Lynch, A. A. Norem-Hebeisen, & K. J. Gergen (Eds.), Self concept, advances in theory and research, Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger.
The meager voice of empiricist affirmation. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 7, 333-337.

"Citation classic" for "Social psychology as history," (1973) for the Social Science citation index for current contents, 47. Reprinted in N. Smelser (Ed.). Contemporary classics in the social and behavioral sciences. Philadelphia, ISI Press, l987.
The effects of bereavement on mortality: A social psychological analysis. In R. Eiser (Ed.) Social psychology and behavioral medicine. London: Wiley, (with W. Stroebe, M. S. Stroebe & M. Gergen).
From self to science: What is there to know? In J. Suls (Ed.) Psychological perspectives on the self, Vol. l, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Psychology without history and society. A review of S. B. Sarason's Psychology misdirected. Contemporary Psychology, 27, 360-36l.
Review of R. L. Rosnow's Paradigms in transition. American Scientist, 70, 88-89.
Review of D. G. Pruitt's Negotiation behavior. American Scientist, 70, 327.
Form and function in the explanation of human conduct. In P. Secord (Ed.) Explaining social behavior: Consciousness, human action and social structure. Beverly Hills: Sage (with M. Gergen).
Looking backward seeing the present. Review of A. Kasschau & C. N. Cofer Psychology's second century, enduring issues. Contemporary Psychology, 1982, 27, 765-766.

Metatheoretical influences on conceptions of human development. In M. Lewin (Ed.), In the shadow of the past: Psychology portrays the sexes. New York: Columbia University Press, (with S. Benack).
The social construction of helping relationships. In J. D. Fisher, A. Nadler & B. DePaulo (Eds.) New directions in helping, Vol. l. New York: Academic Press, (with M. Gergen).
Narratives of the self. In K. Scheibe & T. Sarbin (Eds.), Studies in social identity. New York: Praeger (with M. Gergen). Reprinted in S.K. Hinchman and D. Hinchman (eds.) (1997) Memory, identity, community: The idea of narratve in the human sciences. Binghamton: State University of New York Press.
Experimentation and the myth of the incorrigible. In V. Sarris & A. Parducci (Eds.), The future of experimentation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
"Historical Psychology," "Historicity," "Enlightenment Effects," "Ordered Change Theory," "Process THeory," all entries in R. Harre & R. Lamb (Eds.), Blackwell Psychological Dictionary. Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Social psychology. The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book.
The case of the missing metatheory. A review of M. Shaw & P. Costanzo, Theories of social psychology. Contemporary Psychology, l983, 28, 696-698.
Preface. For E. Sampson's Justice and the critique of pure psychology. New York: Plenum.
Zen Buddhism & psychological science. Psychologia, l983, 26, 129-l4l.

An introduction to historical social psychology. In K. Gergen & M. Gergen (Eds.) Historical social psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Interpretive dimensions of international aid. In J. D. Fisher, A. Nadler & B. DePaulo (Eds.) Applied research in help-seeking and reactions to aid. New York: Academic Press (with M. Gergen).
Social construction of narrative accounts. In K. Gergen & M. Gergen (Eds.), Historical social psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum

(with M. Gergen).

"Diachronic/synchronic models," "Ethic groups," & "Ethnocentrism," all entries for R. J. Corsini (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York: Wiley. ("Ethnocentrism" with M. Gergen.)
Review of R. Harre Social Being. Philosphy of Social Sciences, 1984, 14, 275-180.
The cognitive movement: a turn in the Mobius strip? In J. R. Royce & L. P. Mos (Eds.), Annals of Theoretical Psychology. New York: Plenum, 1984.
Aggression as discourse. For A. Memmendey (Ed.), The social psychology of aggression: From individual behavior to social interaction. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Theory of the self: Impasse & evolution. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology, Vol. 17, 49-115. New York: Academic Press.
Accounting and recounting. Contemporary Social Psychology, 10, 7-11.

