Name of Institution: Apor Vilmos Catholic College
Year of foundation: 1929
Address: Zichy tér 3, H-2072 Zsámbék, Hungary
Phone: (36-) 218 6855
Principal/President: Prof. Dr. Lóránt Bencze
Number of faculties: 1
Academic staff: 62 full-time and 46 part-time
Academic staff with scientific degree: 14
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Monika Pesthy
Contact info: phone: (36-1) 214 53 99, fax: (36-23) 565-555, e-mail:
Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 1
Number of full-time students in the academic year 2003/2004 (Hungarian education): 619
Number of Ph.D. students: -
Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2003/04: 3
Library: Apor Vilmos Catholic College has a Central Library that is open to all students. It provides 350 m2 of reading and research space and can accommodate 58 readers at a time. The library has a technical reference section with free access to materials and the ALEPH integrated system, and on-line access to international data bases. The present collection has 66,000 volumes (books, lecture notes, etc.), 46,000 volumes in the lending division, and 170 periodicals. There is a special library for religious studies (1300 volumes) at the College building in Budapest.
Computer facilities: The College has 4 computer labs (90 computers) that are available to the students for study purposes all day. E-mail and Internet access are also available.
Cultural and sports activities: The College has a gym, a swimming pool, a body-building room and tennis grounds, 2 local riding schools – chamber orchestra, mixed choir, drama education.
Foreign students’ accommodation: At the College Hostel places are available in a limited number (single rooms, double rooms at EUR 100/month). Further Hostels are available near the College in Budapest (30 kilometres). Private apartment rentals are available at EUR 2-300/month.
Health care facilities: The College has its own consultation room and consulting hours.
Living costs: EUR 100-200/month.
Estimated additional costs: EUR 50 (books, travel, etc.)
Tuition fees: EUR 1800/semester
Course offered in German
Undergraduate programme
Religionswissenschaft - Universitäres Fach mit Magisterabschluss
Name des Diploms: Magister der Religionswisenschaft
Länge des Studiums: 8 Semester bei einem Einfachstudium
Zulassungsbedingung: Abiturzeugnis und Aufnahmegespräch
Allgemeine Information: Die Apor Vilmos Katholische Hochschule wird mit dem Herbstsemester 2004 das Fach Religionswissenschaft als erstes universitäres Fach an der Hochschule anbieten. Das Studium wird in zwei Ebenen ablaufen. Während des Grundstudiums erhält der Student einen Überblick über die allgemeine Religionswissenschaft und die einzelnen Religionen im Umfeld des Christentums bis hin zu den fernöstlichen Religionen, sowie eine sprachliche Ausbildung: Griechisch als Grundlage, eine zweite alte Sprache ist gefordert: Koptisch, Syrisch, Latein, Äthiopisch, Hebräisch. Die Vorlesung zur allgemeinen Religionswissenschaft gibt einen Überblick über die philosophisch-religiösen Zusammenhänge in der Neuzeit. Daneben werden angeboten: Religionspsychologie, Religionssoziologie, Geschichte der Philosophie, Religionsethnographie, Bibelwissenschaft, Weltreligionen, antike Religionen, Religion in der Gegenwart.
In der zweiten Phase des Studiums bieten wir die folgenden Spezialisierungen an:
1. Religionsgeschichte im Hellenismus und in der Spätantike mit besonderem Gewicht auf die geistigen Strömungen dieser Periode (Judentum, Christentum, Gnosis, philosophische Schulen). Diese Strömungen werden in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen dargestellt. Besonderer Augenmerk wird auf die Kenntnis der antiken Originalliteratur gelegt: am Ende des Studiums soll der Student fähig sein die Quellen wenigstens in zwei antiken Sprachen zu verwerten.
2. Sprachen des christlichen Orients aus der Sicht der Religionsgeschichte. Die Erforschung des werdenden Christentums ist erschwert durch die Vielzahl der Sprachen in denen die Quellen erhalten sind. Das Ziel dieser Spezialisierung ist die Quellen in den Originalsprachen zu erschließen.
3. Mittelalterliche Religionsgeschichte – in dieser Spezialisierung werden die Religionen (westliches und östliches Christentum, Judentum und Islam) und die religiösen Bewegungen in Europa (Religionsstreite, Häresien, Mönchtum, Aberglauben, Heiligenlegenden, u. s. w.) behandelt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Studium der Originalquellen. Neben dem obligatorischen Latein kann der Student Griechisch, Arabisch, rabbinisches Hebräisch und Kirchenslawisch wählen.
