Compendium of acronyms october 25, 2017 index

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S - Safety

S - Scrubber
S - Sulfur
s - Second
SA - Secretary of the Army
SA - Self Assessment
SA - Special Assistant
SA - Sunshine Act
SA - Surface Area
S&A - Sampling and Analysis
S&A - Supervision and Administration
S&A - Surveillance and Analysis
SAA - Satellite Accumulation Area
SAA - South Atlantic Area
SAAMS - Region 4 Sample Analyses and Management System
SAAR - Secretary’s After Action Report
SAAR - Supervisor Accident Analysis Report
SAB - Same as Above
SAB - Science Advisory Board
SAC - Secretarial Advisory Committee
SAC - Senate appropriations Committee
SAC - Special Agent in Charge
SAC - Starved Air Combustion
SAC - Support Agency Coordinator
SAC - Suspended and Canceled Pesticides
SACCR - Schedule and Cost Change Request
SACEP - South Asia Environmental Cooperative Program
SACM - Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model
SAD - Research Triangle Park Acid Rain System
SAD - Safety Analysis Document
SAD - South Atlantic Division
SADAA - Science Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Administrator
SADBU - Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
SADC - South African Development Community
SADC-ELMS - Environment and Land Management Sector of SADC

SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature

SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SA(ET) - Surface Area Extrathoracic Region
SAEWG - Standing Air Emissions Work Group
SAF - Safety Approval Form
SAF - Society of American Foresters
SAFC - Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition
SAFER - Streamlined Approach for Environmental Restoration
SAFETEA - Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and efficient Transportation Act
SAGE - Solvent Alternative Guide
SAGE - Strategic Advisory Group on Environment
SAI - Soil/Air Ingestion Standard
SAIC - Special-Agents-In-Charge
SAI-Ind - Soil/Air Ingestion Standard for Industrial Use
SAIMM - Prognostic Meteorological Model
SAIP - Systems Acquisition and Implementation Program
SAI-Res - Soil/Air Ingestion Standard for Residential Use
SALEMDUG - State and Local Emergency Management Data Users Group
SAMA - Scientific Apparatus Makers Association
SAMAC - Standing AIRS Management Advisory Committee
SAMAB - Southern Appalachian Man and Biosphere Program
SAME - Society of American Military Engineers
SAMI - Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative
SAMIS - Safety Management Information Statistics Database
SAMP - Special Area Management Plan
SAMSON - Solar and Meteorological Surface Observation Network
SAMWG - Standing Air Monitoring Work Group
SAN - Styrene Acrylonitrile
SANE - Sulfur and Nitrogen Emissions
SANSS - Structure and Nomenclature Search System
SAP - Indeterminate
SAP - Sampling and Analysis Plan
SAP - Scientific Advisory Panel
SAP - Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
SAP - Special Access Program
SA(PU) - Surface Area Pulmonary Region
SAR - Safety Analysis Report
SAR - Search and Rescue
SAR - Share a Ride
SAR - Sodium Adsorption Ratio
SAR - Special Allowance Reserve
SAR - Specific Absorption Rate
SAR - Start Action Request
SAR - Structure-Activity Relationship (of a qualitative assessment)
SAR - Supplied Air Respirator
SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar
SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (1986) (also known as the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 - EPCRA)
SARDA - Secretary of the Army, Research, Development and Acquisitions
SARDC - Southern Africa Research and Documentation Center
SARM - Standard Analytical Reference Material
SAROAD - Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data
SAS - Special Analytical Services
SAS - Statistical Analysis System
SASD - Strategies and Air Standards Division
SASS - Source Assessment Sampling System
SASP - State Airport System Plan
SASW - Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves
SATA - Site Assessment and Technical assistance
SA(TB) - Surface Area Tracheobronchial Region
SA(TH) - Surface Area Thoracic Region
SATO - Scheduled Airline Traffic Office
SA(Total) - Surface Area Total Respiratory Region
SAV - Secondary Acute Value
SAV - Site Assessment Visit
SAV - Staff Assistant Visit
SAV - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