Social psychology and the phoenix of unreality. In S. Koch & D. Leary (Eds.), A century of psychology as science, 528-557. New York:


The ethnopsychology of self-deception. In M. Martin (Ed.) Self-deception in self-understanding, essays in philosophy and psychology, 228-243. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press.
Social pragmatics and the origins of psychological discourse. K. J. Gergen & K. Davis (Eds.) The social construction of the person, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Cognition: The mysterious sub-text. In G. d'Ydewalle (Ed.), Cognition, information processing and motivation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 409-424.
Social constuctionist inquiry: Context and implications. In K. J. Gergen & K. E. Davis (Eds.) The social construction of the person, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Selves in search of an identity. A review of J. Suls & A. G. Greenwald (Eds.), Psychological perspectyives on the self, Vol. 2. Contemporary Psychology, 184-186.
The vicissitudes of ideology. A review of M. Billig's Ideology and social psychology & I. Cohen's Ideology and unconsciousness. Political Psychology, 6, 157-163.
The social constructionist movement in modern psychology. American Psychologist, 40, 266-275. Reprinted in R.B. Miller (Ed.) The Philosophical foundations of clinical psychology, Washington: Americal Psychological Association, 1992. Sistemas Familiares, 1993, 2, 9-24.
Zur Ideologie ds Psychologischen Testens. Thexis, 1, 47.
Psychological constructs and paradigm survival: A response to Csikszentmihalyi & Massimini. New Ideas in Psychology, 3, 253-258.

Correspondence vs. autonomy in the language of understanding human action. In D. Fiske & R. Shweder (Eds.), Pluralism & subjectivity in social science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The hermeneutics of personality description. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 6, 1261-1270 (with A. Hepburn & D. Comer).
The discourse of control and the maintenance of well-being. In M. Baltes & P. Baltes (Eds.) Aging and control. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum (with M. Gergen).
Group dynamics, morale, socialization. Entries in World Book Encyclopedia, Chicago: World Book.
Interpreting the texts of nature and culture: A reply to Jahoda. European Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 31-37.
Freedom without foundations. A review of P. Feyerabend, Science in a free society. New Ideas in Psychology, 4, 119-124.
Elaborating the constructionist thesis. American Psychologist, 41, 481-482.
European psychology de novo. A review of H. Bonarius, G. Van Heck, & N. Smid (Eds.) Personality psychology in Europe. Contemporary Psychology, 31, 497-482.
Narrative form and the construction of psychological science.

In T.R. Sarbin (Ed.) Narrative psychology: The storied nature of human conduct. New York: Praeger (with M. Gergen).

Review of Handbook of aging and the social sciences. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 23, 64-71.
Experimentieren und der Mythos des Unverbesserlichen. In V. A. Sarris & A. Parducci (Eds.) (1986), Die Zukunft der experimentellen Psychologie. Weinheim: Beltz. 39-54.
Review of James Deese, American freedom and the social sciences. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 22, 359-360
Aggression rituals. Communications Monographs, 53, 252-265 (with L. M. Harris & J. Lannamann).

The language of psychological understanding. In H. J. Stam, T. B. Rogers & K. J. Gergen (Eds.), Metapsychology and the analysis of psychological theory. New York: Hemisphere.
The self in temporal perspective. In R. Abeles (Ed.) Life-span social psychology. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, (with M. Gergen).
Warranting the new paradigm. A reply to Harre. New Ideas in Psychology, 5, 19-24.
Toward metapsychology. In H. J. Stam, T. B. Rogers, & K. J. Gergen(Eds.), Metapsychology: The analysis of psychological theory. New York: Hemisphere.
Toward self as relationship. In T. Honness & K. Yardley (Eds.) Self & identity: Psychosocial perspectives. London: Wiley. Reprinted in E. Todorova (Ed.) Social psychological issues: Questions on the theory and problem of identity. Sofia, Bulgaria: Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1989.
Review of D. P. Rogers Foundations of psychology: Some personal views. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 23, 229-231.
Toward shaping a new science. Review of G. S. Howard's Dare we develop a human science? Contemporary Psychology, 32, 752.
"Diachronic vs. synchronic models," "Ethnic groups," "Ethnocentrism". Entries in R. J. Corsini (Ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York: Wiley.
On the social construction of knowledge. In K. Westhues (Ed.) Basic principles for social science in our time. Waterloo: University of St. Jerome's College Press, pp. 38-52.
Narratives of relationship. In P. McGhee, D. Clarke, & R. Burnett (Eds.) Accounting for relationships. London: Methuen

(with M. M. Gergen).

