David Gramling

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curriculum vitae (Jan 1, 2018)

David J Gramling

Associate Professor, Department of German Studies

301 Learning Services Building | 1512 East First St.

The University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ 85721

dgl@email.arizona.edu | cell: 520.822.6251

(on sabbatical leave Aug 2017–May 2018)

Appointments here


PhD, Department of German, University of California, Berkeley, August 2008. Doctoral Dissertation: “Where Here Begins: Monolingualism and the Spatial Imagination.” Director: Deniz Göktürk. Committee: Anton Kaes, Claire Kramsch, Minoo Moallem

MA, Department of German, University of California, Berkeley, December 2002

BA, Department of German, Middlebury College, May 1999. Thesis adviser: Roman Graf

Academic Posts

2017–present. Associate Professor, University of Arizona, Department of German Studies, Tucson, AZ / USA

2012–2017. Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, Department of German Studies, Tucson, AZ / USA

2010–2012. ACLS New Faculty Fellow, University of Arizona, Department of German Studies, Tucson, AZ / USA

2011, 2013. Summer Faculty, Middlebury College German School, Middlebury, VT / USA

2008–2010. Visiting Assistant Professor, Bilkent University, Program in Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas, Ankara / Turkey

Honors | Awards

2015–2017. National Endowment for the Arts, Translation Fellow. Co-awarded with Aron Aji ($12,000)

2010–2012. New Faculty Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / USA

2006–2007. Fulbright Fellow, Humboldt University zu Berlin, Seminar for Cultural Studies, Berlin / Germany

2003. Summer Fellow, American Research Institute in Turkey, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul / Turkey

2003. Research Fellow, Berkeley Language Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA / USA

National and International Service

Editorial Work

2017. Guest Co-editor with Bethany Wiggin, German Studies Review. Special Issue on The Fall and Rise of Monolingualism 41(1)

2016. Guest Co-Editor with Aniruddha Dutta, Transgender Studies Quarterly. Special Double Issue on Translating Transgender 3(3-4)

2016. Expert Reader, National Translation Award (prose)

2013–present. Translations Section Editor. Transgender Studies Quarterly

2012–present. Co-Editor with Chantelle Warner, Critical Multilingualism Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

2013–present. Applied Linguistics Editorial Referee for: L2 Journal (2012, 2016, 2017); Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German (2013); de Gruyter Mouton series “Trends in Applied Linguistics” (2014); Routledge hardback monographs (2013).

2014–present. Translation Studies Editorial Referee for: Translation and Interpreting Studies (2016); Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (2014); Palgrave MacMillan Language and Linguistics (2016); Bloomsbury Academic (2018)

2012–present. German Studies Editorial Referee for: Monatshefte (2012, 2016); Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies (2013, 2017); German Quarterly (2014); German Politics and Society (2013); Edge: Journal of German Studies (2012); TRANSIT (2013); Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik [Journal for Intercultural German Studies] (2013, 2016); Camden House / University of Rochester Press (2016)

2012–present. History Editorial Referee: German History (2013); Journal of Contemporary History (2012)

2013–present. Comparative Literary Studies Editorial Referee for: The American Reader (2013); Comparative Literature (2014); Gale Literature Collection’s “Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism Series” (2013)

2012–present. Cultural Studies Editorial Referee for: Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power (2012); Transgender Studies Quarterly (2015-2016),

Seminars and Colloquia (invited or organized)

2017–present. Research Network (ReN) on Literature in Language Learning & Teaching. Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée. Coordinated by Amos Paran (University College London Institute for Education)

2017. Fulbright-DAAD Summer Academy for US German Studies Faculty. InterDAF Leipzig, 27 May–10 June

2016. 12-member seminar, co-convened with Bethany Wiggin and Marc Pierce. “Multilingualism and German Studies.” German Studies Association, San Diego, CA / USA. October 1

2015. Local Conference Chair, American Literary Translators Association. Tucson, AZ / USA

2015. 13-member seminar, co-convened with Bethany Wiggin. “The Rise and Fall of Monolingualism.” German Studies Association, Arlington, VA / USA. October 1

