Curriculum Vitae Elizabeth m jakubowski February 07, 2017 General Information

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Curriculum Vitae
Elizabeth M Jakubowski
February 07, 2017

General Information
University address: School of Teacher Education
College of Education
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4459

E-mail address:

Professional Preparation
1988 EdD, University Of Georgia, Athens, GA. Major: Mathematics Education.
1983 MEd., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Major: Curriculum and Supervision.
1979 BSEd., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Major: Mathematics Education.

Professional Experience
1987–present Associate Professor, School of Teacher Education, Florida State University.
1992–2015 Mathematics Education Program Leader, Florida State University.
2000–2002 Associate Dean for Teacher Accreditation, College of Education, Florida State University.
1997–2000 Associate Dean for Research and Service, College of Education, Florida State University.
1994–1997 Associate Dean for Instruction, College of Education, Florida State University.
1993–1994 Department of Curriculum and Instruction Chair, Florida State University.
1992–1993 Mathematics and Science Education Program Leader, Florida State University.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes
Nominated for graduate Mentor Award, Florida State University (2005).

University Teaching Award In Recognition of Excellence in Teaching, Florida State University (2002).

Teaching Incentive Program Award, Florida State University (1992).

University Teaching Award In Recognition of Excellence in Teaching, Florida State University (1992).

College of Education Teaching Award In Recognition of Excellence in Teaching, Florida State University (1990).

Outstanding Paper in the Category of Innovation in Teaching Science Teachers, Association for the Education of Teachers of Science (1990).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education

American Educational Research Association

Association of Teacher Educators

Council for Execptional Children

Florida Association of Colleges of Teacher Education

Florida Association of Teacher Education

International Society for Technology in Education

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Education Association

School Science and Mathematics Association

Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education

Courses Taught
Directed Individual Study (MAE5908)

Field Laboratory Internship (MAE5942)

Mathematics for Students with Disabilities (EEX5246)

Theoretical Persp. in Beliefs (TSL5908)

Using Assessments in the PK-12 Classroom to Differentiate Instruction (EDG5345)

Doctoral Seminar in Mathematics Education (MAE6938)

Mathematics Learning and Teaching (MAE5691)

Teaching Mathematics to Learners with Disabilities (EEX4251)

Student Teaching in Secondary School English (LAE4942)

The Teaching of Elementary School Mathematics (MAE4310)

Academic Professional Identity (EEX6935)

Perspectives of Teacher Professional Development (EDE6805)

Science Teacher Education (SCE6395)

Seminar in Mathematics Teacher Education (MAE6939)

Foundations of Teaching (EDG 4321)

Model Eliciting Actv Math Phys (MAE5908)

Teaching and Technology (LAE5867)


Foundations of Teaching (EDG 5208)

Issues and Trends (MAE5641)


The Topics and Teaching of Elementary School Mathematics (MAE5318)

Special Topics in Mathematics Education (MAE5641)

Special Topics (SSE4931)

Teaching Mathematics to Students with Disabilities (EEX 4251)

Topics and teaching of elementary school mathematics (MAE5318)

Enhancing Teaching Through Technology (LAE5867)

Seminar on the Teaching of Algebra (MAE5337)

Student Teaching in Mathematics (MAE4945)

Classroom Management and Planning Instruction in Middle/High School Mathematics (MAE4940)

Directed Individual Study (MAE4905)

Teaching mathematics in the secondary school: Practicum (MAE 4940)

Applications of mathematics for teachers (MAE 4878)

Seminar on the teaching of geometry (MAE 5338)

Introduction to Applications of Mathematics for Teachers (MAE4878)

School Mathematics Curriculum (MAE5146)

Ethnomathematics (MAE5690)

Curriculum in mathematics education (MAE6148)

Elements of geometry (MAE4816)

Mathematics teaching and learning (MAE 5691)

Seminar on Research in Mathematics Education (MAE5795)

Teaching mathematics in the middle grades (MAE4320)

Teaching mathematics in the middle school (MAE4320)

Introduction to middle school (EDM 3001)

Using technology in the teaching of mathematics (MAE5658)

Advanced seminar on research in mathematics education (MAE6797)

Teaching high school mathematics (MAE4335)