Knowledge & social process. In D. Bar-Tal & A. Kruglanski (Eds.) The social psychology of knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 30-47.
If persons are texts. In S. B. Messer, L. A. Sass, & R. L. Woolfolk (Eds.) Hermeneutics and psychological theory. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, pp. 28-51.
Narrative and the self as relationship. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.) Advances in experimental social psychology, Vol. 21. New York: Academic Press, pp. 17-56, & pp. 16-18 Chpt. 6. (with M. Gergen).
Rejoinder to Charles Taylor. In S. B. Messer, L.A. Sass, & R. L. Woolfolk (Eds.) Hermeneutics and psychological theory. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 59-61.
Feminist critique of science and the challenge of social epistemology. In M. Gergen (Ed.), Feminist thought and the structure of knowledge. New York: New York University Press, pp. 27-48.
The pragmatics of human nature. In S. B. Messer, L. A. Sass & R. L. Woolfolk (Eds.) Hermeneutics & psychological theory. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 400-405.
"Group dynamics," "socialization," "will". In World Book Encyclopedia volumes 8, 18, & 21). Chicago: Scott Fetzer.
United we fall: A response to Krantz. New Ideas in psychology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 219-222.
The concept of progress in psychological theory. In W. Baker, L. Mos, H. Rappard & H. Stam (Eds.).Recent trends in theoretical psychology, New York: Springer-Verlag.
The rhetoric of basic research and the future of transactional analysis. Social Behavior. 3, 281-289.
Understanding as a literary achievement. Newsletter of Division 10, Psychology and the Arts, American Psychological Association. Fall/Winter, 15-25.
Dr. Frankenstein's Dilemma. A review of R. Harre Varieties of realism. Contemporary Psychology, 33, 1044-45.
Preface to Leary, M. R. (Ed.) The State of social psychology. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 1988, 3, pp. v-vi.

Warranting voice and the elaboration of the self. In J. Shotter & K. Gergen (Eds.) Texts of identity, 1989, London: Sage.
The limits of behavorial research: A hermeneutic inquiry. In R. B. Addison & J. J. Packer (Eds.) Entering the circle: Hermeneutic inquiry in psychology. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Human understanding revisited. In M. Poppe, J. Extra, A. van Knippenberg, G. Kok, & E. Seydel (Eds.) Fundamentele sociale psychologie Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. pp. 3-14.
Forward. In M. R. Leary (Ed.) The State of Social Psychology. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Invitciones al engano: an analisis micro-social. Buletin de Psicologia, 22, 7-40.
Een uitnodiging ten dans. Interview met Kenneth Gergen (H. Zwart, interviewer) Psychologie en Maatschappig 13, 157-165.
Toward a justified relativism. Review of P.A. Roth Meaning & method in the social sciences. Contemporary Psychology,.34, 731-32.
Social psychology and the wrong revolution. European Journal of Social Psychology, 19, 463-484.
La Psicologia postmoderna et la retorica de la realidad. In T. Ibanez (Ed.) Knowledge of Social Reality. Barcelona: Sendai.
Review of J. G. Morawski (Ed.). The use of experimentation in American psychology. Contemporary Sociology 18, 409-410.

