Nonrefereed Reports
Kunkel, R., & Jakubowski, E. M. (2002). Self-study report. Florida State University, College of Education.
Kunkel, R., Jakubowski, E. M., & Gaede, C. (2002). Institutional report. Florida State University, College of Education.
Kunkel, R., Jakubowski, E. M., & Gaede, C. (2002). Self-study report. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M. (2001). Institutional program evaluation plan. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M. (2000). Institutional program evaluation plan. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1999). Institutional program evaluation plan. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1998). Institutional program evaluation plan. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1997). Institutional program evaluation plan. Florida State University, College of Education.
Jakubowski, E. M., Wheatley, G., Blumsack, S., & Ridlon, C. (1997). NSF final report: Development of effective mathematics learning environments and tasks for prospective middle grade teachers. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
Miller, J., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1997). Institutional report. Florida State University, College of Education.
Miller, J., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1994). Institutional report. Florida State University, College of Education.
Tobin, K., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1991). Interim report: Evaluation of implementation of Florida's comprehensive plan. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
Tobin, K., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1990). Executive summary: Cooperating teacher project 1988/1989. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
Tobin, K., Jakubowski, E. M., & Nichols, S. (1990). Final report: Cooperating teacher project 1988/1989. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
Tobin, K., Ulerick, S., Jakubowski, E. M., & Briscoe, C. (1988). The mentor teacher project: A report of a summer program to enhance science and mathematics teaching in elementary schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University.
Refereed Papers at Conferences
Jakubowski, E., Koklu, O., Huang, J., Servi, T., & Olgar, S. (presented 2015). An Application of a Relative Measurement Method to Identify Weights for Cognitive and Performance Characteristics of Mathematical Learning Disability. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. (International)
Jakubowski, E., & Ozdemir, A. (presented 2015). Deconstructing Teacher Candidates' Metaphors for Mathematics, Technology and Teaching Using Technology. Paper presented at 26th International Conference of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV. (International)
Koklu, O., Jakubowski, E., Servi, T., & Huang, J. (presented 2014). A Cluster Analytic Approach: Investigation of Interrelationship Between Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs About Using Computers in Mathematics Education, Gender, Teaching Experience, and Computer Experience. Paper presented at 25th International Conference for Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Association for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Jacksonville, FL. (International)
Tosmur-Bayazit, N., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 2008, July). The use of geometric constructions to document preservice mathematics teachers' geometric reasoning. Paper presented at Joint meeting of PME 32 and PME-NA, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Morelia, Mexico. (International)
Invited Presentations at Conferences
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2013). Focus and Coherence in Geometric Thinking with the Mathematical Practices. Presentation at Simple K12 Teacher Learning Community, InfoSource, Inc, virtual. (International)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2013). Looking at the Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics. Presentation at Simple K!2, InfoSource, Inc, virtual. (International)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2012). Looking at the Common Core Standards for Middle and High School Mathematics. Presentation at Simple K12, InfoSource, Inc, virtual. (International)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2012). What do Students Need to Learn: Unpacking the Common Core State Standards. Presentation at Simple K12, InfoSource, Inc, virtual. (International)
Refereed Presentations at Conferences
Cox, S., Jakubowski, E., & Hammons, N. (presented 2017, January). Teaching Mathematics to Students with ASD. Presentation at 18th International Conference on Autism, Instellectual Disability & Developmental Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities, Clearwater Beach, FL. (International)
Hollingsworth, L., Findley, K., & Jakubowski, E. (presented 2017, January). Do College Level Mathematics Courses Support Student Success in Introductory Statistics? Presentation at Joint Mathematics Meetings, Mathematics Association of America, Atlanta, GA. (International)
Jakubowski, E., Koklu, O., Huang, J., Servi, T., & Olgar, S. (presented 2015). An application of a relative measurement method to identify weights for cognitive and performance characteristics of mathematical learning disability. Presentation at 2015 Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference, COE Council on Research in Education, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Jakubowski, E., & Ozdemir, A. (presented 2015). Deconstructing Teacher Candidates' Metaphors for Mathematics, Technology and Teaching Using Technology. Presentation at 26th International Conference of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV. (International)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2014). A Cluster Analytic Approach: Investigation of Interrelationship Between Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs About Using Computers in Mathematics Education, Gender, Teaching Experience, and Computer Experience. Presentation at 2104 Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference, COE Council on Research in Education, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2014). Supporting Mathematical Learning of Students Who Struggle with Mathematics. Presentation at Annual Conference Florida Association of Teacher Educators, Florida Association of Teacher Educators, Boca Raton, FL. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2014). Unpacking Standards to Support Mathematical Learning of Students who Struggle with Mathematics. Presentation at School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention, School Science and Mathematics Association, Jacksonville, FL. (National)
