Curriculum Vitae Margaret Anne Jolly Address

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Curriculum Vitae

Margaret Anne Jolly

Work School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
Tel. 61–(0)2–6125 3150, Fax 61–(0)2–6125 4917, E–mail:

Home 23 Harris St, Hackett ACT 2602 mobile 0431–203–168
Place and Date of Birth

Sydney, 12 April 1949



Academic Record

1970 BA Hons in Anthropology, University of Sydney

1980 PhD in Anthropology, University of Sydney


Bislama (the pidgin of Vanuatu), Sa (vernacular of south Pentecost, Vanuatu)

French – reading knowledge

Present Position

1999–2018 Professor, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University

2016–2018 Convenor, ANU Gender Institute

2012–2018 Associate Editor, International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Gender and Sexuality

Past Academic Positions

2016–18 Deputy Director Research, School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University

2010–16 Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow

2008–2009 Poste Rouge/Visiting Professor Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris and Marseille, January 2009–June 2009

2001–2002 Visiting Professor, Department of Art History, University of California at Santa Cruz

2000–2002 Resident Scholar, Centre for Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz

1998 Burns Distinguished Visiting Chair, History, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

1995–2009 Senior Fellow and Head, Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU

1995–2009 Senior Fellow and Head, Gender Relations Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU

1989–91 Visiting Fellow on secondment, Anthropology, Comparative Austronesian Project, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU

1987–88, 1991 Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, Macquarie University

1983 Visiting Fellow in Project on Gender Relations in the SW Pacific, Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies

1980–86 Lecturer in Anthropology, Macquarie University

1974–79 Tutor and Senior Tutor in Anthropology, Macquarie University

Prizes and Research Awards

1967 Frank Bell Prize for Anthropology, University of Sydney

1987–88 ARC Grant for project Women, Colonialism and Development in Vanuatu, $12,000

1987, 1989 Grants from British Council and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales to attend conferences organised by Professors Maurice Godelier and Marilyn Strathern in Paris, c.$5,000

1990–93 Macquarie University Research Fellowship Scheme with Assoc. Professor Stewart Firth, Dr Bob Norton and Dr Caroline Ralston, The Politics of Tradition. Research Fellows, Professor Jocelyn Linnekin (Hawai’i) and Dr Christina Toren (Brunel), $130,000

1992–94 ARC large grant for The Politics of Tradition, with Dr Nicholas Thomas and Dr Caroline Ralston. Research Fellows, Dr Ton Otto (Nijmegen) and Dr Jeff Clark (James Cook), $140,000

1992 Strategic Development Funds, RSPAS, ANU for Gender Relations Project/Centre, c. $250,000 per annum to 2009

1994 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade grant to fund scholars from Asia to attend conference on Linking our Histories: Asian and Pacific Women as Migrants, $40,000

1995 Strategic Developments Fund, Institute of Advanced Studies, ANU, for project State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, $275,000 per annum

1996 Grant from Wenner–Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research to attend invited symposium on Gender in Melanesia and Amazonia, Mijas, Spain, c.$7,000

  1. University of California, San Diego and Santa Cruz, invited seminars, c.$2,000

  2. National Endowment of Humanities Grant to address symposium on Culture and Identity in the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawai’i, c.$4,000

  3. University of California at Santa Cruz for conference on indigeneity and Pacific studies, $4,000

2000 AusAID and State Society and Governance in Melanesia Project, to address conference on Restorative Justice, Port Vila, Vanuatu, $2,000

2000 Tokyo University, Center for Pacific and Asian Studies for symposium on Structural Change in US and Pacific Relations, $6,000

2000 Wenner–Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research to attend invited workshop in London, Ontario, on Globalization in the Pacific, $3,000

2000 Stout Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, to address Waka Conference, $2,000

2000–01 Resident Scholar, Center for Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz

2001–02 Visiting Professor, Art History Department, University of California at Santa Cruz

2004 ARC Linkage International Fellowship Award, for Professor Serge Tcherkézoff (CREDO, Marseille), for collaborative project Enlightened Explorations? Revisioning Gender and Sexuality in British and French Exploratory Voyages of the Pacific, $91,677

2004 Discovery Grant, for 5–year project Oceanic Encounters: Colonial and Contemporary Transformations of Gender and Sexuality in the Pacific, $1,004,318

2003 Council of Anthropology and Reproduction, American Anthropological Association, Prize for best edited collection, Birthing in the Pacific: Beyond Tradition and Modernity?, ed. V. Lukere and M. Jolly.

2006 Honolulu Academy of Arts, Travel grant for invited paper ‘Beyond the Beach’ at conference, Changing Contexts, Shifting Meanings, $3000

2006 Pacific History Association. Travel grant for keynote address at biennial conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, $2000

2007 Inaugural prize for excellence in graduate supervision, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, $1000

2008 European Society for Oceanists and Academy of Science, Slovenia. Travel grant for keynote address at biennial conference at University of Verona, Italy, and lecture series in Slovenia, $5000

2008 University of Sydney, Departments of Anthropology and History. Travel grant to deliver seminar paper ‘Beyond the Blue’ and participate in symposium on Population and History, August 2008, $1500.

2008 Columbia University New York and Monash University Melbourne, Travel grant to deliver paper ‘After Nature…and Before?’ to Globalization of Motherhood conference, October London, $5000.

