Chapter Six Division of Executive Power and Intergovernmental Relations

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Division of Excutiv power inter governmental relation

MOFA, role as an instrument of intergovernmental relations between the federal government and all the constituent states is not explicitly stated. Its important role as an institution for supervising or coordinating enforcement of federal laws and programs is not clearly stated. This rather crucial role is missing in its power.

The System of Intergovernmental Relations in Ethiopia Con’d

Co-operation through Party Channels

On the positive side, given Ethiopia's diverse society, coherent and disciplined party at federal and state levels appears to be an asset, compared for example with what is happening in Nigeria, but at times this exceeds its limit and affects state autonomy.

Co-operation through the Process of Policy-Making

In general the states accept the economic, social and development plans issued by the federal government.

According to Assefa F. in theory they can adapt the policies to fit their own circumstances but the federal government does play a key role in influencing through national policies mainly due to the party congruence and decision-making structure and secondly, because the states lack the required expertise to bring alternative policies.

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