Metaphors of the social world. In D. Leary (Ed.) Metaphors in the history of psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The checkmate of rhetoric (But can our reasons become causes). In H. Simons (Ed.). Case studies in the rhetoric of the human sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Social understanding and the inscription of self. In J. Stigler, R. Shweder, & G. Herdt (Eds.). Cultural psychology: Essays on comparative human development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Everyday conceptions of the developing child. In G. Semin & K. Gergen (Eds.) Everyday understanding: Social & scientific implications. London: Sage. (With G. Gloger-Tippelt & P. Glickman).
Everyday understanding in science & daily life. In G. Semin & K. Gergen (Eds.) Everyday understanding: social & scientific implications, London: Sage. (with G. Semin).
Affect & organization in post-modern society. In S. Srivastva (Ed.). The functioning of executive appreciation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass
Proverbs, pragmatics, & prediction. Canadian Psychology, 31:3, 212-213.
Het binnenstebuiten, organisatiethrovie in de postmoderne tijd. Filosofie in Bedrijf, (2/1), 21-30.
Ellenguatye de la teoria es en si la intruencio, Entrevista a Kenneth J. Gergen. Socaps, Bulleti Societat Catalana de Psicologia Social, 3, 6-7.
Toward a postmodern psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist, 1990, 18, 23-34.
Die Konstruktion des Selbst in Zeitalter der Postmoderne. Psychologishche Rundschau, 41,

Therapeutic professions and the diffusion of deficit. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 11, 353-368.

Textual considerations in the scientific construction of human character. Style, 24, 365-379. Reprinted in J.V. Knapp (Ed.) Literary Character. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. (in press).
Ein Antwort auf meine Kommentatoren. Psychologische Rundschau, 41, 208-210.
Reflections on a catalytic companion. Journal for Theory of Social Behavior, 20, 305-322.
Realities & their relationship. W.J. Baker, M.E. Hyland, R. van Hezewijk, & S. Terwee Recent trends in theoretical psychology II. New York: Springer-Verlag. pg. 51-62.

Emerging challenges for theory and psychology. Theory & Psychology.1, 13-35.
The saturated family. Family Therapy Networker, Sept./Oct., 15, 26-35.
Toward reflexive methodologies. In F. Steier (Ed.) Research and reflexivity. London: Sage. Pgs. 76-95. With M. Gergen.
Von der socialen Phänomenologie zum sozialen Konstruktivismus. In M. Herzog & C.F. Graumann (Eds.) Sinn und Erfahrung. Heidelberg: Asanger.
Cognition as interaction. Review of J. Coulter Mind in Action, Contemporary Psychology. 36, 414-415.
El desafio del orden mundial. Psicologia Politica, 3, 79-84.
Cognitivism & its discontents: An introduction to the issue. Theory & Psychology.
Hacia una psicologia posmoderna. Investigacion Psicologica, 1, 97-109.

