Curriculum Vitae Petra L. Doan December 19, 2017 General Information

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Curriculum Vitae
Petra L. Doan
December 19, 2017

General Information
University address: Urban and Regional Planning
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
334 Bellamy Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2280

E-mail address:

Web site:

Professional Preparation
1988 Ph.D., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Major: City and Regional Planning. International Planning. Supervisor: Barclay Gibbs Jones.
P. L. Doan. (1988). Urban Centrality and Agricultural Productivity: Implications for Regional Planning in Jordan. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1984 M.R.P., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Major: City and Regional Planning. International Planning. Supervisor: Barclay Gibbs Jones.
P. L. Doan. (1984). Institutionalizing Applied Research in Developing Countries: Two Case Studies from Egypt. Unpublished master's thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1977 B.A., Haverford College, Haverford, PA. Major: Philosophy.

Professional Experience
2012–present Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University.
1996–2012 Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University.
1989–1996 Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University.
1995 Training Director, Environmental Management Program, Côte d'Ivoire, United States Peace Corps. Organized and delivered an in-service training in Côte d'Ivoire on community management of Municipal Solid Waste.
1994 Project Evaluator, International City County Management Association. Conducted evaluation of Municipal Development Training Program for USAID funded project in Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Mali.
1989 Team Leader, ResearchTriangle Institute. Led research project team in a survey of market towns in southern Niger.
1986–1987 Instructor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University. Microcomputers and Planning.
1985–1986 Project Planning Consultant, Amman, Jordan Field Office, Near East Foundation. Evaluated proposals and worked with local fisheries cooperatives in Azraq, Jordan.
1984–1985 Regional Planning Advisor, Ministry of Planning, Amman, Jordan. Surveyed social and economic infrastructure in towns and villages in Jordan.
1982 Research Associate, Egyptian Academy for Scientific Research and Technology. Summer research associate on a USAID funded applied science and technology program.
1980–1981 Management Analyst, Office of Policy and Management Analysis, Criminal Division, United States Department of Justice. Developed case tracking system for sensitive DOJ investigations.
1977–1979 Rural Development Construction Volunteer, United States Peace Corps. Worked with local cooperatives to develop community infrastructure (schools, warehouses, cisterns, and sanitary facilities) in Aneho, Togo.

Visiting Professorship(s)
2012 Distinguished Visitor in Planning, University of Toronto.
1995–1997 Visiting Senior Fulbright Scholar Department of Population Studies University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
1988–1989 Visiting Assistant Professor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes
John Bousfield Distinguished Planning Visitor, University of Toronto (2012). ($25,000).

LGBT Educator of the Year, The Family Tree, LGBT Community Center (2010).

Senior Fulbright Scholar - Middle East Region 1995-1997, Center for the International Exchange of Scholars (1995). ($47,500).

Sage Graduate Fellowship, Cornell University Graduate School (1981–1985).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations
African Studies Association

American Planning Association

Association of American Geographers

Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

Courses Taught
Growth and Development of Cities (URP5847)

Professional Topics in Urban and Regional Planning (URP5930)

Special Topics - Gender and the City (URP5939)

Doctoral Research Colloquium (URP6938)

Project Planning in Developing Countries (URP5616)

Seminar in Urban Theory (URP6846)

Introduction to Development Planning (URP5610)

Infrastructure and Housing in Less Developed Countries (URP5615)

DIS: Decentralization in Developing Countries (URP 5905)

Special Topics - Advanced International Development Theory (URP5939)

DIS: Tourism and Development (URP 5905)

World Cities: Quality of Life (URS1006)

Special Topics in Housing and Community Development (URP5749)

Strategies for Urban and Regional Development in Less-Developed Countries (URP5611)

Regional Theory (URP 6847)

New Course Development
Seminar in Urban Theory (2014)

Introduction to Planning in Developing Areas - Redesign (2011)

Seminar in Advanced International Development (2009)

World Cities - Hybrid Version (2005)

Gender and the City (2003)

Doctoral Committee Chair
Lieber, A., graduate. (2022).

Wei, Q., graduate. (2014). Creativity-Based Empowerment and Development: A Multiple Case Study to Investigate Alternative Development Strategies in Small Towns.