2014. 30-member seminar, co-convened with İlker Hepkaner and Kristin Dickenson. “The Right to Untranslatability? Multilingualism, Translation, and World Literaricity.” American Comparative Literature Association, New York University, NY / USA, March 20-23

2014. 18-member seminar, co-convened with Ela Gezen and Berna Gueneli. “Turkish-German Studies: Past, Present, and Future.” German Studies Association, Kansas City, MO / USA, September 18-21

2012. International symposium co-convened with Chantelle Warner, Abraham Acosta, and Aslı Iğsız. “Multilingual, 2.0?: An International Symposium across the Disciplines.” Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry, University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography, April 10-12. Videos here


American Literary Translators Association (2012-present)

International Congress of Germanists (2010-2012)

German Studies Association (2010-present)

American Comparative Literature Association (2010-2012)

Modern Language Association (2010-2018)

Middle East Studies Association (2011-2014)

American Association of Teachers of German (2013-2015)

International Association of Applied Linguistics (2014-present)

American Association for Applied Linguistics (2014–present).

Department of German Studies Appointed Posts

2012–2014, 2017–present. Director of Graduate Studies for German Studies

2016–2017. Coordinator, Secondary School Teaching Certification Program for German Studies MA Students

2017–present. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment coordinator for German Studies

2015–present. Professional Development coordinator

2010–2014. Departmental Colloquium organizer

2013–2015, 2016–present. Faculty adviser, German Students Club

Department of German Studies Committee Service, Advising, and Outreach

2017. Graduate Curriculum Assessment Outcomes Study Committee (Chair).

2016. Organizer. “Unbestimmter Wohnsitz / Residence Unknown: A German Studies Symposium.” December 7-8

2016. Organizer. “An Evening with Sharon Dodua Otoo.” A bilingual reading. UA Poetry Center, November 14

2016. Invited talk: “New(est) Literatures of Migration: Listening to the Afterlives of Asylum Petition Narratives in Germany.” Germany in the US Week, October 5

2013–2014. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

2013–2014. Academic Program Review Committee (Graduate Section)

2011–2015. PhD Qualifying Examination Committee (Chair 2013-present)

2011–2015. Writer-in-Residence Committee.

2010–2017. Faculty Adviser, Fisch out of Water: An Evening of Accented Languages.

2010–2017. Graduate Curriculum Committee (Chair 2012-2015, 2017-present).

Service to the UA College of Humanities

2017. Invited Workshop: “The Humanities Classroom as a Living Workshop for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence.” New Graduate Student Orientation, August 15.

2017. American Literary Translators Association Affiliation Proposal Committee

2016–2017. Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Committee

2015. Invited talk: “Man vs. Machine: Translation in the Digital Age.” Humanities Week, University of Arizona Poetry Center, October 7

2014. Invited talk: “Intercultural Competence on the Threshold of the Great War.” World War One Centenary Symposium. March 28

Fall 2014. Dean’s Advisory Council

2013. Symposium co-convened with Sonia Colina: “In Others’ Words: Translation as / in Scholarship.” College of Humanities, University of Arizona, April 5

2013. Workshop co-convened with Aron Aji: “Poetics and Translating.” College of Humanities, University of Arizona, April 5

2012–2016. LMIT Initiative Steering Committee (Language Mediation, Interpreting, and Translation)

2012. Symposium co-convened with Sonia Colina: “Centering Translation: A Roundtable with Anthony Pym, Edwin Gentzler, and Claudia Angelelli.” College of Humanities, University of Arizona, December 6

2011–2014. Interdepartmental New Faculty Mentor for English and Classics

Service to the Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching

2010–present. Faculty affiliate

2016–present. Faculty mentor for new doctoral students in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching

2012. Invited talk: “Bioethics and Conversation Analysis: Who is looking for what data?” Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Colloquium. October 5

2012. Invited talk: “What does the Comma Mean in ‘Multilingual, 2.0?” Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Colloquium. April 6

2012-2015. Faculty Editorial Adviser, Arizona Working Papers in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching

2011. Plenary lecture: “Monolingualism: A User’s Guide.” Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Roundtable. February 25-26

