Curriculum vitae william I. Robinson

“Why the Immigrant Rights Struggle Compels Us to Reconceptualize both Latin American and Latino/a Studies,” LASA Forum

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2007 “Why the Immigrant Rights Struggle Compels Us to Reconceptualize both Latin American and Latino/a Studies,” LASA Forum,

2007 “Globalization and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights in the United States,” Znet on-line essay, posted March 10, available at

2007 “In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Electoral Intervention in the Americas,” NACLA Report on the Americas, scheduled for 2007.

2007 “Marxism,” entry, Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: Grolier Academic. Scheduled for 2006.
2007 “Transnationality,” entry, Encylopedia of Globalization. New York: Grolier Academic. Scheduled for 2005
2006 “Latin America: State Power and the Challenge to Global Capital: An Interview with William Robinson,” Upping the Ante, No. 3, Fall:59-75. Also: reprinted in Focus on Trade, No. 125, Nov.
2006 “Inmigrantes en Estados Unidos: ‘Vamos a Dar Un Golpe a la Extrema Derecha y al Imperio,” American Latina en Movimiento, No. 413, October:27-31.
2006 “El Nuevo Intervencionismo Politico de EEUU en America Latina: Promoviendo la Poliarquia,” America Latina en Movimiento, No. 404-405, February: 12-16. An English version of this article was posted on 17 Februery at website of Latin America Information Agency (ALAI),
2004 “The New Right and the End of National Liberation,” NACLA Report on the Americas, XXXVII, No. 6, May/June 2004:15-20.
2004 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism and the Folly of Conventional Thinking on It,” From the Left, Vol 25, No.1, pp. 1, 11-12.
2003 “Nubarrones sobre America Latina,” Memoria: Revista Mensual de Political y Cultura, No. 171, May 2003:34-37.
2003 “Storm Clouds over Latin America,” Third World Resurgence, No. 149-150, Jan-Feb. 2003:26-28, revised/reprinted version of article appearing earlier in Smysl Magazines
2002 “Storm Clouds over Latin America,” 'Smysl' Magazine (Moscow), Guest Commentary, Primer Issue, Vol. 1, November. Reprinted in “Focus on Trade,” Bangkok, No. 84, January 2003.
2001 “La Globalizacion Capitalista y la Transnacionalizacion del Estado,” Espacios, No. 13/Enero/Junio:4-23.
2001 “Intervention,” entry, The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, Oxford University Press.
2001 “Fissures in the Globalist Ruling Bloc: The Politics of Globalization From Above and Below” (with Jerry Harris), cy.Rev, No. 7, Spring 2001.
2000 “The Hegemony of a Paradigm: The Transnational Elite Agenda of Free Markets and Democracy,” NACLA Report on the Americas (Vol. 34, No. 3:42-48).
1998 "Centroamerica ante la Globalizacion y la Responsabilidad de los Intelectuales Organicos," Alternativas 5(No. 9/1998):31-56.
1997 "Maldesarrollo en America Central," Pensamiento Propio 1 (No. 5):33-67.
1997 "Un Caso de Estudio sobre los Procesos Globalizadores en el Tercer Mundo: Los Procesos Transnacionales en Nicaragua," Pensamiento Propio 1 (No. 3):193-228.
1993 "Has Neo-Liberalism Produced a Success Story in Chile? A Critique of the 'Economic Miracle'," Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, July.
1992 "The Sao Paulo Forum: Is There a New Latin American Left" (Review of the Month), Monthly Review 44 (No. 7/December):1-13.
1992 "Demilitarization in Central America: Beginning of a New Era?", Central America Report, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico.
1990 "Nicaragua: The Making of a Democratic Opposition," NACLA Report on the Americas, XXII (No. 5/Feb. 1990):7-11
1985 "Nicaragua: The Strategy of Counterrevolution," Monthly Review 37 (No. 7/December):11-25
1985 "Centroamerica: Se Profundiza la Crisis del Comercio Regional," Pensamiento Propio (CRIES) 3 (No. 23/May): 18-21.
1985 "Regular las Leyes del Mercado," Panorama (Mexico City/May 1985):23-27
1985 "La Contra: Corrupcion y Grietas," Pensamiento Propio (CRIES) 3 (No. 25/August):62-67.