How adolescents learn mathematics (MAE4330)

How adolescents learn math (MAE4330)

Field experiences in teaching mathematics (MAE4942)

Teaching secondary math II (MAE4335)

Policy studies in mathematics education (MAE 5641)

Using technology in the teaching of mathematics (MAE 5641)

Field experiences in teaching mathematics (MAE4941)

Teacher education in mathematics (MAE5641)

Teaching algebra and geometry (MAE4335)

Beliefs in mathematics and science (MAE5641)

Colloquium in science education (SCE5635)

Colloquium series in mathematics education (MAE 5641)

Teaching mathematics in the primary grades (MAE4300)

Elementary mathematics and science (MAE 5641)

Using history in the teaching of mathematics (MAE5865)

How children learn mathematics (MAE4326)

The teaching of elementary school mathematics (MAE4117)

New Course Development
Foundations of Teaching (2012)

Curriculum Development
Using Assessments in the PK-12 Classroom to Differentiate Instruction (2015)

Doctoral Committee Chair
Piotrowski, A., graduate. (2016).

Dayi, G., graduate. (2015).

Hamilton, M., graduate. (2011).

Fetterly, J. M., graduate. (2010).

Bayazit, N., graduate. (2009).

Gubitti, R. L., graduate. (2009).

Koklu, O., graduate. (2007).

Robinson, M. E., graduate. (2007).

Haciomeroglu, M., graduate. (2006).

Howse, M., graduate. (2006).

Johnson, J., graduate. (2005).

Murdock-Stewart, V., graduate. (2005).

Unal, H., graduate. (2005).

Badran, S., graduate. (2004).

Ghosh, S., graduate. (2004).

Nancarrow, M., graduate. (2004).

Halat, E., graduate. (2003).

Tawfeeq, D., graduate. (2003).

Awosanya, A., graduate. (2001).

Corey, D., graduate. (2000).

Berger, S., graduate. (1999).

Melita, J., graduate. (1999).

Thompson, A., graduate. (1999).

Biske, H., graduate. (1998).

Cates, J., graduate. (1998).

Snipes, V., graduate. (1997).

Hardy, M., graduate. (1996).

Diaz-Obando, E., graduate. (1993).

Carrasco, J. G., doctoral candidate.

Findley, K. P., doctoral candidate.

Kendrick, M. W., doctoral candidate.

Pollock, D. L., doctoral candidate.

Hollingsworth, L. N., doctoral student.

Maurice, E. V., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee Cochair
Olwi, A., graduate. (2016).

Bremer, M. J., doctoral candidate.

Doctoral Committee Member
Walter, B. R., graduate. (2016).

Almuhammadi, A. H., graduate. (2015).

Alshammari, M., graduate. (2015).

Kocyigit, B., graduate. (2015).

Cig, O., graduate. (2015).

Cayson, A. M., graduate. (2014).

North, S. G., graduate. (2013).

Rentz, P. R., graduate. (2013).

Stringer, E. W., graduate. (2011).

Nguyen, G. N. T., graduate. (2011).

Mosier, B. A., graduate. (2010).

Erbilgin, E., graduate. (2008).

Lynn, A., graduate. (2008).

Meadows, Y., graduate. (2008).

Windham, D., graduate. (2008).

Cavin, R., graduate. (2007).

Hagood, S., graduate. (2007).

Nold, E., graduate. (2007).

Lane, R., graduate. (2006).

Oh, S. Y., graduate. (2006).

Eraslan, A., graduate. (2005).

Park, S., graduate. (2005).

Barr, K. J., graduate. (2004).

Jenson, M. K., graduate. (2004).

Watkins, R., graduate. (2003).

Hall, M., graduate. (2000).

Herring, P., graduate. (2000).

Ortiz, K., graduate. (2000).

Marinas, C., graduate. (1999).

Ridlon, C., graduate. (1999).

Shawal, M., graduate. (1999).

Singh, P., graduate. (1998).

Sproule, S., graduate. (1998).

Figgers, V., graduate. (1997).

Ashley, D., graduate. (1996).

Sanchez, R., graduate. (1996).

Karnish, I., graduate. (1995).

Eubanks, B., graduate. (1994).

Follett, S., graduate. (1994).