2008 Manchester University, Department of Anthropology. Travel grant to deliver seminar paper, ‘Beyond the Blue’: Revisioning Gender and Sexuality on Cook’s Voyages in the Pacific ‘and participate in departmental roundtable, $1000

2010 ARC Laureate Fellowship for Engendering Persons, Transforming Things: Christianities, Commodities and Individualism in Oceania. $2,750,000 (with Drs Katherine Lepani. Anna-Karina Hermkens, Rachel Morgain and four PhD scholars from the Pacific)

2018 ARC Discovery Project Engendering Climate Change, Reframing Futures in Oceania $470,000 (with Dr Siobhan McDonnell, Miranda Scarr and Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner)

Field and Archival Research

Ethnographic research, South Pentecost, Vanuatu (1970–73, 1977, 2013). Library and ethnographic research and conferences, Port Vila Vanuatu, 1987, 1990, 1992, 2000, 2006, 2013, 2015. Museum research in Port Vila, Nouméa and Wellington (1999, 2000, 2003, 2006), Honolulu (1998, 1999, 2003, 2006), Berlin (2006, 2008), Vienna (2006), Paris (2008, 2009), Göttingen (2008). Archival research in Western Pacific High Commission archives (1973); Mitchell Library, Sydney (1973, 1977, 1985–2003); British Museum (1980, 1987); National Maritime Museum (1987); Rhodes House and Bodleian Library, Oxford (1987); University Library, Cambridge (1987, 1994); Archives d’Outre Mer, Aix-en-Provence (1997); Melanesian Archive, San Diego (1998); National Library of Australia (1989–2017).

Committees and University Service

Macquarie University – Elected School representative on Academic Senate, Women’s Studies Committee, 1983–88.

ANU – Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS) Faculty Board, 1989–2008; Strategy Committee, 1991; Gender Balance Committee, 1989–92; numerous electoral committees, 1991–2008, including as elected School member for committee to select new Director, 1992 and 2006; RSPAS Promotions Committee, 1994–97 (covering grades from B to D); Research Advisory Board, RSPAS, 1996–98; Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996–2002; University Committee on General Policy, 1997–99. Promotions Committee for Institute of Advanced Studies, 2000–01 (grades B to E2). Review panel, Women’s Studies, ANU, 1995. University Research Committee, 2002–03. Local Promotions Committee, University Centres 2004, Local Promotions Committee, Asia–Pacific Cluster, 2005, 2006, Gender Issues Group, 2007, Local Promotions Committee, College of Arts and Social Sciences, 2009; College of Asia and the Pacific Research Committee 2010–13, 2016–17; Deputy Convenor and Member of Management Board, Gender Institute 2010–16; Convenor of Gender Institute 2016–17;Member of Management Board of Pacific Institute 2011–2012. Co–convenor Pacific Institute 2013–5. Member of CAP College Board 2013–14; Deputy Director Research, School of Culture, History and Language, 2016–17

External Review panel, Women’s Studies, University of Auckland, 2000. Selection Committee, Chair in Anthropology, University of Auckland, February 2005. Review Committee, Anthropology Department, Otago University, Dunedin, April 2006. Review Committee, School of Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Hawai’i, Mānoa, March 2015. Chair of Scientific Advisory Board European Consortium of Pacific Studies (ECOPAS), 2012–2015, Member of Advisory Board of Australian Research Centre of Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University (ARCSHS)

External Promotion and Tenure Reviews, University of Melbourne, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia, Macquarie University, University of Wollongong, Waikato University, University of Chicago, University of California, San Diego, University of California, Irvine, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California at Santa Cruz, York University, Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Northwestern University, University of Michigan, University of Massachusetts, New York University.

Other Professional Activities

Editorial board of The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, The Australian Journal of Anthropology.

Book reviews and review articles for American Anthropologist, Australian Historical Studies, Mankind (now The Australian Journal of Anthropology), Oceania, The Journal of Pacific History, Pacific Studies, Historical Studies, Gender and History, The Journal of the History of Sexuality, The Contemporary Pacific, Hau: Journal of Anthropological Theory.

Refereeing manuscripts for American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, Australian Historical Studies, History and Anthropology, Intersections, Man (now Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute), Oceania, The Contemporary Pacific, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, The Asia–Pacific Journal of Anthropology), Social Analysis, The Journal of the Polynesian Society. For Cambridge University Press; Cornell University Press; Harwood Press; Indiana University Press; Michigan University Press; Stanford University Press; University of Hawai’i Press, University of Washington Press. Australian Research Council; University of Queensland; The Australian National University; Health Research Council, New Zealand. Marsden Fund, New Zealand, Guggenheim and National Endowment of Humanities, USA. Economic and Social Research Council, Canada, Royal Society New Zealand.

Examining of PhD, Masters and honours theses for The Australian National University; University of Sydney; University of Technology, Sydney; La Trobe University; Macquarie University; James Cook University; Northern Territory University; University of Wollongong; Victoria University of Technology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; University of Auckland, New Zealand; Waikato University, New Zealand.
Member of Australian Anthropological Society; Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. European Society for Oceanists; American Anthropological Association.

Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (FASSA) since 1999.

Vice-President Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies (AAAPS) 2006–8, 2010–2012, Editor Pacificurrents (e journal of AAAPS) 2008–10.


Books and Edited Volumes

1989 Margaret Jolly and Martha Macintyre (eds) Family and Gender in the Pacific: Domestic Contradictions and the Colonial Impact, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Digital reprint 2009.

1992 Margaret Jolly and Nicholas Thomas (eds) The Politics of Tradition in the Pacific. Oceania (Special Issue) 62(4).

1994a Women of the Place: Kastom, Colonialism and Gender in Vanuatu, Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur and Reading.

1994b Margaret Jolly and Mark Mosko (eds) Transformations of Hierarchy: Structure, History and Horizon in the Austronesian World. History and Anthropology (Special Issue) 7.

1994c Margaret Jolly (ed.) Women’s Difference: Sexuality and Maternity in Colonial and Postcolonial Discourses. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue) 5(1&2).

1997 Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly (eds) Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

1998 Kalpana Ram and Margaret Jolly (eds) Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Digital reprint 2009.

2001a Margaret Jolly and Kalpana Ram (eds) Borders of Being: Citizenship, Fertility, and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

2001b Barry Hindess and Margaret Jolly (eds) Thinking Peace, Making Peace, Occasional Paper Series, No. 1/2001, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra.

