Contracts and Grants Pending
Jakubowski, Elizabeth M (PI), & Lewis, Sandra (Co-PI). (Aug 2015). Mathematical Teaching Practices With Learners Who Use Nemeth Code. Submitted to Institute of Education Sciences.
Jakubowski, Elizabeth M (PI), Rice, Diana C (Co-PI), Underwood, Phyllis (Co-PI), & Daniel, Ella-Mae (Co-PI). (Jul 2015). GCPS and FSU Advancement of STEM Teaching - GFAST. Submitted to Gadsden County School System.
Additional Research or Original Creative Work Not Reported Elsewhere
Jakubowski, E. M., & Shaw, K. (1995). LINKS: Mathematics across the middles grades curriculum.
Briscoe, C., & Jakubowski, E. M. (1991). Problem centered learning.
Florida State University
FSU University Service
Member, Distance Learning Committee (2015–present).
Chair, University Curriculum Committee (2015–present).
Member, University Teaching Evaluation Committee (2005–2019).
Member, Faculty Senate (2012–2016).
Member, University Curriculum Committee (2012–2015).
Member, Professional Education Advisory Committee (1990–2015).
Member, University Promotion and Tenure Committee (2004–2005).
Member, University Admissions Committee (2001–2005).
Member, SACS, Institutional Effectiveness Subcommittee (2002–2004).
Member, GPC Program Review Committee for Rehabilitation Counseling (2003).
Alternate, Faculty Senate (2002–2003).
Member, University Dissertation Research Grant Committee (2001–2002).
Chair, Professional Education Advisory Committee (1995–1996).
FSU College Service
Co-chair, Faculty Advisory Board (2015–2016).
Member, Faculty Advisory Board (2009–2012).
Chair, Faculty Advisory Board (2009–2010).
Representative, Faculty Council (2007–2008).
Chair-Elect, Faculty Council (2006–2007).
Representative, Faculty Council (2004–2006).
Chair, Council on Research in Education (2004–2005).
Member, Council on Research in Education (2001–2005).
Member, College of Education Curriculum Committee (1991–1993).
Member, Policy Advisory Board (1991–1992).
Chair, Middle School Committee (1990–1992).
Member, Retired Faculty Luncheon and Professor Emeritus Committee (1990–1992).
FSU Department Service
Member, Promotion and Tenure (2015–present).
Member, Annual Evaluation (2011–present).
Member, Graduate Studies Committee (2012–2014).
Member, Undergraduate Executive Committee (2012–2014).
Member, Visual Disabilities Search Committee (2012–2014).
Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee (2011–2014).
Vice Chair, Graduate Studies Committee (2012–2013).
Chair, Faculty Foreign and Second Language Search Committee (2010–2011).
Member, Faculty Search Committees (1988–2003).
Chair / Member, Faculty Search Committees (1988–1993).
Member, Science Education Advisory Committee (1990–1991).
Member, Mathematics Education Advisory Committee (1989–1991).
FSU Program Service
Program leader, Mathematics Education (2001–2015).
The Profession
Editor for Refereed Journals
Journal for Educational Research (1995–1998).
Editorial Board Membership(s)
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (2015–present).
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010–present).
Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals
School Science and Mathematics (2010–present).
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (1998–present).
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Grades (Apr 1994–present).
Service to Professional Associations
At-Large Director, Colleges and Universities, Florida Association of Teacher Educators (2015–present).
Member, Continued Program Approval Site Visiting Team, Florida Department of Education (2003–present).
Treasurer, Florida Associationo of Colleges of Teacher Education (2014–2016).
Board of Directors, Region Director: Panhandle Colleges & Universities, Florida Association of Teacher Educators (2013–2015).
Chair or Team Member, Continued Program Approval Review, Continued Program Approval Site Visiting Team, Florida Department of Education (2002–2014).
Team Member, Initial Teacher Education Program Folio Review, Initial Program Approval Folio Reviewer, Florida Department of Education (2002–2010).
Vice-President Post Secondary, Leon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2001–2009).
Member, 2007 Program Committee, 2008 Program Committee, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2007–2008).
President, Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2006–2008).
Board Member, Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2006–2008).
Member, Framers Team for Mathematics Sunshine State Standards (2006–2007).
Board Member, Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2004–2007).
Chair, Continued Program Approval Site Visiting Team, Florida Department of Education (2006).
President-Elect, Florida Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2005–2006).
Chair, Continued Program Approval Site Visiting Team, Florida Department of Education (2004).
President, Florida Association of Mathematics Educators (1996–1998).
President, Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter (1996–1997).
President-elect, Florida Association of Mathematics Educators (1995–1996).
Steering Committee Member, Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter (1994–1996).
Chairperson, Constitution Committee, Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter (1994–1995).
Chairperson, Mathematical Association of America Tallahassee Regional Fall meeting (1989).
President, Mathematics Education Student Association at The University of Georgia - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics affiliate (1984–1986).
The Community
Commissioner, Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (2014–2018).
Chair, Eighteenth Annual Meeting, Psychology of Mathematics Education - North American Chapter (1996).
Writing Team, State Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks (1994–1996).
Program Committee, Psychology of Mathematics Education-North American Chapter (1994–1995).
Member, Advisory Council, Griffin Middle School (1993–1995).
Member, Program committee, Regional meeting, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1993–1995).
Member, SACS review team for Crawford Mosely High School (1990).
Member, Workshop Support Committee, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989).
Chairperson, Mathematical Association of America Tallahassee Regional meeting (1988).
Geneseo, State University of New York. Develop course in Teaching and Learning Elementary Mathematics (1991).
Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering. Summer Institute (1991).
Taylor County School District. Revise mathematics curriculum for K-4 (1991).
Additional Service Not Reported Elsewhere
Jakubowski, E. M. (1998). Invited presentation to Guinea Primary School Training Project regarding Teacher Change Fall 1998. Guinea Primary School.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1996). Invited presentations to Thai visitors regarding curriculum and current reforms in progress in the state and nation Spring 1995, Summer 1995, Fall 1995, Spring 1996.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1993). "Mathematics and varying exceptionality students." Summer mathematics institute conducted for Leon County ESE teachers, Tallahassee, FL.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1992). "Mathematics and varying exceptionality students." Summer mathematics institute conducted for Leon County ESE teachers, Tallahassee, FL.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1990). "Problem solving: Summer institute for middle school." Summer mathematics institute conducted for Collier County middle school mathematics teachers, Naples, FL.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1990). "Problem solving: Summer institute for middle school." Summer mathematics institute conducted for Leon County intermediate and middle school mathematics teachers, Tallahassee, FL.
Jakubowski, E. M. (1989). "Geometric principles and concepts." Summer mathematics institute conducted for Madison County middle school mathematics teachers, Madison, FL.
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