Curriculum vitae name: Hasan Mohammad Ahmad. El-Ghanem Address

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Name: Hasan Mohammad Ahmad. El-Ghanem


Department of Physical Sciences

Faculty of Science

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Irbid –Jordan


Personal Data:

Profession : Associate Professor

Date of Birth: October 14, 1947

Place of Birth: Kufur Thulth-Qalqilia

Nationality: Jordanian

Marital Status: Married


Degree Institution Location /year Area\Language

Ph.D Essex univ. England/1979 Physics/ English

B. Sc University Jordan/1970 physics/English

of Jordan
Titles of Theses:

Ph. D Theses: Impurity Scattering in III-V Semiconductors (GaAs)

Teaching Experience:
1970-1975: Teaching assistant at Riyadh University in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia.
1979/1980: Assistant Professor at Yarmouk University

General physics (101 and 102) for science students and engineers

General physics (104) for premedical students

General physics laboratories (105,106,107)

Physics of vibrations and waves


Modern physics lab.

Special Topics in physics- Graduation project-

1980-1982: Assistant Professor at Riyadh University/ Abha Branch-Saudi Arabia.

General physics 101

General physics 101A for premedical students/ college of medicine

Electricity and magnetism –1-

Classical mechanics –1-

Classical mechanics –2-

Electromagnetic theory

Solid state physics-1-

Statistical physics

Advance physics laboratory/solid state and nuclear

1982-1985: Assistant Professor at Yarmouk University

General physics (101,102)

General physics labs(105,106,107)

Modern physics lab –1-

Modern physics lab –2-

Physics of vibrations and waves

Statistical physics

Solid state physics

Special topics in solid state physics for M.Sc graduate students
1985-1991: Assistant Professor at King Saud university/ Abha Branch-Saudi Arabia

General physics 101

Classical Mechanics –1-

Electricity and magnetism

Modern physics

Electromagnetic theory

Optics laboratory

Solid state physics

Physics of vibrations and waves

Solid state and Nuclear Laboratory

Statistical physics
1991-2000: Assistant Professor at Jordan University of Science and Technology
2000- present: Associate Professor at Jordan University of Science and Tech.

General physics (101, 102) for Science and Engineering students .

General physics (101A and 102A) for premedical students in medicine and pharmacology

General physics (103) for premedical students in medicine and pharmacology

Physics 107 and phys. 108, general physics for pre-medical students.

Modern physics (phys. 251)

Modern Physics Lab. –Phys 322-

Special Topics in physics- Graduation project-


Physics of vibrations and waves

Physical optics laboratory

Properties of matter laboratory

Statistical Physics

Quantum mechanics I

2001-2002: Associate professor on sabbatical leaves at Applied Science private university in


General physics 108 for Engineering students.


Solid State physics

Physics 105 General laboratory for freshmen

Physics 110 General Lab. For Engineering students

Physics 112 Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering Students

Physics of Vibrations and waves


Statistical Physics
2002-now Associate Prof. of physics , Jordan university of science and Tech.

Physics 101

Physics 102

Physics 281 Vibrations and Waves

Solid state physics 1

Statistical Mechanics 461

Modern physics 1. phy 251

Solid State Physics 771 for M Sc students.

2004-2005: Associate Prof. Of solid state physics on sabbatical leave at Private college of

dentistry and pharmacy in Riyadh.

Physics 111 for dentistry and pharmacy students.

Physics 121 for dentistry and pharmacy students.

2002-now Associate Prof. of physics , Jordan university of science and Tech.

Chairman for the department of physical sciences-newly established department

Chairman for second time 1 September to 15 November 1997
Research Interests:

  1. Impurity scattering in semiconductors

  2. Magneto-Optics

  3. Dielectric properties of fine particle systems (Ferro fluids)

  4. Electrical and Magnetic properties of polymers

  5. Dielectric properties of polymers and Macromolecular Organo metallic polymers.

Graduate Studies and M. Sc. Thesis:

M Sc Thesis advisor

Main advisor: Student Basima Mahasna

Main advisor Student Mu'tasim Al Omari

Co advisor with Dr Isam arafa. Student name: Ahmad Laffi, graduated 2010

Co advisor with Dr Isam arafa. Student name: Khetam Bani domi, graduated 2009

Co advisor with Dr Abdulla Obeidat. Student name: Fawaz Harahsha, graduated 2006

Co advisor with Dr Subhi Al Saqa'n. Student name: Mahmoud Al Sadi, graduated 2006

Main advisor: Mahmoud Radwan Al Omari, JUST. Graduated June2006

Main advisor: Sufian Namirat Jordan University of Science and Tech.

