Fitzpatrick RW and Raven MD (2010) Forensic Soil Science Support for Environmental Crime Investigations. 16th International Forensic Science Symposium, INTERPOL General Secretariat – Lyon, France 5-8 October 2010 Thematic session on “environmental crime” Forensic Soil Science Support for Environmental Crime Investigations. Published on DVD (Abstract and PowerPoint also available on:
Fitzpatrick RW and Raven MD (2010) Guidelines for Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations Invited keynote paper for the Nov.2-4, 2010 International for the 3rd International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. (
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2009) The Weight of the World on the Shoulders of Soil Science: Amazing new linkages between soil, water quality and extreme drought conditions and what it might mean for our future food security. Published on; Combined Congress of the Soil Science, Crop Science, Horticulture and Weed science societies of South Africa: Stellenbosch, South Africa, 17-19 January 2009.
Fitzpatrick, RW, Degens BP, Baker, AKM, Raven MD, Shand P, Smith M, Rogers S.L and George, R.J (2008) Geochemical risks of saline acidic discharge from deep drains used to manage dryland salinity in Western Australia: Hydro-pedological, biogeochemical and mineralogical processes. In Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action. Proceedings 2ndInternational Salinity Forum, Adelaide, South Australia. 31 March–3 April, Oral Presentations (CD-ROM) 5pp.
Degens BP, Shand P, Fitzpatrick RW, Douglas G., George R., Rogers S, Lillicrap A, David Gray D, Noble R, and Smith M. (2008) Geochemical risks of saline acidic drainage discharge from deep drains used to manage dryland salinity in Western Australia: Overview. In Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action. Proceedings 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, South Australia. 31 March–3 April, Oral Presentations (CD-ROM) 4pp.
Fitzpatrick RW, Merry RH, Raven MD, McClure S, Hocking R and Shand, P (2008) Geochemistry and mineralogy of sulfidic drains in Tilley Swamp, South Australia. In Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action. Proceedings 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, South Australia. 31 March–3 April, Oral Presentations (CD-ROM) 4pp.
Rogers SL, Degens B.P, Fitzpatrick, RW, Douglas GB, George R.J, Shand P, Lillicrap A, Gray D (2008) Geochemical implications of salinity mitigation drainage engineering options - A global overview. In Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action. Proceedings 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, South Australia. 31 March–3 April, Oral Presentations (CD-ROM) 4pp.
Fawcett J, Norton R, Dahlhaus P, Fitzpatrick RW, Gardner W (2008). Dryland salinity associated with primary groundwater discharge zones in south west Victoria. In Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action. Proceedings 2nd International Salinity Forum, Adelaide, South Australia. 31 March–3 April, Oral Presentations (CD-ROM) 5pp.
Shand P., R.W. Fitzpatrick and R.H. Merry (2008) Development of a methodology and protocol for sampling and rapid risk assessment of acid sulfate soils in subaqueous and sub-aerial environments of the Murray Darling Basin. In: C Lin, S Huang and Y Li. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Guangdong Science & Technology Press, Guangzhou, PR China. pp. 301-302.
Fitzpatrick RW, P Shand, S Marvanek, RH Merry, MD Raven, M Thomas and R Seaman (2008). Predictive conceptual models and maps: Application to transformations in Acid Sulfate Soils of the lower Murray River Basin during drought conditions. In: C Lin, S Huang and Y Li. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Guangdong Science & Technology Press, Guangzhou, PR China. pp. 268.
Moreton R, RW Fitzpatrick, S Marvanek, P Shand B Powell and M Raven (2008) Development of a new predictive framework to identify and map Acid Sulfate Soils in Tasmania. In: C Lin, S Huang and Y Li. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Guangdong Science & Technology Press, Guangzhou, PR China. pp. 290-291.
Simpson Stuart, Fitzpatrick Rob, Shand Paul, Brad Angel, David Spadaro (2008) Acid and Metal Mobilisation Following Rewetting of Acid Sulfate Soils from the River Murray, South Australia: A Rapid Laboratory Method. In: C Lin, S Huang and Y Li. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conference and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium. Guangdong Science & Technology Press, Guangzhou, PR China. pp 302-303.