SAVR - Schlumberger Assisted Vapor Recovery
SB - Secondary Basin
SB - Senate Bill
SB - Statement of Basis
SB - Statutory Baseline
Sb - Antimony
SBA - Small Business Act
SBA - Small Business Administration
SBA - Smart Border Alliance
SBAP - Small Business Assistance Program
SBAR - Small Business Advocacy Review Panel
SBC - Single Breath Canister
SBCC - Southern Building Code Congress
SBDC - Small Business Development Center
SBE - State Board of Education
SBH - Small Boat Harbor
SBI - Special Background Investigation
SBLT - Sequential Batch Leach Test
SBO - Senior Budget Officer
SBO - Small Business Ombudsman
SBR - Styrene Butadiene Rubber
SBREFA - Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

SBRP - Superfund Basic Research Program

SBS - Sick Building Syndrome

SBSA - Small Business Set Aside
SBTAP - Small Business Technical Assistance Program
SBU - Sensitive but Unclassified
SC - Safety Coordinator
SC - Section Chief
SC - Sierra Club
SC - Soil Conductivity
SC - Steering Committee
SCA - Secured Creditor Assessment
SCA - Soil Conservation Area
SCA - Specific Collection Area
SCA - State Cooperative Agreement
SCAB - South Coast Air Basin
SCAC - Support Careers Advisory Committee
SCADS - Superfund Chemical Analysis Data System
SCAP - Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan
SCAPS - Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System
SCAQMD - South Coast Air Quality Management District
SCAR - Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
SCBA - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SCC - Source Category Code
SCC - Source Classification Code
SCC - Secondary Combustion Chamber
SCC - Secretary’s Command Center
SCC - State Coastal Conservancy
SCC - Supreme Court of Canada
sccm - Standard Cubic Centimeters per minute
SCD - Soil Conservation District
SCD/SWCD - Soil or Soil and Water Conservation District
SCDM - Superfund Chemical Data Matrix
SCE - Sister-Chromatid Exchange
SCE - State of the Canadian Environment
SCERP - Southwest Consortium on Environmental Research and Planning
scf - Standard Cubic Feet
scfm - Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
SCI - Sensitive Compartmented Information
SCIF - Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SCIGROW - Screening Concentration in Groundwater
SCL - Secondary Constituent Level
SCLDF - Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund
SCMPRA - Surface Coal Mining, Preparation, and Reclamation Activity
SCMPRO - Surface Coal Mining, Preparation, and Reclamation Operator
SCO - State Coordinating Officer
SCO - Surface Contaminated Object
SCOPE - Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment
SCOR - Scientific Committee on Ocean Research
SCORE - Small Community Outreach and Education
SCORP - State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
SCORPIO - Subject Content Oriented Retriever for Processing Information On-Line
SCP - State Contingency Plan
SCR - Selective Catalytic Reduction
SCRAM - State Consolidated RCRA Authorization Manual
SCRAM - Support Center for Regulatory Air Models
SCRAM/BBS - Support Center for Regulatory Air Models (Bulletin Board System)
SCRB - Separable Costs-Remaining Benefits
SCRC - Superfund Community Relations Coordinator
SCRP - Superfund Community Relations Program
SCS - Secondary Containment System
SCS - Soil Conservation Service
SCS - Superfund Community Relations Program
SCS - Supplementary Control Strategy (System)
SCSA - Soil Conservation Society of America
SCSP - Storm and Combined Sewer Program
SCT - Spectrum Control Technology
SCTL - Spinal Compression Tolerance Limits
SCU - Subcutaneous
SCUREF - South Carolina University Research and Education Foundation
SCV - Secondary Chronic Values
SCV - Sterilization Chamber Vent
SCW - Supercritical Water Oxidation
SCWO - Supercritical Water Oxidation
SD - Senate Document
SD - Spray Dryer
SD - Standard Deviation
SD - Storm Drain
S&D - Study and Development
SDA - Subsurface Disposal Area
SDB - Small and Disadvantaged Business
SDBE - Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
SDBUS - Small and Disadvantaged Utilization Specialist
SDC - Settlement Decision Committee
SDC - State Data Centers
SDC - Systems Decision Plan
sdcm - Standard Dry Cubic Meter
SDG - Sample Delivery Group
SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information
SDI - Subchronic Daily Intake
