Comprehension Questions 1.
What is the origin of the multinational company?
When did the corporate movement begin?
Why did it become possible for a company to control
enterprises on the other side of the globe?
How quickly is internationalism growing?
What can internationalism bring?
What problems can arise with internationalism?
What are your own answers and explanations to this problem?
Vocabulary Practice Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence. 1.
All countries must prepare for possible
| 1 internationalized
energy ... in the future and save fuel.
If you want to form a corporation today
| 2 statute
you must fulfill ... operations
When one deals with the currency of another
country, it is necessary to know the current | 3 bureaucratic
... exchange rate.
4. ... is one factor to influence the growth of | 4 monetary
international business.
5. Some analysts state that most of the free
| 5 crisis
worlds production will be... internationalized
within a generation.
6. In 1985 the ... said that corporative could
| 6 satellite
be created.
| communication
7. International corporation is very often an 7 outgrowth
… of old trading companies.
Dialogue Nick and Ann are having lunch. Nick is an executive in the
international computer company.
Nick Do you like the idea of taking a month's trip to the Europe
and the Far East?
Ann What? You are kidding.
Nick No. First of all I must say that it's business trip. The
company wants me to visit some of our operations. I
downloaded from
should have meetings about the new computer I am
developing. They think if we combine expertise we'll
advance more quickly.