Organization theory in the postmodern era. In M. Reed & M. Hughes (Eds.) Rethinking organization, London: Sage (207-226). Reprinted in Organizational studies, V II, London: Routledge, pgs.703-723,2001.
Beyond narrative in the negotiation of therapeutic meaning. In S. McNamee & K.J. Gergen (Eds.) Therapy as Social Construction London: Sage (with J. Kaye). Reprinted as "Het tot stand brengen therapeutische betekenissen: het verhaal voorbij," in L. Migerode and P. Rober (Eds.) (1997) Conversaties en verhalen. Leuven: Garant. Reprinted as Au-dela de la narration: la negociation du sens therapeutique, in Goldbeter-Merinfeld, E. (Ed.) Constructivisme et constructionisme social: Aux limites de la systemique?. Brussels: DeBoeck and Larcier (1998), pgs. 77-98.
The mechanical self and the rhetoric of reality. Annals of Scholarship, 9, 87-109. Reprinted in A. Mecill (Ed.) (1994) Rethinking objectivity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.pgs. 265-288.
Social construction and moral action. In D.N. Robinson (Ed.) Social discourse and moral judgment. San Diego & Academic Press. Pgs. 10-28 (in press).
Social construction and the therapeutic process: An introduction. In S. McNamee & K. Gergen (Eds.) Therapy as social construction, London: Sage (with S. McNamee).
Review of R.C. Curtis (Ed.) The relational self. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 180, P. 274.
Toward a postmodern psychology. In S. Kvale (Ed.) Psychology and postmodernnism. London: Sage.
Review of P. Slater, A dream deferred, Social Science Quarterly, 73, 467-68.
How technology is taking over our mind. A review of Neil Postman's Technopoly. Philadelphia Inquirer. Sunday, March 1, Pg. M1-2.
Attributions, accounts, and close relationships: Close calls and relational resolutions. In J. Harvery, T. Orbuch & A. Weber (Eds.). Attributions, accounts and close relationships. New York: Springer-Verlag (with M. Gergen) Pgs. 269-79.
The decline and fall of personality. Psychology Today, Nov/Dec., pgs.59-63.
Are there limits to social being. A review of Alan Fiske's Structures of Social Life. Contemporary Psychology.
Die Ubervolkerung des Ichs. gdimpuls. 92/4, 3-10.
Imagined selves & the reality of relationships. in N. De Jesus, H. Figueroa, and M. Milagros (Eds.) Coloquio internacional sobre el imaginario social contemporaneo, Universidad de Puerto Rico.
A program without practice. Review of P.A. Lamal (Ed.) Behavioral analysis of societies and cultural practices. Contemporary Psychology. 3, 1187.
Social construction in question. Human Systems. 2. 163-182.
Review of Smelser, N.J. & Gerstein, D.R. Behavioral and social science. Fifty years of discovery. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 28, 406.
Psychology in the Postmodern era. The General Psychologist. 28, 10-15.
Broken hearts or broken bonds: Love and death in historical perspective. American Psychologist, 47, 1205-1212. (with M. Stroebe, M. Gergen, & W. Stroebe). Reprinted in L. DeSpelder and A.L. Strickland (Eds.)(1995) The path ahead, readings in death and dying, Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Construction, alienation and emancipation: Thoughts on Abir-Am's ethnography of scientific rituals. Social Epistemology, 6, 365-372.

Theory in historical context. In p. Van Strien, H. Rappard, and L. Mos (Eds.) Annals of theoretical psychology. V. 9. New York: Plenum. 245-260.