Moscovici, H., graduate. (1994).

Trowell, S., graduate. (1994).

McGlamery, S., graduate. (1993).

Reynolds, A., graduate. (1993).

Atkins, S., graduate. (1992).

Dana, T., graduate. (1992).

King, G., graduate. (1992).

Lorsbach, A., graduate. (1991).

Watanabe, T., graduate. (1991).

Yasin, S., graduate. (1991).

Soon, Y. P., graduate. (1989).

Bondarenko, A., doctoral candidate.

Eom, M., doctoral candidate.

Higgins, M. P., doctoral candidate.

Mansouri, S., doctoral candidate.

McLarnon, T., doctoral candidate.

Norton, L. M., doctoral candidate.

Tours, S. B., doctoral candidate.

Garris, G. S., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee University Representative
Wilson, I. C., graduate. (2016).

Yurekli, H., graduate. (2015).

Arrastia, M. C., graduate. (2015).

Olgar, S., graduate. (2015).

Jackson, J. L., graduate. (2014).

Wills, A. D., graduate. (2014).

Richardson, L. J., graduate. (2013).

Aaron, K., graduate. (2010).

Kim, A., graduate. (2010).

Schouten, J. P., graduate. (2010).

Ward, L. T., graduate. (2009).

Shen, E., graduate. (2009).

Hillebrandt, K. M., doctoral candidate.

Lloyd, M. A., doctoral candidate.

Shultz, R. A., doctoral candidate.

Bishop, M. D., doctoral student.

Brink, M. N., doctoral student.

Master's Committee Chair
Acevedo, E., graduate. (2016).

Mulyani, W., graduate. (2016).

Beasley, M. S., graduate. (2016).

Gustason, S. R., graduate. (2015).

Cowell, M. J., graduate. (2014).

Dibuono, A. V., graduate. (2013).

Speer, S. R., graduate. (2013).

Bushnell, J. M., graduate. (2013).

Huang, J., graduate. (2013).

Donahue, M. D., graduate. (2012).

Paul, R., graduate. (2012).

Wheaton, R. C. D., graduate. (2012).

Bryce, G. A., graduate. (2012).

English, D. A., graduate. (2011).

McLaughlin, M. W., graduate. (2011).

Temurtas, A., graduate. (2011).

Eby, C., graduate. (2011).

Kendrick, M. W., graduate. (2011).

Lent, S. P., graduate. (2011).

Lombardo, S. J., graduate. (2011).

Tiggis, J. E., graduate. (2011).

Wells, K. A., graduate. (2011).

Janik, J., graduate. (2010).

Patel, R. H., graduate. (2010).

Salley, C. L., graduate. (2010).

Sanchez Mejia, S. A., graduate. (2010).

Broscious, J. E., graduate. (2010).

Brown, L. A., graduate. (2010).

Church, J. A., graduate. (2010).

Gee, J. L., graduate. (2010).

Johnson, L. J., graduate. (2010).

Lobe, F. L., graduate. (2010).

McAmis, A., graduate. (2010).

Shapley, E., graduate. (2010).

Tschantz, N. J., graduate. (2010).

Choong, A. Y., graduate. (2010).

Convoy, B. N., graduate. (2010).

Curia, B. N., graduate. (2010).

Hobbs, C. Y., graduate. (2010).

Nelson, S. L., graduate. (2010).

Barbara, B., graduate. (2009).

Belvin, B., graduate. (2009).

Dietz, H. M., graduate. (2009).

McKenzie, H. J., graduate. (2009).

Richards, S. M., graduate. (2009).

Marovich, B. E., graduate. (2009).

Mulder, S. E., graduate. (2009).

Powers, P. M., graduate. (2009).

Smithson, L. A., graduate. (2009).

Lockley, W. M., graduate. (2009).

Tatano, M. B., graduate. (2009).

Canfield, C. A., graduate. (2008).

Kelch, B. E., graduate. (2008).

Wang, S., student.

Master's Committee Member
Benning, D. R., graduate. (2016).

Devine, D. B., graduate. (2016).

Hoskovec, K. C., graduate. (2016).

Destefano, J. A., graduate. (2015).

Gordon, T. S., graduate. (2015).