Books Translated

1992 A Peasant Tragedy (Spanish to English Translation). Managua: Center for International Studies (Central American University).

Reports and Monographs

1996 "Un Aporte al Debate Sobre La Globalization; Nueve Tesis Sobre Nuestra Epoca," Cuardernos de Investigacion, Center for International Studies, Central American University, Managua, April 1996.

1995 Guest Preface, in "A Report on U.S. Electoral Assistance to Haiti," Voices for Haiti (coalition of 75 U.S. development and human rights NGOs), June 1995.
1991 "Managing the Aftershocks: A Second Track Diplomatic Dialogue on Nicaragua," Policy Report on Conference on Nicaragua, sponsored by the Kellog Foundation and hosted by the Program in International Conflict Resolution of the Armand Hammer United World College, Montezuma, New Mexico.
1988 "Special Report: The 'Chileanization' of the Nicaraguan Counterrevolution," Central America Information Bulletin 5 (No. 6/February).
1987 "In the Wake of Contragate," CENSA'S Strategic Report, Center for the Study of the Americas, No. 9, June.
1986 "Inside the Nicaraguan War," CENSA'S Strategic Report, Center for the Study of the Americas, No. 7, May.

Book Reviews

Forthcoming Andreas Bieler, Werner Bonefeld, Peter Burnham and Adam David Morton, Global Restructuring, State, Capital and Labour: Contesting Neo-Gramscian Perspectives, for Capital and Class

2007 Juan Pablo Perez Sainz and Katharine E. Andrade-Eekhoff, Communities in Globalization: The Invisible Mayan Nahual, for Journal of Latin American Studies, 39:192-194.
2006 Review of Deborah J. Yashar, Contesting Citizenship in Latin America: The Rise of Indigenous Movements and the Postliberal Challenge, for American Journal of Sociology, 111(6).
2003 Review of Berch Berberoglu (ed.), Labor and Capital in the Age of Globalization, for Contemporary Sociology. 32(6):707-709.
2002 Review of Vicente Navarro (ed.), The Political Economy of Social Inequalities: Consequences for Health and Quality of Life, for Contemporary Sociology.31(6):685-687.
2002 Review of John Mangan, Workers Without Traditional Employment: An International Study of Non-Standard Work, for Contemporary Sociology, 31(2):148-149.
2001 Review of Martin Shaw, Theory of the Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution, for American Political Science Review, 95(4):1045-1047
2001 Review of Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly J. Silver, Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System, for Journal of World-System Research., Vol. VII, No. 1, Spring 2001.
2001 Review of Alex Callinicos, Social Theory: An Historical Introducion, for The Global Site, University of Sussex (
2000 Review of William M. Leogrande, Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977-1992, for American Political Science Review, Vol. 94, No. 4:991-992
1997 Review of Gearoid O'Tuathail, Critical Geopolitics, for Ecumene: A Journal of Environment - Culture - Meaning, Vol. 4, No. 4:486-488.
Courses Taught, 1994 - 2006

Soc. 504. Sociological Foundations of Political Economy

Soc. 442. Comparative Poverty and Development
Soc. 695. Advanced Topics in Political Economy: Globalization: Contours of 21st Century World Society
Soc. 448/548. International Development and the World System

Soc. 351. Sociological Theory (undergraduate)

Soc. 552. Sociological Theory (graduate)
Soc. 342. Power and Society
Soc. 340. Class Analysis
Soc. 221. Rich and Poor Nations
Soc. 451. Population and Environment
Soc. 213. Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Soc. 313. Social Control
Soc. 101/1. Introduction to Sociology
Soc. 212. Causes of Crime and Delinquency
Soc. 501. Perspectives in Sociology
Soc. 265GS. Global Political Economy

Soc. 265SG. Sociology of Globalization (graduate)

Soc. 130LA. Development and Social Change in Latin America.