The limits of psychological critique, in H. Stam et al. (Eds.) Recent trends in theoretical psychology. V.III, New York: Springer-Verlag, pp.135-142.
Social construction, families and therapy, an interview. The Family Journal, 1, 177-187.
Introduction, to Refiguring self and psychology, Aldershot: UK: Dartmouth Press, xi-xv.
A realist psychology revealed, Review of J.D. Greenwood, Relations and representation: an introduction to the philosophy of social psychological science. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 698-99.
Obituary: Harold Goolishian. American Psychologist, 48, 292 (With S. McDaniel).
Autobiography and the shaping of gendered lives. In J. Nussbaum & N. Coupland. Discourses of Lifespan Development, Sage: Newbury Park (with M. Gergen).
Interview in Men's Health. Jan/Feb, 84-86.
Narratives of the gendered body in popular autobiography. In R Josselson & A, Lieblich (Eds.) The narrative study of lives. Newbury Park: Sage. 191-218. (with M. Gergen) Reprinted in J. Gubrium and J. Holstein (Eds.)(2000) Aging and everyday life. Oxford: Blackwell.
Foreword. In S. Friedman (Ed.) The new language of change, constructive collaboration in psychotherapy. New York: Guilford. x-xi.
Die Uberbevolkerung des Ichs, In G. Gerken and R. Kapellner (Eds.) Wie der Geist uberlegen wird. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. 65-81
Das Managen von Multiphrenen Organisationen Workshop. In G. Gerken and R. Kapellner (Eds.) Wie der Geist uberlegen wird. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. 83-85.
Psychologie in der Postmoderne, Systeme, 7, 4-15.
Are there limits to social being? Review of A. Fiske's Structures of social life. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 130.
Belief as relational resource. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 3, 231-236.
Psychology from a constructionist perspective: an interview with Kenneth J. Gergen. New Ideas in Psychology, 11, 399-414. (With G. Misra).
Hearts and bonds: Resisting classification and closure. American Psychologist, 48, 991-992. (with M. Stroebe, M. Gergen, and W. Stroebe).
The word: revenge and revitalization. in M. van Elteren and L. Tigchelaar (Eds.) Taal, interacties en werkelijkheid. Tilburg: Tilbug University Press. pgs. 199-135. (With M. Gergen)
On the place of culture in psychological science, International Journal of Psychology, 28, 225-243. (With G. Misra)
Beyond scientific colonialism: A reply to Poortinga and Triandis, International Journal of Psychology, 28, 251-254. With G. Misra.
Preface to the second edition. Toward transformation in social knowledge, 2nd. ed. London: Sage Ltd.
Exploring the postmodern: perils or potentials? American Psychologist, 49, 412-416.
Wellenreiter, Surfkurs fur bedrohte Manager. gdimpuls, 1/94, 33-43.
Social construction: knowledge, self, others, and continuing the conversation. Communication Yearbook, 17, 3-33. (With J. Shotter)
Adding up the numbers for 1993. Philadelphia Inquirer, Commentary section, Jan. 6. 1994
"Sozialer Konstruktionisumus" - ein Interview mit Ken Gergen. Zeitschrift fur Systemische Therapie. 12, 118-126.
Social constructionism. In Corsini, R.J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of psychology. V.3, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley. 427-429.
The communal creation of meaning. In W.F. Overton and D.S. Palermo (Eds.) The nature and ontogenesis of meaning. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pgs. 19-40.
The limits of pure critique. For H. Simons and M. Billig.(Eds.) After postmodernism: Reconstructing ideology critique. London: Sage.
"Sinn ist nur als Ergebnis von Beziehungen denkbar." Interview in Psychologie Heute. October. pgs. 3-38.
Review of A. Honneth's The critique of power, reflective stages in a critical social theory. For Journal for the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 30, 56.
Mind, text, and society: self memory in social context. In U. Neisser and R. Fivush (Eds.) The remembering self. New York: Cambridge University Press.
On taking ourselves seriously. Journal for Systemic Therapy. 13, 85-87.
Let’s pretend: a duography. In D.J. Lee (Ed.) Life and story, autobiographies for a narrative psychology. Westport, CN: Praeger.
Hacia una Psicologia postmoderna y postoccidental, Psykhe, 3, 105-113.