Arrastia, M. C., graduate. (2015).

Cohen, M. S., graduate. (2015).

Feng, Y., graduate. (2015).

Jiang, M., graduate. (2015).

Matsumoto, K., graduate. (2015).

Olwi, A., graduate. (2015).

Zhao, J., graduate. (2015).

Adolfson, D. F., graduate. (2015).

Cui, R., graduate. (2015).

Sagdic Kidik, A. O., graduate. (2015).

Xin, M., graduate. (2015).

Xu, J., graduate. (2015).

Ballard, L. E., graduate. (2014).

Boland, D. I. A. H. A., graduate. (2014).

Chen, X., graduate. (2014).

Cooksey, J. L., graduate. (2014).

Davis, S. L., graduate. (2014).

Jimenez Guzman, G. A., graduate. (2014).

Liu, J., graduate. (2014).

Luo, K., graduate. (2014).

Moody, C. I., graduate. (2014).

Shi, X., graduate. (2014).

Wang, Y., graduate. (2014).

Xiao, L., graduate. (2014).

XU, Q., graduate. (2014).

Yao, Q., graduate. (2014).

Zhou, Y., graduate. (2014).

Zhu, W., graduate. (2014).

Alrumaih, M., graduate. (2014).

Brinkley, S. M., graduate. (2014).

Holmes, L., graduate. (2014).

Hudson, L. Y., graduate. (2014).

Malo, J. J., graduate. (2014).

Powell, J. P., graduate. (2014).

Starkey, C. D., graduate. (2014).

Davis, K. G., graduate. (2014).

Everett, L. M., graduate. (2014).

Hagon, L. C., graduate. (2014).

Hong, L., graduate. (2014).

Kim, K., graduate. (2014).

Li, X., graduate. (2014).

Ranft, C. R., graduate. (2014).

Smith, S. A., graduate. (2014).

Wu, S., graduate. (2014).

Xu, Y., graduate. (2014).

Bushnell, S. T., graduate. (2013).

Carrasco, J. G., graduate. (2013).

Chen, Z., graduate. (2013).

Finch, K. I., graduate. (2013).

Gao, W., graduate. (2013).

Hubbard, M. K., graduate. (2013).

Li, C., graduate. (2013).

Ma, Q., graduate. (2013).

Patterson, J. M., graduate. (2013).

Strack, K. M., graduate. (2013).

Styrcula, Y. J., graduate. (2013).

Thomas, S. I., graduate. (2013).

Veldkamp, Anise Brittany-Jane, graduate. (2013).

Wang, H., graduate. (2013).

Zhang, X., graduate. (2013).

Bian, Y., graduate. (2013).

Cheng, Z., graduate. (2013).

Halty, G. E., graduate. (2013).

Sen, A., graduate. (2013).

Zhang, Y., graduate. (2013).

Walter, B. R., graduate. (2013).

Birdsong, D., graduate. (2013).

Charif, M. N., graduate. (2012).

Filomio, K. M., graduate. (2012).

Garris, K. S., graduate. (2012).

Madden, A. R., graduate. (2012).

Higgins, M. P., graduate. (2012).

Mathews, C. M., graduate. (2012).

Coleman, I. S., graduate. (2012).

James, B., graduate. (2012).

Mansouri, S., graduate. (2012).

Boyer, S. B., graduate. (2011).

Burr, M. E., graduate. (2011).

Cayson, A. M., graduate. (2011).

Sisson, K. J., graduate. (2011).

Hollowell, F. V., graduate. (2011).

Miller, D. E., graduate. (2011).

Snell, K. R., graduate. (2011).

Somers, M., graduate. (2011).

Baliram, N. S., graduate. (2010).

Dean, A. S., graduate. (2010).

Beauford, S. N., graduate. (2010).

Ferrell Locke, S. R., graduate. (2010).

Ferrell-Locke, S., graduate. (2010).

Guglielmello, M. B., graduate. (2010).

Kelly, J. M., graduate. (2010).

Connell, L. A., graduate. (2009).

Cram, S., graduate. (2009).

Jones, S. B., graduate. (2009).

Rizza, B. M., graduate. (2009).

Toreky, C. A., graduate. (2009).

Amon, D. V., graduate. (2009).