Soc. 1222GI. Global Inequalities

Soc. 130GR. Globalization and Resistance
Soc. 130SW. Sociology of the Southwest

Soc. 130sg, Sociology of Globalization (undergraduate)


1990 - 1997 Research Associate, Center for International Studies, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua.

1990 - 1993 Analyst and Researcher, Latin American Data Base LADB), Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico. Responsibilities included preparing bi-weekly analysis and occasional monographs of Central and South American and Caribbean developments and underlying political, social and economic trends
1985 - 1987 Researcher, Writer-Editor, Pensamiento Propio, a monthly academic journal of the Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Economicas y Sociales (CRIES-Regional Coordinating Board for Economic and Social Research), a Central American and Caribbean regional research center, Managua branch (loosely affiliated with the Central American University).

Research Funding

2007 Recipient of Research Grant, Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, University of California-Santa Barbara

2005 Recipient of Research Grant, Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research, University of California-Santa Barbara
2005 Recipient of Research Grant, Faculty Senate, University of California-Santa Barbara
2003 Recipient of Research Grant, Faculty Senate, University of California-Santa Barbara.
2002 Recipient of Faculty Career Development Award, University of California-Santa Barbara.
2002 Recipient of Research Grant, Faculty Senate, University of California-Santa Barbara.
1999 Recipient of Research Mini-Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, New Mexico State University.
1998 Recipient of Professional Development Award, Graduate School, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
1992 Recipient of Latin America Research Grant, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Professional Service and Positions

2008+ Member of Board of Associate Editors, Journal of World Systems Research.

2008+ Member of International Advisory Board, Hemispheres: A Journal of the Global South.
2007+ Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Critical Studies on Business and Society.
2007 Organizer, Presidential Plenary, “The Immigrants Rights Struggle in the United States: Voices from the Frontline,” and “Central America: Global Capitalism and Resistance,” Latin American Studies Association, 27th International Congress, Montreal, 5-8 September.
2006 Organizer, two sessions on Sociology of Globalization, American Sociological Association, Annual Congress, August 11-14, Montreal.
2006+ Associated Faculty Member, Doctoral Program in Development Studies, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico.
2005+ Member of Editorial Board, Nature and Culture.
2005+ Member of International Advisory Committee, “In the Name of Democracy: Towards a Global Political Intervention Monitor,” En Camino (International NGO, see
2004+ Member of Advisory Board, Government and International Affairs Program, Virginia Tech University
2004+ Member of Faculty/Advisory Board, and Visiting Professor, Instituto de Estudios Globales, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2004+ Member of International Editorial Board, Globalizations (refereed interdisciplinary journal).
2004+ Member of Editorial Board, AcontraCorriente:A Journal of Social History and Literature in Latin America (, North Carolina State University.
2003+ Participating Editor, Latin American Perspectives.
2003+ Board of Advisory Editors, Palgrave-Macmillan, Handbook of International Political Economy
2003+ Member of International Advisory Board, The Global Site, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
2002-3 Co-organizer and co-host, international conference, “Towards a Critical Globalization Studies: Continued Debates, Neglected Topics, New Directions,” University of California at Santa Barbara, May 1-4, 2003, co-sponsored by UCSB, Global Studies Association, and Institute for the Study of World Systems.
2002+ Council Member and West Coast Representative, Global Studies Association, North American Chapter.
2002 Council Member, Political Economy of the World System section, American Sociological Association.
2001 Co-organizer, Session on “Class Formation in the Modern World System,” American Sociological Association, 96th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, August 18-21.
1998 Organizer, Session on "Global Democracy", American Sociological Association, 93rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 21-25.
Co-Organizer, Political Economy of the World-Systems Section of the American Sociological Association, Roundtable Session, 93rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 21-25.

