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Szpirglas - ADA3OI/4MI

Commedia Del ‘Arte

Lazzi Assignment

Why Are We Doing This?

Understanding of a variety of Lazzis is central to performing in the Commedia dell’Arte style. You will develop your understanding and skill with Commedia dell’Arte by performing Lazzis and working them into your scenarios

Learning Goals

I understand what Lazzi are and can incorporate them into improvised scenarios.


Work in a group of 2-3 people and prepare a series of Lazzis to present to the class.

Attached is a list of established Lazzis but, ultimately, any joke that can be reused and inserted into just about any story can be a Lazzi. Feel free to invent at least one that is not on the list.

Choose 3-5 Lazzis (depending on how long the sketches are), rehearse them until they are clean and clear and then present them to the class.

In your Lazzis, you will play specific Commedia characters and you will have to represent that character physically. Understanding of how the character stands, moves and talks will be necessary to properly performing the Lazzis.

Success Criteria:

I can choose and perform a Lazzi that matches my scenario and character.

I can perform my Commedia dell’Arte character using movement, voice, and mask. All movements are clear, precise and in character. Spoken segments are clear, there is an understanding of timing and words said are appropriate to the characters and the situation.

I have used the rehearsal process effectively to refine my Lazzi performance. I practice movement, voice, and improv choices or discuss costumes, props, and mask work.

I can use critical analysis to improve my performance. I ask questions, accept, and incorporate relevant feedback.


Running-Around-The-Balcony Lazzo

Arlecchino, pursued, or to prove his identity as Arlecchino, leaps from the stage to the first spectator box and runs around the railing or the three sets of balconies.

Lazzo of Unspilled Wine

Startled, Arlecchino, holding a full glass of wine, executes a complete backward somersault without spilling the wine.

Slapping Lazzo

A Zanni, with either his hands bound or holding plates of food, slaps another character in  the face with his foot.


Innocent Bystander Lazzo

Arlecchino and the inamorato meet each other face-to-face and are armed to the teeth. They heap abuse on each other, relying on others to hold them back physically. Finally, when the Captain seeks to separate them, they strike out at each other with the Captain receiving most of the blows.

"Defend Me" Lazzo

The inamorata takes offense at something and demands that other characters should duel to protect her honor.

Shield Lazzo

Arlecchino, about to be hit, grabs the nearest other character to use as a shield.

Revival Lazzo

Woman pretends to faint or die. Zanni enters and suggests that the way to revive her is pull her hair or twist her limbs.

Chair Lazzo

Arlecchino (or Pierrot) pulls the chair away from the Captain just before he is to sit down. Or the Captain's cape is pulled, so he is forced from the chair.


Lazzo of Latin

The Doctor attempts to conjugate English words as if they are Latin (e.g. complaining he’s been attacked by “hoodla” instead of “hoodlums” or speaking of going “inside and exside.”)

Lazzo of the Foreign Language

Covielle (or any other Zanni) pretending to have met a foreign nobleman, quotes him by using made-up words or words associated with whatever culture the made-up nobleman is supposed to have come from. He then gives ridiculous and improbable translations for these phrases.

Lazzo of Greeting

Pulcinella greets the Captain or another character with apparent reverence. “Son of Jove, new moon, twice the last name of Alexander!” Then, Pulcinella explains, “The son of Jove is Bacchus. Bacchus is a goat. The new moon is horned, and the last name of Alexander is Magno, which, when taken twice, becomes magno-magno. Thus the whole greeting becomes: ‘Manga-manga, becco cornuto!’” (Eat it up, eat it up, you horned goat )

Lazzo of the List

German innkeeper (or any character with an accent) reads from a shopping list. Everything is mispronounced, so “four chickens” becomes “four broken pillars” and so forth.


Barber's Water Lazzo

Disguised as a barber, Arlecchino pours the dirty and soapy water into the Doctor's drinking glass as he shaves him.

Tasting Lazzo

A zanni is cooking a pot of something for dinner. He continually seasons the dish, then tastes it, then adds more seasoning, tastes again, and this goes on until there is no food left in the pot. 

Cherries Lazzo

While Scapino is speaking, Arlecchino shows his indifference by taking imaginary cherries out of his hat, eating them, and throwing the pits at Scapino.

Fire Lazzo

At the beginning of the meal, Arlecchino arrives in a panic, saying that the kitchen is on fire. All the valets run there. In the meantime, Arlecchino sits down and eats all he can. Optionally, when the others return complaining that there was no fire, Arlecchino replies: “I said THE kitchen was on fire. I didn’t mean YOUR kitchen was on fire.”