4. Religion in der Gegenwart – diese Spezialisierung beschäftigt sich mit den aktuellen Problemen der Religionen aus Sicht der Religionspsychologie und der Religionssoziologie: Erneuerungsbewegungen, Bedeutung der Sekten, Dialog zwischen den Religionen, u.s.w.
Um eine Spezialisierung zu verwirklichen, bedarf es einer bestimmten Anzahl von Studenten.
Der Vorlesungs- und Seminarort ist Budapest!
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Budapest Business School
Name of the Institution: Budapest Business School
Year of foundation: 2000 (integration of three former independent colleges)
Address: 1149 Budapest, Buzogány u. 11-13. Hungary
Phone: +36 1 383 4799
Rector: Dr. József Roóz
Contact person: Dr. Katalin Kolláth
Contact info:
phone: + 36 1 4677 810
fax: +36 1 4071 556
Number of faculties: 3
Number of affiliated institutes: 2
Academic staff: 511
Academic staff with scientific degree: 64
Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2
Number of full-time students in the academic year 2003/2004 (Hungarian education): 14,185
Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2003/04: 645
Number of non-Hungarian students studying in foreign languages in 2003/04: 35
Library: One central and 5 faculty libraries housing 245,000 books and 45,714 volumes of professional journals and reports. At the same time the libraries have a strong technical reference section with free access to materials, reading and research rooms and on-line access to international data bases.
Computer facilities: The BBS has several computer labs with more than 1800 PCs that are available to the students for study purposes. E-mail and Internet access are also available
Cultural and sports opportunities: The potential sports activities available free of charge to all students include: volleyball, basketball, body-building, table-tennis, swimming and athletics.
Foreign Students’ Accommodation: Student Dormitory in limited numbers. Through its contacts with individual owners and real-estate agencies, the BBS assists students to the best of its ability in finding a flat to rent for the duration of their stay, by providing the information at its disposal about flats offered for rent and about real estate agencies. The monthly rents range from about 300 EURO to 350 EURO/person depending on the size and location of the flat, as well as on the number of students sharing it..
Health care facilities: General Practitioner in the Student Dormitory
Living costs: approx. 300 €
Faculty of Commerce, Catering and Tourism
International Undergraduate Study Programmes
Contact person 1: Tourism and Hotel Management programme
Dr. Csilla Szalók or Mrs Krisztina Szilágyi
Address 1: Hungary, 1055 Budapest, 29-31 Markó utca
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-33
Fax: (+36-1) 301-34-05
E – mail:
Contact person 2: Catering and Hotel Management programme
Mr Dénes Sándor
Address 2: Hungary, 1054 Budapest, 9-11 Alkotmány utca
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-71
Fax: (+36-1) 374-62-28
E – mail:
Contact person 3: Commerce programme
Mrs Judit Papp
Address 3: Hungary, 1054 Budapest, 9-11 Alkotmány utca
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-84
Fax: (+36-1) 374-62-19
E – mail:
Name of diploma (1) Bachelor of Arts degree
Majors: Tourism and hotel management
Length of study programme: 8 semesters
Admission criteria: - Certificate of secondary school graduation,
- Curriculum Vitae in English,
- Completed application form with 4 passport-size
- Certificate of proficiency in English, TOEFL with a score of at
least 550,
- Proof of paid application fee (25,000 HUF).
Entrance examinations are organised in early September and include a personal interview.
The diploma is accredited by Hungarian Accreditation Committee,
The European Foundation of Accreditation of Hotel Schools,
The Institute of Travel & Tourism UK.
The objectives of the programme are:
To educate students to an internationally recognised level of competence,
to satisfy market demand for managers in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Tuition fees: 600,000 HUF per semester (2300 Euro) to be paid for teaching, library computer usage and other services provided by the College. For the third year the fee is reduced. Fees are to be paid before registration.
Insurance costs against illness and accidents are approximately 40 USD per month.
Course director: Dr. Csilla Szalók
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-31
E – mail:
Name of diploma (2) Bachelor of Arts degree
Majors: Catering and Hotel Management
Length of study programme: 8 semesters
Admission criteria: - Certificate of secondary school graduation,
- Curriculum Vitae in English,
- Completed application form with 4 passport-size
- Certificate of proficiency in English, TOEFL with a score of at
least 550,
- Proof of paid application fee (25,000 HUF).
Entrance examinations are organised in early September and include a personal interview.
The diploma is accredited by Hungarian Accreditation Committee
The objectives of the programme are:
To educate students to an internationally recognised level of competence,
to satisfy market demand for managers in the catering and hospitality industry.