2002 Vicki Lukere and Margaret Jolly (eds) Birthing in the Pacific: Beyond Tradition and Modernity? University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu. Awarded Council of Anthropology and Reproduction, American Anthropological Association Prize for best edited collection, 2003.

2008 Margaret Jolly (ed) Re–membering Oceanic Masculinities. The Contemporary Pacific 20(1).

2009 Margaret Jolly, Serge Tcherkézoff and Darrell Tryon (eds) Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire Violence. ANU E–Press, Canberra

2012 Margaret Jolly and Christine Stewart with Carolyn Brewer (eds) Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea. ANU E–Press, Canberra.

2013 Hilary Charlesworth and Margaret Jolly (eds) Grounding Travelling Concepts: Dialogues with Sally Engle Merry about Gender and Justice. Intersections Issue 33.

2014 Hyaeweol Choi and Margaret Jolly (eds) Divine Domesticities: Christian Paradoxes n Asia and the Pacific. ANU Press, Canberra.

2016 Aletta Biersack, Margaret Jolly and Martha Macintyre (eds) Gender Violence and Human Rights: Seeking Justice in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. Canberra: ANU Press.

Refereed Articles, Chapters and Reports

1981 People and their Products in South Pentecost. In M.R. Allen (ed.) Vanuatu: Politics, Economics and Ritual in Island Melanesia, Academic Press, Sydney and New York, 269–93.

1982 Birds and Banyans of South Pentecost: Kastom in Anti–Colonial Struggle. In R.M. Keesing and R. Tonkinson (eds) Reinventing Traditional Culture: The Politics of Kastom in Island Melanesia. Mankind (Special Issue) 13(4):338–56.

1984a The Anatomy of Pig Love: Substance, Spirit and Gender in South Pentecost, Vanuatu. Canberra Anthropology 7(1–2):78–108.

1984b Comments on Anna Yeatman’s ‘The Procreative Model’. Social Analysis 16:10–13.

1987a The Forgotten Women: A History of Migrant Labour and Gender Relations in Vanuatu. Oceania 58(2):119–39.

1987b The Chimera of Equality in Melanesia. Equality and Inequality: Papers in Memory of Chandra Jayawardena. Mankind (Special Issue) 17(2):168–83.

1989a Introduction (with M. Macintyre). In M. Jolly and M. Macintyre (eds) Family and Gender in the Pacific: Domestic Contradictions and the Colonial Impact, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1–18.

1989b Sacred Spaces: Churches, Men’s Houses and Households in South Pentecost, Vanuatu. In M. Jolly and M. Macintyre (eds) Family and Gender in the Pacific: Domestic Contradictions and the Colonial Impact, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 213–35.

1991a Soaring Hawks and Grounded Persons: The Politics of Rank and Gender in North Vanuatu. In M. Godelier and M. Strathern (eds) Big Men and Great Men: Personifications of Power in Melanesia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 48–80.

1991b The Politics of Difference: Feminism, Colonialism and Decolonisation in Vanuatu. In G. Bottomley, M. de Lepervanche and J. Martin (eds) Intersexions: Gender/Class/Culture/Ethnicity, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 52–74.

1991c ‘To Save the Girls for Brighter and Better Lives’: Presbyterian Missions and Women in the South of Vanuatu: 1848–1870. The Journal of Pacific History 26(1):27–48.

1991d Gifts, Commodities and Corporeality: Food and Gender in South Pentecost, Vanuatu. Canberra Anthropology 14(1):45–66.

1992a Banana Leaf Bundles and Skirts: A Pacific Penelope’s Web? In J. Carrier (ed.) History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology, University of California Press, Berkeley, 38–63.

1992b Epilogue (with R.M. Keesing). In J. Carrier (ed.) History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology, University of California Press, Berkeley, 224–47.

1992c ‘Ill–natured Comparisons’: Racism and Relativism in European Representations of ni–Vanuatu from Cook’s Second Voyage. History and Anthropology 5(3–4):331–64.

1992d Specters of Inauthenticity. The Contemporary Pacific 4(1):49–72.

1992e Partible Persons and Multiple Authors (contribution to Book Review Forum on Marilyn Strathern’s The Gender of the Gift). Pacific Studies 15(1):137–49.

1992f Introduction (with N. Thomas). In M. Jolly and N. Thomas (eds) The Politics of Tradition in the Pacific. Oceania (Special Issue) 62(4):241–48.

1992g Custom and the Way of the Land: Past and Present in Vanuatu and Fiji. In M. Jolly and N. Thomas (eds) The Politics of Tradition in the Pacific. Oceania (Special Issue) 62(4):330–54. (Republished in R. Borofsky (ed.) Remembrance of Pacific Pasts: An Invitation to Remake History, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 2000).

1992h Foucault Goes Troppo (review article of Knowledge and Power in a South Pacific Society, by L. Lindstrom). The Journal of Pacific History 27(2):237–43.

1993 Colonizing Women: The Maternal Body and Empire. In S. Gunew and A. Yeatman (eds) Feminism and the Politics of Difference, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 103–27.

1994a Prologue (with M. Mosko). In M. Mosko and M. Jolly (eds) Transformations of Hierarchy: Structure, History and Horizon in the Austronesian World. History and Anthropology (Special Issue) 7(1–4):1–18.

1994b Hierarchy and Encompassment: Rank, Gender and Place in Vanuatu and Fiji. In M. Mosko and M. Jolly (eds) Transformations of Hierarchy: Structure, History and Horizon in the Austronesian World. History and Anthropology (Special Issue) 7(1–4):133–67.

