International investment law is emerging as a distinct and important field of international law. International investment law addresses the regulation of the behavior of sovereign States towards foreign investors; issues such as the rights and obligations of international investors and also the rights and obligations of the host states. This Course will analyse the aim and evolution of the law of investment. We shall focus on examining the rapidly evolving treaty law establishing international efforts to regulate foreign investment by the United Nations, WTO, OECD and World Bank. We will go on to look at Bilateral Investment Treaties and analyse the case-law on the treatment of foreign investment. We shall also examine the way in which investment disputes are solved - particularly focusing on the World Bank's International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Architectural Design Studio I
This module is designed to encourage material and conceptual explorations toward innovation in a chosen field, for developing new perceptions, sharpening of awareness, and new ways of seeing in architectural design. Developed innovative abilities in methods of design in architecture will be coupled with enhanced verbal and visual communicative skills for practicing effectively in the contemporary architectural design arena.
Architectural Design Studio II
Continuing the research-based approach to design and innovation of MARC501, students are expected to extend their Scientific and artistic flexibility and adaptability in developing and proposing methods of architectural design that are applicable in different contexts, scales and spaces.(Prerequisite MARC501)
Architectural Design Studio III
Continuing the research-based approach to design and innovation of MARC502, students are expected to extend their Scientific and artistic flexibility and adaptability in developing and proposing advanced methods of architectural design that are applicable in different contexts, scales and spaces. Their studio research in this course need to be related to or form part of their thesis project.(Prerequisite MARC502)
Seminar in Thesis Research
This course prepares students to clearly articulate in an academic writing format the kinds of commitments and procedures including a projected time-line he/she has developed for an expected healthy outcome in their practice-based research and design. This course aims to assist students in the process of realising their aim in both conceptual and technical terms. This course aims to prepare students for thesis writing and it is finalised by submission of a written proposal and an oral presentation to committee of 3 (including the Supervisor) and the student must receive a Pass in order to proceed to the final stages of the thesis.
Aesthetics and Architecture
This course offers students ways and means by which to further develop their understanding of the principles and theories of aesthetics in architectural design, interior design and urbanism. In this course the students will explore theories of aesthetics with a focus on environment whereby environmental aesthetic considerations will be examined. Reflecting on the effects and influences of globalization on architectural practices, as well as engaging in group discussions will enrich our understanding of the intersections between local and global concerns.
Research in Modern Architecture
This course endeavors to engage the Master's students of architecture in the processes of gathering and analyzing historical and theoretical discourses in the field of architecture of Modernism. The candidates will work toward further sharpening their own research skills, data collection, its interpretation and evaluation within their own social, cultural, political and professional context. The students will be equipped with skills in the critical analyses of the material collected in relation to architecture of modernism, subsequently contributing to the further development and understanding of the field of Modernist Architecture.
Mapping Cities Applications
New mapping cities are not only a different way of representing the cities but feeling them. New possibilities are arising with the era of Information Communication Technology (ICT). The course involves a personal and group research about the new territorial and urban expressions. The work-space will be sample cities with specific attention to their public and social uses. Students are encouraged to apply respective technology as an eventual tool to be developed in their respective Master thesis.
Place and Resilience
The main purpose of this course is to identify how far existing planning systems and practices are able to support the sustained development of urban areas and prepare them to withstand both foreseen and unforeseen changes. The course will introduce an alternative perspective to planning introducing the "resilience thinking" for the creation of "resilient cities".
Thesis in Architecture
In this course the students are encouraged and assisted in the further researching, developing design and writing of their Master of Architecture degree thesis, the thesis being the culmination of all their processes of research, design and critical evaluation of their topic and question. Through ongoing consultation and group discussion, the students will be expected to demonstrate that they are intellectually and technically well-equipped to perform the final writing of the thesis and the design topic. The theses will clearly reflect the students' depth of knowledge of their discipline and topic, their research findings, and a sound command of English academic writing.
Marketıng Mangement
Marketing Management The scope of marketing management. Organizing the marketing function. Establishing marketing objectives. Buyer behaviour and market segmentation. Environmental analysis and marketing strategies. Marketing research and marketing information systems. Advertising and sales promotion
Advanced Marketing Theory
The course aims at helping Ph.D. candidates develop an appreciation for the intellectual growth of marketing as a discipline. Students will have an opportunity to view the historical growth of the field from an economic to a behaviorally based discipline. By studying multiple articles on each topic, students will gain an understanding of the way academic knowledge is developed as well as being exposed to contemporary social science methods.