Cross-College Service and Outreach

2018. Keynote address: “What is World Literature teaching in 2018?” Conference on “Understanding Global Identities through Literature, Language, and Media” sponsored by the UA Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy, and Center for Middle Eastern Studies. January 19

2016. Invited talk: “Researching Multilingually in an Era of Neo-Orientalism: A Workshop.” MENA Graduate Conference, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies, April 7

2016. Invited talk: “Homonationalism and the Queer Stammtisch in 21st-Century Berlin.” Exploring Identities Conference, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, January 23

2016. Consulting faculty: Workshop on Grant-Writing. Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry. April 5

2014. Director and Faculty of Record: “LGBT Summer Studies Institute in San Francisco.” Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona. San Francisco, CA / USA, June 20-30.

2014. Seminar co-convened with Francisco Galarte and Elaine Yee: “A Scholars’ Seminar with Saidiya Hartman.” Institute for LGBT Studies & Miranda Joseph Endowed Lecture Series. University of Arizona Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. April 5.

2013–2014. Chair and Organizer: Miranda Joseph Endowed Lecture Committee, Institute for LGBT Studies. Speaker: Saidiya Hartman

2013. Seminar co-convened with Sapana Doshi and Sandra Soto: “A Scholars’ Seminar with Andrea Smith.” Institute for LGBT Studies & Miranda Joseph Endowed Lecture Series. University of Arizona Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. March 8

2013. Conference co-convened with İlker Hepkaner and Christian Sinclair. “A Moveable East? North African and Middle Eastern Community, Education, and Media in Modern Europe.” Center for Middle Eastern Studies & Department of German Studies. University of Arizona, April 19. Keynote Speaker: Fatima El-Tayeb

2012–2015. Governing Board Member, Center for Middle Eastern Studies

2012–2015. Faculty Advisory Committee Member, Institute for LGBT Studies

2012–2013. Member, Miranda Joseph Endowed Lecture Committee, Institute for LGBT Studies Speaker: Andrea Smith

2012–2013. Hiring Committee, Institute for LGBT Studies

2012–2014. Convenor, Speaking of Gender Reading Group, Institute for LGBT Studies

2012. Grant Selection Committee, Office of the Senior Vice-President for Research

2012. Invited talk: “Access to Foreign Language Learning and the Americans With Disabilities Act: Institutional Constraints and Cultural Norms.” Disability Resources Center. February 15

2012. Invited talk: “Butler in Anatolia: Afterlives of the Critically Queer.” Institute for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies. January 26

2012. Scholars’ seminar co-convened with Chantelle Warner and Adele Barker. “The Future of the Humanities: A Seminar with Michael Holquist.” Center for Middle Eastern Studies, April 9.

2011. Invited talk: “Of Köşks, Kervanserais, Kiosks, and Knock-outs: Toward a Negative Hermeneutics of Turkish Germany.” Department of Near Eastern Studies. April 22.


Scholarly Books and Monographs (Published or in press)

2018, co-authored with Michelle Moyd and Yuliya Komska. Linguistic Disobedience: Restoring Language to Civic Power, London: Palgrave.

2018, co-authored with Robert Gramling. Palliative Care Conversations: Clinical and Applied Linguistic Perspectives, Berlin: de Gruyter. 320pp.

2016, monograph. The Invention of Monolingualism. London / New York: Bloomsbury (Contracted July 2015, published October 10, 2016). Reviewed in Forum for Modern Language Studies; Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation by Lyndsay Miller; Badebeck: Revista del Centro de Estudios te Teoría y Crítica Literaria by Tomás Espino Barrera.

*2011, documentary sourcebook. Co-edited with Deniz Göktürk, Anton Kaes and Andreas Langenohl. Transit Deutschland: Debatten zu Nation und Migration. Konstanz: University of Konstanz Press / Fink Verlag.

*2007, documentary sourcebook. Co-edited with Deniz Göktürk and Anton Kaes. Germany in Transit: Nation and Migration 1955-2005. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Chapters Published in Scholarly Books or Monographs

2018, invited, in press. “Queer / LGBT Approaches to Translation Studies.” The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation, edited by Ben Van Wyke and Kelly Washbourne. London: Routledge.