FitzpatrickR.W. and Shand P. (2006). Introduction – Regolith 2006. In: R.W. Fitzpatrick and P. Shand eds. Regolith 2006 - Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas, CRC LEME, Perth. 355pp. IBSN 1-921039-47-7 (print) ISBN 1-921039-48-5 (CD-ROM). Proceedings of the CRC LEME Regolith Symposium, November 2006, Hahndorf Resort, South Australia. pp. 1.
FitzpatrickR.W. and Merry R.H. (2006). Geochemistry of drains in Tilley Swamp, Upper South-East, South Australia. In: R.W. Fitzpatrick and P. Shand eds. Regolith 2006 - Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas, CRC LEME, Perth. 355pp. IBSN 1-921039-47-7 (print) ISBN 1-921039-48-5 (CD-ROM). Proceedings of the CRC LEME Regolith Symposium, November 2006, Hahndorf Resort, South Australia. pp. 84-89.
Shand P, J. James-Smith, T. Hodgkin, R. Fitzpatrick, S. McClure, M. Raven, A. Love, M. Stadter, Hill T. (2006) AL(OH)3 clogging in salt interception scheme boreholes at Bookpurnong, Murray basin: the role of pyrite and hydroxy-sulfate minerals in ancient coastal acid sulfate sediments. In: R.W. Fitzpatrick and P. Shand eds. Regolith 2006 - Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas, CRC LEME, Perth. IBSN 1-921039-47-7 (print) ISBN 1-921039-48-5 (CD-ROM). pp. 307-312
Thomas M, Fitzpatrick RW, and Heinson G.S. 2005. Intricate salt-affected soil patterns identified and conceptually modelled using soil survey, geophysics and terrain analysis. International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues. Riverside, California, USA. April 25 to 27, Oral Presentations Extended Book of Abstracts. pp. 445-448.
Fitzpatrick RW, (2005). Hydro-pedologically based toposequence models as a powerful tool for managing salt-affected landscapes: case studies from geo-chemically variable saline environments. International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues. Riverside, California, USA. April 25 to 27, Oral Presentations Extended Book of Abstracts. pp. 181-184.
Fitzpatrick Robert and Mark Raven (2005). Soil mineralogy and other properties in forensic investigations. XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (Florence, 23-31 August 2005), Microsymposium (MS06.24.2), Crystallography and Forensic Science. Book of Abstracts Page C14. Acta Cryst. (2005). A61, C14.
Baker A.K.M. and Fitzpatrick R.W. (2005). A systematic web-based approach for the acquisition, collation and communication of soil-regolith data In: Roach I.C. ed. 2005. Regolith 2005 – Ten Years of CRC LEME, pp. 3-7.
Fitzpatrick Robert W., Andrew K. M. Baker, Mark Raven, Steve Rogers, Brad Degens, Richard George and Jason Kirby (2005). Mineralogy, biogeochemistry, hydro-pedology and risks of sediments, salt efflorescences and soils in open drains in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2005. Regolith 2005 – Ten Years of CRC LEME, pp. 97-101.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2004). Overview of Acid Sulfate Soil properties, environmental hazards, risk mapping and policy development in South Australia. In Changes for a better built environment. Conference Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS) SA Chapter State Conference. Whyalla, SA. 26-28 March, 2004. 7pp. CD-ROM (
Fitzpatrick R.W, Thomas B.P., Merry R.H. and Hicks W.S. (2004) Assessment, risk mapping, management and remediation of coastal acid sulfate soils in South Australia 'Third International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailability in the Terrestrial Environment' and 'Contaminated Site Management conference. Keynote address in Special symposium on Acid Sulfate Soils. September 2004. Adelaide, Extended abstract. Book of Abstracts. pp. 87-90.
