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Fitzpatrick, R.W. (1999). Rising saline watertables become acid. Farming Ahead, 89: 55–56.

  • Biddle D.L., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1998). An algorithm to quantitatively model mass balances. Computers & Geosciences 24. No. 1 77–82.

  • Chittleborough D.J., M. S. Tejan-Kella and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1998). Genesis of podzols on coastal dunes in southern Queensland. V. Chemistry and mineralogy of the non-opaque heavy mineral fraction. Aust. J. Soil Res. 36, 699–713.

  • Fritsch E., J.W. Cox and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1997). Processos Hidro-Geoquimicos De Transformacao De Solos Tropicais: Um Exemplo Do Sul Da Australia Presented at XIIIth South American Soil Science Congress, Aguas de Lindoias (Brazil) in Ausgust 1996. (Solo-Suelo 1996). Geochimica Brasiliensis. 11 (3) 285–297.

  • Naidu R., N.J. McKenzie, S. McClure and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996) Soil solution composition and aggregate stability changes caused by long-term farming at four contrasting sites in South Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res. 34, 511–527.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., R. Boardman and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). A soil site evaluation index of productivity in intensely managed Pinus radiata (D. don) plantations in South Australia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 39, 531–541.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., E. Fritsch and P.G. Self (1996). Interpretation of soil features produced by ancient and modern processes in degraded landscapes: V. Development of saline sulfidic features in non-tidal seepage areas. Geoderma 69, 1–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0016-7061(95)00046-1

  • Cox, J.W., E. Fritsch and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). Interpretation of soil features produced by ancient and modern processes in degraded landscapes: VII. Water duration. Aust. J. Soil Res. 34, 803–824.

  • Biddle D.L., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1995). Field based comparison of platinum and wax impregnated graphite redox electrodes. Aust. J. Soil Res. 33, 415–424.

  • Biddle D.L., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1995). Field monitoring of solute and colloid mobility in a deeply weathered gneissic terrain: in South Australia. Applied Clay Science 9, 433–442.

  • Rinder G., Fritsch E. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Computing procedures for mapping soil features at sub-catchment scale. Aust. J. Soil Res. 32, 909–913. (colour figs. 886–887).

  • Fritsch E. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Interpretation of soil features produced by ancient and modern processes in degraded landscapes: A new method for constructing conceptual soil-water-landscape models. Aust. J. Soil Res. 32, 889-907. (colour figs. 880–885). http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/SR9940889

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., S.C. Boucher, R. Naidu and E. Fritsch (1994). Environmental consequences of soil sodicity. Aust. J. Soil Res. 32, 1069–1093.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and M.J. Wright (1994). Climate change and its implications for South Australian soils. Transactions of the Royal Society of S. Aust. 118, 27–34. Same paper also published in book entitled: Climate Change and its Implications for South Australia. In M. Davies (ed.). Royal Society of South Australia Inc. Adelaide, South Australia. p. 27–34.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., J.W. Cox, E., Fritsch, and I.D. Hollingsworth (1994). A soil-diagnostic key for managing waterlogging and dryland salinity in catchments in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Soil Use and Management, 10, 145–152.

  • Naidu R., R.W. Fitzpatrick, I.D. Hollingsworth and D.R. Williamson (1993). Effect of landuse on the composition of throughflow water immediately above clayey B horizons in the Warren catchment, South Australia. Aust. J. Experimental Agric. 33, 239–244.

  • Naidu R., R.H. Merry, G.J. Churchman, M.J. Wright, R.S. Murray, R.W. Fitzpatrick and B.A. Zarcinas (1993). Sodicity in South Australia: A review. Aust. J. Soil Res. 31 911–929.

  • Fielke J.M., T.W. Riley, M.G. Slattery and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1993). Comparison of tillage forces and wear rates of pressed and cast cultivator shares. Soil and Tillage Research. 25: 317–328.

  • Hawker L.C., T.H. van Rooyen and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). A slope sequence of Podzols in the southern Cape, South Africa: 1. Physical and micromorphological properties. S.Afr. J. Plant Soil. 9, 94–102.