1994c Epilogue: Hierarchical Horizons. In M. Mosko and M. Jolly (eds) Transformations of Hierarchy: Structure, History and Horizon in the Austronesian World. History and Anthropology (Special Issue) 7(1–4):377–409.

1994d Introduction. In M. Jolly (ed.) Women’s Difference: Sexuality and Maternity in Colonial and Postcolonial Discourses. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue) 5(1&2):1–10.

1994e Motherlands? Some Notes on Women and Nationalism in India and Africa. In M. Jolly (ed.) Women’s Difference: Sexuality and Maternity in Colonial and Postcolonial Discourses. The Australian Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue) 5(1&2):41–59.

1994f Kastom as Commodity: The Land Dive as Indigenous Rite and Tourist Spectacle in Vanuatu. In L. Lindstrom and G.M. White (eds) Culture, Kastom, Tradition: Developing Cultural Policy in Melanesia, Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva, 131–44.

1996a Devils, Holy Spirits, and the Swollen God: Translation, Conversion and Colonial Power in the Marist Mission, Vanuatu, 1887–1934. In P. van der Veer (ed.) Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity, Routledge, New York and London, 231–62.

1996b Person and Collectivity in Narratives of Conversion (review article for Book Review Forum on Identity through History, by G. White) Pacific Studies 19(1):139–48.

1996c Woman Ikat Raet Long Human Raet O No?: Women’s Rights, Human Rights and Domestic Violence in Vanuatu. In A. Curthoys, H. Irving and J. Martin (eds) The World Upside Down: Feminisms in the Antipodes. Feminist Review 52:169–90.

1996d European Perceptions of the Arts of Vanuatu: Engendering Colonial Interests. In J. Bonnemaison, K. Huffman, C. Kaufmann, and D. Tryon (eds) Arts of Vanuatu, Crawford House Publishing, Bathurst, 264, 267–77. Also published in French: Perceptions occidentales des arts de Vanuatu: La production de l’image coloniale. In J. Bonnemaison, K. Huffman, C. Kaufmann, D. Tryon (eds) Vanuatu Océanie: Arts des îles de cendre et de corail, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, ORSTOM, Paris, 272, 275–87.

1996e Desire, Difference and Disease: Sexual and Venereal Exchanges on Cook’s Voyages in the Pacific. In R. Gibson (ed.) Exchanges: Cross–cultural Encounters in Australia and the Pacific, Museum of Sydney/Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, Sydney, 187–217.

1997a Woman–Nation–State in Vanuatu: Women as Signs and Subjects in the Discourses of Kastom, Modernity and Christianity. In T. Otto and N. Thomas (eds) Narratives of Nation in the South Pacific, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 133–62.

1997b Introduction: Sites of Desire/Economies of Pleasure in Asia and the Pacific (with L. Manderson). In L. Manderson and M. Jolly (eds) Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1–26 (incl. notes: 293–96).

1997c From Point Venus to Bali Ha‘i: Eroticism and Exoticism in Representations of the Pacific. In L. Manderson and M. Jolly (eds) Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 99–122 (incl. notes: 303–6).

1997d White Shadows in the Darkness: Representations of Polynesian Women in Early Cinema. In M. Quanchi (ed.) Imaging, Representation and Photography of the Pacific Islands. Pacific Studies (Special Issue) 20(4):125–50.

1998a Introduction: Colonial and Postcolonial Plots in Histories of Maternities and Modernities. In K. Ram and M. Jolly (eds) Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1–25.

1998b Other Mothers: Maternal ‘insouciance’ and the Depopulation Debate in Fiji and Vanuatu, 1890–1930. In K. Ram and M. Jolly (eds) Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 177–212.

1999a ‘Our Part of the World’: Indigenous and Diasporic Differences and Feminist Anthropology in America and the Antipodes. Communal/Plural 7(2):195–212.

1999b Il costume e la via degli antenati: il passato e il presente a Vanuatu e alle Figi. In A. Bellagamba and A. Paini (eds) Costruire il passato: Il dibattito sulle tradizioni in Africa e Oceania, Paravia, Torino, 106–40. Translated into Italian by A. Paini; originally published in 1992 as ‘Custom and the Way of the Land: Past and Present in Vanuatu and Fiji’, Oceania 62(4):330–54.

1999c Another Time, Another Place. Oceania 69(4):282–99.

2000a Epilogue: Further Reflections on Violence in Melanesia. In S. Dinnen and A. Ley (eds) Reflections on Violence in Melanesia, Hawkins Press, Sydney, and Asia Pacific Press, Canberra, 305–24.

2000b Woman Ikat Raet Long Human Raet O No? Women’s Rights, Human Rights and Domestic Violence in Vanuatu. In A.–M. Hilsdon, M. Macintyre, V. Mackie and M. Stivens (eds) Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia–Pacific Perspectives, Routledge, London and New York, 124–46. Updated and expanded version of article first published in Feminist Review 52:169–90 (1996).

2000c Depopulation; Family, Gender; Culture, Kastom, Tradition. Entries in B.V. Lal and K. Fortune (eds) The Pacific Islands: An Encyclopedia, University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 84–85; 405–8, 415–16; 483–86.

2000d Specters of Inauthenticity. In D. Hanlon and G.M. White (eds) Voyaging through the Contemporary Pacific, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, MD, 274–97. Republication, orig. publ. 1992, The Contemporary Pacific 4(1):49–72.

2000e Fraying Gauguin’s Skirt: Gender, Race, and Liminality in Polynesia (review article for Book Review Forum on Gauguin’s Skirt, by S.F. Eisenman). Pacific Studies 23(1/2):86–103.

2001a Introduction: Embodied States – Familial and National Genealogies in Asia and the Pacific. In M. Jolly and K. Ram (eds) Borders of Being: Citizenship, Fertility, and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1–35.

