The annual precipitation in the country is estimated at about 4000 cubic km (6). This amount includes snow precipitation as well. As per the assessment of Central Water Commission (CWC), the average annual runoff of various river basins in the country is about 2333 cubic km treating both surface and ground waters as one system. More than eighty (for Himalayan rivers) to ninety (for peninsular rivers) per cent of the annual runoff occurs during monsoon months. Because of this fact and other constraints, it is assessed that the total average annual potential of water available in India is about 1880 cubic km (see Table 1.4) out of which only about 1140 cubic km of water can be put to beneficial use by conventional methods of development of water resources.
The basinwise average annual potential, estimated utilisable surface water, and actual utilised surface water (1989) are shown in Table 1.4. Utilisable ground water is estimated at about 450 cubic km out of which about 385 cubic km is utilisable for irrigation alone (see Table 1.5). The primary uses of water include irrigation, hydro-electric power generation, inland water transport, and domestic and industrial uses including inland fish production. Table 1.6 indicates the amount of utilization of water in 1985 and the projected demands of water for various purposes in the year 2025.
Central Electricity Authority has estimated the hydro-electric potential of the entire country as 84 million KW at 60 per cent load factor from 845 economically feasible schemes in various river basins of the country. The developed hydro-electric potential in the country stands at about 12 million KW at 60 per cent load factor which is about 14.5 per cent of the assessed potential (6). About seven per cent of the assessed potential is under developmental stage; see Table 1.7.
Table 1.5 Ground water potential (annual) in India (6)