Abubakar, I., graduate. (2012). Households' Coping Strategies with Unsatisfactory Urban Services in A Planned City of Developing Countries: A Case of Abuja, Nigeria.

Harris, J., graduate. (2012). Informality and Agglomeration Economies in Africa.

Harris, J. C., graduate. (2012).

Oduro, C. Y., graduate. (2010). Effects of Rapid Urbanization on Livelihoods in the Peri-Urban Areas of Accra, Ghana.

Pierce, B., graduate. (2008). Female Genital Cutting in Burkina Faso: The Theory of Reasoned Action as a Tool to Predict Intention.

Ali, A. K., graduate. (2002). Measuring Decentralization: Local Power Over Decision-making for Comprehensive Planning in Florida.

Al-Mbaid, M., graduate. (2000). Planning Under Uncertainty: The Case of Health NGOs in Palestine.

Krappen-Clancy, U., graduate. (1999). The Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in the Philippines.

Pena, S., graduate. (1999). Informal Markets Organization: Street Vendors in Mexico City.

Chun, K. K., graduate. (1993). Non-unique equilibrium in the Central Place System and Structure of City Size Distributions.

Keban, Y., graduate. (1993). A Study of Migration Intentions: The Case of Migrants in Three Cities in Indonesia.

Akinyemi, S. A., doctoral candidate.

Murray, K. M., doctoral candidate.

Lozano Torres, Y., doctoral candidate.

Atalay, O., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee Member
Cook, H. B., graduate. (2017).

Lee, J. H., graduate. (2017).

Cuadra Cardona, J. V., graduate. (2016).

Turner De Vera, Lisa Kaye, graduate. (2013).

Ofori, B. O., graduate. (2012).

Wajahat, F., graduate. (2012).

Mohamadi, A., graduate. (2010).

Jang M., graduate. (2008).

Susilastuti D., graduate. (2003).

Anthony J., graduate. (2000).

Addae-Mensa J., graduate. (1998).

Cudjoe J.Y., graduate. (1997).

Kim H., graduate. (1993).

Nourian F., graduate. (1993).

Warren C.H., graduate. (1993).

Lange, Z., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee University Representative
Spice, S. L., graduate. (2017). Disaster Shelter Planning: Using a Social Domain Heuristic to Examine Organizational Behaviors of Policy Implementation During the 2004 Hurricane Season in Florida.

Arias, K., graduate. (2016).

Boyett, C. T., graduate. (2014).

Sumerau, J. E., graduate. (2012).

Di Cesare, E. M., graduate. (2010).

Ritt, T. W., graduate. (2010).

Lu, W. J., graduate. (2008).

Chapman, T. E., graduate. (2007).

Walter, N. M., graduate. (2005).

Satran, J., graduate. (2002).

Betts-Green, C. D., doctoral candidate.

Muchira, J. M., doctoral candidate.

Wally, A., doctoral candidate.

Cofield, R. S., doctoral student.

Lai, F., doctoral student.

Wiest, A., doctoral student.

Master's Committee Chair
Bayona Diaz S, graduate. (2017). The Rise of Mixed Use Public Enclaves (MUPES) in Metro Manilla: Historical Timeline and Current Socio-economic Planning Impacts.

Salazar, D., graduate. (2016). Housing in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Housing Policy on Reducing Informal Settlements.

Lampi, C., graduate. (2016). How to promote gender empowerment and economic development in conflict affected areas.

Rosado, F., graduate. (2016). Pour Les Femmes: An Exploration of Gender-Based Initiatives in Burkina Faso.

Crozier, J., graduate. (2015). Planning Implications Of An Applied Emergency Management Studio In San Mateo, San Pedro, Belize.

Segura, Y., graduate. (2015). Autonomous Vehicles Studio.

Tapsoba, N., graduate. (2015). Participatory Budgeting to End Segregation and Enhance Economic Development in Areas with Ethnic Conflict: The Case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Richardson, H., graduate. (2015). Pasco County Economic Development Alternatives.

Teeple, M., graduate. (2015). Florida State University Campus Master Plan Studio.

Castillo, V., graduate. (2014). The Impact of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VLSAs) on women's empowerment: The case of Peace Corps facilitated VSLAs in Togo West Africa.

