Objective: To raise and lower a weight using a rope and pulley as often as possible in a given time.
Task: A weight is attached to a rope running through a pulley or tackle. Each person in the group must hold the rope behind a set point and then raise and lower the weight as many times as possible in two minutes.
Rules:The weight may not be dropped from the top of the pulley, a safety area is drawn on the ground six feet around the weight and no one is allowed to enter it.
Questions: 1. What was the purpose of this activity?
2. Were you doing more or less work than you thought you should?
3. Did the group arrange itself in any particular order?
4. How were they arranged?
5. What was physically hard about this activity?
6. What was mentally hard about this activity?
7. How well did your group do?
8. What could you do to improve?