Current and globally significant problems of global politics, law and economy is considered. The course allows the student to choose at least two issues which have global and continental impacts or have a long standing effect in terms of regional and global conflicts with having several parties and have become a subject of the international conflict settlement process. Strictly local and isolated issues are not the subjects of the course. ( If this course has been studied before by student, student could take an elective one)
Current Issues in International Law
Internationally conceived human rights issues and humanitarian international interventions, which has present novelties in international law, are considered. The course also deals with erosion of the nation-state sovereignty and authority and the re-emergence of natural law school as exemplified in the concept of "human rights", the rise of the international courts and tribunals, global consciousness of human rights violations. ( If this course has been studied before by student, student could take an elective one)
Contemporary Political Theory & Global Affairs
Theoretical approaches of the Post-cold war period, post modern period and global era is dealt with. The course deals with the new political and political economy theories on state, globalisation, regionalisation and localization processes, constructivism, feminism, ecologism, neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism, post-marxism, post-communist transition studies. It also is concerned with the cultural and religious conflicts, identity politics, and so-called "clash of civilizations".( If this course has been studied before by student, student could take an elective one)
Theory and Practie of Real-Politics
Real politics as the earliest and still-dominant behaviour and theory in international relations and system are dealt with. Early realists, classical realists, neo-realists, structural realist theories, concepts of power politics, power balance and power struggle as regards the nation-states are considered. Criticisms of the realist approaches by liberal, conservative and Marxist approaches are also the subjects of the course.
Conflict Areas in the World and Dispute
Settlement Processes:Conflict areas in the global relations such as Kashmir, Palestine, Cyprus, Middle East, Afghanistan, among others, and dispute settlement processes are dealt with. The course presents many methods of conflict management and dispute settlement and differentiates the terms "management", settlement", "resolution" as for different methods used by different theories in the area.
Politics of the Middle East
The course is concerned with the Middle East as a region in which similar cultures, traditions and problems are witnessed. The course deals with each country in the region with their state traditions, religions, and revolutionary and reformist movements and sees it as a part of the world politics, economy and diplomacy. Specific emphasis is put on the oil producing Arab countries, Iran and Turkey as well as the American military interventions to the region.
Politics of Europe and European Union
Being an global actor in politics Europe as a whole and political life in European countries and its unionisation in the form of European Union is considered. The course analyses in details power balance and searches within the European Union, its possible extension or constriction, problems of EU and its changing nature in the world political and economical system.
American Foreign Policy
American foreign policy course is the historical analysis of the USA's foreign relations, foreign policy doctrines and interventions to and impacts on the world since the American Independence War. The course starts with the Monroe doctrine, American exceptionalism, American isolationism, international liberal interventionism, Cold War era US and the post-cold war American supremacy.
Ppolitical Economy of the Pacific Region
Pacific as the newly rising centre of world politics and economy and Pacific Rim countries such as the US, Japan, China, India, Latin America, Indonesia, Australia and their interrelationships are considered. The course also analyses the impacts of the region over Asia, Australia, Latin America, Us and Latin America as well as the all world economy and politics.
Global Politics of Asia
Asia and its power centres such as Russia, China and India, Turkey, Iran, located between Europe and Pacific Ocean, which is the newly rising continent in politics and economy of the world, is considered. The course teaches that central Asia, Russia and China and the countries within or close to the region are becoming the key players of the global politics and that new power centre of the global political economy is shifting to Asia.
Political Life in the Turkic Republics
Political life of the Turkish speaking and ethnically Turkish origin countries from Turkey to Eastern Turkistan in China are analysed. The course also examines the power searches in the central Asia of the countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Japan, EU and Turkey as well as the connection of those republics to the Middle East to the east and west of the world as regards energy resources.
Global Politics of the Balkans
Balkans or the South Eastern Europe, which has been about to integrate to Europe and Atlantic Block and has specific national problems and historical connections with Turkey and Russia is considered. The course teaches that the Balkans live the problems which are inherited from the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires and have been under the impact of old and new German expansionism. The course also deals with the post-Yugoslavian order at the heart of the region.
Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy
Main lines, preferences and problems of Turkey's foreign policy such as Aegean Sea and Cyprus Disputes, Armenian-Turkey Dispute, Turkey-American and Turkey-Europe relations, Turkey's energy policy, among others, are dealt with. The course also examines power searches of Turkey under globalization towards the old Ottoman territories such as the Middle East, Balkans, Caucasia and also Central Asia, which is culturally and historically related to Turkish identity.
Human Rights Politics and Law
Human rights issues, which becomes more international demand and problem today and which is not only an legal but also political issue and discourse, is analysed from its early formulations to present conditions. The course deals with that as a natural law principle, human rights are currently replacing the modern positive law regulations which have been enacted and implemented by the nation-state parliaments.
Political Geography and Geo-Politics
The course connects the geography and politics at the inter-state and inter-continental levels to analyse the power politics among countries and present main problems and theoretical approaches in the area. The course offers the theories of geo-politics from its beginning, its connection to the rising national or imperial powers, military conflicts and specifically the ever-existing significance of certain regions and continents for power search and consolidation in history as examined by the classical theories of geopolitics.
Military History and Security
Military relations as one of the main determinants of inter-state relations and security strategies of the nation states and their collective security organisations are analysed. The course also introduces the history of wars, and the results of main historical wars, war technologies, militia, armies and the rise of modern armies as well as professionalization of warriorship, objective and subjective recognition of internal and external threads, the relationship between security and nationalism, globalisation of wars and anti-militarism.
Political Economy of Energy
Energy problem of the industrialised and industrialising countries and global energy problems, which have the deep impact on politics and economy, are considered. The course analyses the question in relation to energy need, demand and security in the world in general and in some countries which develop rapidly and hence needs energy security in particular as well as energy exporting countries which have extreme economic, political and diplomatic advantages in the world political economy. The course also examines alternative energy sources to be developed and their possible impacts on the world politics and economy.
Sino-American Relations
Relationships between China as the newly rising power and the still dominant power of the world, the US, which begin to shape of the global relations, are considered. The course starts with the rise of Sino-American relations which emerged after the early 1960s during the international détente period and developed into close economic relations after 1990s.
Sino-Russian Relation
Economic, political, diplomatic and geopolitical rivalry and cooperation of the ex-Soviet and present Russia and the USA, which have had always deep impacts on other nations and the globe as whole are analysed. The course also deals with the internal problems of each country, defence strategies, economic policies and influence zones in the Central Asia and power searches in the Middle East and Pacific Region as well as in the Indian Ocean. The course specifically deals with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its possible evolution into an economic and political union such as EU.
Global Information and Communication Technology
Globalisation, which is possible with ever-developing information and communication technologies, is analysed in a political perspective. The course deals with the impact of rapidly developing information and communication technologies as symbolised by internet technology on the relations among people, states, firms, cultures and politics in general.
Politics, Global Business and Finance
Global business relations, firms, investments and strategies,which are closeley related with global politics and economy are analysed. The course analyses the impacts of globalization, foreign direct investments, multi-national companies, export-import relations over the nation-states, politicians and bureaucracies, legislation, environment, consumption habits, public finance and taxation.
Internat?onal Communication and Media
Globally produced, circulated and consumed information, which has deep impact on international politics is dealt with. The course concerns international media as a producer of global public space, global community and global politics and then analsyses the political impacts of global media. It also deals with the political communication of the global firms, states as well as the global understanding of the global conflicts, wars, environmental problems, hunger, massacres and genocides.
Student prepares several research projects and develops his/her thesis and presents thesis proposal. The course helps the student design and conduct high quality scientific research with clear methodological and theoretical approaches.
Phd Thesis
Start of writing of thesis. Student prepares several research projects and develops his/her thesis and presents thesis proposal. The course helps the student design and conduct high quality scientific research with clear methodological and theoretical approaches.