2018, in press. “We Innovators.” In Sloganization in Language Education Discourse, edited by Barbara Schmenk, Stephan Breidbach, Lutz Küster. Multilingual Matters.

2017, invited, in press. “Literary Studies and Language Contact.” In Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Handbooks on Linguistics and Communication Studies), edited by Jeroen Darquennes, Joe Salmons, and Wim Vandenbussche. Berlin: de Gruyter

2017, invited. “Sprachdifferenz und Einsprachigkeit.” (“Linguistic Difference and Monolingualism.”) In Handbuch Literatur und Mehrsprachigkeit (Handbook on Literature and Multilingualism), edited by Till Dembeck and Rolf Parr. Kornwestheim: Narr-Verlag.

2017, in press. “The Application Wor(l)d Quit Unexpectedly: Waterhouse and Worldedness.” In Darstellung als Umweg. Essays und Materialien zu Peter Waterhouse (Krieg und Welt), edited by Christine Ivanovic. Vienna/Müsner/Zürich: LIT Verlag.

2017, in press. “The Affront of Untranslatability: Ten Scenarios.” Untranslatability, edited by Duncan Large et al. London: Routledge.

2017, refereed. “Elective Asymmetries: Orhan Pamuk Teaching World Literature.” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk, edited by Sevinç Türkkan and David Damrosch. Modern Language Association of America. 

2016, co-authored with Ilker Hepkaner, 50% contribution. “Translating the Translingual Novel in Early Turkish Republican Literature: The Case of Sabahattin Ali.” Authorizing Translation: Literature, Theory and Translation, Yearbook of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), edited by Michelle Woods.

2016, refereed. “Translanguagers and the Concentrationary Universe.” Interpreting in Nazi Concentration Camps: Challenging the 'Order of Terror’, edited by Michaela Wolf. London: Bloomsbury.

2016, refereed. “Seven Types of Multilingualism: Or, Wim Wenders Enfilms Pina Bausch.” The Multilingual Screen, edited by Tijana Mamula and Lisa Patti. Bloomsbury. 37-58.

2015, refereed. “Interculturality and Multilingualism on the Threshold of the Third Reich.” The Multilingual Challenge: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives edited by Ulrike Jessner and Claire Kramsch. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. 161-183.

2014, invited. “This is How You Lose Multilingual Literature: Junot Díaz in an Age of International Content-Delivery.” American Book Review. July/August. 8.

2014, refereed. “Getting up onto Monolingualism: Barthes, Kafka, Myth.” Challenging the Myth of Monolingualism, edited by Till Dembeck and Liesbeth Minnard. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 15-38. 

2014. “The Invention of Monolingualism from the Spirit of Systematic Transposability.” Philologie und Mehrsprachigkeit [Philology and Multilingualism], edited by Georg Mein und Till Dembeck. Winter Verlag: 113-134.

2013, refereed, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Gerade Dir hat er eine Botschaft gesendet: Contact Pragmatics and the Teaching of Foreign Language Texts.” Transitions and Traditions: Curricula for German Studies, edited by John Plews and Barbara Schmenk. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 209-226.

2012. “The Oblivion of Influence: Mythical Realism in Feo Aladağ’s Die Fremde [When We ;lLeave] (2010).” Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium: Sites, Sounds, and Screens, edited by Sabine Hake and Barbara MennelBerghahn Books. 33-43.

2012. “You Pray Like We Have Fun: Toward a Phenomenology of Secular Islam.” Migration and Religion: Christian Transatlantic Missions, Islamic Migration to Germany, edited by Barbara Becker-Cantarino. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 175-191.

2010, refereed, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Toward a Contact Pragmatics of Literature: Habitus, Text, and the Advanced L2 Classroom.” Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy. edited by Glenn S. Levine and Alison Phipps. AAUSC. 57-75.

2010, with Judith Butler, in Turkish,. “Homofobi Adlı Ruhsal Bozukluk [Do Not Give them Your Photographs: On Militarism, Secularism, and Homophobia],” translated by Ahmet Gürata. Bir+Bir 4: 8-11.

