Curriculum Vitae PROFESSOR PRAKASH CHandra Tiwari
Personal Details:
Name: Professor Prakash Chandra Tiwari
Institution: Department of Geography, Kumaon University, Nainital – 263 002
Uttarakhand, India
Position Held: Professor of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
Date of birth: 10 November 1956
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Indian
Home Address: 63 B, Melrose House, Melrose Compound, Mallital, Nainital – 263 001
Uttarakhand, India
Contact: Tel: ++915942-237156, Fax: ++91-5942-235576 & Email:
Academic Qualifications:
1984: Ph. D. in Integrated Rural Development Planning, Kumaon University, Nainital
1976: Masters in Geography, in First Division, Kumaon University, Nainital
1974: Bachelor in First Division with Geography, Kumaon University, Nainital
Area of Expertise:
Climate Change Impacts
Natural Resource (CBNRM) & Sustainable Development
Land Use Change
Livelihood & Food Security
Inclusive Rural Development Planning
Natural Risk & Disaster Management
National Employment:
2006 – Till Date: Professor of Geography, Kumaon University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India
1998 – 2006: Reader in Geography, Kumaon University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India
1988 – 1998: Senior Lecturer in Geography, Kumaon University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India
1987: Assistant Director, National Institute of Rural Development, India
1977: Research Assistant, National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation, India
International Fellowships & Employments:
2009: Visiting Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden
2008: Guest Professor Fellowship, University of Turku, Finland
2007-2008: Mercator Fellowship (Mercator Professor) of German Research Foundation (DFG), Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany
2007: Visiting Professor Fellowship, Mc Master University, Canada
2007: Visiting Professor Fellowship, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2006: Visiting Professor Fellowship, Mc Master University, Canada
2005: Shastri Fellowship of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, University of Toronto, Canada
2002: Guest Professor, Institute of Geography University of Salzburg, Austria.
2002: Guest Professor Fellowship of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Institute for Geography, University of Leipzig, Germany
1997: Shastri Fellow, Simon Fraser University, Canada
National Fellowships:
1995 – 1997: University Grants Commission (UGC) India Visiting Scientist-ship at G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Almora
1985: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) General Fellowship
International Conference Fellowships:
2007: Fellowship by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan for Participating in Tenth Sustainable Development Conference, Islamabad
2006: International Geographical Union (IGU) Fellowship for Participating in IGU International Conference, Brisbane, Australia
2006: Earth System Science (ESSP) Fellowship for Participating in Open Science Conference, Beijing, China
2005: ITC Fellowship for Participating in P-GIS Conference, Nairobi, Kenya
1994: INSA Fellowship for IGU Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
International Research Supervision:
2009: Supervising Masters Student from Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, under Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation (NORAD), Norway Programme for Master Studies (NOMA)
2008: Supervising Ph.D. Student from Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada on Community Resource Management under Fellowship of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
2008: Supervising Master’s Project of one student from University of Bergen, Norway on Resource and Land Use Dynamics in view of Climate Change in Kumaon Himalaya
2007: Supervised one Ph.D. Research Scholar from York University, Toronto, Canada who worked in India on ‘Uneven Development Neo-liberal Transition & New State Formation in the Himalaya’ under Fellowship of Shastri Indo Canadian Institute
National Research Supervision:
1996 – 2006: Students Awarded Ph.D.: 07
2006 – 2009: Students Registered for Ph.D.: 01
Participation in Professional Training Courses:
2003: Refresher Course in Geographical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi.
2003: Refresher Course in Geographical Research, Jamia University, Delhi.
2000: GPS Applications at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
2000: GIS Technology and Applications, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
1999: GRAM++ GIS Package Users’ Training, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai,
1999: Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Resource Management, Regional Remote Sensing Application Centre, Dehradun, India
1996: Methodology for Geographical Research, H.P. University, Shimla, India
1995: GIS Applications in Resource Management, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal
1993: Remote Sensing Applications in Geography, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India.
1991: Orientation Course in Teaching in Higher Education and Research.
1977: Advanced Cartography and Thematic Mapping, National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation Calcutta.
Participation in International Summer Schools:
1997: Canadian Studies Summer Institute, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
International Collaborative Scientific Research Projects in Progress:
2009: Indian Partner of Indo-Fin International Collaborative Project on ‘Adaptation of Ethnic Communities and Livelihood & Food Security in the Changing Environments of Eastern Terai in Nepal and Dharamsala Region in Indian Himalaya’ with University of Turku, Finland, funded by Finland Research Council.
