College of the Sciences Primate Behavior and Ecology Program

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  • Sheeran

1995 Sheeran, L.K. Behavior of wild black gibbons (Hylobates concolor jingdongensis). In Primate Research and Conservation, Xia, W. and Zhang, Y. (editors). Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House. Pp. 221-225.

1995 Mootnick, A.R. and Sheeran, L.K. The future of the gibbon. The Keeper 5:26-27.

1995 Rosen, N., Sheeran, L.K., and Nevadomsky, J. Report on the International Conference on the Orang Utan: The Neglected Ape. Current Anthropology 36(2):353-354.

1995 Zhang, Y., Quan, G., Yang, D., Liu, Z., Sheeran, L.K. Population parameters of the black gibbon in China. IN: Primate Research and Conservation, Wuping Xia and Yongzu Zhang (eds.). Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House. Pp. 203-221.

1994 Zhang, Y.-Z. and Sheeran, L.K. Current status of the Hainan black gibbon (Hylobates concolor hainanus). Asian Primates 3(3-4):3.

1993 Sheeran, L.K. Field study on the black gibbons in Yunnan and Hainan. Chinese Primate Research and Conservation News 2(1):2-3.

1988 Poirier, F.E., and Sheeran, L.K. Review of P.C. Else and J. Lee Primate Ecology and Conservation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(4):626-8.

Organized Paper Sessions, Workshops, and Conferences
International Conferences

  • 2000 Organizer of paper session, The Small Apes. The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, IL, 10-13 May

  • 2000 Co-organizer of workshop, Gibbon Conservation Issues. The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, IL, 10-13 May (with M.E. Pruett-Jones and A. Varsik)

  • 2000 Invited Member of Asian Ape Roundtable Discussion, The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, IL, 10-13 May

  • 1998 Co-organized session, The Lesser Apes. Great Apes of the World Conference II, Kuching, Malaysia, 29-31 July (with Dr. Jatna Supriatna)

  • 1994 Host and organizer of The International Conference on Orang Utans: The Neglected Ape, Fullerton, CA, 05-08 March

National Conferences

  • 2001 Organizer of workshop, Ethical Issues in Primatology. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Savannah, GA, 8-11 August

Regional Conferences

  • 2001 Host and co-organizer of the 15th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Southern California Primatology Research Forum, Contemporary Views of Gibbon Behavior and Ecology, Fullerton, CA, 10 November

  • 1999 Host and organizer of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Anthropological Association, Fullerton, CA, 16-18 April

  • 1999 Host and organizer of the 10th semi-annual meeting of the Southern California Primatology Research Forum, Primate Culture, Fullerton, CA, 18 April

  • 1998 Organized session, Primate Behavior, Southwestern Anthropological Association 69th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, 16-18 April

  • 1996 Host and organizer of the 4th semi-annual meeting of the Southern California Primatology Research Forum, Primate Conservation in the 21st Century, Fullerton, CA, 27 April

  • 1995 Organized session, Biology of Nonhuman Primates, Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, Fullerton, CA, 5-6 May.

Professional Presentations
International Conferences (student co-authors underlined)

  • 2007 Sheeran, L.K. The anthropology of aging. CWU-Anhui University Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, Huangshan, China, 3 August

  • 2004 Sheeran, L.K. The anthropological perspective on primatology: Modeling human behavior and evolution. CWU-Anhui University Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, Hefei, China, 13 August

  • 2002 Klein, C. and Sheeran, L.K. Differential mortality in captive lar gibbons and siamangs. XIXth Meeting of the International Primatological Society, Beijing, China, 4-9 August

  • 2000 Sheeran, L.K. Preparing students for primatological fieldwork: Reducing risks. The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, IL, 10-13 May

  • 1998 Sheeran, L.K. Black gibbon (Hylobates concolor) group size: Implications for gibbon mating systems. Great Apes of the World Conference II, Kuching, Malaysia, 29-31 July