Christopher, S., graduate. (2014). Challenges in Planning for the Civil Society Sector in the Republic of Macedonia.

Fetchick, R., graduate. (2014). Integrating Premium Transit Alternatives at FSU into the Multi-modal Transportation Districvt.

Danley, D., graduate. (2014). Emergency Management in Haiti.

Howell-Burke, K., graduate. (2014). Adaptive Approaches to Achieve Women's Empowerment in Muslim-Majority Countries: The Case of Morocco.

Desantis, M., graduate. (2013). The Cooperative Model as a Tool for Foreign Development: COOPBOYA in the Dominican Republic.

Casa-Valencia, A., graduate. (2013). Preliminary Community Food Assessment.

Daniel, K. W., graduate. (2013).

Roam A., graduate. (2013). More Than a Desire To Do Good: Lessons from a Micro-Enterprise Project in Tanzania about Making Voluntourism Work.

George, H., graduate. (2012). Seeds of Hope: Boca Lacaja, Panama Studio Project.

Suner, N. C., graduate. (2012). North Monroe Street Corridor Studio.

Angelbello, A., graduate. (2012). Sustainability and Vernacular Architecture in Squatter Settlements in Kampala, Uganda.

Carter, T., graduate. (2012). South Monroe/Adams Corridor: Crafting a Sense of Place.

Gonzalez, T., graduate. (2011). Panama Studio.

Musgrave, N., graduate. (2011). Tennessee Street: Visioning Studio.

Thomas, J., graduate. (2011). Planning Short-term Development Projects in the Context of Church and Faith-Based Organizations.

Wood, G., graduate. (2011). More Than a Desire To Do Good: Lessons from a Micro-Enterprise Project in Tanzania about Making Voluntourism Work.

Cruz, A. A., graduate. (2011). North Monroe Street Corridor Studio.

Scott, K. L., graduate. (2010). Seeds of Hope Studio Project, Panama.

As-Salek, S. A. A., graduate. (2010). Gaines Street Revitalization Studio Project.

Ramos, L. H., graduate. (2009). Gaines Street Corridor Studio.

Rosenberg-Ecker, K., graduate. (2009). Seeds of Hope: Panama Studio.

Rosenberg-Eckert, K., graduate. (2009).

Mukhopadhyay, C., graduate. (2009). Regional Distribution Pattern of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model-Delivered Infrastructure Projects in India.

Anderson, M., graduate. (2009). Seeds of Hope Studio Project, Panama.

Carby, M., graduate. (2009). Seeds of Hope Studio Project, Panama.

Clenny S., graduate. (2009). Remittances and Community Development: A Case Study of Pachalum, Guatemala.

Kozielski, E. A., graduate. (2009). Seeds of Hope Studio Project, Panama.

Simon, S., graduate. (2009). An Analysis of the Role of Security in Planning for Haitian Tourism.

Clayton, J., graduate. (2008). Public School Facilities Element of Midway Studio.

Nunez, E., graduate. (2008). Assessment of Realignment Scenarios for Via Cinquentario Studio, Panama.

Pryzbylowicz, S., graduate. (2008). East Biloxi Community Benefits Agreement Studio.

Robertson, J., graduate. (2008). Greater Sylvania Heights Front Porch Revitalization Plan Studio.

Benedict, D., graduate. (2007). Workforce Housing at FSU Studio.

de Vera L.K., graduate. (2007). Strategies of Equity Achievement Through Land Reform: A Comparison of Experiences in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Garret, G., graduate. (2007). City of Midway-Transportation Concurrency Management System and Impact Fee Studio.

Heath C., graduate. (2007). Planning the New New College of Florida: A Paper Researching the Collaborative Planning and Visioning Process for the Campus Master Plan.

Omisca, N., graduate. (2007). Workforce Housing at FSU Studio.

Haigh, L., graduate. (2006). City of Midway Comprehensive Plan Update Studio.

Jones, L., graduate. (2006). Retaining and Expanding Businesses on Tallahassee's Southside Studio.

Meyi, E., graduate. (2006). Infrastructure Assessment and Improvement Plan for Saint Herman's Blue Hole National Park, Belize Studio.

