Farklı spor disiplinlerinde karşılaşılan gerek teknik gerekse de taktik uygulamaların rekabet ortamında daha etkin sonuçlar alınmasına yönelik olarak, farklı bakış açısıyla nasıl daha yaratıcı çözümler üretileceği ve yaratıcılığın her birey için nasıl geliştirilebileceğine ilişkin yöntemleri kapsar.
Kadın Ve Spor
Bayanlara özgü anatomik, fizyolojik ve psikolojik yapılardan hareketle sporda performansın sınırlarının neler olduğu ve geliştirilmesindeki farklılıklar ele alınmaktadır.
Çocuk Ve Spor
Doğumdan itibaren yetişkinlik dönemine kadar çocukların gelişim evrelerini ve bu gelişim evreleri boyunca sportif yeterliliklerin nasıl değişim gösterdiği ve hassas dönemlerde spor uygulamalarının bilimsel temelleri incelenmektedir.
Yaşlılık Ve Fiziksel Aktivite
İnsanoğlunun ileri yaş dönemlerinde yapacağı fiziksel aktivitelerin neler olacağı , sağlık sorunlarını ilgilendiren boyutuyla fiziksel aktivitelerin yoğunluk, kapsam ve çeşitliliklerini kapsamaktadır.
Çağdaş Fitness Kuramları
Günümüzde hızlı bir gelişim trendi gösteren fitness kavramlarının öncelikli olarak fizyoloji ve antrenman bilgisine dayalı bilimsel temelleri ve çeşitli fitness uygulamaları ele alınmaktadır.
Spor Yönetiminde Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar
Spor Yönetim Bilimlerinin çağdaş genel yönetim bilimleri kuramlarından etkilenerek geliştirdiği alana yönelik kuramları ve örnekleri kapsamaktadır.
Öğretimde Planlama Ve Değerlendirme
Spor Biliminin her farklı öğretim alanına uygun olarak gelişim planlamalarının hazırlanmasındaki temel bilimsel kuramların ve bu planlamaların her evre farklılaşmasına uygun olarak değerlendirilme ölçütlerini kapsar.
Sporda Rehberlik Ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık
Spor alanında görev yapan çok farklı gruplar ve insanlar arasında geliştirilecek ilişkilerin sağlıklı temellere oturtulmasına yönelik bilimsel gerçeklerden yola çıkan rehberlik etkinliklerinin ve psikolojik danışmanlık örneklerini kapsamaktadır.
Doktora Semineri
Beden Eğitimi ve Spor alanındaki alt disiplinlerin temel kaynaklarına ve uygulama yöntemlerine ilişkin çalışmalar yapmak.
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi
Öğretim üyesinin çalıştığı bilimsel alandaki spesifik bilgi ve deneyimlerinin aktarılması, öğrencilere bilimsel etik ve çalışma disiplininin, güncel literatürü izleyebilme ve değerlendirebilme yeteneğinin kazandırılmasına yönelik bilimsel temellerin oluşturulması amacıyla uygulanan teorik bir derstir.
Advanced Computer Networks
Local Area Network. High-speed and bridged local area networks. Wide area networks. Internetworking. Open systems. Network simulations and performance measurement.
Advanced Data Communication
Data communication networks and open system standards are examined. The electrical interface is simulated. Mathematical background of data transmission is applied. Protocol basics and data link control protocols are examined.
Advanced Automata Theory
Classification of automata and formal languages. Finite machines and regular events, context-free languages and machines with push-down memory, effectiveness, halting problem, insolvability, undecidability, and Turing machines. Simulations and mathematical analysis of above topic.
Advance Neural Networks
This course examines, in qualitative terms, what neural networks are, their properties and compositions. The multilayer perceptrons trained with the back-propagation algorithm and another class of layered neural networks, namely radial-basis function networks is examined and optimised. Advanced mathematical modelling of self-organizing maps and also the recurrent network architecture will be given.