  • 1998 Mootnick, A.R. and Sheeran, L.K. An overview of gibbon (Hylobates) taxonomy for use by breeding facilities. Great Apes of the World Conference II, Kuching, Malaysia, 29-31 July

  • 1994 Zhang, Y., Quan, G., Yang, D., Liu, Z., and Sheeran, L. Population parameters of the black gibbon. VIIIth Meeting of the International Primatological Society, Bali, Indonesia, 12 August

National Conferences (student co-authors underlined)

  • Submitted (winter 2008) Matheson, M.D.; Mack, H.; Sheeran, L.K.; Yenter, T.; Schultz, P. Captive ex-pet Macaca fascicularis use hair and dental floss to floss their teeth. 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, West Palm Beach, FL, 18-21 June

  • 2007 Matheson, M.D.; Hartel, J.; Whitaker, C.; Sheeran, L.K.; Li, J.H; Wagner R.S. Self-directed behavior correlates with tourist density in free-living Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at the Valley of the Wild Monkeys, Mt. Huangshan, China. 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Winston-Salem, NC, 20-23 June

  • 2007 McCarthy, M.; Matheson, M.D.; Sheeran, L.K.; Lester, J.D.; Li, J.H; Wagner, R.S. Sequences of Tibetan macaque behaviors and tourist behaviors at Mt. Huangshan, China. 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Winston-Salem, NC, 20-23 June

  • 2001 Shur, M.A. and Sheeran, L.K. Affiliative behaviors of captive female chimpanzees. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Savannah, GA, 8-11 August

  • 1997 Collier, M.K. and Sheeran, L.K. Participants in Workshop Human to Nonhuman Primate Disease Transmission. 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, San Diego, CA, 27 June-1 July

  • 1994 Mootnick, A., Baker, E., and Sheeran, L. Inbreeding in captive gibbons (Hylobates). 31st Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Seattle, WA, 23-30 July

  • 1993 Sheeran, L.K. Behavior of wild black gibbons in Yunnan Province, PRC. 16th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Sturbridge, MA 18-22 August

Regional Conferences (student co-authors underlined)

  • 2007 Wallin, J.; Jensvold, M.L.; Sheeran, L.K. Play, Laughter, and Humor in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, 17 May

  • 2007 Wallin, J.; Jensvold, M.L.; Sheeran, L.K. Play, Laughter, and Humor in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 60th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Association, Pullman, WA, March

  • 2007 Halberg, R.H.; Sheeran, L.K.; Jensvold, M.L. Laughter, Number of Play Partners, Age & Play Bout Duration in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Living in an African Sanctuary. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, 17 May

  • 2007 McCarthy, M.; Matheson, M.D.; Sheeran, L.K.; Lester, J.D.; Li, J.H; Wagner, R.S. Sequences of Tibetan macaque behaviors and tourist behaviors at Mt. Huangshan, China. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, 17 May

  • 2007 Lester, J.D., McCarthy, M. Matheson, M.; Sheeran, L.K.; Li, J.H.; Wagner, R.S. Green Cascade Frog (Rana livida) Detection in The Valley of the Wild Monkeys, Mt Huangshan, China. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, 17 May

  • 2006 Hartel, J., Matheson, M., Sheeran, L, Li, J., Wagner, S. Post-conflict and self-directed behaviors in Tibetan macaques. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, May

  • 2006a Jensvold, M.L., Sheeran, L.K., Halberg, R., Keyser, J. Laughter, Number of Play Partners, & Play Bout Duration in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). 59th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Association, Seattle, WA, March

  • 2006b Jensvold, M.L., Sheeran, L.K., Halberg, R., Keyser, J. Laughter, Number of Play Partners, & Play Bout Duration in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, May

  • 2006a Ruesto, L., Sheeran, L., Matheson, M., Li, J.H., and Wagner, S. Investigation of possible impacts of tourist density, behavior, and decibel level on Tibetan macaque aggression. 59th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Association, Seattle, WA, March