2008: Indian Partner of Indo-Japanese Collaborative Research Project on ‘Emerging New Development Strategies and Sustainability Problems in the Himalayan Mountain Ecosystem of India’.
2008: Indian Coordinator of NORAD's Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) in Environment & Biodiversity Management in partnership of University of Bergen, Norway, Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal and Kunming Institute of Botany, China with financial support from Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation
2006: Convenor of Project on ‘Land Use Changes in Monsoon Asia Mountain Zone’ of Monsoon Asia Integrated Research Study (MAIRS) in partnership with China, Nepal, Pakistan
2006: Convenor of Project on ‘Vulnerable Mountain Ecosystem and Vulnerable Communities in Monsoon Asia Mountain Zone’ of Monsoon Asia Integrated Research Study (MAIRS) in partnership with China, Nepal, Pakistan
National Scientific Research Projects in Progress:
2006: Co-Principal Investigator – Ecological Modelling for Dabka Watershed in Kumaon Himalaya, Uttarakhand, a multi-institutional coordinated project funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
Scientific Research Projects Completed:
2001 – 2006: Principal Investigator – Resource Use Pattern and its Impact on Biodiversity in the Lake Region of District Nainital, India Funded by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India.
2003 – 2006: Principal Investigator – Remote Sensing and GIS based Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS) Centre District Nainital, funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
2005: Project Partner: with Research and Action in Natural Wealth Administration (RANWA) Pune, India based NGO, on Development of Methodology Manual and Community Capacity and Institution Building Program for Rural Biodiversity Conservation in India (Planning Phase) Funded by UNDP – GEF – SGP India Centre for Environment Education
2000 – 2003 Principal Investigator – Natural Resources Information System for Wasteland Development in the Headwater Region of River Kosi, India Funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
1994 – 1998: Land use Coordinator – Kosi Valley Action Research Project of the Central Himalayan Environment Association Nainital, India Funded by Ford Foundation.
1995 – 1997: Principal Investigator – Land use and land capability mapping in part of Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.
1989 – 1991: Project Director – Resource management for sustainable rural development in Upper Kosi Catchment, India, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, India
1987 – 1988: Assistant Director – Environmental planning for hill area development, National Institute of Rural Development, India.
Editing of International Academic Journals:
2008: Editor, International Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
2007: Editorial Member & Mapping Advisor International Journal of WASWC
Foreign Countries Visited:
2010: Nepal
2009: Sweden, Germany, Turkey
2008: Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Sweden
2007: Pakistan, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Japan, Canada, Norway
2006: Australia, Malaysia, Canada, China
2005: Canada, Switzerland, Kenya
2004: Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore
2002: Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Kenya, UA Emirates
1999: USA, Thailand, Nepal
1997: Canada, United Kingdom
1994: Czech Republic, Germany
1990: China, Hong Kong
Participation in International Conferences Abroad:
2nd International Conference on ‘Gender & Forestry’ Swedish University of agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden, 15 – 18 June 2009.
IHDP 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IHDP Open Meeting 2009), Bonn, Germany, 26 – 30 April 2009.
COST Strategic International Workshop on Global Change & Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions, Innsbruck, Austria, 2008
International Conference of Norwegian Geographical society (NGS), Trondheim, Norway, 2008
Tenth Sustainable Development Conference, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2007
International Conference on Managing Alpine Future, Innsbruck, Austria, 2007
Third Global Change International Networking Meeting, organized by Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) Innsbruck, Austria, 2007
International Workshop on 'Improving Global Health through Safe Water' organized by United Nation's University- International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), Canada, 2007
Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) Open Science Conference, Beijing, China, 2006
Mountain Asia Integrated Region Study (MAIRS) Mountain Group Workshop, Beijing, China, 2006
IGU Regional Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2006
International Conference on Management of Spatial Information, Nairobi, Kenya, 2005
International Conference: Resource Conservation and Beyond, University of Toronto, Canada, 2005
CAG International Conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2005.
