THE WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS Equipment:cage ball, two tires or hula hoops
Objective: Move the cage ball from one tire to the other without touching it with hands or arms and the ball not touching the floor
Task: Choose an open working space. Group members start by sitting around the cage ball in a crab walk position. The may sit on the floor. During the challenge, they may move to other positions. The cage ball cannot touch the floor. The cage ball cannot touch the hands or arms of any group member. If a rule is broken, the ball must be returned to tire 1 and the group must begin the task again. No last names or put downs.
THE WALL Equipment: Large folding 12" landing mat standing on end and mats to lay under the12" landing mat.
Concept: Cooperation
Objective: The entire group has to cross over the wall
Task: The12" landing mat may not fall over. Students may not grasp crash pad handles or ropes holding the crash mat together. Students may not step over the line dividing the mats