2001b Infertile States: Person and Collectivity, Region and Nation in the Rhetoric of Pacific Population. In M. Jolly and K. Ram (eds) Borders of Being: Citizenship, Fertility, and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 262–306.

2001c Introduction: Thinking Peace, Making Peace: Millennial Reflections (with B. Hindess). In B. Hindess and M. Jolly (eds) Thinking Peace, Making Peace, Occasional Paper Series, No. 1/2001, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra, 1–6.

2001d On the Edge? Deserts, Oceans, Islands. In V.M. Diaz and J. Kehaulani Kauanui (eds) Native Pacific Cultural Studies on the Edge. The Contemporary Pacific (Special Issue) 13(2):417–66.

2001e Imagining Oceania: Indigenous and Foreign Representations of a Sea of Islands. In D. Yui and Y. Endo (eds) Framing the Pacific in the 21st Century: Coexistence and Friction, Center for Pacific and American Studies, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 29–48.

2001f Damming the Rivers of Milk? Fertility, Sexuality, and Modernity in Melanesia and Amazonia. In T. Gregor and D. Tuzin (eds) Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: An Exploration of the Comparative Method, University of California Press, Berkeley, 175–206.

2002a Introduction: Birthing beyond the Confines of Tradition and Modernity? In V. Lukere and M. Jolly (eds) Birthing in the Pacific: Beyond Tradition and Modernity? University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 1–30.

2002b From Darkness to Light? Epidemiologies and Ethnographies of Motherhood in Vanuatu. In V. Lukere and M. Jolly (eds) Birthing in the Pacific: Beyond Tradition and Modernity? University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu, 148–77.

2002c Anthropology: Reconfiguring a Janus Face in a Global Epoch (with T. Jamieson). In S. Marginson (ed.) Investing in Social Capital: Postgraduate Training in the Social Sciences in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies (Special Issue) 74:45–72, 219–24.

2003a Spouses and Siblings in Sa Stories. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 14(2):188–208.

2003b Epilogue – Some Thoughts on Restorative Justice and Gender. In S. Dinnen (ed.) A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands, Pandanus Books, Canberra, 265–74.

2003c Epilogue. In B. Douglas (ed.) Women's Groups and Everyday Modernity in Melanesia. Oceania (Special Issue) 74(1&2):134–47.

2004 Unsettling Affinities? A Review Essay. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 5(2):173–84.

2005a Beyond the Horizon? Nationalisms, Feminisms, and Globalization in the Pacific. In M. Kaplan (ed.) Outside Gods: History Making in the Pacific. Ethnohistory (Special Issue) 52(1):137–66.

2005b Serene and Unsettling Journeys: Reflections on the Oceanic in Robin White’s Time to Go. In M. Coquet, B. Derlon and M. Jeudy–Ballini (eds) Les cultures à l’œuvre: Rencontres en art, Maison des sciences de l’homme/Biro éditeur, Paris, 273–93.

2005c Antipodean Audits: Neoliberalism, Illiberal Governments and Australian Universities. Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice 12(1):31–47.

2005d Epilogue: Multicultural Relations in Fiji – Between Despair and Hope. In E. Hermann and W. Kempf (eds) Relations in Multicultural Fiji: Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Oceania (Special Issue) 75(4):418–30.

2007a Imagining Oceania: Indigenous and Foreign Representations of a Sea of Islands, The Contemporary Pacific, 19(2): 508–545. Revised and updated version of Jolly 2001e.

2007b Oceanic Hauntings: Race–Culture–Place Between Vanuatu and Hawai’i. In Penny Edwards, Debjani Ganguly and Jacqueline Lo (eds) Pigments of the Imagination. Journal of Intercultural Studies (Special Issue), 28(1): 97–110.

2007c Unsettling Memories: Commemorating “Discoverers” in Australia and Vanuatu in 2006. In Frédéric Angleviel (ed.) Fernández de Quirós et le Vanuatu.Décourverte mutuelle et historiographie d’un acte fondateur 1606. GROCH Nouméa with assistance of the European Union, République Française, Vanuatu Government and Vanuatu National Cultural Council. Port Vila: Sun Productions, 197–219.

2008a Introduction. Moving Masculinities: Memories and Bodies Across Oceania in Re–membering Oceanic Masculinities, The Contemporary Pacific, 20(1):1–24.

2008b The South in Southern Theory: Antipodean Reflections on the Pacific, Australian Humanities Review, 44, March, 75–100.

2008c Bringing Exile Home: Review Article of Ned Curthoys and Debjani Ganguly (eds) Edward Said: The Legacy of a Public Intellectual. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9(2): 157–161.

2009a Oceanic Encounters: A Prelude (with S. Tcherkézoff). In M. Jolly, S. Tcherkézoff and D. Tryon (eds) Oceanic Encounters: Exchange. Desire, Violence. Canberra: ANU E–Press.

2009b The Sediment of Voyages: Re–membering Quirós, Bougainville and Cook in Vanuatu. In M. Jolly, S. Tcherkézoff and D. Tryon (eds) Oceanic Encounters: Exchange. Desire, Violence. Canberra: ANU E–Press, 57–111.

2009c Looking Back? Gender, Race and Sexuality in Jane Campion’s The Piano. Australian Feminist Studies. Vol 24 (59): 99–121

2009d Revisioning Gender and Sexuality on Cook’s Voyages in the Pacific. In Robert Fleck and Adrienne L. Kaeppler (eds) James Cook und die Entdeckung der Sudsee/ James Cook and the Exploration of the Pacific, Bonn: Kunst–und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutchsland, English version, Thames and Hudson, 98–102.

2010 Divided Mothers: Changing Global Inequalities of ‘Nature’ and ‘Nurture’. Chapter 8 in The Globalization of Motherhood: Deconstructions and reconstructions of biology and care, edited by Jane Maree Maher and Wendy Chavkin, London and New York: Routledge, 154–179.