GIS in Developing Countries, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), 2004
Management of Headwater Regions, United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya, 2002
GIS in Developing Countries, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2002
IGU Conference on Sustaining Rural Ecosystem, Northern Arizona University, USA, 1999
IGU Regional Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 1994
IGU Regional Conference, University of Peking, Beijing, China, 1990
Participation in International/National Conferences and Seminars in India:
Participated in more than 105 international/national conferences and Seminars from time to time
Involvement and Membership of International Scientific Organisations:
World Association for Soil & Water Conservation (WASWC)
Mountain Group of Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) of START & ESSP
Project Associate of Urbanization and Global Environmental Changes (UGEC) of International Human Dimensions Programme of Global Environmental Change (IHDP)
Member of IUFRO Task Force on Indigenous Knowledge (invited member)
International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE)
American Studies Research Centre (ASRC)
International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP)
IGU Commission on Sustaining Rural Ecosystems
IGU Commission on Water Sustainability
Mountain Forum (MF)
Mountain Research Imitative (MRI)
Participatory GIS (PGIS)
Membership of National Scientific Organisations:
Indian Society for Remote Sensing (ISRS)
Indian Association for Canadian Studies (IACS)
Central Himalayan Environnent Association (CHEA)
Himalayan Geographical Association
Himalayan Research Group
Involvement in University Administration:
Assistant Proctor Kumaon University, Nainital
Programme Officer, National Service Scheme (NSS)
Convenor Research Admission Committee
Research Publications:
Research Books Published / in Progress:
Wildlife Conservation and Management in The Himalayan Foothills, New Delhi, 1997
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Himalaya, Almora, 1994
Dimensions of Development Planning, New Delhi, 1989
Regional Development and Planning in India, New Delhi, 1988
Uttaranchal Himalaya: A Geo-ecological Perspective (in press)
Land Resource Management in Uttaranchal (in Progress)
Research Papers Published Peer Reviewed International Journals/Monographs:
Resource utilization pattern and rural livelihood in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve buffer zone villages, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India, Ecomont: International Journal of Protected Areas, 1(1), pp.25 – 32, 2009.
Land use changes in Himalaya and their impacts on environment, society and economy: A study of the Lake Region in Kumaon Himalaya, India. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (an international journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), 25(6), pp. 1029-1042, 2008.
Management of Common Pool Wasteland for Rural Livelihood Improvement in the Himalayas, Sustainable Solutions: A Spotlight on South Asian Research, Proceedings of 10th International Sustainable Development Conference, December 2007, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan, pp. 75-101, 2008
Conservation and Management of Water Resources in Himalayan Headwaters of India, (invited paper for publication in Geo-journal, The Netherlands), 2008.
Urbanization and Environmental Changes in Himalaya: A Study of the Lake Region of District Nainital in Kumaon Himalaya, India, International Working Paper Series ISSN 1935-9160, Urbanization & Global Environmental Change (UGEC), International Human Dimension Programme (IHDP), Working Paper 07-05, pp. 1-19, 2007
Rehabilitation and Management of Wasteland in the Himalayan Headwaters: An Experimental Study of Kosi Headwater in Kumaon Lesser Himalayas in India, International Journal of World Association for Soil and Water Conservation, J2, 39-62, 2007
Environmental Changes and Status of Water Resources in Kumaon Himalaya, in Jansky Libor et al (eds) Sustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research from Africa and Asia, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, 109 – 123, 2005.
Land use Changes in Himalaya and their Impact on the Plains Ecosystem, Land use Policy, (U.K.), 17 (2000), 101-111, 2000.
Land use Planning for Sustainable Resource Development in Kumaon Lesser Himalaya: A case study of Gomti Basin, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Vol. 3 (4), 23-34, 1996.
Modern Wildlife Tourism and its Environmental Implications: A Case Study of Corbett Tiger Reserve, The Geographer, Vol. 48 (1), 59-73, 2002.
Optimal Land Use in Mountains for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Himalaya-Ganga Plain, National Geographical Journal, Vol. 46, Pts. 1-4, 2000
Impact of Forest Resources Degradation on Women in the Himalayan Mountain Ecosystem, Man, Nature and Society, Vol. 1 (1), 70-73, 1999.
Occupational Pattern and Trends of Rural Out migration: A study of Gomti Watershed in U.P. Himalaya, Journal of Rural Development, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, Vol.16 (2), 329-340, 1997.
Wasteland Identification and Distribution in Gomti Watershed, Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, Himalayan Ecology and Environment, Vol.4 (1) 1-2, 1996.
Kumaon Himalaya: Land use System and Environmental Degradation, The Indian Geographical Journal, Vol. 63 (1), 58-63, 1990.