Jakubowski, E., Koklu, O., Servi, T., & Huang, J. (presented 2014). A Cluster Analytic Approach: Investigation of Interrelationship Between Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs About Using Computers in Mathematics Education, Gender, Teaching Experience, and Computer Experience. Presentation at 26th International Conference of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Jacksonville, FL. (International)
Jakubowski, E., & Bayazit, N. (presented 2010). The Use of Geometric Constructions to Document Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Geometric Reasoning. Presentation at 2010 Marvalene Huges Research in Education, COE Council on Research in Education, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Bayazit, N. (presented 2009). Enhancing preservice mathematics teachers' geometric reasoning by using geometric constructions. Presentation at Thirteenth annual conference, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL. (National)
Tawfeeq, D., Jakubowski, E. M., & Yu, P. (presented 2009). Pragmatic methods courses. Presentation at Thirteenth annual conference, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL. (National)
Bu, L., Dickey, L., Jakubowski, E. M., Kim, H., Spector, J. M., & Tosmur-Bayazit, N. (presented 2008, July). Model facilitated learning: Preservice mathematics teachers' initial experience with hand held graphing calculator. Presentation at Annual meeting, Psychology of Mathematics Education, Morelia, Mexico. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Corey, D. (presented 2007). Using metacognitive strategies during problem solving activities. Presentation at Eleventh annual conference, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Irvine, California. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (presented 2005). Does mathematical curiosity exist? An investigation of practicing mathematics teachers' beliefs and reasoning on mathematical curiosity. Presentation at Annual conference, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Dallas, Texas. (National)
Nonrefereed Presentations at Conferences
Jakubowski, E. (presented 2014). Development of Mathematics TPACK in ESE Teacher Candidates using Flipped Learning. Poster presentation at COE Fall Symposium: Sharing 2014–15 Research Plans, COE Office of Research, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 2004). Coping with mathematics and test anxiety in high stakes situations. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Miami. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 2004). Designing tasks that reflect degrees of cognitive complexity. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Miami, FL. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (presented 2004). Mathematical curiosity. Presentation at Southern regional conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans, LA. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Unal, H. (presented 2004). Promoting and awakening mathematical creativity. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Miami, FL. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Corey, D. L. (presented 2002). Transitioning from face-to-face to online professional development. Presentation at Annual conference, Florida Distance Learning Association, Nova Southeastern University. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Thompson, T. (presented 2002). Rationales behind the development of a state's mathematics standards. Presentation at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M., Clark, R., Jones, L., & Miller, J. (presented 2000). Measuring student learning outcomes: A model for outcomes-based assessment of teacher education programs. Presentation at 52nd annual meeting, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL. (National)
Pomar, C., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 2000). Effects of an innovative professional development program on teaching geometry. Presentation at Twenty-second annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Tucson, Arizona. (International)
Thompson, A., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 2000). Developing mathematics standards for systemic reform. Presentation at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1999). Understanding rational numbers: Concrete models to abstract representations. Presentation at Southern regional conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Charlotte, North Carolina. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997, April). Comparison of curriculum development in United States and Florida. Presentation at Basic and occupational education and training programme, Ministry of Education, Thailand National Seminar. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997, April). Implemented curriculum: Considerations for an integrated curriculum. Presentation at Basic and occupational education and training programme, Ministry of Education, Thailand National Seminar. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997, April). Two cases of web-based learning. Presentation at Eighth national conference on college teaching and learning, Florida Community College of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997). Geometry across the curriculum. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997). Is this going to be on the test?: Alternatives to assessment. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997). Rational numbers: Continuing conceptual development. Presentation at Regional meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans, LA. (National)
Miller, J., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1997). Variation in productivity across academic discipline units: A bi-institutional case study. Presentation at Annual meeting, Association for Institutional Research, Orlando, Florida. (National)
Harris, E., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1996, April). Proactive approach to equity: Mini-conference for sixth grade girls and their parents. Presentation at 28th annual conference, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, San Diego, California. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1996). Continuing conceptual development of rational numbers. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Daytona Beach, Florida. (State)
Diaz Obando, E., Jakubowski, E. M., & Wheately, G. H. (presented 1995, October). Can prospective teachers be autonomous decision makers? Presentation at Seventeenth annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, Ohio. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M., Wheatley, G. H., & Diaz Obando, E. (presented 1995, October). Portfolios as a tool for reflection in teacher education preparation programs. Presentation at Seventeenth annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, Ohio. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1995). Measuring meaningful mathematics learning: Alternative assessment. Presentation at Southern regional conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Birmingham, Alabama. (Regional)