Social construction and the educational process. In L. Steffe and J. Gale (Eds.) Alternative epistemologies in education. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Metaphor and monophony in the twentieth century psychology of emotions. History of the Human Sciences, 8, 1-23.
Postmodernism as a humanism. Humanistic Psychologist, 23, 71-8.
Singular, socialized, and relational selves, for I Lubek, R. van Hazewijk, G. Pheterson, and C. Tolman (Eds.) Trends and issues in theoretical psychology, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Postmodern psychology: Resonances and reflection. American Psychologist, 50, 394.
Culture and self in postmodern psychology: Dialogue in trouble. Interview by A. Gulerce, for Culture and Psychology, 1, 147-159.
What is this thing called love? Emotional scenarios in historical perspective. Journal of Narrative and Life History. 5, 221-238. (with M. Gergen)
Relational theory and the discourses of power. In D. Hosking, H.P.Dachler, and K.J. Gergen (Eds.) Management and organization: Relational alternatives to individualism. Aldershot: Avebury.
Performative psychology: The play begins. Psyhology and the Arts. Fall, 8-9.
Global organization: From imperialism to ethical vision. Organization. 2, 519-532.
Culture and self in postmdodern psychology: dialogue still possible. Interview by A. Gulerce. Culture and Psychology. 2, 153-162.
Technologies of representation in the global corporation: Power and polyphony. In D. Boje, R.Gephart and T. Joseph (Eds.) Postmodern management and organization theory. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage. 331-357 (with D. Whitney).
Technology and the self: From the essential to the sublime. In D. Grodin and T. Lindlof (eds) Constructing the self in a mediated age. Beverly Hills: Sage.pp 127-140.
Is diagnosis a disaster?: A constructionist dialogue. In F. Kaslow (Ed.), Handbook for Relational Diagnosis. New York: Wiley. (With L. Hoffman and H. Anderson). pp 102-118. Reprinted as Diagnose - ein Disaster? Ein konstuktionistischer Trialog. Zeitschrift fur Systemische Therapie. 1997, 1997, 4, 224-241.
Le "soi" en question: assemblages et voix multiples. Resonances. April issue, 12-27. With M. Elkaim.
Psychological science in cultural context. American Psychologist, 51, 496-503. (with A. Gulerce, A. Lock, and G. Misra).
Preface to the German edition, of The Saturated Self.
Psychological discourse in historical context: an introduction. For C.F. Graumann and K.J.Gergen (Eds.) Historical dimensions of psychological discourse. New York: Cambridge University Press. (With C.F. Graumann).1-13.
Introduction to the Spanish edition, for Therapy as social construction, (with S.McNamee).
Postmodernism, the relational self, constructive therapies, and beyond, a conversation with Kenneth Gergen. In M. Hoyt (Ed.) Constructive Therapies, Vol. 2. New York: Guilford. (347-368).
Therapeutic communication as relationship. In V. Hansen (Ed.) Dialog og refleksjon. ISM Skriftserie, Nr. 35. pgs. 41-55.
Psychology in the postmodern era. Impuls, Tidsskrift for Psykologi, 2, 12-19.
Beyond life narratives in the therapeutic encounter. In J.E. Birren et al. (Eds.) Aging and Biography. New York: Springer. 205-223.
Addiction in a polyvocal world. For Journal of Systemic Therapies, 15, 77-81. (with M. Gergen)
Foreword, for the 2nd edition of P. Wexler's Critical Social Psychology. New York: Peter Lang. xi-xiv.
Social psychology as social construction: the emerging vision. for C. McGarty and A. Haslam (Eds.) The Message of social psychology: perspectives on mind in society. Oxford: Blackwell. (pgs.113-128).
Psychotherapie und postmoderne, INTRA Psychologie und Gesellschaft, 28, 46-47.
Postmodern culture and the revisioning of alienation. For F. Geyer (Ed.) Alienation in Contemporary Culture. New York: Greenwood Press. 117-126.
La construccion social: emergencia y potencial. In M. Packman (Ed.) Construcciones de la Experienia Humana. V.I. Barcelona: Gedisa. 139-182.
Pas de trois: A sketch for a theory in motion. Psychology and the Arts. Fall/Winter ed. 19-21.
Theory under threat: Social construction and identity politics. In C. Tolman. F. Cherry, R van Hezewijk, I. Lubek (Eds.) Problems of theoetical psychology. North York, On.: Captus Press