Graduated Aug.2004

Co-advisor with Dr Hameed Al Attar on an M Sc student in physics

Hazim Edrissi . Al AlBayt university 2002

Co-advisor with I Arafa on an M. Sc student in chemistry

Rola Al-Shalabi. Jordan University of Science and Tech.2001

Membership on examining committees

Ruba Al Ukour JUST 2010

Ala’eddin A. Saif Hashemite University 2007

Mohamad N Jubran Jordan university 2007

Fawaz Harahsheh JUST 2006

Nora Al Zoubi JUST 2006

Hanan Badareen Muta' University 2006

Hassan Banat Hashemiate University 2004

Iyad Ibrahim Al- Qasir Jordan University 2002

Zuhair Y M Hadad Al Albait university 2002

Iyad Al Barghouthi Al Albait University 2001

Hazim Amarneh JUST 2000

Said Adnan Bakar Al-AlBait University 2000

Lamia A.Salem Yarmouk University 1990

Iyad Jaber Jordan University 1984


At Yarmouk university

  1. Faculty of science council/ member 1984

  2. Member in the technical and scientific committee for the EEC grant to Yarmouk university

  3. Member in the higher studies committee

  4. Curriculum committee

At King Saud Univ./ Abha Branch

  1. Chairman of the curriculum and advisory committee in the college

  2. Chairman of the schedule and examination committee in the college for four years

  3. All the committees in the physics department

At Jordan University of Science and Technology

  1. Member of the higher students proctoring committee for three years 1993-1996

  2. Member of the faculty of science council for the year 1991-1992

  3. Member of the Department Graduate study committee since 2002.

At Private College of Dentistry and Pharmacy in Riyadh

  1. Member in the College council /private college of dentistry and pharmacy in Riyadh 2004/2005.

  2. Coordinator of the quality control committee / private college of dentistry and

pharmacy in Riyadh- Saudi Arabia 2005.
Professional and Scientific Meetings:

- International conference on superconductivity and magnetism (ICSM2010), 25-30 April Antalia Turkey

- “Third Arab International Conference in Physics and Materials Science”

(CPMS 2009) from 20-22 October 2009; Alexandria-Egypt

- The Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) third conference held in Riyadh

from April 7- 11 2004.

- Member of the scientific committee of the international conference of magnetic and super

conducting materials (MSM- 03). Tunis. 1-4 September 2003

- Third Symposium on Use of Nuclear Technology in Environmental Studies.

Ins.of Theoretical Physics Yarmouk Univ. September 2003

- ASTF second meeting in Sharija UAE, March 2002.

-Member of the scientific committee of the international conference of magnetic and super

conducting materials (MSM- 01). Yarmouk University. 2001

-First Symposium on Use of Nuclear Technology in Environmental Studies.

Ins.of Theoretical Physics Yarmouk Univ. September 2001

- Member in the organizing committee of the sixth Petra school of physics Yarmouk Univ..1998

- The first science day of the faculty of science at J.U.S.T

- Member in the Second Sym. On magnetics. Ins.of Theoretical Physics Yarmouk Univ. 1995

- Member in the Third sym. on magnetics. Ins.of Theoretical Physics Yarmouk Univ. 1997

- Member in the organizing committee of the fourth symp. On magnetics and magnetic materials.

Inst. Of Theoretical and applied physics. Yarmouk University. 5-9/11/2000

- Fifth international school 0n crystallography Egypt April 1997

- Winter college on lasers and their applications. Treiste Italy 1982

- The first Petra school of physics held at Yarmouk University 1980

- Fourteenth international con. on the physics of semi cond. Scotland , U.K 1979


  1. A simple theoretical model for electron scattering by deep level impurities in Ga-As.
H.M.El-Ghanem and B.K.Ridley: 1979 Physics of Semiconductors
Institute of physics Conf. 43 pp581

  1. Impurity Scattering of electrons in non-degenerate semi-conductors.

H. M. El- Ghanem and B.K. Ridley .
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics:13 1980 pp2041

  1. Determination of Faraday rotation in Ferro fluid
N.A.Yusuf; A.A.Rousan and H.M.El-Ghanem

Journal of Mag.and Mag.Materials 65,1987,pp282

  1. On the concentration Dependence of light Transm in mag .fluids
A.A.Rousan, N.A.Yusuf and H.M.El-Ghanem .IEEE Transaction

On magnetics. Vol.24. no2, March 1988

  1. The wavelength dependence of Faraday rotation in mag.fluids.

N.A.Yusuf; A.A.Rousan and H.M.El-Ghanem. Jour.Appl. Phys.