  • Skjemstad J.O., R.W. Fitzpatrick, C.H. Thompson and B.A. Zarcinas (1992). Genesis of podzols on coastal dunes in southern Queensland: II Geochemistry and forms of elements as deduced from various soil extraction procedures. Aust. J. Soil Res. 30, 615–644.

  • Naidu R., I Hollingsworth I and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Warren Reservoir catchment studies: chemistry of throughflow water immediately above sodic B horizons. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 32 (2) 992-992. https://doi.org/10.1071/EA9920992z

  • Wells M.A., R.J. Gilkes, B. Singh and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Differential X-Ray Diffraction (DXRD) of poorly crystalline materials in synthetic, metal-substituted goethite and hematite. Z. Pflanzenernahr. Bodenk 155, 423–429.

  • Tejan-Kella M.S., R.W. Fitzpatrick and D.J. Chittleborough (1991). Scanning electron microscope study of zircons and rutiles from a podzol chronosequence at Cooloola, Queensland, Australia. Catena. 18, 11–30.

  • Monrozier, LJ, J.N. Ladd, R.W. Fitzpatrick, R.C. Foster and M.R Raupach (1991). Components and microbial biomass content of size fractions in soils of contrasting aggregation. Geoderma. 50, 37–62. Erratum volume: 132 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 247-247 Published: May 2006.

  • Tejan-Kella M.S., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1991). Weathering assessment of heavy minerals in age sequences of Australian sandy soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55, 427–438.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1991). New methods to tackle soil salinity. Australian Grain 1, No 3. 40–42.

  • Grant C.D. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1991). Self-mulching as a criterion for classifying soils at the subgroup or family levels in Soil Taxonomy. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55, 1804–1805.

  • Eggleton R.A. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). New data and a revised structural model for ferrihydrite: Reply. Clays and Clay Minerals 38, 335–336.

  • Manceau, A., J. M., Combes, G Calas, R.A. Eggleton and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). New data and a revised structural model for ferrihydrite: discussion and reply. Clays and Clay Minerals 38, 331–336.

  • Tejan-Kella M.S., D.J. Chittleborough, R.W. Fitzpatrick, C.H. Thompson, J.R. Prescott and J.T. Hutton (1990). Thermoluminescence dating of coastal sand dunes at Cooloola and North Stradbroke Island, Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res. 28, 465–481.

  • Eggleton R.A. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1988). New data and a revised structural model for ferrihydrite. Clays and Clay Minerals 36, 111–124.

  • Taylor R.M., P.G. Self and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1987). The influence of sucrose and glycerol on the formation and transformations of iron oxide - The implication for soil formation. Applied Clay Science. 2, 41–62.

  • Milnes A.R., R.P. Bourman and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1987). Petrology and mineralogy of "laterites" in southern and eastern Australia and Southern Africa (Guest - Ed. Ogura Y.). Proc. Int. Seminar on Laterite, Tokyo, Oct. 1985, Tokyo, Japan. Chem. Geol. 60, 237–250. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0009-2541(87)90129-X

  • MacVicar C.N., J.L. Hutson and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1985). Soil formation in the coast aeolianites and sands of Natal. J. Soil Science 36, 373–387. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2389.1985.tb00344.x

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., R.M. Taylor, U. Schwertmann and C.W. Childs (1985). Occurrence and properties of lepidocrocite in some soils of New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. Aust. J. Soil Res., 23, 543–567.

  • MacVicar C.N., R.W. Fitzpatrick and M.E. Sobczyk (1984). Highly weathered soils in the east coast hinterland of southern Africa with thick, humus-rich Al horizons. J. Soil Science 35, 103–115.

  • Coventry R.J., R.M. Taylor and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1983). Pedological significance of the gravels in some red and grey earths of central North Queensland. Aust. J. Soil Res. 21, 219–240.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and U. Schwertmann (1982). Al-substituted goethite - An indicator of pedogenic and other weathering environments in South Africa. Geoderma, 27, 335–347.

