Curriculum vitae william I. Robinson

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Chapters in Books

2008 “Aqui Estamos y No Nos Vamos: Global Capitalism and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights,” in Francsico Vazquez and Rodolfo D. Torres, Latino/a Though: Culture, Politics, and Society (2nd Edition), Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.

2008 “Globalization and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights in the United States,” in Globalizations (2nd Edition), Eitzen and Baca Zinn (eds.), Belmont: Wadsworth.
2007 “Globalization, Imperialism, and Resistance,” in Lars Lindstrom, Mats Warn, and Bjorn Beckman (eds), Globalization, Imperialism, and Resistance. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press.
2007 “A Global Perspective on Social Activism and Democracy in South Africa,” in Lars Lindstrom, Mats Warn, and Bjorn Beckman (eds), Globalization, Imperialism, and Resistance. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press.

2007 “Para Estudos Criticos Sobre a Globalizacao: Intelectuais Organicos e a Luta por Justica Global< in Marco Aurelio Machado de Oliveira, Sobre Humanidades. Campo Grande: Editora UMFS

2007 “Transformative Possibilities in Latin America,” Socialist Review, London: Merlin Press.
2007 “Promoting Polyarchy in Latin America: The Oxymoron of ‘Market Democracy’,”, in Eric Hershberg and Fred Rosen, eds., Turning the Tide? Latin America After Neoliberalism. New York: The New Press, 2006.
2007 “Theories of Globalization,” in George Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Globalization. London: Blackwell.
2006 “Gramsci and Globalization: From Nation-State to Transnational Hegemony,” in Morton and Beiler (eds), London/New York: Routledge, Reprint of article published in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
2006 “Critical Globalization Studies,” in Judith Blau and Kery Iyail Smith (eds.), The Public Sociologies Reader. Landham, MD: Rowman and Littlefeld
2005 “What to Expect from U.S. ‘Democracy Promotion’ in Iraq,” in Joseph G. Pescheck (ed.), The Politics of Empire: War, Terror, and Hegemony. London/New York: Routledge. Reprint of article published in New Political Science.
2005 “Social Activism and Democracy in South Africa: A Globalization Perspective,” in Richard Callard and Paul Graham (eds.), Democracy in the Times of Mbeki, Cape Town: IDASA.
2005 “Capitalist Globalization and the Transnationalization of the State,” in Richard Little and Michael Smith (eds.), Perspectives in World Politics, 3rd Edition. London/New York: Routledge. Reprint of chapter in Rupert and Smith (eds.), Historical Materialism and Globalisation, 2002.
2005 “Kuresel Kapitalizm ve Ulusasiri Kapitalist Hegemonya: Kurumsal Notlar ve Gorgul Deliller,” in Cem Karadeli (ed.), Kuresellesme ve Alternatif Kuresellesme, Ankara: Pheonix. Reprint of article published in Praxis, Vol. 8, 2003.
2005 “Introduction: Towards a Critical Globalization Studies: Continued Debates, New Directions, Neglected Topics,” co-authored with Richard Appelbaum, in Appelbaum and Robinson, Critical Globalization Studies, New York/London: Routledge.
2005 “What is a Critical Globalization Studies?,” in Appelbaum and Robinson, Critical Globalization Studies, New York/London: Routledge.
2004 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism: How it Looks From Latin America,” in Freeman and Kagarlitsky (eds.), The Politics of Empire: The Crisis of Globalisation, London: Pluto Press.
2004 “America Latina en el Proceso de la Globalizacion,” in Daniel Dessein and Esteban Pino Coviello (eds.), Siete Desafios del Siglo XXII, Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana.
2004 “"Global Capitalism and the Oromo Liberation Struggle: Theoretical Notes on U.S. Policy Towards the Ethiopian Empire," reprint of article appearing in Journal of Oromo Studies 4 (No. 1, 2):1-46, in Asafa Jalata (ed.), State Crisis, Globalisation and National Movements in North-East Africa, Routledge.
2004 “From State Hegemonies to Transnational Hegemony: A Global Capitalism Approach,” in Thomas Ehrlich Reifer (ed.), Globalization, Hegemony and Power: Antisystemic Movements and the Global System. Paradigm Press..