Tuition fees: 600,000 HUF per semester (2300 Euro) to be paid for teaching, library computer usage and other services provided by the College. For the third year the fee is reduced. Fees are to be paid before registration.
Insurance costs against illness and accidents are approximately 40 USD per month.
Course director: Mr Dénes Sándor
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-71
E – mail:
Name of diploma (3) Bachelor of Arts degree
Majors: Commerce
Length of study programme: 7 semesters
Admission criteria: - Certificate of secondary school graduation,
- Curriculum Vitae in English,
- Completed application form with 4 passport-size
- Certificate of proficiency in English, TOEFL with a score of at
least 550,
- Proof of paid application fee (25,000 HUF).
Entrance examinations are organised in early September and include a personal interview.
The diploma is accredited by Hungarian Accreditation Committee
The objectives of the programme are:
To educate students to an internationally recognised level of competence,
to satisfy market demand for managers in commerce
Tuition fees: 600,000 HUF per semester (2300 Euro) to be paid for teaching, library computer usage and other services provided by the College. For the 7th semester the fee is reduced. Fees are to be paid before registration.
Insurance costs against illness and accidents are approximately 40 USD per month.
Course director: Mrs Judit Papp
Telephone: (+36-1) 374-62-84
E – mail:
Fakultät für Handel, Gastronomie und Tourismus
Fremdsprachige Studiengänge
Fachrichtung 1 : Tourismus- und Hotel-Management
Adresse: H-1055 Budapest, Markó Str.29-31.
Telefon: (+36-1) 374-62-30
Fax: (+36-1) 374-62-15
Kontakt-Person : Dr. Annamária Dersi PhD
Adresse: H-1055 Budapest, Markó Strasse 29-31
Deutschsprachiger Studiengang
Telefon: (+36-1) 374-62-30
Fax: (+36-1) 374-62-15
E – mail:
Fachrichtung 2: Handel
Adresse: H-1055 Budapest, Markó Str.29-31
Telefon: (+36-1) 374-62-30
Fax: (+36-1) 302-62-15
Kontakt-Person: Katalin Faluvégi
Adresse: H-1055 Budapest, Markó Str. 29-31.
Deutschsprachiger Studiengang
Telefon: (+36-1) 374-62-30
Fax: (+36-1) 374-62-15
E – mail:
Name der Ausbildung 1: Studiengang für Tourismus- und Hotel-Management
Abschluss: Dipl. Betriebswirt/in (FH)
Ausbildungssprache: Deutsch
Dauer der Ausbildung: 8 Semester
Spezifikum der Ausbildung:Die Studenten werden im dritten Studienjahr 11 Monate in Ungarn oder im Ausland als Praktikanten in Hotels und Restaurants, Reisebüros oder Fremdenverkehrsbüros verbringen
Anmeldung: Anmeldungsformulare können bei der Hochschule angefordert werden
-4 Passfotos
Zulassung: -bestandenes Abitur
-wenn Deutsch nicht als Muttersprache Nachweis über abgelegte Sprachprüfungen
-Aufnahmeprüfung: Interwiew, das in deutscher Sprache geführt wird
Anmeldefrist: jeweils der 1. Juli
Gebühren: z.Z 600.000 HUF pro Semester (2300 Euro)
25.000 HUF (96 Euro) einmaliges Immatrikulationsgebühr
(für das Praktikumjahr 30.000 HUF – 115 Euro)
Name der Ausbildung 2: Studiengang für Handel
Abschluss: Diplom-Betriebswirt/in (FH)
Ausbildungssprache: Deutsch
Dauer der Ausbildung: 7 Semester
Spezifikum der Ausbildung:fünfmonatiges Praktikum bei Firmen in Ungarn oder auf deutschem Sprachgebiet (in 7. Semester)
Anmeldung: Anmeldungsformulare können bei der Hochschule angefordert werden
-4 Passfotos
Zulassung: -bestandenes Abitur
- Nachweis über abgelegte Sprachprüfung (wenn Deutsch keine Muttersprache ist)
-Aufnahmeprüfung: Interwiew, das in deutscher Sprache geführt wird
Anmeldefrist: jeweils der 1. Juli
Gebühren: z.Z 600.000 HUF pro Semester (2300 Euro)
25.000 HUF (96 Euro) einmalige Immatrikulationsgebühr
(Während der Praktikumszeit: HUF 15.000 – 115 Euro)
Programmes offerts en français
Nom de d’établissement: Ecole supérieure des études économiques de Budapest
Faculté de commerce extérieur
Filière francophone
Adresse: Hongrie, 1165 Budapest, 22.-24. rue Diósy Lajos
Tél: (+36-1) 467-79-31
Fax: (+36-1) 467-7939
Internet: http//:
Directeur: Dr. Marinovich Endre
Personne de contact:Dr. Szilágyi Katalin
Etablie: 1991
Nom du diplôme: diplôme d’économiste et de gestionnaire (BA)
Spécialité: économie et gestoin d’entreprise
Durée d’études: 6 semesters + 1 semestre de stage
Critères d’admission: - certificat du baccalauréat
- examen national de français niveau moyen type C
- Curriculum Vitae
- concours d’entrée en mathématiques, épreuve écrite
Le diplôme est accrédité par: Comité d’Acréditation de Hongrie
le Ministère de l’éducation nationale de la France
Les objectifs du programme:
Assurer aux étudiants une formation diplômante internationalement reconnue.