Doggie Treat Lazzo

Brighella (or Columbina) offers Arlecchino food, which he eats with great enthusiasm. Brighella then pulls out more food, making whistling/calling noises as for a dog, then tosses the food across the stage. Arlecchino runs after the food and eats it off the floor.


Hat Lazzo

Male character is glared at or otherwise given a seductive glance by female character. The look is so powerful that it causes his hat to fly off.

Glassware Lazzo

While spying or dancing, Arlecchino tips over a basket of glassware or dishes, breaking them.

Straw Lazzo

Arlecchino uses a long straw to steal drinks of another character's beverage. 

Stolen Silverware Lazzo

A zanni stands still while an entire banquet's worth of stolen silverware falls from his clothing, where he's hidden them. The last item that falls out is a coffeepot or centerpiece. This is best done at a time in the play when the zanni is swearing to his honesty or innocence. 


Chamber Pot Lazzo

As Pantalone (or the Captain) serenades Isabella, the servant girl empties a chamber pot out the window, hitting him with the contents.

Hiding Lazzo

Arlecchino (or Pedrolino) and Isabella (or Columbine) are alone in her room when knocking is heard. She tells Arlecchino to hide, since the knock can only belong to Pantalone. Finding no place to hide, Arlecchino is persuaded to become a chair (or statue.) Throwing a sheet over Arlecchino, who's arms form the arms of the chair and his knees a seat, Isabella calls in Pantalone. Unheeding of Isabella's warning, Pantalone sits in the Arlecchino-chair.

Kiss and Puke Lazzo

One of the women is obligated to kiss Pantalone who announces that his eyes are closed and that he expects a big, wet, sloppy one. The first woman (obligated to do the kissing) shoves the second woman toward Pantalone while moving away to puke at the thought of kissing the vecchio. The second woman (equally disgusted) blows a kiss at the vecchio. The vecchio feels the blown kiss and is enraptured (he should be cued audibly). The second woman joins the first in puking. The vecchio notices the first woman puking, brags on his sexual prowess being too much for her, and performs some lewd physical action. The first woman rises/turns just in time to see the vecchio performing the lewd action, is disgusted again, and returns to puking. Alternately, when the vecchio performs the action, he dislocates his hip.

Doctor's Pee Lazzo

Another character visits the Doctor with some ailment. The Doctor prescribes the patient to drink urine. Patient is appalled: "You want me to drink my own urine?" The Doctor shakes his head and tells him not at all -- it can't be the patient's own urine, it has to be the Doctor's urine, and he charges $40 a bottle for the stuff.


Spitting Lazzo

One of the zanni asks his master for permission to spit. The master agrees on condition that he not spit on anything important. The zanni proceeds to spit on another zanni or vecchio.

Lazzo of Silence

Pedrolino (or Pulcinella) becomes dumbfounded when his master shouts at him for doing what he thought was a duty that his master requested. Other characters enter the stage, each with a ridiculous reason for scolding Pedrolino. All this time, Pedrolino is silent. When the Captain pinches Pedrolino to see if he is awake, he gives out a frightened cry that scares away the other characters, and calmly exits.

Wine Lazzo

Mezzetino serves wine at a dinner, but keeps drinking it all himself before/between filling the cups of the guests. He feigns shock at the empty bottle, apologizes and runs off to get more wine; and the lazzo repeats.

Shut-Up! Lazzo

Pulcinella interrupts his master's discourse. Three times his master tells him "Shut up!" Later, the master calls Pulcinella who shouts back to him "Shut up!" three times.

Fly Lazzo

Pulcinella has been ordered to guard his master's house. When the master returns and asks if there is anyone in the house, Pulcinella attests: "Not a fly!" But his master enters and finds hoards of people. He scolds Pulcinella, who replies: "Well, you didn't find a fly. Just people."

Why Don't You? Lazzo

Coviello is ordered to do something difficult by the Captain, like capture a robber in the dark or enter a cave. Coviello continually replies, "Why don't you?"


Lazzo of the Inside

To create the illusion of ferociousness, Pulcinella, hidden from the Captain by a door, speaks in several fake voices, such as servants begging Pulcinella not to beat them anymore.

Psychic Lazzo

A character makes an obvious error about the historical era they're in, such as mentioning an event that takes place several hundred years in the future. Another character acts amazed that first character has suddenly become psychic, and demands fortune telling services. This is a good cover-up lazzo for improvised shows where an actor makes a mistake that is unfunny and would risk confusing the audience.