Sheern, D., graduate. (2006). City of Midway Comprehensive Plan Update Studio.

Trone E.S., graduate. (2006). Retaining and Expanding Businesses on Tallahassee's Southside Studio.

Wage, D., graduate. (2006). City of Midway, FL Comprehensive Plan Update Studio.

Corriveau, R., graduate. (2005). Infrastructure Assessment and Improvement Plan for Saint Herman's Blue Hole National Park, Belize Studio.

Lallemand, C., graduate. (2005). Corruption and Development: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.

Phelps, A., graduate. (2005). An Analysis of Informal Settlement Upgrading and Urban Passenger Transport in Latin America.

Voisin, A., graduate. (2005). Infrastructure Assessment and Improvement Plan for Saint Herman's Blue Hole National Park, Belize Studio.

Hirtle, A., graduate. (2004). What is the Most Appropriate Institutional Structure for Tourism in Cape Verde?

Harris, J. C., graduate. (2003). University of Belize Campus Ecology Plan Studio.

Karas, P., graduate. (2003). University of Belize Campus Ecology Plan Studio.

Sokoloff, T., graduate. (2003). Franklin County, FL, Comprehensive Plan Studio.

Martinez, G., graduate. (2002). Tallahassee Neighborhood Planning Studio.

Wilkerson, J., graduate. (2002). University of Belize Campus Ecology Plan Studio.

Anger, M. C., graduate. (1998). The Relationship Between Municipal Governments and Nongovernmental Organizations in the Delivery of Services in Developing Countries.

Alves, S., graduate. (1997). Regional Inequalities in Bolivia: An Analysis of Uneven Regional Development Based on Poverty Indicators.

Chandonia, J. P., graduate. (1997). Research and Development Plan for San Antonio Rio Hondo, Belize Studio.

Burgess, D., graduate. (1995). City Size, Public Expenditures, and Urban Quality of Life: An Analysis of Current Theory and Implications for Practice.

Simmons, C., graduate. (1995). Forest Management Practices in the Bayano Region of Panama: Cultural Variations.

Byrne, A. N., graduate. (1994). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Cudjoe, J., graduate. (1994). Understanding Deforestation: An Assessment of Current Data.

Hattaway, D., graduate. (1994). Monkey River Village Tourism Plan Belize Studio.

Lobo, J., graduate. (1994). The Division of Risk Management: Does it Fulfill the Risk Management Needs of the State of Florida's Departments.

Papa J., graduate. (1994). Monkey River Village Tourism Plan Belize Studio.

Parker, D., graduate. (1994). Monkey River Village Tourism Plan Belize Studio.

Poole E., graduate. (1994). Monkey River Village Tourism Plan Belize Studio.

Smith, D., graduate. (1994). Monkey River Village Tourism Plan Belize Studio.

Brown, B., graduate. (1993). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Dang, H., graduate. (1993). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Hughes, A., graduate. (1992). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Maher, R., graduate. (1992). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Quigley, D., graduate. (1992). An Assessment of Economic Development Conditions in Rural North Florida Studio.

Stewart, R., graduate. (1991). Citizen Participation in St. Petersburg, FL: A Case Study.

Landregan, M., graduate. (1991). Land Development Regulations Studio.

Brown, A., student. [Master International student going to Peace Corps]

Coulter, J., student. [Masters International student going to peace Corps]

Guy, H., student. [Master International student going to Peace Corps]

Justilien, R., student. [Master International student going to Peace Corps]

Baker, A., student. [Masters International in Peace Corps]

Slautterback, L., student. [Master International in Peace Corps]

Williams, E., student. [Masters International in Peace Corps]

Hubbard, D., student.

Maldonado, T., student.

Osher, D., student.

Spink, C., student.

Master's Committee Member
Briere, O., graduate. (2017).

Kamps, C., graduate. (2017).

Khalil, H., graduate. (2017).

Kidd, D., graduate. (2017).

Dick, L., graduate. (2016).

Issa, L., graduate. (2016).

Ruiz, Y., graduate. (2016).

Thindwa, S., graduate. (2016).

Green, A., graduate. (2016).

Sattati, R., graduate. (2014).

Alvarez, P., graduate. (2014).