  • Schonau A.P.G. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1981). A tentative evaluation of soil types for commercial afforestation in the Transvaal and Natal. South African Forestry Journal 116, 28–39. DOI:10.1080/00382167.1981.9630001

  • Schwertmann U., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R.M. Taylor and D.G. Lewis (1979). The influence of aluminium on iron oxides. Part II. Preparation and properties of Al-substituted hematites. Clays and Clay Minerals 27, 105–112.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., J. Le Roux and U. Schwertmann (1978). Amorphous and crystalline titanium and iron-titanium oxides in synthetic preparations, at near ambient conditions, and in soil clays. Clays and Clay Mineral. 26, 189–201.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1978). Periglacial soils with fossil permafrost horizons in southern Africa. Proceedings of Southern African Society for Quaternary Research 4th Congress, 1977. Annals of Natal Museum. 23, 475–484.
    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1299.9124

  • Schwertmann U. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1977). Occurrence of lepidocrocite and its association with goethite in Natal soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41, 1013–1018.

  • Schwertmann U., R.W. Fitzpatrick and J. Le Roux (1977). Al substitution and differential disorder in soil hematites. Clays and Clay Mineral. 25, 373–374.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and J. Le Roux (1977). Mineralogy and chemistry of a Transvaal black clay toposequence. J. Soil Sci. 28, 165–179. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2389.1977.tb02304.x

    Encyclopaedia Chapters

    1. Fitzpatrick R.W and others (2018). Classification Systems: Australian. In The Reference Module in Earth Sciences and Environmental Systems. (Editor-In-Chief: Scott Elias). pp. xx–xx. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford (In Press)

    2. Fitzpatrick RW (2013) Soil: Forensic Analysis. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (Eds A. Jamieson and A.A. Moenssens). John Wiley: Chichester. pp. 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470061589.fsa096.pub2

    3. Fitzpatrick RW (2013) Soils. In Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Second Edition, Siegel JA and Saukko PJ (eds.) Academic Press, Waltham, USA pp. 206–212. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-382165-2.00113-6 (ISBN: 978-0-12-382166-9)

    4. Fitzpatrick RW (2009) Soil: Forensic Analysis. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (Editors-In-Chief: A Jamieson and A Moenssens). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom. pp. 2377–2388. DOI: 10.1002/9780470061589.fsa096

    5. Fitzpatrick R.W (2004). Classification Systems: Australian. In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (Editor-In-Chief: Daniel Hillel). pp. 211–216. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford,U.K. © 2005. ISBN (Set): 0-12-348530-4

    Books, Manuals and Guidelines

    1. Fitzpatrick RW, Mosley L.M., and Brett Thomas (2018). Methods for detailed desktop, field and laboratory characterisation of Acid Sulfate Soils in Managed Wetlands. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre Report: ASSC_154. 110 pp

    2. Fitzpatrick RW, Mosley LM., and Cook FJ. (2017). Understanding and managing irrigated acid sulfate and salt-affected soils: A handbook for the Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Area. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre. Report ASSC_086. 127 pp. University of Adelaide Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20851/murray-soils

    3. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2016). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations (Version 10.1). Report CAFSS_076, Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, 46pp. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/robert.fitzpatrick?dsn=directory.file;field=data;id=35757;m=view (accessed February, 2016).

    4. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2015). A Practical Guide for Recognition of Soils with Potential to cause Faults in Optical Fibre Cables (Version 3). Report ASSC_055. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre, 40 pp.

    5. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2014). Guidelines for Assessment and Management of Soils that damage telecommunication optical fibre cable networks (Version 9). Report ASSC_052. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre, 67 pp.

    6. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2013). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations (Version 9.1). Report CAFSS_076, Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, 39pp.

    7. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2013). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations (Version 9). Report CAFSS_076, Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, 39pp. http://www.clw.csiro.au/cafss/publications/CAFSS076-GuidelinesV9.pdf (accessed 24 July. 2013).

    8. Fitzpatrick R.W. (2013). Guidelines for Assessment and Management of Soils that damage telecommunication optical fibre cable networks (Version 3). Report ASSC_019. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre, 22 pp.

    9. Fitzpatrick, RW, Thomas BP, Merry RH and Marvanek S (2012). A field guide to estuarine soil-landscapes in Barker Inlet, South Australia. Acid Sulfate Soils Centre (ASSC), The University of Adelaide. Report ASSC_005. 50 pp.

    10. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2012). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations: Version 4. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science. Report No. CAFSS_076 (Version 4). 14th January 2012. 36pp.