2004 “Latin America in the Empire of Global Capital,” in Gilberto Gonzales et. al. (eds.), Labor Versus Imperialism: Race, Gender, and Migration, New York:Routledge.
2004 “Latin America in the Age of Inequality: Confronting the New ‘Utopia’,” reprint of article appearing in International Studies Review, Vol 1, Issue 3, Fall 1999:41-67, in Takashi Inoguchi (ed.), Gendai Kokusai Seijigaku Riron (Readings in International Relations Theories), Tokyo: Toyo Shorin Publisher.
2003 “Beyond Nation-State Paradigms: Globalization, Sociology, and the Challenge of Transnational Studies,” reprint of article appearing in Sociological Forum 13, 1998 (No. 4):561-594, in Roland Robertson and Kathleen White (eds.), Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, Vol. 2: The Nation-State and International Relations, London: Routledge, pp. 189-221.
2003 The Transnational Capitalist Class and the Transnational State,” in Wilma A. Dunaway (ed.), in Emerging Issues in the 21st Century World System, Vol. II: New Theoretical Directions for the 21st Century World-System. Westport: Praeger.
2002 “Capitalist Globalization and the Transnationalization of the the State,” in Rupert and Smith (eds), Historical Materialism and Globalization. London: Routledge.
2002 "Latin America in an Age of Inequality: Confronting the New 'Utopia," in Craig Murphy (ed.), Inequality in an Age of Globalization: Securing a Liberal World Order. New York: MacMillan (expanded version of article published in 1999 in International Studies Review).
2001 “Neo-Liberalism, the Global Elite, and the Guatemalan Transition: A Critical Macrosocial Analysis,” in Chase-Dunn, Jonas, and Amaro (eds.), Globalization on the Ground: Post-Bellum Guatemalan Democracy and Development. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. (modified version of article appearing in Journal of Inter-American and World Affairs, Winter 2000).
2001 “”The Epochal Shift” and “Epochal Clashes: Third Worldization and the New Hegemon,” co-authored with Roger Burbach, in Burbach, Globalization and Postmodern Politics: From Zapatistas to High Tech Robber Barons. London: Pluto.
2000 “Promoting Capitalist Polyarchy: The Case of Latin America,” in Inoguchi, Ikenberry, and Cox (eds.), American Democracy Promotion: Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. New York: Oxford University Press.
1997 "Nicaragua and the World," in Thomas W. Walker (ed), Nicaragua Without Illusions: Regime Transition and Other Change in the 1990s. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources.
1997 Transnational Social Control in the Age of Globalization: The U.S. and Regime Transition in Chile," in David Skidmore (ed), Contested Social Orders and International Politics. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press
1995 "El rol de la democracia en la politica exterior norteamericana y el caso de Cuba," in Haroldo Dilla (ed.) La democracia en Cuba y el diferendo con los Estados Unidos. Habana: Ediciones CEA.

Other Analytical and Scholarly Essays

(The following is a partial listing)

2008 “Nubarrones sobre la Humanidad: El Sistema Global y las Elecciones Norteamericanas,” Politica Exterior y Soberania, June:16-19
2008 “Democracy and Development in the Global South,” Contexts, 7(1):74-77.
2008 “Debating Strategy in the Immigrant Rights Movement” and “Immigrant Labor in the Global Economy,” two essays in quarterly magazine, Justice Rising, 3(4):1-3.
2007 “El Capitalismo Global, Segun el Sociologo William Robinson: ‘Los Estados Hoy Responden Mas a Las Existencias del Capital que a las Demandas Populares’,” interview published in Cronicon electronic news and analysis website (edited in Bogota, Colombia), 19 August, at 16/nota1.htm.
2007 “Transnational Capitalism: An Interview with William Robinson,” Greek daily newspaper Eleftherotypia, August 8, also translated back to English and posted on Znet,
2007 “De Bush a Bush: Crisis Global y Politica Exterior de los Estados Unidos hacia America Latina,” Politica Exterior y Soberania, 2(1), Jan.-March:65-69.

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