6.5.2. Maintenance Aspects For proper upkeep of any irrigation system maintenance and repair (M & R) works form an essential part of the project management soon after commissioning of the project. Such M & R works could be periodical, special, emergency, and remodelling to either improve or modify functioning of the project.
Proper maintenance of an irrigation system is necessary because of the following (29) :
(i) The convergence and delivery system of the irrigation project should be in a good condition for effective water management and to retain system’s operation efficiency.
(ii) Practical, predictable and equitable deliveries to the outlets will increase crop pro-ductivity from the existing irrigation systems and such deliveries can be assured by timely rectification of maintenance deficiencies.
(iii) Conservation of precious water resource for irrigation is essential. Economically vi-able project sites are shrinking and exploitation of sites in different terrain for fu-ture development with available technology is capital intensive and requires huge public funds.
The national water policy also stipulates that structures and systems created through massive investments should be properly maintained in good health. Appropriate annual provisions should be made for this purpose in the budget.