Socio-cultural and environmental Planning in the Himalaya, Himalaya: man and Nature, New Delhi, Vol. 10 (10), 12-14, 1988.
Human Interference and Environmental Degradation in Himalaya: Crisis and Consequences, Himalaya: Man and Nature, New Delhi, Vol. 11 (6), 6-9, 1987.
Polycyclic Landscape and its Relationships with Tectonic Instability and Palaeoclimate, Transactions of Indian Institute of Geographers, 6, 28-33, 1984.
Centrality and Ranking of Settlements: A comparative Study of Hills and Tarai-Bhabar Region, District Naini Tal, U.P.Himalaya, The Deccan Geographer, Secunderabad, Vol.21 (3), 391-401, 1982.
Spatio-functional Organization for Integrated Rural Development Planning, the Deccan Geographer, Secunderabad, Vol.20 (1), 145-163, 1982.
Spatial Planning for Integrated Rural Development: Concepts, Techniques and Applications, Journal of Rural Development, National Institute of Rural Development. Hyderabad, Vol.1 (1), 125-134, 1982.
Publications in Research Books and Conference Proceedings:
Environmental Status of Water Resources in Kumaon Himalaya, in B.R.K. Sinha ed. Population, Environment & Development, New Century Publications, New Delhi, India, 157 – 169, 2009.
Natural Resources Information System for Sustainable Mountain Development in Uttarakand, Proceedings of National Seminar on Resource Conservation in Uttarakhand, Academic Staff College, Kumaon University, Nainital, 2008.
Management of Common Pool Wasteland for Sustainable Rural Development in Kumaon Himalaya: A Participatory Approach, in Abha Laxmi Singh & Shahab Fazal eds Rural Environmental Challenges, B. R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, India, 269-315, 2008.
Resource Use Dynamics and their Impacts on Environment, Society and Human Health in the Lake Region of District Nainital, Uttarakhand, in Abha Laxmi Singh ed Proceedings of National Conference on Environment and Health, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 2007.
Natural Resources Information System for Wasteland Development in Uttaranchal: A Planning Support System for Sustainable Watershed Management in Uttaranchal Himalaya, in Jagbir Singh (ed) Environmental and Development: Challenges & Opportunities, I.K. International Private Limited, New Delhi, 47-56, 2006.
Environmental Transformation and Conservation of Water Resources in Himalayan Headwaters of Uttaranchal, in Abha Laxmi Singh ed Use and Misuse of Land and Water Resources, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi, India, 128-152, 2006
GIS Database for District Level Planning, in MSS Rawat (ed) Proceedings of National Conference on Sustainable Land Use in Mountains, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal, 2006.
Capacity Building of Government Line Departments for Making Use of Geospatial Database in Natural Resource Management in India, in S. M. Ramasamy et al (eds), Geospatial Technology for Development Planning, Allied Publishers Private Limited, Chennai, 395-406.
Natural Resources Information System for Wasteland Development in Kumaon Lesser Hiamalaya, Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Management, University of Delhi, New Delhi, 2005.
Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Watershed Development Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System: A Case Illustration of Kosi Headwater in Uttaranchal Himalaya, in M.B. Singh et al eds Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Land, Water and Forests) Tara Book Agency, Varanasi, India, (Proceedings of International Conference on Natural Resource Management, Department of Geography, BHU, Varanasi), 446-468, 2005., 2004.
Geospatial Database for District Level Natural Resource Management in India, International Conference on GIS for Developing Countries (GISDECO – 2004), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia, 11 –01-09, May 2004
Forest Resource Utilization and Sustainabilty of Mountain Ecosystems in Canada, in A, D, Mishra and Govind Prasad (ed), India and Canada: Past, Present and Future, New Delhi, 229 – 248, 2003.
Anthropogenic Impact on Wildlife Protected Areas and Strategies for their Sustainable Management in the Central Himalayan Foothills, in M. S. S. Rawat (ed) Central Himalaya: Environment and Development (Potentials, Actions and Challenges), Volume – I, 256-271, 2003.
Natural Resources Information System for Public Sector User Agencies for the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in Uttaranchal Himalaya, In Richard Slizuas et al (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on GIS for Developing Countries (GISDECO-2002), International Institute of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands, 15-18 May 2002.
Commercial Forestry and its Impact on Natural and Community Sustainability in British Columbia Canada, in K.R.G. Nair et al (eds) Environment and Sustainable Development: Indo-Canadian Perspectives, 33-55, 2002.