Robinson, M. E., graduate. (2009).

Seldon, D. L., graduate. (2008).

Kargauer, J. M., student.

Lyons, L. J., student.

Miller, J. R., student.

Phillips, L. G., student.

Research and Original Creative Work
Program of Research and/or Focus of Original Creative Work
Principal research interests focus on the connections between teaching and teacher learning and teacher development, specifically knowledge, beliefs and practices. Through an examination of core teaching practices, including the integration of technology, the work focuses on identifying characteristics of key teaching practices that lead to impact on all students' learning and specifically learning of mathematics. She is conducting research on ESE teacher learning and the integration of technology in teaching mathematics to students with mathematical learning disabilities. Through the design and analysis of intellectually engaging mathematics lessons supported by technology she is looking at how the knowledge and practices of teacher candidates develops. Her work with integration of technology in teaching mathematics has extended to international studies examining the use of technology in Turkey in middle grades mathematics classrooms.

Refereed Journal Articles
Koklu, O., Jakubowski, E., Servi, T., & Huang, J. (2016). Identifying and interpreting subjective weights for cognitive and performance characteristics of mathematical learning disability: An application of a relative measurement method. The Journal of International Lingual, Social and Educational Sciences, 2(2), 136-151.
Ozdemir, A., Aktas, M., & Jakubowski, E. (2016). The effects of teaching fractions by using concept map on the achievement of sixth grade students. Uşak University Journal of Educational Research, 2(2), 1-12.
Kendrick, M., Jakubowski, E., & Rice, D. (2015). Using graphing technology: Strategies for promoting student learning through discovery. Dimensions, 35(2), 13-18.
Duru, A., Koklu, O., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2010). Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers' Conceptions about the Relationship Between Continuity and Differentiability of a Function. Scientific Research & Essays, 5 (12), 1519-1529.
Koklu, O., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2010). From Interpretations to Graphical Representations: A Case Study Investigation of Covariational Reasoning. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 40, 153-172.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (2009). Proof Without Words: Every Octagonal Number is the Difference of Two Squares. Mathematics Magazine, 82(3), 225.
Jakubowski, E. M., Unal, H., & Corey, D. (2009). The Power of Differences: Drawing Auxiliary Lines. Dimensions in Mathematics, 29(2), 26-43.
Unal, H., Jakubowski, E. M., & Corey, D. (2009). Differences in Learning Geometry Among High and Low Spatial Ability Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(8), 997-1012.
Halat, E., Jakubowski, E. M., & Aydin, N. (2008). Reform-Based Curriculum and Motivation in Geometry. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education, 4(3), 285-292.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (2008). A Geometric Construction by Folding and Cutting. Mathematics in School, 37(5), 10-11.
Unal, H., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2007). Middle and Secondary Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Comparative Analysis of TIMSS Videotape Lesson Study. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 6 (3), 61-68.
Corey, D., Unal, H., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2007). An 8th Grade Geometry Problem from Japanese and American Teachers' Solutions. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 5, 12-16.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1991). Enhancement of mathematics and science teaching. Florida Journal of Teacher Education, 96-107.
Shaw, K. L., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1991). Teachers Changing for Changing Times. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 13 (4), 13-20.
Tobin, K., Davis, N., Shaw, K., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1991). Enhancing science and mathematics teaching. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 2 (4), 85-89.

Edited Books
Jakubowski, E. M., Watkins, D., & Biske, H. (Eds.). (1996). Proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.

Refereed Book Chapters
Koklu, O., Jakubowski, E. M., Servi, T., & Huang, J. (2014). Patterns of Mathematics Teachers' Charecteristics and Beliefs about Computer Use in Education: A Cluster Analytic Approach. In Liu, L., & Gibson, D. (Eds.), Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2014 (pp. 8). AACE.
Jakubowski, E. M., Corey, D., & Unal, H. (2011). Mathematics teachers growing professionally through distance and distinguished learning opportunities. In L. Madsen (Ed.), Achievement tests: Types, interpretations and uses. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1993). Constructing potential learning opportunities in middle grades classrooms. In K. Tobin (Ed.), Constructivists' perspectives on the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Tobin, K., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1992). The cognitive requisites for improving the performance of elementary mathematics and science teaching. In E. W. Ross, J. W. Cornett, & G. McCutcheon (Eds.), Teachers' personal theorizing: Connecting curriculum practice, theory and research. New York.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1991). Teachers' personal epistemologies and classroom learning environments. In B. J. Fraser, & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Educational environments: Evaluation, antecedents, and consequences. London: Pergamon Press.