Theory of Consumer Behavior
This course examines important concepts, principles, and theories from the various social sciences in order to describe and explain consumer behavior. Students are encouraged to ask questions and to relate the course material to their own buying experiences and discuss these in class. The purpose of the course is to study the process of consumer choice, its determinants and its implications for marketing programs and public policy. When the students complete this course, they should be acquainted with personal, social and situational factors affecting consumer purchase decisions and understand how these influences can be measured.
Integrated Marketing Communicaiton
The purpose of this course is to aid Marketing Ph.D. candidates to study and understand recent articles published in the area of integrated marketing communications both in regard to their theoretical background as well as to their research methodology. The topics covered start with a general ethical point of view in all consumer communications. Then, the measurement of the effectiveness of integrated marketing communication as a broad topic area is studied. Furthermore sponsorships, use of databases in consumer communications, direct marketing, as well as the more recent phenomena of opt-in communication(permission marketing communications) and the increasing importance of word-of-mouth communication with today's consumers will all be studied as part of integrated marketing communication tools.
Current Issues in Marketing
This course attempts to provide innovative interpretations of traditional commerce theory for the field of Marketing. Current research articles and Cases are used to provide a current interpretation of the traditional marketing concepts.
Seminar in Marketing
Seminar in Marketing The seminar paper will be prepared and presented by the student
Eğitim Yönetimi
Eğitim yönetimi ile ilgili temel kavramlar; örgüt ve yönetim kavramları; Sosyal bir sistem olarak okul, okullarda öğrenme-öğretme süreçleri, yapı, kültür ve iklim, güç ve politika ile dış çevreler, okul etkililiği, hesap verebilirliği, karar verme süreci ve yönetimsel liderlik; uygulamada eğitim yönetimi ve araştırmalar.
Seçmeli I
Yönetim Kuramları: Bu ders, örgüt ve yönetim teorilerini içermektedir. Ders içeriğinde yönetim biliminin tarihsel gelişimi ve ilgili kavramsal çerçeve, yönetim süreçleri ve alt süreçleri (planlama, örgütleme, eşgüdümleme, iletişim ve denetleme), geleneksel (bilimsel işletme, yönetim süreçleri, bürokratik örgütler, yönetimin formülleştirilmesi, dinamik yönetim), davranışsal (insan ilişkileri, işbirliği, rasyonel karar, sosyal sistem, hizmetlerin takası, örgütte uyum) ve çağdaş yönetim kuramları (informasyon kuramı, sibernetik, operasyonel araştırma, genel sistem kuramı, açık sistem teorisi, stratejik yonetim, toplam kalite yönetimi) ve bu kuramlarının karşılaştırılmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi ile eğitim yönetimi alanında uygulamaların değerlendirilmesidir.
İstatistik ile ilgili kavramlar, verilerin düzenlenmesi, betimsel istatistik, olasılık hesapları ve dağılımlar, istatistik paket programlarında uygulamaları. Parametrik ve parametrik olmayan testlerle ilgili istatistik paket programlarında uygulamalar.
Seçmeli II
Yönetsel ve Organizasyonel Davranışlar: Yönetsel ve örgütsel davranışlar alanına özgü temel kavramlar; örgütsel davranış bilimi ve tarihsel gelişim, örgütsel davranışın niteliği, örgütsel davranışın öğeleri ve, örgütsel davranışın oluşumu; yönetsel davranış; işgörenin devimsel, bilişsel ve duyuşsal gücü; görev, işakımı, yetke sıradizini ve işgören; örgütün kültürü ve işgören; örgütte kümeleşme ve işgören, işgörenin rol takımıdır.
Eğitim Denetiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar
Eğitim denetim ile ilgili temel kavramları ve ilişkileri; eğitimde denetimin yeri ve işlevleri; öğretimde bilimsel, sanatsal, kilinik, öğretimsel, gelişimsel ve farklılaştırılmış denetim modelleri; denetimin yönetim, program ve öğretim boyutları; bireysel performans denetimi; sınıf içi gözlem teknikleri; çoklu değerlendirme yaklaşımı ve eğitim denetiminde kullanımı; sınıf değerlendirme teknikleridir.