Diaz-Obando, E., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1994, November). Voicing the voiceless: A mathematics teacher's and a student's views and beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics. Presentation at Sixteenth annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1994). What are some alternatives in assessment? Presentation at Annual meeting, Higher Education Consortium for Mathematics and Science, Tampa, Florida. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M., Wheatley, G., & Ehrilich, J. (presented 1993, October). Developing effective learning environments for prospective middle school mathematics teachers. Presentation at Fifteenth annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for Psychology of Mathematics Education, Pacific Grove, California. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M., & Diaz-Obando, E. (presented 1993, April). Connections between content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Presentation at Annual meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Seattle, Washington. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1993). Maintaining your rationality while teaching rational numbers. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Jacksonville, Florida. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1992, August). Teacher as researcher in teacher change. Presentation at Annual meeting, International Congress on Mathematical Education, Quebec, Canada. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1991, April). Constructs in teacher change. Presentation at Research pre-session, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans. (National)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1991). Continuing conceptual development in middle grades. Presentation at Southeastern regional meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1991). Teacher change: When teachers become learners in their own classrooms. Presentation at Southeastern regional meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Baltimore, MD. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1990, July). Enhancement of mathematics and science teaching. Presentation at Fourteenth annual meeting, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M., Wheatley, G., & Shaw, K. (presented 1990, July). Teacher education from a constructivist perspective. Presentation at Fourteenth annual meeting, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Mexico. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1990, April). Elementary teachers' beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning. Presentation at 68th annual meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Salt Lake City, UT. (National)
Tobin, K., & Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1990, April). Cognitive processes and teacher change. Presentation at Annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA. (International)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1989). Children's estimation skills. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Fort Walton Beach, FL. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1989). Children's estimation skills: A taped demonstration and discussion. Presentation at Southeastern regional conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Atlanta, GA. (Regional)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1988, April). Geometric thinking and geometric teaching. Presentation at Annual meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Chicago, IL. (National)
Emihovich, C., Jakubowski, E. M., & Kochan, F. (presented 1988, January). Cooperative participation in program evaluation. Presentation at Annual meeting, Qualitative Research in Education, Athens, GA. (State)
Jakubowski, E. M. (presented 1988). Relationships between geometric thinking and teaching. Presentation at Mathematics education colloquium series, The University of Georgia. (Local)
Cooney, T., Henderson, E., & Killion, K. (presented 1985, April). In search of a paradigm for improving practice through research. Presentation at 63rd annual meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Henderson, E., & Owens, J. (presented 1985). Computers in the math classroom. Presentation at Annual meeting, Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Eatonton, GA. (State)
Henderson, E. (presented 1984). Increase your students' interest in your math class. Presentation at Annual meeting, Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Eatonton, GA. (State)
Henderson, E., & Vega, I. (presented 1982). Activities for junior high school students. Presentation at Annual meeting, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Miami, FL. (State)
Nonrefereed Presentations at Symposia
Jakubowski, E., Hanline, M. F., & Whalon, K. (presented 2015). Mathematics and science instruction for learners with autism spectrum disorder. In COE Fall Symposium: Sharing 2015-16 Faculty Research Plans. Poster presentation at the meeting of College of Education, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Invited Workshops
Jakubowski, E. (2013). Focus and Coherence in Geometric Thinking with the Mathematical Practices. Workshop delivered at Simple K12 Teacher Learning Community, Virtual. (International)
Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work
Jakubowski, E. M. (1994, August). What parents should be aware of as daughters articulate to middle grades and mathematics. Delivered at Collier County. (Local)
Digital Projects
Invited Digital Projects
Jakubowski, E. (Author/Presenter). (2016, July). Focus and Cohernece in Geometric Thinking with the Mathematics Practices [Webinar]. SimpleK12.
Jakubowski, E. (Author/Presenter). (2016, July). Looking at Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics [Webinar]. SimpleK12.
Jakubowski, E. M. (Author). (2013, July). Focus and Coherence in Geometric Thinking with the Mathematical Practices [Webinar]. SimpleK12. Retrieved from
Jakubowski, E. M. (Author). (2013, July). Looking at the Common Core Standards for High School Mathematics [Webinar]. SimpleK12. Retrieved from
Jakubowski, E. M. (Author). (2012, December). Looking at the Common Core Standards for Middle and High School Mathematics [Webinar]. Simple K12. Retrieved from
Jakubowski, E. M. (Author). (2012, October). What do Students Need to Learn: Unpacking the Common Core State Standards [Webinar]. Simple K12. Retrieved from
Contracts and Grants
Contracts and Grants Funded
Jakubowski, Elizabeth M (Co-PI), Rice, Diana C (Co-PI), Underwood, Phyllis (Co-PI), & Daniel, Ella-Mae (PI). (Oct 2015–Aug 2016). Gadsden County School District & Florida State University Advancement of STEM Teaching (GFAST). Funded by Gadsden County School System. (198015). Total award $75,000.