64-5- sept. 1988.pp 2781

  1. Faraday Rotation and chain formation in Mag. Fluids
A.A.Rousan, H.M.El-Ghanem and N.A.Yusuf .IEEE Transaction

On magnetics. Vol.25. no4, Jul. 1989.pp 121

  1. On the concentration depen. Of Faraday Rot. In Mag.Fluids.

N.A.Yusuf, I.Abu-Aljarayesh, A.A.Rousan and H.M.El-Ghanem.

IEEE Transaction on Magnetics 36-5-1990 pp2852

  1. Carrier and Chain formation dependence of birefringence in Mag. Fluids.

H.Abu-Safia, I.Abu-Aljarayesh, H.M.El-Ghanem and N.A.Yusuf

Jour. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 103,1992,pp 19

  1. A local environmental effect in Co(AlFe) system.
H.M.El-Ghanem,A.Lehlooh, M.Said and I.Abu-Aljarayesh

Jour,of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 169,1997, pp130

  1. Dielectric Anistropy in Die-Drwan Isotactic Polypropylene Copolymer,

El-Ghanem , Alkarmi, and Abdul Jawad;

International Journal of Polymeric Materials ,ijpm-991166. 1999 pages 1-12 .

  1. Effect of La3+ Substitution for Sr2+ on the phase formation structure and

properties of (Tl0.5Pb0.5)Sr2Ca2 Cu3 Oy Compounds.

N.M. Hamdan, H. El-Ghanem , Justin Schwartz.,

IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity.

Publications after promotion to Associate Professor

  1. Dielectric behavior of annealed poly(vinylidene flouride).

Abdul-Jawad, H.M.El-Ghanem ,Al-Jundi & S.A. Saqan.

“The International Journal of Polymeric Materials” Vol 53 No 1, Jan 2004

  1. DC Electrical Properties of graphytized Carbon-Black Filled Rubbers.

Abdul-Jawad, J Al-Jundi & H.M.El-Ghanem

“International Journal of Polymeric Materials” No 9,Vol 53 september 2003

  1. Formation, Characterization and stability of Aluminocarbosilazanes

Macromoleccular Adducts.

I M. Arafa and H.M. El-Ghanem.

Journal of Macromolecular Sci. Part A-Pure and Applied Chem.A40 pp975 ( 2003)

  1. Formation, characterization and Electrical conductivity of Polycarbosilazane –Cu(II)- Ni(II)

and –Cr(III) Chloride Metallopolymers.

I.M. Arafa, H.M. El Ghanem, and R. Al-Shalabi

Journal of Inorganic and organomet. Polym. Vol. 13, pp 69 (2003)

  1. Electrical properties of macromolecular complexes of coordinated polymers with

mixed valence of Co(II), Co(III) and Co(II-III) mixed valence.

H.M.El-Ghanem, S.Abdel-Jawad, J. Al Jundi, F Afaneh and I Arafeh

Polymer International. Nol.52 July 2003

  1. Electrical resistivity of magnetic fluids.
Bassam al Shalabi,H.M.El-Ghanem

Published in Physica Status Solidi c Vol.1 number 7 (Procceedings2004).

  1. Mossbauer Spectroscopy Study of Macromolecular Complexes of Coordinated Polymers with

mixed valence of Fe(II),Fe(III) and Fe(II-III).

A.F. Lehlooh , H.M. El Ghanem, I Arafa and S Mahmoud.

“International Journal of Polymeric Materials” Vol 56, No 2, Feb 2007

  1. Magnetic Behavior of Polycarbosilazane-FeII,-FeIII and mixed valence –FeII-III Chloride Metallopolymers.

Y.A. Hamam, H.M. El-Ghanem, I.M. Arafa, M.R. Said and I. Abu- Aljarayish.

Polymer international. 2007 ID number PI-06-0126.R1

  1. Dielectric spectroscopy of polycarbosilazane-based CuCl2 metallopolymers

I M Arafa, HM El-Ghanem, AB Hallak and S Abdul Jawad

“ International Journal of polymeric materials” . Volume 54,Number 9, Sept. 2005

  1. Dielectric Spectroscopy of conducting Polyaniline polymer,

H M El Ghanem, H Attar, S Abduljawad and H Sayid Ahmad

“ International Journal of Polymeric materials” Vol 55, Number 9 ,pp 663, Sept2006.