2011a Becoming a ‘New’ Museum: Contesting Oceanic Visions at Musée du Quai Branly. The Contemporary Pacific, 23 (1): 108–139.

2011b Flying with Two Wings: Justice and Gender in Vanuatu. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 12 (2): 195–201.

2011c Beyond the Beach: Rearticulating the Limen in Oceanic Pasts, Presents and Futures. In Elfriede Hermann (eds) Changing Contexts, Shifting Meanings: Transformations of Cultural Traditions in Oceania. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press with Honolulu Academy of Arts, 56–73.

2011d Epilogue: A Personal Perspective on Afta 26 Yia. In John P. Taylor and Nicholas Thieberger (eds) Working Together: Vanuatu Research Histories, Collaborations, Projects and Reflections. ANU E–Press, 239–245.

2011e Oggetti in movimento: riflessioni sulle collezioni d'Oceania, in Anna Paini e Elisabetta Gnecchi Ruscone (a cura), Prima vengono le persone. Dialogo interculturale immaginando il futuro in Oceania. La Ricerca Folklorica, 63 : 29–50.

2012a Prologue: the Place of Papua New Guinea in Contours of Gender Violence. In Margaret Jolly and Christine Stewart with Carolyn Brewer (eds) Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea, 1–10.

2012b Introduction: Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea: Persons, Power and Perilous Transformations. In Margaret Jolly and Christine Stewart with Carolyn Brewer (eds) Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea. ANU E–Press, 11–44.

2012c Material and Immaterial Relations: Gender, Rank and Christianity in Vanuatu. In Laurent Dousset and Serge Tcherkézoff (eds) The Scope of Anthropology. Oxford: Berghahn, 110–154.

2012d Women of the East, Women of the West: Region and Race, Gender and Sexuality on Cook’s Voyages. Chapter One In Kate Fullagar (ed.) The Atlantic World in the Antipodes. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2–32.

2013a Epilogue. Agreeing to Disagree about Kago. In Marc Tabani and Marcellin Abong (eds) Kago, Kastom and Kalja: Old Theories and New Realities in the Study of Melanesian Movements. Marseille: Pacific CREDO Publications, 187–212.

2013b Intersections of Gender and Law in Asia and the Pacific with Hilary Charlesworth
in Hilary Charlesworth and Margaret Jolly (eds) Grounding Travelling Concepts: Dialogues with Sally Engle Merry about Gender and Justice. Intersections Issue 33.

2014a Paradoxes of Domesticity: Missionary Encounters in the Making of Christian Homes in Asia and the Pacific (with Hyaeweol Choi) in Hyaeweol Choi and Margaret Jolly (eds) Divine Domesticities: Paradoxes of Christian Modernities in Asia and the Pacific. ANU Press, Canberra, 1–25.

2014b A Saturated History of Christianity and Cloth in Oceania in Hyaeweol Choi and Margaret Jolly (eds) Divine Domesticities: Paradoxes of Christian Modernities in Asia and the Pacific. ANU Press, Canberra, 429–454.

2015a Braed Praes in Vanuatu: Both Gifts and Commodities. In Gender and Person in Oceania. Special Issue of Oceania, edited by Anna–Karina Hermkens, Rachel Morgain, and John Taylor, 85 (1): 63–78.

2015b with Katherine Lepani, Anna Naupa, Michelle Rooney and Helen Lee. Falling through the Net: Gender and Social Protection in the Pacific. Discussion Paper for UN Women New York, Progress of the World’s Women, 2015–16.–library/publications/2015/9/dps–gender–and–social–protection–in–the–pacific

2016a with Niko Besnier. Shape–Shifting Mana: Travels in Space and Time. In Matt Tomlinson and Ty Kawika Tengan (eds) New Mana. Canberra: ANU Press.

2016b Moving Objects: Reflections on Oceanic Collections. The Contemporary Pacific. 28 (2): 181–214.

2016c Men of War, Men of Peace: Changing Masculinities in Vanuatu. In Emerging Pacific Masculinities, Special Issue of The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, edited by Aletta Biersack and Martha Macintyre 17(3–4): 305–323.

2016d ‘When She Cries Oceans’: navigating gender violence in the Western Pacific. In Aletta Biersack, Margaret Jolly and Martha Macintyre (eds) Gender Violence and Human Rights: Seeking Justice in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. Canberra: ANU Press, 340–379.

2016f Moving Towers: Worlding the Spectacle of Masculinities between South Pentecost and Munich. In John P. Taylor and Kalissa Alexeyeff (eds) Touring Pacific Cultures. Canberra: ANU Press, 181–23.

2016g Engendering vertigo in time-space travel. Contribution to Review Symposium on Marilyn Strathern Before and After: Sexual Mythologies of Everyday Life. Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6(3): 393–399.

2017a Sinuous Objects, Sensuous Bodies: Revaluing ‘Women’s Wealth’ Across Time and Place. In Sinuous Objects: Revaluing Women’s Wealth in the Contemporary Pacific, edited by Anna-Karina Hermkens and Katherine Lepani. Canberra: ANU Press, 261–292 .

2017b Moving Objects: Reflections on Oceanic Collections (Longer version of 2016b). In Anna Paini and Elisabetta Gnecchi-Ruscone (eds) Tides of Innovation: Value, Materiality and Place. Canberra: ANU Press , 77–114.

2018 Something about Women? Something About Microfinance? Review article The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 19 (1), DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2018.1440916

2018 Horizons and Rifts in Conversations about Climate Change in Oceania. In Pacific Futures, edited by Warwick Anderson, Tony Ballantyne, Barbara Brookes, Miranda Johnson. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. In press, due September 2018.

2018 Contested Paradise: Dispossession and Repossession in Hawai’i. In Kalissa Alexeyeff and Siobhan McDonnell (eds) Repossessing Paradise. Special Issue of The Contemporary Pacific, 30 (2): 355–378.