Hanline, Mary F (Co-PI), Jakubowski, Elizabeth M (Co-PI), Whalon, Kelly J (PI), Sampson, Victor D (Co-PI), & Reed, Deborah Kay (Co-PI). (Jan 2015–Dec 2017). ASD-STEM. Funded by United States Department of Education. (H325D140074). Total award $730,724.
Spector, J. M. (PI), Jakubowski, E. M. (Co-PI), & FSU-STEM TI Group (Co-PI). (Aug 2007–Jul 2008). Investigating preservice mathematics teachers' initial use of the next-generation TI-Nspire graphing calculators: A case study. Funded by Texas Instruments. Total award $10,000.
Driscoll, M. (PI), & Jakubowski, E. M. (author). (Nov 2006–Jun 2007). Professional training option. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $10,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., Carroll, P. S., Bruno, J., Wood, S., Steadman, S., Drake-Brown, S., Southerland, S., Clark, M., Hasson, D., Traore, R., Davis, N., Gutierrez, R., & Simmons, J. (Sep 2005–Jun 2006). Stressing undergraduate career choices: Educators of secondary students. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $216,224.
Carroll, P. S. (PI), Simmons, J. S., Davis, N. T., Jakubowski, E. M., Bruno, J. A., Wood, S. N., Pappamihiel, N. E., Gutierrez, R., Hasson, D. J., Southerland, S. A., & Traore, R. (Jul 2005–Aug 2006). MSE success project. Funded by Florida Department of Education - SDE. Total award $216,224.
Simmons, John S (Co-PI), Davis, Nancy T (Co-PI), Carroll, Pamela S (PI), Jakubowski, Elizabeth M (Co-PI), Bruno, John A (Co-PI), Wood, Susan N (Co-PI), Pappamihiel, Nancy E (Co-PI), Gutierrez, Robert (Co-PI), Hasson, Deborah J (Co-PI), Southerland, Sherry A (Co-PI), Traore, Rosemary L (Co-PI), Clark, Matthew R (Co-PI), & Steadman, Sharilyn C (Co-PI). (Jul 2005–Aug 2006). MSE Success Project. Funded by Florida Department of Education. (371-96473-6ST01). Total award $216,224.
Jakubowski, E. M. (Co-PI), Blumsack, S., Southerland, S., & Granger, E. (Apr 2004–Jul 2005). Developing math, science and pedagogical content knowledge of elementary and middle school teachers. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $555,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Thomas, G. (1998–1999). Troops to teachers. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $150,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., Wheatley, G., Platt, E., & Thomas, G. (1998–2001). Technology literacy challenge grant. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $485,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Thomas, G. (1998–1999). Troops to teachers. Funded by Florida Troops to Teachers. Total award $150,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Blumsack, S. (1995–1996). Development of matrices and geometry course. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $14,800.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Davis, N. (1994–1995). A higher education consortium for science and mathematics education. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $91,980.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Shaw, K. (1994–1995). Development of a middle grades mathematics integrated curriculum. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $75,622.
Jakubowski, E. M., Tobin, K., & Hayward, P. (1990–1991). 12. Implementing Florida's comprehensive plan for mathematics, science, and computer education. Funded by The Eisenhower Act. Total award $65,149.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1989–1990). Enhancing elementary science and mathematics learning: Teachers as researchers and mentors. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $12,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1989–1990). Enhancing elementary science and mathematics learning: Teachers as researchers and mentors. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $12,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1989–1990). Development and validation of a survey to assess principals' perceptions of the quality of elementary teacher preparation. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $4,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., Tobin, K., & Hayward, P. (1989–1990). Enhancing elementary and middle school learning in science and mathematics. Funded by Eisenhower Act. Total award $67,750.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1989–1990). Enhancing elementary science and mathematics learning: Teachers as researchers and mentors. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $60,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1988–1989). Implementing a mentor teacher program to enhance science and mathematics teaching. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $35,100.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1988–1989). Using mentor teachers to enhance science and mathematics teaching. Funded by Eisenhower Act. Total award $41,000.
Jakubowski, E. M., & Tobin, K. (1988–1989). An evaluation of a summer program in elementary and mathematics for mentor teachers. Funded by Florida Department of Education. Total award $10,000.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1987–1988). Implementing a hands-on approach in elementary mathematics courses. Funded by The Florida State University Council for Instruction. Total award $1,915.
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