  1. Electrical and Magnetic behavior of Homometallic and Heterobimetallic of

Polyethylenediaminecarbosilazane-based Metallopolymers

Isam Arafa, Hassan El-Ghanem and Sufian Nemrat

Published in Recent Developments in Polymer Research, Chapter 1 pages 1-27

Nova publishers 2007

  1. Spin glass behavior in complexes of iron doped coordinated polymers

Kh. A. Ziq a,*, H. El-Ghanem b, I. Arafa c, Y. Hamam d

  1. Hydrogels of starch-g-(tert-butylacrylate) and starch-g-(n-butylacrylate) copolymers

Synthesis and formation

Mohammad M. Fares 1 Adeeb S. El-faqeeh 1

Hasan Ghanem 2 Mohammad E. Osman , Elfatih A. Hassan3

J Therm Anal Calorim, published on line 28 Aug. 2009

  1. Two-dimensional Texture of Intrinsic Conductive Poly(Styrene-co-Maleanilic acid)

Grafted with Polyaniline: Formation and Conductivity

Isam M. Arafa1*, Mohammad M. Fares1, Abdalla Obeidat2 and Hassan El-Ghanem2

International journal of polymeric materials, vol. ,number ,pages 2010

  1. Nucleation Rates of Methanol Using the SAFT-0 Equation of State

Abdalla Obeidat*[a], Maen Gharaibeh[a], Hasan Ghanem[a], Fawaz Hrahsheh[a, b] ,

Nora Al-Zoubi[a], and Gerald Wilemski*[b]

[a] Department of Physics, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan

22110; fax: +962-2-720-1071; email:

[b] Department of Physics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla,

Missouri 65409-0640; fax: 1-573-341-4715; email:

Papers in preparation:

  1. Magnetic behavior of Polycarbosilazane –CoII, -CoIII and mixed valence –CoII-III chloride metallopolymers

H M El Ghanem1, Y A Hamam2 and I M Arafa3
1- Physics department, Jordan University of science and Tech. Irbid Jordan

2- Physics department, Yarmouk University, 211-63 Irbid- Jordan

3- Department of applied chemistry ,Faculty of Science, Jordan university of science and Tech. Irbid 22110

  1. AC and DC Electrical Conductivity Measurements of

Polyaniline-Doped with Copper(1)X Salts, {Cu(1)X (X= Cl, Br,

I2)} as a Potential Gas Sensors.

H.M.El Ghanem1, I.M. Arafa2, M R Omari1 and K. Bani2 doumi.

1-Physics Department, Jordan university of Science and Technology. Irbid- Jordan

2- Applied chemistry department, Jordan University of Science and Technology. Irbid- Jordan.

Sent for publication

  1. Electrical and Optical Properties of Polycarbonate /MNCl2 Composite

H.M.El Ghanem*; S.A. Saq’an*; M .Al Saadi*; S Abduljawad**

*Physics Department, Jordan university of Science and Technology. Irbid- Jordan

** Physics Department, Hashemite University, Zarqa – Jordan

Books and Translations:

  1. Vibrations and Waves (in Arabic) M Mirza and H M El Ghanem

Published in 1999 by Dar Al Amal Irbid

  1. General experiments in physics, two volumes (in Arabic):

Vol. 1- Mechanics Prepared by H.M.El-Ghanem, M.M.Mirza and N. yousuf

Vol. 2- Electricity and Magnetism. Prepared by H.M.El-Ghanem, M.M.Mirza and N. yousuf . Published by Dar Al Ullamaa Irbid 1997, 1998

  1. Laboratory Manual for Modern physics laboratory. H.M.El-Ghanem, M M. Mirza 1987

  2. General Experiments in physics, by: H.M.El-Ghanem, M.M. Mirza and N Yousuf

Published by Dar Al-Amal # R.A.85/3/1987 (in Arabic).

  1. Laboratory Manual in physical optics

Prepared by: H.M. El-Ghanem and Shehadeh Saadeh

  1. Arabic Translation of “ Statistical Physics by A.H. Pointon”

Translated by: H M El Ghanem and A A Rousan . In press


  1. Professor Nihad Yousuf , Physics department – Yarmouk University Irbid Jordan.

  2. Professor Ibrahim Abo Al Jarayish/ Deputy Dean of research/physics department- Yarmouk University-Irbed Jordan

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