Cowardice Lazzo

Pantalone and Zanni search for the man who has beaten them. They practice dueling. But when the Captain appears, they suddenly forget how to hold their swords in their fright. Pantalone and Zanni try to persuade each other to fight, pushing the other toward the Captain. 

Insult Lazzo

The Doctor mispronounces Pantalone's name in stupid and embarrassing ways and then asks for sexual favors from his wife or daughter.

Leeches Lazzo

An inamorato or vecchio, or a smart zanni like Brighella, reluctantly goes to the Doctor as a patient. The Doctor promises to offer his best remedy. Patient: "Let me guess. Leeches?" Doctor: "Oh, I didn't know you were a medical man!" 

Forgotten Name Lazzo

First character begins to speak to second but cannot remember the second character's name. ("Lee..." "Leandro." "Leo..." "Leandro." "La..." "Leandro." "Leandro, right.")

Stupid Discovery Lazzo

The Doctor, seizing upon some trivial and well-known fact, pretends that he has made the discovery, which is of the utmost importance.

Lazzo of Paying Homage to All Their Names

Pulcinella meets a number of characters. In an attempt to ingratiate himself with them, he begins to praise their names in ridiculously insulting and long-winded fashions.


Yes and No Lazzo

Zanni attempts to play a ruse on another character. When the other character asks a question, Zanni answers yes. But when the ruse is about to be exposed, Zanni suddenly changes his mind about the answer and replies no. This yes and no routine continues through a whole battery of questions.

Lying Lazzo

Zanni makes up lies and lies, each more stupid than the last. Optionally, the stupidest lie he thinks of is what convinces the others of his honesty.

Movie Quotes Lazzo

The inamorata or inamorato quotes famous lines from movies in a romantic, classical Shakespearean style. (e.g. "You talkin' to me? Well, who the hell else you talkin' to?" recited in the approximate tone of "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?") The more vulgar or violent the line recited, the better.

Laughter and Tears Lazzo

Arlecchino begins to laugh hysterically. Slowly, his laughing turns to weeping and tears.


Tart Lazzo

Pantalone’s wife puts a basket over his head, promising him a tart. As Pantalone bargains, his wife’s lover slips out.

Stopped Music Lazzo

Lindor (the Inamorato) is disguised as a music teacher in order to see Rosine (the Inamorata.) The Doctor boredly supervises the singing lesson, but begins to fall asleep. Once the Doctor is quite unconscious, Lindor begins to kiss Rosine, which makes the singing stop. This causes the Doctor to wake up, and the Inamoratti must quickly reset to their original positions. This continues several times.

Monosyllable Lazzo

Weeping, Arlecchino enters the stage. The Doctor and Trivellino question him as to his behavior, but Arlecchino only answers in monosyllables. Or, Arlecchino’s master questions him while Arlecchino eats. Concerned about a widow, the master asks increasingly complicated questions about her, while Arlecchino always manages to answer in monosyllables as he gobbles down the food. 

Lazzo of Cussing Out the Master

Zanni #1 tells zanni #2 that his master (one of the vecchi) had treated him poorly so he cussed him out. Zanni #2 is surprised that he got away with it, and runs off to see if he too can get away with insulting the vecchio. Zanni #2 can be heard offstage insulting the vecchio and then crying out as he's being beaten in retaliation. Zanni #1 admits to the audience, that while he had cussed out the vecchio, he had not done so to his face.

Arlecchino Doctor Lazzo

Arlecchino disguises himself as a doctor, and prescribes ridiculous and obviously lethal remedies to his patients.

Lazzo of Pantalone’s Story

Pantalone begins to tell ridiculous and impossible stories about adventures he has supposedly had with well-known figures from medieval/ancient history.


Sack Lazzo

A popular routine where the victim is either secreted or tricked into a cloth sack: A) Zanni (or Arlecchino) hides in the sack which the Captain (or Scaramouche) trips over and begins to beat in anger. B) Hoping to be sneaked into his beloved's house or a room full of riches, the Captain (or Pantalone) is tricked into hiding in a sack; The Captain is then delivered into a pork butcher's hands, whose sounds of delight and knife flourishing frightens the Captain. C) Several Commedia characters are fooled into hiding in sacks; confused over the others' identities, they alternately attempt to beat and seduce each other. 

Lazzi of Nightfall

As total darkness overtakes the scene, the characters grope around the street, climb ladders into various houses, falling, bumping into objects and people, discovering what they think are bloody corpses, mistaking identities and conversations.

Recognition Lazzo

Often a concluding lazzo, this involves the exaggerated and frantic scene of sudden recognitions between several pairs of characters.
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