Raggatt, Timothy James; Lewis, Megan; Fitzpatrick, Robert (2004) Spectral discrimination of soil and regolith attributes within Herrmanns Catchment, Mount Lofty Ranges, SA. Adelaide, October 2004. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2004. Advances in Regolith, pp. 287-291. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Thomas M, Fitzpatrick RW, Heinson GS, (2004). Regional prediction of salt-affected soils in an area of complex soil patterns in South Australia, Adelaide, October 2004. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2004. Advances in Regolith, pp. 355-3611. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Poch R.M., R.W. Fitzpatrick, B P. Thomas, R.H. Merry, P.G. Self and M.D. Raven, B (2004). Contemporary and relict processes in a coastal acid sulfate soil sequence: microscopic features. Supersoil 2004: Papers and Abstracts for the 3rd Australian New Zealand Soils Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 – 9 December 2004.
Thomas B.P., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R.H. Merry, R.M. Poch, W.S. Hicks and M.D. Raven (2004). Contemporary and relict processes in a coastal acid sulfate soil sequence: macroscopic and geomorphic features. Supersoil 2004: Papers and Abstracts for the 3rd Australian New Zealand Soils Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 – 9 December 2004.;
Fitzpatrick RW, Raven MD, Merry RH and Heath MK (2004). How pedology and mineralogy helped solve a double murder. Supersoil 2004: Papers and Abstracts for the 3rd Australian New Zealand Soils Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 – 9 December 2004.
Baker, A. K. M., R. W. Fitzpatrick and Shane Koehne (2004). High Resolution, Low Altitude Aerial Photography for recording temporal changes in dynamic surficial environments. Adelaide, October 2004. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2004. Advances in Regolith, pp. 266-270. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Thomas M, Fitzpatrick RW, Heinson GS, (2004). Regional prediction of salt-affected soils in an area of complex soil patterns in South Australia, Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Montpellier, France 15 - 17 Sep, 2004.
Lamontagne, S., Hicks, W., Fitzpatrick, R.W., and Rogers, S. (2004). Sulfidic materials: An emerging environmental issue for the management of salinity in the River Murray floodplain. 9th Murray-Darling Basin Groundwater Workshop, Bendigo, Victoria
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003). Biogeochemical and physical processes in saline soils and potential reversibility. National Dryland Salinity Program (NDSP). Inspiration, celebration, aspiration - an R&D Workshop recognising the achievements of NDSP Phase 2. 25-26 March, 2003. Samford Plaza Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia, Book of Workshop Papers. p.89-90.
Baker A.K.M. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (2003). Lead isotopes for constructing geochemical dispersion models in sulfidic wetlands. In: Roach I. C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 2-7. CRC-LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003). Overview of Acid Sulfate Soil properties, environmental hazards, risk mapping and policy development in South Australia. In: Roach I. C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 122-125. CRC-LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Hicks W., R.W. Fitzpatrick and G. Bowman. (2003). Managing coastal acid sulfate soils: the East Trinity example. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 174-177. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Hicks W., R.W. Fitzpatrick, S. Lamontagne and S. Rogers. (2003). Risks of water quality degradation during the remediation of floodplain salinity in the River Murray In: Roach I.C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 178-181. CRC LEME, ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Lamontagne S. W. Hicks, R.W. Fitzpatrick and S. Rogers. (2003) Sulfidic materials: an emerging issue for the management of saline areas in the River Murray floodplain. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 244-248. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Thomas B., R.W. Fitzpatrick, RH. Merry and WS. Hicks. (2003). Managing coastal acid sulfate soils: the Barker Inlet example. In: Roach I. C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 406-410. CRC-LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Thomas M., R.W. Fitzpatrick and G.S. Heinson (2003). Mapping complex soil-landscape patterns using radiometric K%: a dry saline land farming area case study near Jamestown, SA, In: Roach I. C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 411-416. CRC-LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM)
Rogers, S., R.W. Fitzpatrick, S. Lamontagne & W. Hicks. (2003) Application of functional molecular biology technologies to the study of biological processes in sulfidic environments. In: Roach I.C. ed. 2003. Advances in Regolith, pp. 360-363. CRC LEME. ISBN 0-7315-4815-9 (CD-ROM).