    11. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2012). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations: Version 6. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science. Report No. CAFSS_076 (Version 6). 15th April 2012. 36pp.

    12. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2012). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations (Version 7). Report CAFSS_076, Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science, 37pp. http://www.clw.csiro.au/cafss/publications/CAFSS076-GuidelinesV7.pdf (accessed 17 Aug. 2012).

    13. Fitzpatrick Rob, Powell, Bernie; Marvanek, Steve (2011) Atlas of Australian Acid Sulphate Soils. v2. CSIRO. Data Collection. http://doi.org/10.4225/08/512E79A0BC589

    14. Fitzpatrick R.W., and Raven M.D. (2011). Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations: Version 3. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science. Report No. CAFSS_076 (Version 3). 14th September 2011. 38pp.

    15. Fitzpatrick, RW, Shand, P. and Hicks, W. (2011). Technical Guidelines for Assessment and Management of Inland Freshwater Areas impacted by Acid Sulfate Soils. CSIRO Land and Water Science Report, 05/11. 171 pp. Published Version (pdf) (17.56MB). https://publications.csiro.au/rpr/download?pid=csiro:EP15480&dsid=DS3


    1. MDBA (2010). Detailed Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils in the Murray-Darling Basin: Protocols for sampling, field characterisation, laboratory analysis and data presentation. Murray–Darling Basin Authority Publication 57/10. ISBN 978-1-921557-67-5. 58 pp. Contributing Authors: Gerard Grealish, Glenn Atkinson, Darren Baldwin, Richard Bush, Rob Fitzpatrick, Paul Shand, Leigh Sullivan and Bernie Powell.


    1. Grealish GJ, Fitzpatrick RW, Ringrose-Voase AJ (2008) ‘Soil Fertility Evaluation/Advisory Service in Negara Brunei Darussalam – Field Manual for Soil Type Identification’. CSIRO Land and Water, Australia. (English edition) 38pp.

    Available at: http://www.clw.csiro.au/publications/science/2008/soil-fertility-manual-LR.pdf accessed 23/10/2013.

    1. Grealish GJ, Fitzpatrick RW, Ringrose-Voase AJ (2008) ‘Penilaian Kesuburan Tanah/Khidmat Nasihat di Negara Brunei Darussalam – Manual Lapangan bagi Menentukan Jenis Tanah.’ CSIRO Land and Water, Australia. [Malay edition].

    Available at: http://www.clw.csiro.au/publications/science/2008/soil-fertility-manual-Malay-LR.pdf accessed 23/10/2013.

    1. Silberstein, R.P., R. Fitzpatrick, A. Beech, E. Barrett-Lennard, M. M c Caskill, J. M c Farlane, D. Maschmedt, P. Lambert, T.J. Hatton (2004) Site Characterisation Protocol for Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands National Experimental Sites. 01/2004; Cooperative Research centre for Plant Based Management of Dryland Salinity


    1. Cox J.W., R.W., Fitzpatrick, Lee-anne Mintern, J. Bourne and Glenn Whipp (1999). Managing waterlogged and saline catchments in south-west Victoria: A soil-landscape and vegetation key with on-farm management options. Woorndoo Land Protection Group Area Case Study: Catchment Management Series No. 2. 45 pp. CRC for Soil & Land Management, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. 48 pp. ISBN 1 876162 55 4.

    2. Fitzpatrick R.W., J.W. Cox, and J. Bourne (1997). Managing waterlogged and saline catchments in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia: A soil-landscape and vegetation key with on-farm management options. Catchment Management Series. CRC for Soil and Land Management. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 36 pp. ISBN 1 876162 30 9.

    3. Fitzpatrick, R.W., Wright, M.J., Slade, P.G., Hollingsworth, I.D. and P. Peter (1995). Soil Assessment Manual: A Practical Guide for Recognition of Soils and Climatic Features with Potential to cause Faults in Optical Fibre Cables. Confidential Report to Telstra. 52 pp. (Including coloured soil maps, computer diskette with data base and colour plates of soil features).