Cryptographic Applications and Solutions
Cryptanalysis Methods and Encryption/Decryption Techniques, starting from first known technique to nowadays will be examined. Course can be separated to three main titles which can also be listed chronologically as,(i) Classical Techniques(ii) Data Encryption Standards(iii) Advanced Encryption Standards. Simulations related with all topics will be designed and programmed.
Advanced Distributed Systems
Concept of concurrency is examined. Layered protocols are examined in detail. Synchronisation in distributed systems (clock synchronisation, mutual exclusion, election algorithms) is simulated. The client-server model and implementation. Processor models are examined.
Speech Processing
Man-machine communication. Speech models and representations. Speech synthesis. Speech coding. Speech Recognition. Dynamic Time Warping and Hidden Markow Models. Neural networks for speech processing. Speech enhancement.
Advanced Topics in Ai
This course will continue the mathematical development of algorithms in AI and machine learning from Programming Languages. Prerequisites are multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, and programming experience. The lectures will not follow any particular textbook, but there will be many handouts and suggested readings. Grading will be based on class participation and two substantial course projects.
Advanced Topics in Software Systems
This course is to study research trends in embedded systems with emphasis on sensor networks. An embedded systems is a system that interacts with its environment and the correctness is subjected to physical constraints imposed by the environment. Sensor networks are becoming the essential aspect of embedded system. The course will centre around the following themes: localization and coordination, modeling and analysis, networking, programming paradigms and supports, resource management, security, validation and certification. The class will identify a few sensor network applications and then explore design and implementation issues in-depth as group projects. The part of class time will be devoted in discussing and exploring the design alternatives and refining implementation plans of the group projects. Students are expected to participate in the following ways: In-class presentation of selected papers and/or source code, and doing a group project that involves the detailed design and prototype implementation of sensor network applications.
Distributed Computing
In the past few years, peer-to-peer (P2P) computing has not only dominated the headlines, but it has inspired a new wave of distributed systems research. Pioneering systems such as Napster, Gnutella, and SETI@home harness the vast storage, network, and computing resources at the edge of the network, and they provide large-scale, robust, and self-organizing services using unreliable nodes. Peer-to-peer research efforts such as CAN, Chord, Pastry, and others have taken these basic ideas and addressed some of the challenges in a more principled way. Many open problems remain in this area of distributed systems research, particularly those that result from extreme scale, heterogeneity of capabilities and participation, unreliability, and decentralized administrative structure. Key questions include what applications and services are appropriate for peer-to-peer architectures, as well as how to provide them.
Advanced Programming
The goals of this course are to gain a better understanding of the issues of querying, integrating, and otherwise sharing data across the Internet and the World-Wide Web. Data integration is perhaps the best-studied instance of this problem, and we focus on it for much of the semester. We begin with a study of relational query processing as a foundation, and then move on to answering queries using views and adaptive query processing. We also examine architectures for larger-scale or richer data exchange: wide-area data sharing (as proposed by projects such as Mariposa in the 1990s and Piazza today) and sharing with very expressive data definition formalisms (the Semantic Web). Finally, we hope to investigate several efforts to support data exchange scenarios that are not merely query-driven: publish-subscribe, groupware applications, collaborative web sites (such as Sourceforge.net), and versioning based systems.
Advanced Topics in It
Advanced Topics in IT features the most current research findings in all aspects of information resources management and technology. From successfully implementing technology change to understanding the human factors in IT utilization, this important current topics addresses many of the managerial and organizational applications to and implications of information technology in organizations.
The seminar paper will be prepared and presented by the student.
Advanced Topics in Database Systems
Recent advances in one or two topics in database systems are examined in detail. These topics include concurrency control, query optimization, recovery access structure optimization and data modeling languages.
Construction Management
Improve the acknowledge to the students about construction management. It helps students for real construction projects that could be faced on a construction industry. It covers contract administration, contractual organizations, specifications, bill of quantities, construction planning techniques, resource management, least cost calculations and cash flow calculations.