Articles Reviewed for Refereed Journals and Other Review Work

1997: The Sociological Quarterly

Global Society

Journal of Oromo Studies
1998: Global Society

Sociological Forum

Science and Society

McGraw-Hill (review of text)

Journal of Oromo Studies (two reviews)

  1. International Sociology

Global Governance

Sociological Forum (two articles reviewed)

National Science Foundation (review of two different research proposal)

Social Problems (two articles reviewed)

St. Martins Press (book manuscript reviewed)

Worth Publishers (text manuscript reviewed)

Critical Sociology

International Politics
2001: American Sociological Review

Sociological Forum

Critical Sociology (two)

Latin American Perspectives (two)

Worth Publishers (text manuscript reviewed)

University of Minnesota Press (book manuscript reviewed)

National Science Foundation (review of research proposal)

Review of International Studies

Theory and Society

Kumarian Press (book manuscript reviewed)

Political Power and Social Theory
2002 Social Science Research Council (reviewer for International Disseration Award Fellowship)

International Journal of Peace Studies

New Political Economy
2003 Review of International Political Economy

Routledge Press (two manuscript proposals reviewed)

SUNY-Press (book manuscript reviewed)

American Journal of Sociology

Theory and Society
2004 Left History

Sociological Inquiry
2005 American Journal of Sociology

Journal of Consumer Culture

Latin American Perspectives (two reviews)

Johns Hopkins University Press (book manuscript review)

2006 Latin American Perspectives (two reviews)


Theory and Society

Science and Society

Sociological Quarterly

Polity Press (book proposal review)

Bulletin of Latin American Research
2007 Bulletin of Latin American Research

Ashgate Publishing Co. (book manuscript review)

Latin American Perspectives (two reviews)

Routledge Press (book proposal review)

Blackwell Publishers (book proposal review)


Science and Society

Other Professional Experience

Professional Consulting

1989 - 1990 Consultant, Government of Nicaraguan (Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry). Analyst on U.S. Policy, electoral affairs.

1980 Analyst, American Committee on Africa (New York). Researched and prepared reports on Southern African affairs and U.S. policy towards Africa.

Professional Journalism

1987 - 1990 Washington Bureau Chief, and U.S. Representative for Agencia Nueva Nicaragua (ANN), a Nicaragua-based international news agency. Responsibilities included running the Washington bureau, covering Congress, the executive branch, the Organization of American States and the diplomatic community in Washington. Daily dispatches for the ANN Spanish language wire service, as well as weekly analyses and special services.

From 12/87 to 12/88, Editor, English-language edition: Central America Information Bulletin, a weekly ANN publication of news and analysis.

1982 - 1987 Agencia Nueva Nicaragua, central offices, Managua. Position varied over the years, and included:

Staff Editor for both Spanish and English language services, Managing Editor in both Spanish and English of the Central America Information Bulletin. 1987
Roving ANN Central America correspondent, with special assignments in Honduras and Guatemala. Covered events throughout Central America.
ANN War Correspondent, Nicaraguan war fronts and Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast. Specialized coverage of the Atlantic Coast, including prolonged stays in that region of Nicaragua. 1985
Coordinator, Economic Team, ANN, Managing Editor. Responsibilities included planning and coordinating out of the Managua offices ANN's coverage of the Central American economies, and editing the Boletin Economico Centroamericano. 1984-1985
Staff Reporter. Responsibilities included covering press conferences and any other news in the Nicaragua capital.
1980 - Free Lance Journalism (see below).


1983 - Free Lance Translator/Interpreter. Numerous free lance assignments as translator and interpreter (consecutive), Spanish-English and English-Spanish.

1978 High School Teacher (Social Studies), Machacos, Kenya.

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