Clark L, Fitzpatrick R.W., McCarthy M., Murray R., and Chittleborough D. (2002). Vineyard soil degradation following irrigation with saline groundwater for twenty years In Soil Science:Confronting new realities in the 21st century. Transactions of International Union of Soil Science 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. Symposium No. 5; 12pp. CD-ROM.
Clark, L., Fitzpatrick, R.W., McCarthy, M., Chittleborough, D., Murray, R., and Hutson, J. (2002). Seasonal changes in soil chemical properties in an irrigated Barossa Valley vineyard. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Book of Extended Abstracts, pp. 39-40, December, 2002, Perth.
Hicks Warren, Greg Bowman and Rob Fitzpatrick (2002). The geochemistry of Australian tropical acid sulfate soils and their environmental hazard. In Soil Science:Confronting new realities in the 21st century. Transactions of International Union of Soil Science 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. Symposium No. 63; 10 pp. CD-ROM.
Merry R.H., Fitzpatrick R.W., Bonifacio E, Spouncer L.R. and Davies P.J. (2002). Redox changes in a small wetland with potential acid sulfate, saline and sodic soils. In Soil Science:Confronting new realities in the 21st century. Transactions of International Union of Soil Science 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. Symposium No. 63; Summary:
Paper (CD-ROM):;field=data;id=34937;m=view 13pp.
Skwarnecki, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Raven, M., Merry, R., and Bonifacio, E. (2002). Geochemical dispersion in regolith around Pb-Zn-Ag mineralisation near Mt Torrens, South Australia. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, International Union of Soil Science, Book of Abstracts: III p.946, 14-21 August, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.
Cox, J.W. and Fitzpatrick, R.W. (2001). Water quality issues associated with drainage of saline discharge areas.. In: C. Grose, L. Bond and T. Pinkard (eds). Wanted Sustainable Futures for Saline Lands, 7th National Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Land (PURSL) Conference. Launceston, Tasmania 20-23 March 2001. p.1-10.
Dowley A.C., R.W. Fitzpatrick and A. Cass (2000). Redox Potential (Eh) and Root Damage in Periodically Waterlogged Viticultural Soils (2000). In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 3: Poster Papers. (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.55-56.
Ferguson S.A. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (2000) Studies into the effect of intensive cultivation on the properties of the tillage test track soil. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Soil Dynamics (ICSD-IV) CD-ROM. 9 pp.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2000). Thermal analysis for mineral identification and composition. Workshop on Instrumental Techniques for the Analysis of Clay Minerals. Applications to Industry, Landscape Studies, Remediation and Mineral Exploration on advanced clay mineralogical analysis. (Eds. W. Gates and P. G. Self). 17th Biennial conference of the Australian Clay Minerals Society Inc. 9-14th April, 2000 Adelaide. 14 pp.
Fitzpatrick R.W., M. Raven, P.G. Self, S. McClure, R.H. Merry and M. Skwarnecki (2000). Sideronatrite in acid sulfate soils in the Mt. Lofty Ranges: First occurrence, genesis and environmental significance. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 2. (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.109-110.
Fitzpatrick R.W., P.J. Davies , R.H. Merry, J.W. Cox , L.R. Spouncer, and D.A. Bruce (2000) Using soil-landscape models to assess and manage salinity in the Mt. Lofty Ranges. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Vol. 2. (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.107-108.
Fitzpatrick R.W., R.H. Merry, J.W. Cox and P.J. Davies (2000). Assessing the occurrence and management options for saline and sodic soils in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecological systems. Proceedings of Symposium on "Rehabilitation of Grassland and Control of Desertification" (RGCD) 28th June – 4th July, 2000 in Guyuan City, Hebei Province, China. pp. 46–54. ISBN 7-5029-2943-6/S.0368
Hicks W. S., G. M. Bowman and R. W. Fitzpatrick (2000). Tropical acid sulfate soils, Australia’s nastiest. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 3: (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p. 91-92.