SDR - Service Difficulty Report
SDR - Standard Dimension Ratio
SDRP - State Development and Redevelopment Plan
SDS - Shutdown System
SDTF - Spray Drift Task Force
SDWA - Safe Drinking Water Act (as amended in 1986)
SDWIS - Safe Drinking Water Information System
SDWIS(WS) - Safe Drinking Water Information System (Water System)
SDWIS(WSF) - Safe Drinking Water Information System (Water System Facility)
SE - Standard Error
Se - Selenium
S&E - Salaries and Expenses
SEA - Science and Engineering Associates
SEA - Securities Exchange Act
SEA - State Enforcement Agreement
SEA - State/EPA Agreement
SEAM - Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual
SEAM - Surface, Environment and Mining
SEAPPM - Safety and Environmental Administrative Policy and Procedures
SEAR - Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation
SEAS - Strategic Environmental Assessment System
SEB - Source Evaluation Board
SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC - Senior Enforcement Counsel
sec - Second
SECRAMP - Secretary’s Remedial Action Management Program
SED - Site Emergency Director
SED3D - Three dimensional Numerical Model of Hydrodynamics and sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
SEDD - Staged Electronic Data Delivery
SEDM - State/EPA Data Management
SEDS - State Energy Data System
SEE - Senior Environmental Employment
SEEN - Southern Environmental Enforcement Network
SEER - Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results
SEF - Safe Enrichment Factor
SEGIP - State Environmental Goals and Improvement Project
SEI - Safety Equipment Institute
SEI - Stockholm Environment Institute
SEIA - Socioeconomic Impact Analysis
SEIS - Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope
SEM - Simultaneously Extracted Metals
SEM - Standard Error of the Means
SEM - Strategic Environmental Management
SENTRI - Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection
SEP - Special Emphasis Program
SEP - Standard Engineering Practice
SEP - Standard Evaluation Procedures
SEP - Supplemental Environmental Project
S&EP - Safety and Environmental Protection
SEPA - China State Environment Protection Administration
SEPWC - Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
SER - Small Entity Representative
SER - Society for Epidemiologic Research
SER - Steam Enhanced Remediation
SERC - State Emergency Response Commission
SERDP - Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
SERF - Systems Enhanced Request Form
SERP - State Employee Recycle Program
SERP - Super Efficient Refrigerator Program
SERS - Senior Executive Service and Executive Resources Staff
SERT - Secretary’s Emergency Response Team
SES - Secondary Emissions Standard
SES - Senior Executive Service
SES - Shared Energy Savings
SES - Socioeconomic Status
SET - Site Evaluation Tool
SET - Standard Elutriate Test
SETAC - Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
SETRAF - Safety of Enclosures for Toxics using Recirculating Air Filtration
SETS - Site Enforcement Tracking System
SETS - Superfund Enforcement Tracking System
SF - Safety Factor
SF - Slope Factor
SF - Standard Form
SF - Superfund
SF-52 - Personnel Management Tracking System
SFA - Spectral Flame Analyzers
SFB - San Francisco Bay
SFDS - Sanitary Facility Data System
SFEI - San Francisco Estuary Institute
SFEP - San Francisco Estuary Project
SFFAS - Superfund Financial Assessment System
SFIP - Sector Facility Indexing Project
SFIREG - State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group
SFLEO - Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official
SFM - Summary of Findings Memorandum
SFO - Senior Federal Official
SFO - Servicing Finance Office
SFO - Support for Others
SFS - State Funding Study
SFS - Supplemental Feasibility Study
SGI - Safeguards Information
SGL - Standard General Ledger
SGL - Static Groundwater Level
SGMP - Structures Gas Monitoring Plan
SGOT - Serum Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase
SGOT - Serum Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase
SGT-HEM - Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Waste
SGWZ - Second Groundwater Zone
Sh - Surface Area
SHEM - Safety, Health and Environmental Management
SHEP - Safety, Health and Environmental Program
Sh(ET) - Surface Area Extrathotacic Region
Sh(TB) - Surface Area Tracheobronchial Region