Who speaks and who responds in the human sciences? History of the Human Sciences, 10, 151-173.

Foreword for Paul Rosenblatt's Metaphors of Family Systems Theory, New York: Guilford Press.
Organizational science in a postmodern context. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 32, 356-377. With T. Thatchenkery. Reprinted in R.C.H. Chia (Ed.) In the realm of organization. London: Routledge. 1998; in P. Stone and M. Cannon (Eds.) Organizational Psychology, VIII. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.1999; and in Warwick Organizational Behaviour Staff, Organizational Studies, London: Routledge.
Developing dialogue for discerning differences. Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences. 32, 428-433. With T. Thatchenkery.
Social Psychology: The emerging vision as text. A review of Rogers, S..(et al.) Social Psychology, A critical agenda. Contemporary Psychology.
On the Poly/tics of postmodern psychology. Theory and Psychology. 7, 31-36.
Technology and cultural life: An adventure in education. For Swarthmore Alumni Bulletin. p.7.
Foreword. For E. Riikonen and G.Smith, Re-imagining therapy. London: Sage.

(with S. McNamee)

The place of the psyche in a constructed world. Theory and Psychology, 7, 723-746.
Psycho- vs. biomedical therapy. Society, 35, 1, 24-27.
Tales that wag the dog, globalization and the coming of postmodern psychology. In M. Bond (Ed.) Personalizing cross-cultural psychology. New York: Routledge. (with M. Gergen).
Promises of purity. A review of E.S. Reed's The Necessity of Experience, Contemporary Psychology, 42, 923.
Constructing constructionism: Pedagogical potentials. Issues in Education. 3, 195-201.
La communicacion terapeutica como relacion. Systemas Familiares.13, 11-24.

Detecting deception. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20, 114-115.

im Gesprach mit Kenneth Gergen. Soziale Wirklichkeit, 1, 216-221. (with T. Kohler and F. Funke).
Social theory in context: Relational humanism. In J.D. Greenwood (Ed.) The mark of the social, discovery or invention.New York: Rowman and Littlefield. Pgs. 213-230.
Toward the relational self. In J.M. Darley and J. Cooper (Eds.) Attribution and social interaction. Washington: APA Press. pgs. 293-312.
History and psychology: Three weddings and a future. In P.N. Stearns and J. Lewis (Eds.) An emotional history of the United States. New York: New York University Press. 15-32.
The two edges of discipline. A review of T. Higgins and A. Kruglanski (Eds.) Social psychology:handbook of basic principles. Contemporary Psychology, 43, 87-89.
Social construction and psychoanalytic promise. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 8, 45-54.
Emery Blagdon. Museum of American Folk Art, Self taught artists of the 20th century, An American anthology, San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 152-155.
Real/izing the Relational. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 15, 110-26. With R. Walter
The self: death by technology. Echoes, Winter, 10-15.
Life on the Line: The therapeutic potentials of computer mediated conversation. Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 24, 189-202. With J. K.Miller
Constructionism and Realism: How Are We To Go On? For I. Parker (Ed.) Social construction, discourse and realism. London: Sage.
Constructionist dialogues and the vicissitudes of the political. For I. Velody (Ed.) The Politics of social construction. London: Sage. Pgs. 33-48.
From control to co-construction: New narratives for the social sciences. Psychological Inquiry, 9, 101-103.
Erzahlung, moralische Identitat und historisches Bewusstsein. Eine sozialkonstruktionistische Darstellung. In J. Straub (Ed.) Identitat und historisches Bewusstsein, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. Pgs.170-202.
Toward a post-modern and post-Western psychology. In A.D. Gomes and J. Pires Valentim (Eds.) Psicologia e Sociedade, Coimbra: University of Coimbra.
The place of material in a constructed world. Family Process, 37, 415-419.
Beyond the self-society antinomy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 12, 171-176.
Agency: Social construction and relational action. Theory and Psychology, 9, 135-137.
The self: death by technology. The Hedgehog Review, Fall, 25-34.
Foreword, for L. Holzman (Ed.) Performing psychology: A postmodern culture of the mind.1-3
Diagnosis: The human cost of the rage to order. In L. Holzman (Ed.) Performing psychology: A postmodern culture of the mind. (With F. Newman).73-86.
Global organization and the potential for ethical action. For D. Cooperrider and J. Dutton (Eds.) The organizational dimensions of global change: no limits of cooperation. 255-269
Review of M. Bell and M. Gardiner’s Bakhtin and the Human Science. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 35, 123-125.
Review of I. Hacking’s The social construction of what? Civilization.June/July, 106-107.
La terapia como construccion social. Dimenssiones, deliberaciones y divergencias. Psycoterapia y Familia, 12, 11-32. (With L. Warhus).
Rumo a um voabulario do dialogo transformador. In Schnitman, D.F. and Littlejohn, S. (Eds.) Novos paradigmas em mediacao,. Porto Alegre: Artmed. 29-46.
El postmodernismo como una forma de humanismo. Revista de Psicoterapia, X, 49-60.
Emerging challenges redux. Theory and Psychology. 10, 23-30.
Memory as discourse and the future of psychological research. The Scandanavian Journal of Psychology. 40, 31-37. With M. Gergen.
Beyond the self-society antinomy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology.
Interview with Kenneth Gergen Psicologia & Sociedade, 11, 5-15.

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