2018 Transforming Place, Time and Person?: Mobile Telephones and Changing Moral Economies in the Western Pacific. In The Moral Economy of Mobile Phones in the Pacific, edited by Robert Foster and Heather Horst, 139–148. Canberra: ANU Press.

2018 Ritualized Homosexuality. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, New York, Wiley Blackwell. In press, due August 2018.

2018 Gender and Person. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, New York, Wiley Blackwell. In press, due August 2018.

2018 Dowry. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, New York, Wiley Blackwell. In press, due August 2018.

2018 Gender Violence. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, New York, Wiley Blackwell. In press, due August 2018.

2018 with Fiona Jenkins. Gender Trouble: Judith Butler and Anthropology. In International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, New York, Wiley Blackwell. In press, due August 2018.

2019 Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism. Special Issue of Journal de la Société des Océanistes. Filming the Pacific, edited by Eric Wittersheim and Jessica de Largy Healy.

Under review.

Being revised/updated

n.d. Illusory Islands: Racial and Cultural Mixing in Early Twentieth Century New Hebrides/Nouvelles Hébrides for Comparative Studies in Society and History.

n.d. Matisse between North Africa and Oceania: Orientalism, Modernism and Metissage. For Australian Humanities Review.

n.d. Fertile Frictions: Feminisms and Anthropologies in Oceania. In The Akward Relationship Revisited. Proposed American Anthropologist Special issue, from AAA panel.

n.d. Vernacularization in Vanuatu: Engendering Persons and Property in Christianity and Human Rights Discourse. Presented at panel in honour of Sally Engle Merry at AAA Washington, December 2014. Being revised for Oceania.

Unrefereed Articles/Poetry

1976 Matriarchy: Myth and History. Refractory Girl 11:3–8.

1977 Androcentricity and Anthropology. Refractory Girl 13–14:65–69.

1980 Mothering. Refractory Girl 20–21:53–57.

1989 Aliens: Old and New Racisms. Age Monthly Review 9(5), 20–22 August.

1993 Obituary: Roger Martin Keesing. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 4(2):157–61.

1994 Nodes in a Nervous System: An Anthropologist Looks at Nursing across Cultures. In Transcultural Nursing Conference: Traditional and Folk Practices, compiled by S. Wolody et al., Cumberland College of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, 1–18.

1998 Aerial Roots. In K. Ram and J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (eds) Migrating Feminisms: The Asia/Pacific Region. Women’s Studies International Forum (Special Issue) 21(6):663–64.

2000a The Art of Life. Muse: Canberra’s Arts Monthly, no. 195 (May), 20.

2000b Some Thoughts on Restorative Justice and Gender in the Pacific. Dialogue (Journal of Academy for Social Sciences in Australia) 19(3):29–32.

2002c Grace. In S. Randell (ed.) Pacific Creative Writing in Memory of Grace Mera Molisa. Blackstone Publishing, Port Vila, 42–43.

2005 Biting Tale of Rotuma Redemption. The Canberra Times, Arts & Entertainment, (28 November), 8–9.

2006 A Personal Perspective on After 26 Years: Collaborative Research In Vanuatu since Independence, November 6–8, Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta, The Independent, Port Vila, Sunday 12 November, 19, 25.

2014 Animating Atua: In the presence of Polynesian gods. Art Monthly Australia, April, 34–39 .

Conference Papers Online

2003 Our Sea of Islands or Archipelagoes of Autarchy? Some Preliminary Reflections on Transdisciplinary Navigation and Learning Oceania. Presented at Learning Oceania: Towards a PhD Program in Pacific Studies Workshop, 13–15 November, Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, <>

Selected Keynote Addresses and Invited Papers 2006–2017.

2006 ‘Unsettling Memories: Commemorating “Discoverers” in Australia and Vanuatu in 2006’. Keynote address for Pacific History Association meetings, Otago University, Dunedin, December 15, 2006.

2008 ‘Of the Same Cloth: Oceanic Anthropologies of Gender, Textiles and Christianities’, Invited Distinguished Keynote Lecture for the Association of Social Anthropology in Oceania, ANU, Canberra February 14, 2008. (Invited for publication in an expanded book version in the ASAO Special Publications Series by Berghahn).

2008 ‘Making Connections: Gender Youth and Economic Empowerment in the Pacific’. Keynote address for conjoint workshop convened by AusAID and ANU Learning Oceania on Gender, Youth and Economic Empowerment in the Pacific, April 16–18, 2008. Powerpoint on AusAID website, text being revised for Pacific Economic Bulletin.

2008 ‘Moving Objects: Reflections on Oceanic Collections’. Keynote address for the European Society for Oceanists Conference at University of Verona, July 10, 2008.

2008 Beyond the Blue: Revisioning Gender and Sexuality on Cook’s Voyages in the Pacific. Distillation of An Ocean of Difference. Invited paper presented to Anthropology colloquium, University of Sydney August 14, 2008, Department of Anthropology, University of Manchester, October 20, 2008 and St Andrews Scotland, May 2009.

2008 ‘After Nature… And Before? Thoughts on the Globalization of Motherhood’, invited paper for International Conference on Globalization of Motherhood, convened by Professor Wendy Chavkin of Columbia University and Dr JaneMaree Maher, Monash University, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London October 14–17, 2008. Discussed at roundtable University of Manchester, October 21, 2008.

2009 Material and Immaterial Relations: Gender, Rank and Christianity in Vanuatu. Presented to Research Seminar at Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l’Océanie, Marseille, February 2009 and St Andrews Scotland, May 2009.