Sh(TH) - Surface Area Thoracic Region

Sh(PU) - Surface Area Pulmonary Region

Sh(Total) - Surface Area Total Respiratory Region
SHORTZ - Short Term Terrain Model
SHPO - State Historic Preservation Officer
SHSC - Site Health and Safety Coordinator
SHWL - Seasonal High Water Level
SHR - Standardized Hospitalization Ratio
SI - International System of Units
SI - Site Investigation/Inspection
SI - Spark Ignition
SI - Surface Impoundment
SI - Surveillance Index
SI - Surveillance Unit
S&I - Supervision and Inspection
SIBAC - Simplified Intragovernmental Billing and Collection System
SIC - Standard Industrial Classification Code
SICEA - Steel Industry Compliance Extension Act
SI/CS - Site Investigation/Confirmation Study
SID - Supplementary Information Document
SIDS - Screening Information Data Sets
SIEF - Substances Information Exchange Forum
SIEFA - Source Inventory Emission Factor Analysis
SIF - Source Investigation Form
SIM - Selected Ion Monitoring
SIMS - Secondary Ion-Mass Spectrometry
SIN - Self-Implementation Notice
SIOC - Strategic Information and Operations Center
SIP - Site Inspection Prioritization
SIP - State Implementation Plan
SIP - State Improvement Plan
SIRMO - Senior Information Resources Management Officer
SIS - Safety Instrumented Systems
SIS - Science Integration Staff
SIS - Secretarial Information System
SIS - Source Investigation System
SIS - Specialized Information System
SIS - Stat in School
SISNOSE - Significant Economic Impact on Substantial Number of Small Entities
SITE - Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program
SITE - Superfund Integrated Technologies Evaluation
SITREP - Situation Report
SITS - Site Investigation Tracking System
SIU - Significant Industrial User
SKIM - Spill Clean-up Inventory System
SKN - Administration Onto Skin
SL - Sick Leave
SL - Swedish Line
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SLAMM - Source Loading and Management Model
SLAMS - State/Local Air Monitoring Station
SLANG - Selected Letter and abbreviated Name Guide
SLAPS - St. Louis Air Pollution Study
SLC - Senior Leaders Conference
SLC - State Lands Commission
SLD - Solid
SLD - Special Litigation Division
SLER - Soil and Liner Evaluation Report
SLERA - Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment
SLIAC - State Legislation Impact Assistance
SLIN - Sub-Line Item Number
SLN - Special Local Need
SLPD - State and Local Planning Division
slpm - Standard Liters per Minute
SLQCP - Soils and Liner Quality Control Plan
SLS - Superfund Label System
SLSM - Simple Line Source Model
SM - Study Manager
SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s Association
SMART - Simple Maintenance of ARTS
SMAV - Species Mean Acute Value
SMAWG - Superfund Medical Assistance Work Group
SMB - Secretary’s Morning Briefing
SMC - Semi-Mature Compost
SMC - Specific Manufacturing Capability
SMCL - Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level
SMCRA - Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)
SMCV - Species Mean Chronic Value
SME - Saturated Media Extract
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SMEs - Small and Medium Size Enterprises
SMF - Standardized Monitoring Framework
SM/HD - Survey Meter and Historical Dosimetry Data Base
SML - Solicitation's Mailing List
SMMP - Safe Mercury Management Program
SMO - Sample Management Office
SMOA - Superfund Memorandum of Agreement
SMP - Site Management Plan
SMP - State Management Plan
SMPS - Sympathetically Maintained Pain Syndrome
SMR - Standardized Mortality Rate
SMS - Security Management Section
SMS - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SMT - Spill Management Team
SMT - Surface Mount Technology
SMZ - Streamside Management Zone
SN - Serial Number
Sn - Tin
SNA - System Network Architecture
SNA - System of National Accounts
SNAAQS - Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards
SNAP - Significant New Alternatives Policy
SNAP - Significant Noncompliance Action Program
SNARL - Suggested No Adverse Response Level
SNARLS - Suggested No Adverse Risk Levels
SNARS - Spill Notification and Response System
SNC - Significant Noncompliers
SNCR - Selective Noncatalytic Reduction
SNF - Spent Nuclear Fuel
SNL - Sandia National Laboratories
SNR - Schenectady Naval Reactors
SNRC - Senate Natural Resource Committee
SNUN - Significant New Use Notification