    Editor or Assistant Editor of Books, Monographs and Conference Proceedings

    1. Luke Mosely, Scoresby Shepherd, Steve Hemming and Rob Fitzpatrick (Editors) (2018). Natural History of The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region. pp. XXX-XXX. Royal Society of South Australia (Inc.) Adelaide, South Australia.

    2. Fitzpatrick Rob and Donnelly Laurance (Editors) (2018). Forensic Soil Science and Geology. Geological Society of London, Special Publication (In Press)

    3. Rabenhorst, Martin, Daniels L., and Fitzpatrick Robert (Guest Editors) (2017) Preface: 8th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference. Geoderma. 308, 187-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.09.022

    4. Fitzpatrick R.W. and P. Shand. (Editors) (2008). Inland Acid Sulfate Soils across Australia. CRC LEME Open File Report No. 249 (Thematic Volume). CRC LEME, Perth, Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME, Perth). 315 pp.
      http://crcleme.org.au/Pubs/OPEN%20FILE%20REPORTS/OFR249/OFR249.pdf [60MB]

    5. Fitzpatrick R.W. and P. Shand. (Editors) (2006). Regolith 2006: Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas. CRC LEME, Perth. 355pp. IBSN 1-921039-47-7 (print) ISBN 1-921039-48-5 (CD-ROM). Proceedings of CRC LEME Regolith Symposium, November 2006, Hahndorf Resort, South Australia. http://crcleme.org.au/Pubs/Monographs/Regolith2006.html

    6. Fitzpatrick R.W. (Editor) (2006). Proceedings of the “First International Workshop on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics”, A Post Symposium Workshop following the 18th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences. Perth, April. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science: http://www.clw.csiro.au/cafss/

    7. Fitzpatrick R.W. and G.S. Heinson (Editors) (2004). Book of Abstracts of Conference Symposium on “Clay Mineralogy & Geophysics for Environmental Management & Mineral Exploration”, Adelaide, 27th September to 1st October, 2004. Australian Clay Minerals Society 19th Biennial Conference: http://www.clays.org.au. 33 pp.

    8. Roach I.C. (Editor), S. Hill, R.W. Fitzpatrick, M. Aspandiar (Assistant Editors) (2003). Advances in Regolith 2003, CRC LEME, ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).

    9. McVicar, T.R., Rui, L., Walker, J., Fitzpatrick, R.W. and Liu Changming (Editors) (2002) Regional Water and Soil Assessment for Managing Sustainable Agriculture in China and Australia. ACIAR Monograph 84. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. 384 pp. http://www.eoc.csiro.au/aciar/book/

    10. Walker G.R. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (Editors) (1995). Project Database and List of Publications Relating to Dryland Salinity in South Australia: 1991–1994. South Australian Dryland Salinity Committee, Australia. 54 pp. (ISBN 0 7308 0656 1).

    11. Jupp D. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (Editors) (1994) CSIRO - Chinese Academy of Sciences Soil and Water Symposium, Adelaide, November 21-25. Proceedings of Symposium, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Australia. 34 pp.

    12. Churchman, G.J., R.W. Fitzpatrick and R.A. Eggleton (Editors) (1995). Clays Controlling the Environment. Proceedings of 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 1993. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 526 pp. (ISBN 0-643-05536-3).

    13. Skinner H.C.W. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (Editors) (1992). Biomineralization Processes of Iron and Manganese -Modern and Ancient Environments. Catena Supplement 21. Catena Verlag, Reiskirchen, Germany. 432 pp. (ISSN 0722-0723. ISBN 3-923381-30-1).

    Book and Monograph Chapters

    1. Fitzpatrick, R.W., Shand, P. and Mosley, L. M. (2018). Soils in the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region. In: Natural History of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region. (Eds. Luke Mosely, Scoresby Shepherd, Steve Hemming and Rob Fitzpatrick). Chapter 2.9 pp. XXX-XXX. Royal Society of South Australia (Inc.) Adelaide, South Australia.

    2. Yuan, C., Marschner, P., Fitzpatrick, R. W., & Mosley, L. M. (2016). Global risks of severe acidification of acid sulfate soils due to increasing drought and the importance of organic matter for mitigation. In Soil Science Society of China (Ed.), Soil Science and Ecological Civilization (Vol. 1, pp. 176-186). Xi'an, China: Northwest A&F University Press.

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