2009 Illusory Islands: Racial and Cultural Mixing in Early Twentieth Century New Hebrides/Nouvelles Hébrides. Presented to Research Seminar at Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l’Océanie, Marseille, March 2009

2010 Becoming a ‘New’ Museum: Contesting Oceanic Visions at Musée du Quai Branly. Presented to Anthropology Colloquium, University of Melbourne, September 2.

2010 Divided Mothers: Changing Global Inequalities of ‘Nature’ and ‘Nurture’, invited Keynote to Research Fest, Macquarie University, October 19–21, 2010.

2011 Feminisms Futures: Generations and Waves. Keynote speaker at panel for launch of the Gender Institute at the Australian National University.

2011 Gendered Citizens in Asia and the Pacific, July 11. Keynote speaker for Asia–Pacific week, College of Asia and the Pacific.

2011 Revaluing Oceanic Things as World Art: A Perspective on Musee du Quai Branly. For conference on World Art, organized by Caroline Turner and Michelle Antoinette, Australian National University.

2011 Contesting Regional Visions: Asia–Pacific and Oceania. September 29. ISA Inaugural Conference, Brisbane.

2011 Plotting Genealogies of Gender: A View from ANU. 60 Years of Anthropology at ANU conference.

2011 Engendering Persons and Things in Vanuatu: Relationality, Incipient Individualism and Radical Alterity. Gender and Person in Oceania. ARC Laureate workshop. The Australian National University.

2011 Gender Violence, Christianity and Human Rights: Perspectives from Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. University of New Caledonia, Noumea Conference on Gender and Person. October 2011.

2012 Men of War, Men of Peace. Paper for Men and Masculinities Panel, ASAO Portland Oregon, February 8–10, 2012. Presented in absentia.

2012 Engendering Persons and Things in Vanuatu: Relationality, Incipient Individualism and Radical Alterity. Paper presented to conference panel of Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies, University of Wollongong, April 12–14, 2012.

2012 Risky Business: The Spectacle of Masculinities between South Pentecost and Munich. Paper presented to conference panel of Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies, University of Wollongong, April 12–14, 2012.

2012 Engendering Persons and Things in Vanuatu: Relationality, Incipient Individualism and Radical Alterity. Invited paper presented to international conference on Individualism and Christianity. Max Weber Institute, Erfurt Germany. April 25–29.

2012 A Saturated History of Christianity and Cloth in Oceania. Paper presented at International Conference Paradoxes of Domesticity in Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University August 8–10, 2012

2012 Braed Praes in Vanuatu: Gifts, Commodities and Domestic Moral Economies. Pre–circulated paper for Academy of Social Sciences Workshop on Domestic Moral Economy, September 3–4.

2012 Matisse between North Africa and Oceania: Orientalism, Modernism and Metissage for Australian National University Museum Group Public Lectures, September 5.

2012 Braed Praes in Vanuatu: Gifts, Commodities and Domestic Moral Economies. Short version at Conference of European Society for Oceanists, Bergen, December 6–8.

2013 Localising Differences and Imperial Universals: Oceanic and Western Perspectives on the Relation of Gender and Sexuality , October, Papeete Tahiti

2013 Fertile Frictions: Feminisms and Anthropologies in Oceania. In The Akward Relationship Revisited. American Anthropological Asoociation (AAA) meetings, Chicago, November 2013.

2014 Futures Passed? Horizons and Rifts in Conversations about Climate Change in Oceania. Pacific Futures, Past and Present Workshop, University of Otago, Dunedin June 18–21.

2014 Vernacularization in Vanuatu: Engendering Persons and Property in Christianity and Human Rights Discourse. Presented at panel in honour of Sally Engle Merry at AAA Washington, December 5, 2014.

2014 Horizons and Rifts in Conversations about Climate Change in Oceania. Inaugural Lecture to celebrate Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian National University and the University of Hawai’i , Mānoa. December 10. Invited presentations subsequently at University of Heidelberg, July 2015, the University of the South Pacific, September 2015, and University of Bergen October 5, 2017.

2015 Engendering the Anthropocene: Horizons and Rifts in Conversations about Climate Change in Oceania. Public lecture for Laureate Symposium Worlding Oceania: Christianities, Commodities and Gendered Persons in the Pacific. April 13, 2015.

2017 Incipient Individuals? Gender, Sexuality and Subjectivity in Contemporary Oceania. Distinguished Lecture 25th Anniversary Series, Australian Research Centre for Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) La Trobe University, Melbourne . Invited presentation subsequently to incoming PhD students, University of Venice. October 16, 2017.

2018 Engendering the Anthropocene in Oceania. Keynote at Anthropocene Camp Melbourne, September 2-7. Subsequently at New York University, September 20, 2018.


Undergraduate courses developed and taught at University of Sydney and Macquarie University, 1972–1992. Introduction to Anthropology, The Anthropology of Women; Classical Ethnographies; History of Anthropological Theory; Women in the Social Sciences; Illness and Healing; Women and Development (with Dr Kathryn Robinson); Melanesia (with Dr Nicholas Modjeska); Culture, Myth and Symbolism; Colonialism in the Pacific (with Dr Caroline Ralston).

Undergraduate lectures at Australian National University (1992–2016) Guest Lectures to Gender and Anthropology, Gender and Development, Women in International Relations, Globalism and the Politics of Identity, Individual and Society, The Contemporary Pacific.

Graduate course at University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, 1998, Gender and the Historical Anthropology of the Pacific.

Undergraduate courses at University of California at Santa Cruz, 2002, Envisioning the Pacific Islands and Looking Back? Gender, Sexuality and Race in Pacific Photography and Cinema.

PASI3003/8002 Gender and Sexuality in the Pacific, Winter Intensive Course with Dr Katherine Lepani, July 13–18, 2015; with Dr Siobhan McDonnell, July 17-22, 2017, July 16-20, 2018.

Hawai’i Field School, November–December 2015.

Graduate Supervision, Macquarie University

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