SNUR - Significant New Use Report
SNUR - Significant New Use Rule
SO - Security Officer
SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide
SOAH - State Office of Administrative Hearings
SOB - Statement of Benefits
SOC - Semivolatile Organic Compound
SOC - Soluble Organic Carbon
SOC - Synthetic Organic Chemical
SOCMA - Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
SOCMI - Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry
SOE - State of the Environment
SOFC - Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
SOG - Standard Operating Guideline
SOIC - Senior Official of the Intelligence Community
SOIH - Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline
SOILVENT - Soil Venting Model
SOL - Solicitation
SOL - Soluble
SOLV - Solvent
SOLV-DB - Solvent Database
SONREEL - American Bar Association, Section of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law
SOP - Site Operating Permit
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOQ - Statement of Qualifications
SOR - Special Operating Requirements
SOR - Standard Oxygen Required
SOR - Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate
SORTST - Region 1 Source Test File
SOS - Scope of Studies
SOSG - Standard Operating Safety Guide
SOST - State-of-the-Art Control Technology
SOT - Society of Toxicologists
SOT - Summary of Offense Ticket
SOTDAT - Source Test Data
SOTE - Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency
SOTR - Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate
SOV - Single Occupancy Vehicle
SOW - Scope of Work
SOW - Statement of Work
SOx - Sulfur Oxides
SP - Self-Potential
SP - Spontaneous-Potential
SP - Staffing Plan
SPAD - Special Programs and Analysis Division
SPAR - Status of Permit Application Report
SPARROW - Spatially Referenced Regression on Watershed Attributes
SPATS - Small Purchase Automated Tracking System
SPC - Statistical Process Control
SPCB - Structural Pest Control Board
SPCC - Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure
SPCR - Spill Prevention and Response Plan
SPD - South Pacific Division
SPD - State Programs Division
SPDES - State Pollution Discharge Elimination System
SPE - Secondary Particulate Emissions
SPE - Single Point of Entry
SPE - Solid Phase Extraction
SPECS - Specifications
SPF - Standard Project Flood
SPF - Structured Programming Facility
SPFA - Steel Plate Fabricators Association
SPH - Standard Project Hurricane
SPHAM - Superfund Public Health Assessment Manual
SPHEM - Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual
SPHI - Sludge Program Health Impacts
SPI - Strategic Planning Initiative
SPI - Society of the Plastics Industry
SPL - State Priority List
SPLMD - Soil-Pore Liquid Monitoring Device
SPLP - Synthetic Precipitation Leachate Procedure
SPM - Semi-Primitive Motorized
SPM - Significant Permit Modification
SPM - Special Purpose Monitoring
SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter
SPMB - Security and Property Management branch
SPME - Solid-Phase Micro-Extraction
SPMS - Special Purpose Monitoring Stations
SPMS - Strategic Planning and Management System
SPNM - Semi-Primitive Non Motorized
SPNSS - Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources
SPO - Servicing Personnel Officers
SPO - Special Projects Office
SPO - State Project Officer
SPOC - Single Point of Contact
SPONT - Spontaneously
SPOTREP - Spot Report
SPR - Spill Response Plan
SPR - Strategic Petroleum Reserves
SPREP - South Pacific Regional Environmental Program
SPRO - Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Office
SPRP - Spill Prevention Response Plan
SPS - Safety Plan System
SPS - Standard Procurement System
SPS - State Permit System
SPSCIF - Semi-Permanent Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SPTS - Small Purchase Tracking System
SPUR - Software Package for Unique Reports
SQAO - Region 5 Toxics Monitoring System
SQB - Small Quantity Burner
SQBE - Small Quantity Burner Exemption
SQC - Sediment quality Criteria - Square Centimeters
SQG - Small Quantity Generator
SQHUW - Small Quantity Handler of Universal Waste
SQL - Sample Quantitation Limit
SR - Savannah River Operations Office
SR - Senate Report
SR - Senate Resolution
SR - Special Review
SR - Strontium
SRA - Screening Ranges Approach
SRA - Society for Risk Analysis
SRAP - Superfund Remedial Accomplishment Plan
SRC - Safety Review Committee
SRC - Solvent-Refined Coal