Hicks W.S., G M Bowman and R W Fitzpatrick (2000) Acid sulfate soils the world’s nastiest: a case study from tropical Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute11th National Congress, Canberra, March 2000, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Australia.
Hill BD, Burrows DP, Cuff C, Fitzpatrick R, Schaffeler EM, Bricout JK (2000) Absorption, oxidation and denitrification of landfill leachate in a saline samphire ecosystem. Contaminated site remediation: from source zones to ecosystems: Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, 2nd, 4-8 Sept 2000, Melbourne VIC, Proceedings, Johnston CD (ed). CSIRO Land and Water, Centre for Groundwater Studies, Wembley WA, 2000-12, 2, ISBN 0643060871, p.553-556.
Merry R.H., A, L.R. Spouncer, R.W. Fitzpatrick, P.J. Davies and Bruce D. (2000) Prediction of soil profile acidity and alkalinity – from point to region. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 3: Poster Papers. (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.145-146.
Merry R.H., R.W. Fitzpatrick, L.R. Spouncer and P.J. Davies, (2000). Diurnal and seasonal redox changes in an upland discharge area with potential acid sulfate, saline and sodic soils. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 3: (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.147-148.
Cox J.W. P.J. Davies, R.W. Fitzpatrick, L.R. Spouncer and R.H. Merry (2000) The duration of soil saturation and its causes on slopes in a catchment in the Mt Lofty Ranges. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 3: Poster Papers. (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p.39-40.
Cox, J., Davies, P., Fitzpatrick, R. and Spouncer, L. (2000). Comparison of electromagnetic and terrain analysis methods for predicting salinity in a catchment in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Proceedings CD-ROM of 10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Adelaide, Australia. August 2000. Causal Productions, Adelaide. Volume 1 p.116-121.
Bruce, D., Fitzpatrick, R., Davies, P., Spouncer, L., Merry, R. and Phillips, J. (2000). Catchment indicators: The use of remote sensing, vector and raster GIS in sub-catchment assessment. Proceedings CD-ROM of 10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Adelaide, Australia. August 2000. Causal Productions, Adelaide. Volume 1 p.597-608.
Bowman, G.M, Hicks W.S., R.W. Fitzpatrick and P.J. Davies 2000. Remediation options for acid sulfate soil “hotspot” at East Trinity Inlet, Cairns, North Queensland. Proceedings of Workshop on Remediation and Assessment of Broadacre Acid Sulfate Soils. (Ed. P.G. Slavich). Southern Cross University, Lismore, 31 August to 2 September, 1999. Acid Sulfate Soil Management Advisory Committee (ASSMAC), Australia. p.130-145.
Davies P.J., R.W. Fitzpatrick, D.A. Bruce, L.R. Spouncer and R.H. Merry (2000). Use of Spatial Analysis Techniques to Assess Potential Waterlogging in Soil Landscapes. In New Horizons for a New Century. Australian and New Zealand Second Joint Soils Conference Volume 2: (Eds. J.A. Adams and A.K Metherell). 3-8 December 2000, Lincoln University, New Zealand Society of Soil Science. p 49-50.
Bruce D.A., P.J. Davies, and Fitzpatrick R.W. (1999). Validating soil moisture estimates polarmetric radar using GIS models: further results from the 1993 AIRSAR missions to Australia. Proceedings of the Pacific Rim AIRSAR Significant Results and Planning Workshop; 24-26 Hawaii. August, 1999. 14pp.
Salama Ramsis B., Robert W. Fitzpatrick , Daniel Pollock, D.A. Bruce, P.J. Davies and L.R. Spouncer. (1999). Mapping soil landscapes using digital elevation data. Extended Abstracts: 3rd Conference of the Working Group on Pedometrics of the International Union of Soil Science. p.27–39. Sydney.
McVicar, T.R., Zhang, L., Fitzpatrick, R.W. and Walker, J. (1999). Making agriculture sustainable and more efficient: Better water use, less soil loss. CSIRO Land and Water Research Information Sheet No. 12, 4pp.