Dharmakirthi, D., graduate. (2014).

Krantz, D., graduate. (2014).

Pelfrey, J., graduate. (2014).

Coyle, J., graduate. (2013).

Finnegan, R., graduate. (2013).

Kutorkyna, N., graduate. (2013).

Wade, S., graduate. (2013).

Kerloc'H, K. S., graduate. (2012).

Aleman, R., graduate. (2012).

Busby, H., graduate. (2012).

Craig, J., graduate. (2012).

Rocha, M., graduate. (2012).

Brosig, D., graduate. (2011).

Bondarenko, A., graduate. (2011).

Epps, T., graduate. (2011).

Findley, A., graduate. (2011).

Pon, L., graduate. (2011).

Agyemang, S., graduate. (2010).

Forbes, A., graduate. (2010).

Hooper, S., graduate. (2010).

Murray, S., graduate. (2010).

Danielyan, V., graduate. (2009).

Farquharson, G., graduate. (2009).

Moore, N., graduate. (2009).

Diagne, S., graduate. (2008).

Hancock, J., graduate. (2008).

Maldonado, C., graduate. (2008).

Stoyanova, L., graduate. (2008).

Hammer, M., graduate. (2007).

Rodrigues, J., graduate. (2007).

Walz, C., graduate. (2007).

Harrison, N., graduate. (2006).

Perryman, A., graduate. (2006).

Rivera, L., graduate. (2006).

Adebisi, R., graduate. (2005).

Honda, M., graduate. (2005).

Igbinoba, E. J., graduate. (2005).

Johns, D., graduate. (2005).

Stankiewicz, S., graduate. (2005).

Taylor, T., graduate. (2005).

Alfonso, G., graduate. (2004).

Ashworth, S., graduate. (2004).

Beachy, J., graduate. (2004).

Burgess, L., graduate. (2004).

Conn, A., graduate. (2004).

Duhaney, M., graduate. (2004).

Hashimoto, Y., graduate. (2004).

Hayes, A., graduate. (2004).

Hicks, F., graduate. (2004).

Hosokawa, D., graduate. (2004).

Joyner, M., graduate. (2004).

Maruyama, Y., graduate. (2004).

Michel, R., graduate. (2004).

Park, H., graduate. (2004).

Rodriquez, M., graduate. (2004).

Sauer, C., graduate. (2004).

Andujar, A., graduate. (2003).

Beals, B., graduate. (2003).

Csehill, K., graduate. (2003).

McElroy, L., graduate. (2003).

Spinella, R., graduate. (2003).

Walker, A., graduate. (2003).

Beauvais, P., graduate. (2002).

Belizaire, B., graduate. (2002).

Hernandez, M., graduate. (2002).

Johnson, K., graduate. (2002).

Malavenda, N., graduate. (2002).

Mathena, C., graduate. (2002).

Park, Y. W., graduate. (2002).

Scoggins, J., graduate. (2002).

Selby, J., graduate. (2002).

Zhang, Y., graduate. (2002).

Blais, D., graduate. (2001).

Haugabrook, R., graduate. (2001).

Lawrence, H., graduate. (2001).

Lopez-Mejia, V., graduate. (2001).

Pierce, B., graduate. (2001).

Mosrie, R., graduate. (2000).

Thomas, K., graduate. (2000).

Carmoney, G., graduate. (1999).

Hirabaru, M., graduate. (1999).

Gallina, M., graduate. (1998).

Grey, K., graduate. (1998).

Tyms, K., graduate. (1998).

Curtis, S., graduate. (1997).

Gallagher, C., graduate. (1997).

Katoh, M., graduate. (1997).

Pena, S., graduate. (1994).

Cook, D. J., graduate. (1993).

Billingslea, F., graduate. (1993).

Wetherington, H., graduate. (1993).

Kucera, P., graduate. (1992).

Bachelor's Committee Chair
Flores, R., student.

Bachelor's Committee Member
Mathers, A., graduate. (2012).

Meyer, D., graduate. (2012).

Perry, V., graduate. (1997).