SRCB - State and Regional Coordinating Branch
SRDB - Source Ranking Data Base
SRE - Screening Risk Evaluation
SRE - System Removal Efficiency
SRF - Specific Resistance to Infiltration
SRF - State Revolving Fund
SRHPP - Supportive Regional Highway Planning Program
SRI - Stanford Research Institute
SRI - Supplemental Remedial Investigation
SRI/SFS - Supplemental Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
SRL - Soil Remediation Levels
SRM - Standard Reference Method/Material
SRMS - Site Response Management System
SRP - Scientific Review Panel
SRP - Seismic Reflection Profiling
SRP - Special Review Procedure
SRR - Second Round Review
SRR - Submission Review Record
SRT - Sludge Retention Time
SRT - Solids Retention Time
SRTS - Service Request Tracking System
SRU - Sulfur Recovery Unit
SRU - System Resource Unit
SS - Sanitary Sewer
SS - Settleable Solids
SS - Shift Supervisor
SS - Spray Saturator
SS - Superfund Surcharge
SS - Suspended Solids
S/S - Solidification/Stabilization
SSA - Sealed Source Authorization
SSA - Sole Source Aquifer
SSAC - Soil Site Assimilated Capacity
SSAN - Social Security Account Number
SAAP - Site Stabilization Accomplishments Plan
SSBO - State Small Business Ombudsman
SSC - Scientific Support Coordinator
SSC - State Superfund Contracts
SSC - Statistically Significant Change
SSC - Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory
SSC - Superfund State Contact
SSCD - Stationary Source Compliance Division
SSD - Standard Support Document
SSDA - Solvent Substitution Data System
SSDS - Subsurface Sewage Disposal System
SSE - Stationary Source Enforcement
SSEIS - Standard Support and Environmental Impact Statement
SSEIS - Stationary Source Emissions and Inventory System
SSERA - Site-Specific Ecological Risk Assessment
SSF - Species Sensitivity Factor
SSG - Soil Screening Guidance
SSHC - Standard Specifications for Highway Construction
SSHO - Site Safety Health Officer
SSI - Sensitive Security Information
SSI - Size Selective Inlet
SSID - Site Spill Identifier
SSIS - Store Stock Inventory/Accounting System
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer
SSL - Soil Screening Level
SSL - Suspended Sediment Load
SSM - Shallow Soil Mixing
SSMP - Start-up, Shutdown and Malfunction Plan
SSMS - Spark Source Mass Spectrometry
SSN - Social Security Number
SSO - Sahara and Sahel Observatory
SSO - Sanitary Sewer Overflow
SSO - Source Selection Official
SSO - Special Security Officer
SSO - Support Services Office
SSOC - Safe Sites of Colorado
SSP - Single Phosphate
SSP - Site Safety Plan
SSP - Specific Safety Procedure
SSRA - Site-Specific Risk Assessment
SSRP - Source Reduction Review Project
SSS - Security Support Staff
SSS - Strategic Studies Staff
SSS - Supplemental Stabilization Study
SSSADIR - Stationary Source Sampling and Analysis Directory
SSSD - Small Scale short Duration
SST - Supersonic Transport
SSTRP - Steam Stripping of Organics from Liquid Wastes
SSTS - Section Seven Tracking System
SSURGO - Soil Survey Geographic Database
SSURO - Stop Sale, Use and Removal Order
S&T - Science and Technology Directorate
STABL - Stabilization
Stage 1-DBPR - Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
STALAPCO - State and Local Air-Pollution Control Officials
STAPPA - State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administration
STAR - Stability Array
STAR - Stability Wind Rose
STAR - State Acid Rain Projects
STARA - Studies on Toxicity Applicable to Risk Assessment
STARS - Strategic Targeting Activities Reporting System
STARS - Superfund Transactions Automated Retrieval System
START - Scientific and Technical Advisory and Response Team
START - Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team
STATSGO - State Soil Geographic Database
STATUS - Region 4 Status of GSA Orders
STC - Short-Term Concentration
STC - Software Technology Center
S/TCAC - Scientific/Technical Careers Advisory Committee
STCC - Standard Transportation Commodity Code
STD - Short Term Disability
STDMS - Sample Tracking and Data Management System
STE - Secure Telephone Equipment
STEL - Short-Term Exposure Limit
STEM - Scanning Transmission-Electron Microscopy
STEP - Small Towns Environmental Program
STEP - Software Test and Evaluation Panel
STEPL - Spreadsheet Tool for Estimating Pollutant Load
STI - Scientific and Technical Information
