Contents introduction chapter I. Existentialism as a literary trend

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Mother night

Theme: Major themes raised in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Mother Night”


INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………….2
CHAPTER I. EXISTENTIALISM AS A LITERARY TREND ………………………………………………………………………….4
1.1 The essence of existentialism in the literature of the twentieth century …………………………………………………………………4
1.2 The main features of existentialism in the literature of the twentieth century ………………………………………………………………..10
2.1 Biographical premises of the existential genre in the work of Kurt Vonnegut ……………………………………………………………..17
2.2 Main topics raised in "Mother's Night" …………………………..23
CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………...26
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………...29

At the moment, great attention is being paid to the mature generation in our republic. The Law "On Education" adopted on August 29, 1997 at the initiative of the first President Islam Karimov and the unique National Training Program marked the beginning of a new stage of deep reforms in this most important field. It's done. scope, complexity and objectives. In Uzbekistan, education has been legally declared as a priority area of development that meets the economic, social, scientific-technical and cultural needs of the individual, society and the state. During the years of independence, a truly multifaceted, talented, highly educated, intellectually developed young generation came of age in Uzbekistan.
Under the leadership of the President of our country Sh.Mirziyoyev, who has a great potential for the future, it is true that the great work is being done to create all the necessary conditions for the benefit of the youth of Uzbekistan to realize it in every way. proved it. their country, people are building a new life.
For any educated person, it is very important to know the general socio-political, economic and cultural aspects of not only his country, but also the world community. However, expert philologists should also be distinguished by the quality called "well-read", i.e. read a lot and carefully and work not only in his native language, but also in the language being studied. After all, learning a language also implies getting acquainted with cultural values, one of which is literature. Thus, it can be said that literary studies is relevant and timely.
This final thesis is devoted to the study of the philosophical foundations of K. Vonnegut's work. When choosing the works of this writer, first of all, it is related to the fact that his works are not adequately covered in world literary criticism - only a few works analyzing one or another aspect of his work can be noted.
The relevance of the chosen topic can be justified by the lack of attention paid to the study of the literature of the country of the language studied in the curriculum 5120100 - Philology and language teaching. In this regard, there are many works of different authors for the independent development of students. Thus, this work focuses on literary problems, the need to study literature in English from the point of view of literary criticism.
The novelty of the research is that existential motives in K. Vonnegut's work have not been studied before.
The main goal of the research is a comprehensive analysis of existential motives in K. Vonnegut's novels.
Based on the goal, the following tasks were defined:
- analysis of the philosophy of existentialism and its connection with the literary process;
- identifying the main features of existentialism in the literature of the 20th century;
- to determine the ideological and artistic uniqueness of K. Vonnegut's novels;
- Analysis of existential motives in the works of K. Vonnegut.
The following methods were used during the research: descriptive, biographical, psychoanalytical and formal.
The theoretical significance of the work lies in the development of the concept of analysis of existential motives in K. Vonnegut's work. This work can make a certain theoretical contribution to modern literary criticism.
The practical significance of the work is the ability to use these research materials in conducting classes on the subject "Literature of the country of study (English)", as well as in writing coursework and graduation qualifications.

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