Research and Original Creative Work
Invited Journal Articles
Doan, P. L. (2016). Is there a Place in the Progressive City for the LGBTQ Community? Progressive Planning, 1, 1-7. Retrieved from
Doan, P. L. (2016). To Count or Not to Count: Queering Measurement and the Transgender Community. Women's Studies Quarterly, 44, 89-110.
Doan, P. L. (2010). The Tyranny of Gendered Spaces: Living Beyond the Gender Dichotomy. Gender, Place and Culture, 17, 635-654.

Refereed Journal Articles
Lozano Torres, Y., & Doan, P. L. (submitted). The Effects of Gender Policies on Planning Practice: Analysis of the Women Quota Law in Colombia. Journal of Women, Policies and Politics. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Abubakar, I. R., & Doan, P. L. (2017). Building new capital cities in Africa: Lessons for new satellite towns in developing countries. African Studies, 76(4), 546-565.
Doan, P. L. (2017). Coming out of darkness and into activism. Gender, Place, and Culture, 1-6. doi:
Harris, J., Doan, P. L., & Wilson, K. (2012). Local Development Planning and the Tourism Sector: Prospects for Reducing Volatility in Tourism Impacts in Kenya. International Development Planning Review, 34, 2, 167-188.
Doan, P. L., & Higgins, H. (2011). The Demise of Queer Space? Resurgent Gentrification and LGBT Neighborhoods. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 31, 6-25.
Doan, P. L., & Oduro, C. Y. (2011). Patterns of Population Growth and Access to Infrastructure in Peri-urban Accra. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1-36. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01075.x
Doan, P. L. (2009). Safety and Urban Environments: Transgendered Experiences of the City. Women and Environment International, 78/79, 22-25.
Doan, P. L., & Higgins, H. (2009). Cognitive Dimensions of Wayfinding: The Implications of Habitus, Safety, and Gender Dissonance Among Gay and Lesbian Populations. Environment and Planning A, 41, 1745-1762.
Doan, P. L. (2008). Tourism as a Development Strategy: How Industry Uses Forecasting. Progressive Planning, 175, 38-41.
Doan, P. L. (2007). Queers in the American City: Transgendered Perceptions of Urban Spaces. Gender, Place, and Culture, 14, 57-74.
Ali, A., & Doan, P. L. (2006). A Survey of Undergraduate Course Syllabi & A Hybrid Course on Global Urban Topics. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 26, 222-236.
Doan, P. L. (2006). Tourism Planning and Regional Instability: The Consequences of Rapid Expansion of the Tourism Sector in Jordan. International Development Planning Review, 28, 26-46.
Doan, P. L. (2006). Violence Against Transgendered People. Progressive Planning, 167, 28-30.
Doan, P. L. (2001). Are the Transgendered the Mine Shaft Canaries of Urban Areas? Progressive Planning, 146, 1-4. Retrieved from
Doan, P. L., & Adas, W. (2001). Dilemmas of Top Down Decentralisation in Jordan: the Case of the Petra Regional Planning Council. Third World Planning Review, 23, 273-288.
Doan, P. L. (1998). Institutionalizing Household Waste Collection: Lessons from the Municipal Management Development Project, Cote d'Ivoire. Habitat International, 22, 27-39.
Doan, P. L., & Stiftel, B. (1996). Predicting Performance in Planning School: An Assessment of Credentials with Consideration of Gender, Race, and National Origin. Environment and Planning B:, 26, 299-311.
Doan, P. L. (1995). Population Density, Urban Centrality, and Agricultural Intensification in Jordan. Population Research and Policy Review, 14, 29-44.
Doan, P. L. (1995). The Context of Decentralization in African Development Plans: The Influence of Colonial Heritage, Regional Inequality, and Political Instability. Journal of Developing Societies, 12, 123-137.
Doan, P. L. (1995). Urban Primacy and Spatial Development Policy in African Development Plans. Third World Planning Review, 17, 313-335.
Snyder, M., & Doan, P. L. (1995). Who Participates in the Evaluation of International Development Aid? Evaluation Practice, 16, 139-150.
Doan, P. L., & Lewis, B. D. (1993). Growth Linkages and Urban Development in Niger. Growth and Change, 24, 487-508.
Doan, P. L. (1991). Changing Administrative Boundaries in Jordan: Regional Development Strategy or Distraction. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 82, 177-184.

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