  • 2006b Ruesto, L., Sheeran, L., Matheson, M., Li, J.H., and Wagner, S. Investigation of possible impacts of tourist density, behavior, and decibel level on Tibetan macaque aggression. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, May

  • 2006 Smith, C., Wagner, S., Matheson, M., Sheeran, L., and Li, J.H. Population monitoring of the mountain stream frog (Rana spinosa) in Huangshan, China. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, May

  • 2005 Matheson, M.D., Sheeran, L.K., Wagner, R.S. Preliminary report of tourist impact on aggression and social behavior in two Tibetan macaque groups (Macaca thibetana). Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA, May

  • 2005 Wagner, R.S., Sheeran, L.K., Matheson, M.D. Biodiversity and habitat characteristics of Monkey Valley amphibians, Huangshan, China. Annual Meeting of the Society of Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Corvallis, OR, February

  • 2005 Matheson, M.D., Sheeran, L.K., Wagner, R.S. Preliminary report on tourist-Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) interactions at Huangshan, China. 58th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Association, Spokane, WA, March

  • 2001 Klein, C. and Sheeran, L.K. Differential mortality in captive lar gibbons and siamangs, 15th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Southern California Primate Research Forum, Fullerton, CA, 10 November

  • 1998 Sheeran, L.K. Black gibbon (Hylobates concolor) group size and population density. 69th Meeting of the Southwestern Anthropological Association, Sacramento, CA, 16-18 April

  • 1996 Sheeran, L.K. Development of sanctuaries for Thai gibbons. 5th Semi-annual Meeting of the Southern California Primate Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 16 November

  • 1995 Sheeran, L.K. Gibbon rehabilitation and reintroduction projects. Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, Fullerton, CA, 5-6 May

  • 1994 Sheeran, L.K. Endangerment of gibbons in China. 1st Semi-annual Meeting of the Southern California Primate Research Forum, Claremont, CA, 12 November

Grants Received

  • 2006 National Institutes of Health, Bridges to the Baccalaureate: Linking YVCC and CWU, $230,000

  • 2005 CWU Faculty Seed Grant, $1,900

  • 2004 OISP and ISPAC, International Small Grant, $500

  • 2004 CWU Foundation, Instruction/Research Equipment Proposal, $7,041

  • 2004 CWU Foundation, Len Thayer Small Grant, $500

  • 2004 (with Megan Matheson, Steve Wagner, and Tracy Andrews) CWU Foundation, Len Thayer Small Grant, $750

  • 2001 Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science/The National Science Foundation, to attend workshop Accessibility in Space and Time: A GIS Approach, Ohio State University, $500, 16-20 July

  • 1998 (co-PI with Susan Parman) The National Science Foundation ILI-IP Grant, $49,200 ($98,400 with institutional match)

  • 1996 The California State University, Fullerton Foundation Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Improvement Award, $150 and 3 WTU

  • 1996 (co-PI with Jacob Pandian and Susan Parman) California Campus Compact Grant, $2,500

  • 1995 (co-PI with Zhang Yongzu) American Society of Primatologists Conservation Grant, $500

  • 1995 (co-PI with Zhang Yongzu) Primate Conservation Incorporated, $3,500

  • 1995 The California State University, Fullerton Foundation Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Improvement Award, $500

  • 1994 The California State University, Fullerton Foundation, Junior Research Award, $3,500

  • 1994 The California State University, Fullerton Foundation, Affirmative Action Award, 3 WTU

  • 1993 (PI Zhang Yongzu) The National Geographic Society, $20,288

  • 1990 (co-PI Frank Poirier) The National Geographic Society, $18,000

  • 1990 (co-PI Frank Poirier) The Charles A. Lindbergh Fund, $10,000

  • 1990 The Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, $5,000

  • 1990 The Ohio State University Graduate Research Award, $1,500

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