Yönetim Psikolojisi
Algılama, iletişim, önder ve önderlik, otorite, güç ve etkileme, grup ve grup dinamiği, güdüleme, çatışma, örgütsel değişim, örgüt kültürü ve stres konuları dersin içeriğini oluşturmaktadır.
Yönetimde Program Geliştirme
Program geliştirme ile ilgili kuramsal çerçeve, çağdaş program geliştirme yaklaşımları, program geliştirme sürecinde yer alan başlıca aşamalar, öğeler ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkiler göz önünde bulundurularak örnek program taslağının hazırlaması gibi ders faaliyetleri yer almaktadır.
Okulöncesi Ve İlköğretimde Denetim
Bu derste okul öncesi ve ilköğretim sistemi, okul öncesi ve ilköğretimde denetim sistemi, dentçilerin rol ve sorumlulukları, okul öncesinde ve ilköğretimde denetim süreci, uygulamadaki sorunlar, çeşitli ülkelerdeki okul öncesi ve ilköğretim denetim sistemleri ve uygulamaları ele alınmaktadır.
Art & Design Stdio 1
This course is deigned to encourage material and conceptual explorations toward innovation in a chosen field, for developing new perceptions, sharpening of awareness, new ways of seeing. Developed innovative abilities in the field will be coupled with developed verbal and visual communicative skills for practicing effectively in the contemporary art & design arena.
Art & Design Stdio II
The sharpened conceptual and material skills in Studio I will be put in practice toward developing a solo graduation project in this more advanced course. Students will be expected to be able to develop artistic flexibility and adaptability in relation to exhibiting in a gallery, private or public space. In order to develop a healthy and robust artistic sensibility and practice relevant to our time there will be intense conversational critique sessions on one to one and group situations. We believe that ultimately the most valuable critic in the art world is the artist/designer himself/herself. However the collegial environment provided by our team members prepares the right physical and psychological space within which journey to artistic maturity can be taken. Successfully concluding Studio II is a punctuation to be followed by the life-long artistic engagements.
Art Design & Environment
In this course students are introduced to contemporary topical issues, such as the relations between environment, design and society, so that they could fully appreciate the importance of viewing their practice within the broader socio-cultural, political and spatial context. Master candidates will be expected to research in a critically engaging way, of a topic relating to environmental issues of our time, and present their findings and evaluations within their area of art & design practice.
This course prepares student to clearly articulate in an academic writing format the kinds of commitments and procedures with a projected time-line he/she has developed for an expected healthy outcome in studio practice. This course aims to assist students in the process of realising their aim in both conceptual and technical terms.
With this course the aim is to enhance students' understanding of the importance of engaging in the activity of drawing through which ideas can be generated and ideas can be scrutinised in that visual media. One can derive pleasure from simply drawing observationally and imaginatively that can be energising toward artistic maturity. Students will be expected to do numerous observational and imaginative drawings and be open to cross-disciplinary critique sessions where by they can register and evaluate their own progress in developing fertile grounds for though and practice.
Interfacing the Local and the International
This course aims to extend the conceptual, practical and experiential parameters of your chosen practice in relation to interactivities between local and international trends in the fields of art and design.
Research Methods in Art & Design
This course introduces students to theories (and theories where ever necessary), design and processes (methods) of art and design research relating to their course project. This is a substantive part of the MFA program focusing on practice and issues pertaining to application and operation of art and design methods. Enhancing and fine-tuning of knowledge in research skills, and working towards increasing students understanding of the style, form and discipline of art and design enquiry is the main learning objective.
Critical Reading and Writing
The main objective of this post-graduate course is to contribute to the critical enhancement of the chosen creative practice, based on the premise that for a creative practice to be optimally relevant to its time and place, the practitioner needs sound levels of both conceptual and technical skills. The course will be student-driven and it will therefore require rigorous engagement on the part of students. The students will be introduced to some key contemporary ideas, asked to research them in relation to their practice, and to present their findings for group discussion and review. Students will be encouraged to research and develop their own design ideas to be both conceptually and technically relevant in the broader socio-cultural and political context.
Sculpture and Installatİon
This is an advance course that looks at the 3D design and space relationship where the definition of sculpture is constantly evolving. It is expected that students engaged in this course will have sound prior knowledge of the differences and similarities between 2D and 3D art objects and their relationship to each other - however prior knowledge is not a pre-requisite. Students will learn how to engage in thought and material experiments in relation to sculpture & installation and viewers' reception of them.