*One should prepare themselves for the trip.
*One should take with him a copy of the Qur'an and other religious books.
*When one stops somewhere to take rest, he should say: 'A'oodthu be'kale'maatil'laahit'taam'maat min shar'ree maa khalaq'
Meaning: I take refuge in Allah’s perfect words from the evil that He has created.
If he says this, he will not be harmed by any venomous sting. One should say this during the morning and evening.
*One should know the direction of Qiblah in places he travels to.
*One should be mindful of the following guidelines when relieving themselves:
a. One should not relieve themselves in public places, walkways, and shaded areas.
b. When the Prophet () would go to relieve himself, he distanced himself from people so people could not see him.
c. The Prophet () would not face the Qiblah nor give it his back.
d. When he wanted to relieve himself, he lifted his garment up. When one is in this position, he should say the dhikr one would say upon entering the washroom.
e. If one wants to urinate he should choose a soft ground so that the urine will not splash back on him.
f. One should not carry anything that has the dhikr of Allah on it when using the washroom.