Adverting and Marketing Management
The dimensions of advertisement, social, legal and moral aspects, advertisement and communication theories, advertisement strategies, targets of communication, peculiarities of message, media of advs, tones and formats of advs, marketing concept, marketing principles as main trade function and its peculiarities, marketing systems and marketing research, analysis, strategies and marketing programs will be hendled during the course
Graduation Project
Advertising, Criticism and Analysis
General framework of advertisement, concept of critics, theory- critics relationship, critics about advertisement that are shown at mass media, their positions and quality wil be taught; in addition to this, scientific critics will be explined, and it is aimed to prepare discussion atmosphere about advertisement addressed to writer, text and visual material.
Departmental Elective
Will be selected from the PhD advanced elective course list.
Qualification Exam
The doctoral qualification exam consists of written and verbal exams which aim at specifying the student's ability in the related field and her/his tendency towards research. The written exam is covering material and subjects that student has been working on in different PhD courses and seminar. The questions for written will be taken from the given courses and the student's research area and for the verbal exam student will present the final theses Proposal. The student who is unsuccessful in the doctoral qualification exam has one more right to enter the exam. If the student is once more unsuccessful in the exam, s/he is dismissed from the doctoral program .
Research Methods
During the course it is aimed to teach students research methods and regulations, rules about the formal content in the field of communication. Through this, library, internet, observation techniques, sampling, preparing questionnaire, interview, content analysis, make statistics and to collect data via related field methods, writing report and presentation skills will be examined. After getting enough knowledge practicing will be expected from the students.
Osmanlı Türkçesi Metin İncelemeleri
Osmanlı Türkçesiyle yazılan manzum-mensur el yazması metinlerin yazı teknikleri, imlâ özellikleri; imlâ-ses ilişkileriyle ilgili sorunlar; örnek metinler üzerinde dil, şekil, tür, muhteva incelemeleri.
Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi İncelemeleri
Edebiyat tarihi ve edebiyat tarihçiliği; Türk edebiyat tarihinin dayandığı kaynaklar ve bunlardan yararlanma yöntemleri; karşılaştırmalar. Türk Edebiyatının temel özellik ve tasnifleriyle ilgili görüşler ve tartışılan sorunlar.
Eski Türkçe Metinler
Köktürk, Uygur ve Karahanlı Türkçesinin oluşumu ve gelişimi; yazıtları ve eserleri; bulunma ve okunma çalışmaları; bunlar hakkındaki temel çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi; transkripsiyon ve transliterasyon yöntemleri ve sorunları; dil ve imlâ özelliklerinin sorunları. Örnek metinler üzeride dil incelemeleri.
Genel Türkçe Karşılaştırmalı Ses Bilgisi
Türkçenin temel ses bilgisi özellikleri; tarihî ve yaşayan Türk lehçelerinin bu bağlamda birbiriyle, diğer Altay dilleriyle karşılaştırılması; farklılık ve denklikleri. Tarihî ve yaşayan Türk lehçelerinin ses özelliklerinin açıklanmasıyla ilgili sorunlar.
Orta Türkçe Metinler
Harezm, Çağatay, Kıpçak ve Eski Anadolu Türkçesinin oluşumu ve gelişimi; eserleri; bunlar hakkındaki temel çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi; dil ve imlâ özelliklerinin sorunları. Örnek metinler üzerinde dil incelemeleri.
Genel Türkçe Karşılaştırmalı Yapı Bilgisi
Türkçenin temel yapı bilgisi özellikleri; tarihî ve yaşayan Türk lehçelerinin bu bağlamda birbiriyle, diğer Altay dilleriyle karşılaştırılması; farklılık ve denklikleri. Tarihî ve yaşayan Türk lehçelerinin yapı özelliklerinin açıklanmasıyla ilgili sorunlar ve seçilen metinler üzerinde çözümleme uygulamaları.