Project Planning & Scheduling
This course focuses on developing the principles, processes and practices necessary to efficiently transition projects from initiation through to execution. The knowledge principally relates to the internationally recognised Project Management and its application to planning projects in organisations. Through applied practice you will perform the work necessary to define and mature the project scope, develop the Project Management Plan, and identify and schedule the project activities.
Intermediate Computer Application in Building Projects
This course was designed for construction and civil engineering students for the purpose to study of the broad application of computer in Civil engineering . After the introduction of the Excel, the course focuses mainly on Matlab, a widespread & interpreted programming language. Computer application to quantitative problems arising in practical engineering situations is addressed. Contents include data storage, calculation, equation solving, statistics and various graphics
Seminar in Thesis Research
This seminar course is for students who plan to write a senior thesis in MSc program.Seminar participants will develop their research topics, review relevant research and scholarship, frame their research questions and arguments, choose an appropriate methodology for analysis, draft the introductory and methodology sections of their theses, and write a complete prospectus of the project.
Research Methods
Meaning and importance of research in practice and education, needs and areas of research, concept of methodology, formulation of a research problem, publication
Intermediate Pavement Management System
Principles of pavement management including inventory, condition assessment, needs determination and budget analysis. Emphasis will be on field-condition assessment techniques. Use of database design will be presented to illustrate data handling techniques. Pavement maintenance management concepts and components, Evaluation methods of highway elements (Pavements, Shoulders, Bridges, and Drainage structures); Flexible and rigid pavement distresses, Pavement condition survey and rating procedures; Highway maintenance and repair procedures; Assessment of maintenance needs; Evaluation and selection of proper maintenance alternatives, Computer applications
Intermediate Energy Management
A brief background to energy and environmental problems. Energy audit. Economic analysis and life cycle costing. Energy efficieny in buildings. Utility demand-side management. Energy efficiency and renewable energy applications in Developed and developing countries.
Intermediate Sustainable Development
This module equips students with the skills to incorporate the concepts of sustainable development in all the stages of an engineering project’s development. They gain a good working knowledge of the background to the concept of sustainable development and learn to contribute with confidence to a debate on the issues raised by an engineering project or management plan. It gives them the practical tools necessary to apply the principles of engineering for sustainable development in real world contexts.
Intermediate Sustainable Concrete Construction
This module divides into two components. The first provides an overview of the principles and techniques for building and site development. The second component provides an understanding of energy conservation in sustainable construction and building design.
Thesis Preparation
The students will be trained to: -Collect, read and understand scientific international literature of a specific topic. -Formulate a research question extracted from data in the literature. -Formulate a research proposal including problem definition, aim of the project, methodology and time frame for the Thesis Research Project. -Write a report containing a literature overview, the research proposal including problem definition, aim of the project, methodology and time frame for the Thesis Research Project
Thesis in Construction Management
Student must wirte the research thesis and submit it end of the semester
Advanced Research Method
The course aims to further develop your understanding of researchmethods in a construction management context, introducing more complex forms of study design and higher-level methods of appraisal and review of literature. Several research methods will be examined in-depth with consideration of both quantitative and qualitative methods. You will be guided and supported to develop the skills required by professional researchers to disseminate research plans and findings in a range of contexts.
Advanced Construction Management
This course will introduce to a procurement methodology- Public Private Partnerships (PPP). You will develop your understanding of how PPP methodology applies to the Construction Industry, and build your knowledge of management principles and practice, and how these are used strategically within an organisation. You will develop the practical skills you will need when undertaking construction project planning across different organisational levels.The integration of work based learning and academic learning, commonly referred to as Work Integrated learning (WIL), will allow you to solve authentic industry problems or address real issues faced in construction organizations.
Advanced Energy Efficiency in Buildings
It aims to reinforce the advanced concepts related to energy efficiency and renewable energy and their viable applications in buildings. The technical and economic feasibility of “Green Technologies” in buildings, with a particular slant towards hot and humid climates provides a platform for a holistic understanding and applying of the technological issues of Green Buildings.