Satisfaire les besoins du marché de travail en experts compétents et maîtrisant parfaitement le français.
Les frais de scolarité: 150.000 HUF par semestre
les services éducatifs (bibliothèque, informatique, etc) sont assurés par l’école. Les frais sont à régler lors de l’inscription. Ils sont réduits au 7e semestre.
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Eszterházy Károly College
Name of Institution: Eszterházy Károly College
Year of foundation: 1949
Address: Eszterházy tér 1, 3300 Eger, Hungary
Phone: (36-36) 520-400
Internet: http: //
Rector: Dr. Zoltán Hauser
Number of faculties: 3
Academic staff: 263 full-time
Academic staff with scientific degree: 107
Contact person: Dr. András Tarnóc
Contact info: phone: (36-36) 520-427 fax: (36-36) 520-448, e-mail:
Members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2
Number of full-time students in the academic year 2003/2004 (Hungarian education): 9000
Number of Ph.D. students: 0
Number of students studying in foreign languages in 2003/04: 2
Library: The Eszterházy Károly College Library offers a variety of diversified library facilities for academic learning and research activities. The basic and electronic information services include: lending of certain documents, use of library catalogues, the use of SDI and CD-ROM database, the use of library collection in the reading rooms, inter-library loan, online reference service, Internet access (workstations in the library) and photocopying
The Central Library has several sub units, including social sciences, literary scholarship, foreign language and natural science components, in which the necessary professional texts are available. The periodical reading room houses several domestic and foreign publications and the media collection makes possible the study of other documents. Considering the number of books held in the Archdiocesan Library in the Lyceum building as well, almost half a million volumes are available for students and faculty members alike.
Computer facilities: There are more than 600 computers with unlimited Internet access in the libraries and computer laboratories all over the buildings of the College and in the dormitories. The computer labs offer software packages for word processing, spreadsheet designing, statistical tasks and programming. The Informatics Service Centre helps students in the planning, manufacturing, possible copying and printing of the content of digital information carriers.
Sports activities: Student athletic activity takes place within the framework of the College Sports Club, providing practice and competition opportunities in seven sports (track and field, gymnastics, swimming, basketball, volley ball and soccer). The fitness centre is equipped with workout rooms and a sauna.
Accommodation: Accommodation can be obtained in one of the four dormitories of the College, or the Student Body Association along with the Centre for International Relations can provide assistance in finding adequate housing.
International Study Programmes
Name of the Unit: Faculty of Humanities Institute of English and American Studies, Department of German Language and Literature, Department of French Language and Literature:
Address: 3301 Eger, Egészségház u. 4
Phone: 36 36 520-411
Contact person: Prof. Dr. habil Lehel Vadon
Contact info:
phone: +36 36 520-411
fax: +36 36 520-448
General information: the Institute of English and American Studies, the Department of German Language and Literature, and the Department of French Language and Literature offer the international study programmes. The courses offered within these programmes can be divided into three modules: literature-related courses, civilisation and history, and linguistic studies. The duration of the programmes is either six or eight semesters.
Preparatory courses: Instruction takes place in a dual framework encompassing a foundation and main tier. The primary requirement is a good command of the given language, and demonstrated written and oral proficiency.
Credit system: The College’s use of the European Credit Transfer System facilitates the mutual recognition of the credits earned. Accordingly, a weekly two-hour seminar or lecture amounting to 30 hours over 15 weeks equals 2 ECTS credits
Partial training and credit transfer possibilities: The ECTS system facilitates mutual reconcilability of the subjects taken or courses completed.
Admission process: Applications for the autumn semester usually starting in the second week of September, are taken from 1 March of the given year. Applications for the spring semester usually starting in the first week of February are taken from 1 October of the previous year.
Contact details for application: Applications should be submitted to the Centre for International Relations
Tuition fees: 50 euros per credit taken
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