STI - Steel Tank Institute
STIR - State-Tribal Implementation Rule
STLC - Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration
STLE - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Stmt. - Statement
STN - Scientific and Technical Information Network
STOCHEM - UK Meteorological Office of Global Three-Dimensional-Lagrangian
STOPAC - Stratospheric Ozone Protection Advisory Committee
STORAGE - Cincinnati Disk Storage Annual Report
STORET - Storage and Retrieval of Water-Related Data
STORM - Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff Model
STP - Sewage Treatment Plant
STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure
STP - Surface Transportation Program
STTF - Small Town Task Force
STRI - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
STROLE - Superfund Enhanced State and Tribal Role Initiative
STS - Site Tracking System
STU - Secure Telephone Unit
SUAB - Suitable for Unconfined Aquatic Concentration
Sub - Subcontractor
SUBCLIN - Contract Sub-line Item Number
SubKr - subcontractor
SUD - Safe Use Determination
SUL - Situation Unit Leader
SULEV - Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
SUP - Standard Unit of Processing
SUPERFUND - Common designation for CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
SuperJTI - Superfund Job Training Initiative
SUPSALV - Supervisor of Salvage and Diving
SUPTRK - Superfund Site Tracking Information System
SURE - Sulfate Regional Experiment Program
SUV - Sport Utility Vehicle
SV - Sampling Visit
SV - Significant Violator
SVAP - Stream Visual Assessment Protocol
SVD - Self Verifying Device
SVE - Society of Vector Ecologists
SVE - Soil Vapor Extraction
SVE - Soil Venting Extraction
SVI - Sludge Volume Index
SVM - Semi-Volatile Metals
SVOC - Semi-volatile Organic Chemical or Compound
SVTC - Secure Video Teleconference
SW - Slow Wave
SW - Solid Waste
SW - Standard Methods for Wastewater Analysis
SW-846 - Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste
SWA - Solid Waste Act
SWA - Solid Waste Administration
SWA - Source Water Assessment
SWAC - Solid Waste Advisory Council
SWAG - Simulated Waste Access to Groundwater
SWAMI - Strategic Waste Minimization Initiative
SWANA - Solid Waste Association of North America
SWANCC - Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County
SWAP - Source Water Assessment & Protection
SWAP - Source Water Assessment Program
SWAPP - Source Water Assessment & Protection Program
SWAQAT - Solid Waste Air Quality Tests
SWARF - Waste from Metal Grinding Process
SWAT - Soil and Water Assessment Tool
SWAT - Solid Waste Assessment Tests
SWB - Social well Being
SWB - Standard Waste Box
SWC - Settlement with Conditions
SWCD - Soil and Water Conservation District
SWCP - Soil and Water Conservation Plan
SWD - Southwestern Division
SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act
SWDC - Soil and Water Conservation District
SWDSCMA - Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Management Account
SWE - Society of Women Engineers
SWEPP - Stored Waste Examination Piot Plant
SWERD - Solid Waste and Emergency Response Division
SWETS - Safe Water Enforcement Tracking
SWFHCRF - Special Waste from Health-Care Related Facilities
SWIE - Southern Waste Information Exchange
SWIS - Solid Waste Information System
SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill Disposal
SWM - Solid Waste Management
SWMB - State/Solid Waste Management Board
SWMM - Stormwater Management Model
SWMP - Stormwater Management Plan
SWMP - Stormwater Monitoring Program
SWMU - Solid Waste Management Unit
SWO - Senior Watch Officer
SWOs - Standing Work Orders
SWP - Safe Work Permit
SWP - Source Water Protection
SWP - Standard Work Practice
SWP - State Water Project
SWP3 - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SWPA - Source Water Protection Area
SWPCP - Stormwater Pollution Control Plan
SWPPP - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SWQM - Surface Water Quality Monitoring
SWQPPP - Source Water Quality Protection Partnership Petitions
SWQS - Surface Water Quality Standards
SWRCB - State Water Resources Control Board
SWTCP - Surface Water Toxic Controls Program
SWTR - Surface Water Treatment Rule
SW-846 - U.S. EPA Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste
SYS - System
SYSOP - System Operator

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