Integrated Resource Management in Forestry Using Remote Sensing and GIS, in A.S. Rawat (ed) Forest History of the Mountain Regions of the World, Proceedings of the International Forest History Conference, 242-258, 2001.
Natural resources of Kumaon and their Development, Sharad Nanda, Naini Tal, 57-65, 2001.
Participatory management of natural Resources in the Lesser Himalayan Mountain Ecosystem of Kumaon, in P.C. Pandey et al (eds) Economy of Uttaranchal: Profile and Dynamics of Change, Anamika Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 179-192, 2001.
Land use Changes in Himalaya and their Impact on the Sustainability of Regional Rural Ecosystem, in Alan Lew (ed), Proceedings of the International Conference on sustaining Rural Environments: Issues in Globalization, Migration and Tourism, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 115-144, 1999.
Community Resource Use Structure and Participatory Management of Common Property Natural Resources for Sustainable Development of Rural Ecosystem in Kumaon Himalaya, in A.L. Singh (ed), Resource Management, New Delhi, 187-202, 1999.
GIS Applications in Land use Mapping and Forest types Identification in Haigad Watershed, Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, in G.C.Pandey and D.C.Pandey (ed), Environmental Development and Management, 267-275, 1998.
Status, Utilization and Potential of Water Resources in Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, in P.C. Pandey and R.K.Pandey (ed), The Himalayan Environment: Issues and Challenges, New Delhi, 112-133,1998.
Status of Forest resources and Sustainability of Rural Ecosystem in Gomti basin, Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, in P.C.Pandey and R.K.Pandey (ed), The Himalayan Environment: Issues and Challenges, New Delhi, 134-148, 1998.
Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Road Development in Himalaya, in B.C.Vaid (ed), Readings in Transport Geography: A Regional Perspective, New Delhi, 169-190, 1998.
Environmental Impact of and Carrying Capacity of National Parks in the Central Himalaya in R.C.Sharma (ed), Proceedings of the National Seminar on the Management of Tourism in National Parks and Sanctuaries, New Delhi, 1997.
Sustainable Development of Hill Areas with Special Reference to Land, Water and Forest Resources, in B.R.Pant et al (ed), Glimpses of the Central Himalaya: A Socio-economic and Ecological Perspective, Part-II, 490-515, New Delhi, 1995.
Environmental Degradation and Himalayan Agro-ecosystem: An Explanatory Analysis of a Watershed in the Central Himalaya, in Majid Husain (ed), Sustainable Development and Environmental Impact Assessment, New Delhi, Vol. III, 148-158, 1994.
Degrading Forest Ecosystem and Agricultural Economy of Himalaya, in H.C.Upadhayay (ed), Modernization and Rural Development, New Delhi, 307-314, 1992.
Anthropogenic Transformation of Natural Ecosystem in the Himalaya: Crisis and Consequences, in D.C. Pandey and P.C.Tiwari (ed), Dimensions of Development Planning, New Delhi, 200-213, 1989.
Development Planning: Concepts, Approaches and Strategies, in D.C.Pandey and P.C.Tiwari (ed) Dimensions of Development Planning, New Delhi, 3-37, 1989.
Industrial Potentials of Rural Settlements: An Integrated Rural Development Planning Strategy for Bhabar-Tarai Tracts of District Naini Tal, in D.C.Pandey and P.C.Tiwari (ed), Dimensions of Development Planning, New Delhi, 813-820, 1989.
On the Models of Indian Cities, in C.S. Yadav (ed), Concept’s International Series in Geography-3, Perspectives in Urban Geography, Models in Urban Geography, Part-I, Vol.4 –A, New Delhi, 439-443, 1988.
Central Place Interactions: A Comparative Study of Hills and Plains, in C.S. Yadav (ed), Concept’s International Series in Geography-3, Perspectives in Urban Geography—Urban Research Methods; Central Place, Hierarchical and City Size Models, Vol.5, New Delhi, 241-253, 1988.
Topological Properties of Transport Net: A case study of district Naini Tal, U.P. Himalaya, in O.P. Singh (ed), The Himalaya: Nature, Man and Culture, New Delhi, 212-223, 1983.
Central Place System and Spatial Organization: A Location Allocation Strategy for Integrated Rural Development Planning, in S.C. Joshi et al (ed), Western Himalaya: Environment, People and Problems, 788-798, 1982.