Refereed Proceedings
Jakubowski, E., & Ozdemir, A. (2015). Deconstructing Teacher Candidates' Metaphors for Mathematics, Technology, and Teaching Using Technology. In D. Slykhuis, & G. Marks (Eds.), Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 2674-2675). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Retrieved from
Koklu, O., Jakubowski, E., Servi, T., & Huang, J. (2014). A Cluster Analytic Approach: Investigation of Interrelationship between Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs about Using Computers in Mathematics Education, Gender, Teaching Experience, and Computer Experience. In Michael Searson, & Marilyn N. Ochoa (Eds.), Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (pp. 2878–2885). AACE.
Bu, L., Jakubowski, E. M., Dickey, L., Bayazit, N., Curaoglu, O., Kim, H., Cakir, R., & Spector, J. M. (2009). Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Initial Reactions to Model-Centered Instruction. In I. Gibson (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 4025-4029). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Corey, D., Unal, H., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2005). Distance Learning Made it Possible: Conceptual Change of Practicing Mathematics Teachers in Learning and Teaching Problem Solving. In C. Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3453-3456). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Haciomeroglu, G., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2005). How One-On-One Tutoring Affects Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Reflections on Learning Mathematics. In G. M. Lloyd, & S. Behm (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Blacksburg, VA.
Corey, D., Unal, H., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2004). Promoting and Fostering Creativity in Problem Solving Via Distance Learning: Harnessing Practicing Teachers' Mathematical Creativity in an Online Problem Solving Course. In C. Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 4389-4391). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Haciomeroglu, E. S., Jakubowski, E. M., & Aspinwall, L. (2004). An Undergraduate Student's Understanding of Algebra: A Numerical Approach. In D. E. McDougall, & J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto: OISE/UT.
Jakubowski, E. M., Corey, D., & Unal, H. (2004). How Effective Online Course Activities Changed a Teacher's Practice. In D. E. McDougall, & J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto: OISE/UT.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (2003). A Critical Examination of a Community College Mathematics Instructor's Beliefs and Practices. In N. A. Pateman, B. J. Dougherty, & J. Zilliox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Meeting of PME and PMENA. Honolulu, HI: Center for Research and Development Group, University of Hawai'i.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (2003). Motivational Challenges in Large Lecture Classrooms: Perceptions and Practices. In N. A. Pateman, B. J. Dougherty, & J. Zilliox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Meeting of PME and PMENA. Honolulu, HI: Center for Research and Development Group, University of Hawai'i.
Halat, E., & Jakubowski, E. (2001). Teaching geometry using webquest. In International Conference on Technology and Education (pp. 3).
Thompson, A., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1999). Developing State Mathematics Standards. In F. Hite, & M. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Diaz Obando, E., Jakubowski, E. M., & Wheatley, G. H. (1995). Can Prospective Teachers Be Autonomous Decision Makers? In D. T. Owens, M. K. Reed, & G. Millsaps (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 2 (pp. 262-267). Columbus, Ohio.
Wheatley, G. H., Blumsack, S., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1995). Radical Constructivism as a Basis for Mathematics Reform. In D. T. Owens, M. K. Reed, & G. M. Millsaps (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. 1 (pp. 247-252). Columbus, Ohio.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Chappell, M. (1989). Prospective Elementary Teachers Beliefs About Mathematics. In C. A. Maher, G. A. Goldin, & R. B. Davis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 285-288). New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Jones, D., Henderson, E., & Cooney, T. (1986). Teachers' Beliefs About Mathematics and About Mathematics Teaching. In G. Lappan, & R. Even (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 274-279). East Lansing, Michigan.
Owens, J., & Henderson, E. (1985). Effects of a Secondary Mathematics Methods Course on the Beliefs of Preservice Teachers. In S. Damarin, & M. Shelton (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 224-229). Columbus, Ohio.

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