Technical Reports:
Up-gradation and Maintenance of Natural Resources Database Management System (NRDMS) Centre, Didtrict, Nainital, Uttarakhand, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, 2006.
Resource Utilization Pattern and Its Impact on Biodiversity in the Lake Region of District Naini Tal, Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, Government of India, Bangalore, 2004.
Preliminary Survey of Landslide Affected Areas in Didihat in District Pithoragarh, Uttaranchal, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, 2004.
Natural Resources Information System for Wasteland Development in Kosi Headwater, Kumaon Himalaya, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, 2003
Resource management for sustainable Rural development in Upper Kosi Catchment, India, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, India, 1991.
Land use and land capability mapping in part of Kumaon Lesser Himalaya, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Almora, India, 1987
Conference Presentations in International Conferences Abroad:
Participatory Forest Management in Himalaya: Change through Women’s Education & Capacity Building, 2nd International Conference on ‘Gender & Forestry’ Swedish University of agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden, 15 – 18 June 2009.
Developmental of Non Traditional Livelihood Options for Resource Conservation & Restoration of Ecosystem Services in Himalaya, IHDP 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IHDP Open Meeting 2009), Bonn, Germany, April 2009
Land Use Dynamic and Conservation of Water Resources in Himalaya, International Conference of Norwegian Geographical Society (NGS), Trondheim, Norway, March 2008.
Common Pool Resource Management for Rural Livelihood Improvement and Income Generation in Himalaya, Tenth Sustainable Development Conference, Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2007
International Workshop on Improving Global Health through Safe Water, International Workshop on Water and Health (UNU-INWEH), United Nations University, Hamilton, Canada, June 2007
Common Pool Resource Management for Environmental Restoration and Livelihood Development in Indian Himalaya, Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) Open Science Conference, Beijing, China, 2006.
Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Himalaya, IGU Regional Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2006
Management of Common Pool Wasteland in Himalayan Headwater: A Participatory Approach, International Conference on Management of Spatial Information, Nairobi, Kenya, 2005
Aboriginal Forestry Management in Canada, International Conference: Resource Conservation and Beyond, University of Toronto, Canada, 2005
People’s Participation and Shared Decision Making in Natural Resource Management in Canada, Annual Congress of Canadian Association of Geographers’, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2005
Capacity Building of Government Line Department in Making Use of Geospatial Database in Natural Resource Management in India International Conference on GIS for Developing Countries (GISDECO – 2004), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia, 10 – 12 May 2004.
Environmental Changes and Management of Water Resources in the Central Himalaya, International Conference on the Management of Headwater Resources, United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya, 5-8, September 2002
Natural Resources Information System for Public Sector User Agencies for the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in Uttaranchal Himalaya, International Conference on GIS for Developing Countries (GISDECO-2002), International Institute of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands, 15-18 May 2002.
Environmental Transformations in Himalaya and their Impact on Sustainability of Regional Rural Ecosystem, IGU International Conference on Sustaining Rural Environments, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, October 1999.
Appraisal and Management of Land Resources for Sustainable Rural Ecosystem Development in Lesser Himalaya, IGU International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 1994.
Environmental Degradation in Himalaya: Causes and Consequences and Solutions, IGU International Conference, Beijing, China, August 1990.
Scientific Lectures Delivered Abroad:
2009: (i) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden, (i) Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey
2008: (i) Goldsmith Lecture Series, Norwegian Geological Survey (NGU), Trondheim, Norway, (ii) ITC, The Netherlands, (iii) Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany, (iv) University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, (v) University of Bergen, Norway, (vi) University of Heidelberg, Germany, (vii) University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, (viii) Turku University, Turku, Finland,
2007: (i) Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, (ii) Miyagi University of Education, Sendai, Japan, 2005: (i) University of Toronto, (ii) Mc Master University, Canada
2006: (i) McMaster University, Canada, (ii) York University, Canada
2002: (i) Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany, (ii) Martin Luther University, Germany, (iii) University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Scientific Lectures Delivered in India:
2007: Academic Staff College, Nainital
2006: Uttaranchal Academy of Administration, Nainital
2001: Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Scientific Radio Talks Delivered:
Coral Reefs
Remote Sensing
Member of Scientific Expert Committee:
Member of Expert Committee constituted by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India for the preliminary study of Landslide affected areas in Didihat, district Pithoragarh, Uttaranchal, 2004.
Date: 21 February 2010 Prakash C. Tiwari
Place: Nainital, India
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