Articles Published in Refereed Journals

2017, co-authored with Sarah Craig. “Is there a Right to Untranslatability? Asylum, Evidence, and the Listening State.” Tilburg Law Review 22(1–2): 77–98.

2017, co-authored with Martina Schwalm. “World Literature (Already) Wrote Back: Sabahattin Ali after Germany.” In Jahrbuch Türkisch-Deutsche Studien: The Transcultural Critic Sabahattin Ali and Beyond. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

2017, invited, with Deniz Göktürk. “Germany in Transit, Ten Years On.” The German Quarterly. 90(2). 3 pp.

2016, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Whose ‘Crisis in Language’? How Translingual Students Critically Reframe the Future of Foreign Language Learning,” L2 Journal. 19 pp.

2016. “Zur Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung in der interkulturellen Germanistik: Wende, Romanze, Rückkehr?“ (“On Multilingualism Research in Intercultural German Studies: Turn, Romance, or Return?“) Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 7(1). 15 pp.

2016, co-authored with Aniruddha Dutta. “Translating Transgender.” Transgender Studies Quarterly 3(3-4).

2016. “Researching Multilingually in German Studies: A Brief Retrospective.” German Studies Review 39(3).

2016. “Hysterical Postsecularism.” Cultural Critique 93.

2015, co-authored with Stewart C. Alexander, David Kirkland Garner, Matthew Somoroff, Sally A. Norton, and Robert Gramling. “Using music[al] knowledge to represent expressions of emotions.” Patient Education and Counseling. 1-7.

2015, co-authored with Robert Gramling, Elizabeth Gajary-Coots, Susan Stanek, Nathalie Dougoud, Heather Pyke, Marie Thomas, Jenica Cimino, Mechelle Sanders, Stewart C Alexander, Ronald Epstein, Kevin Fiscella, Susan Ladwig, Wendy Anderson, Stephen Pantilat and Sally A. Norton. “Design and Enrollment in the Palliative Care Communication Research Initiative: a Direct-Observation Cohort Study.” BMC Palliative Care. 1-14.

2014. “What is Turkish-German Studies Up Against? Thigmotactics and Occidentialism.” Colloquia Germanica 44(4). 382-395.

2014, co-authored with Chantelle Warner. “Kontaktpragmatik: Fremdsprachliche Literatur und symbolische Beweglichkeit.” [“Contact Pragmatics: Foreign-Language Literature and Symbolic Agility.”] Deutsch als Fremdsprache [German as a Foreign Language] 51. 67-76.

2014, co-authored with Stewart Alexander, Susan Ladwig , Sally Norton, J Kelly Davis, Maureen Metzger, Jane DeLuca, and Robert Gramling. “Emotional distress and compassionate responses in palliative care decision-making consultations: A direct observational study.” Journal of Palliative Medicine 17(5). 579-584.

2013, translated by Ekbert Birr. “Zur Abwicklung des Mythos literarischer Einsprachigkeit.” [“Unraveling the Myth of Literary Monolingualism,”]. kultuRRevolution: zeitschrift für angewandte diskurstheorie [Culturevolution: A Journal for Applied Discourse Theory] 65(2). 11-16.

2013, co-authored with Robert Gramling, Sally Norton, Susan Ladwig, Maureen Metzger, Jane DeLuca, Daniel Schatz, Ronald Epstein, Timothy Quill, and Stewart Alexander. “Direct observation of prognosis communication in palliative care: a descriptive study.” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 45(2). 202-212.

2012. “An Other Unspeakability: Levi and Lagerszpracha.” New German Critique 39(3). 165-187.

2012, co-authored with Robert Gramling. “Laughing at the Dark: Tactical Humor for Autonomous Decision-Making in Serious Illness.”  Journal of Palliative Medicine 15(11). 170-172.

2011. “My Ardinghello: Heinse and the Importance of Being Epistolary.” The Germanic Review 86(1). 23-36.

2010. “On the Other Side of Monolingualism: Fatih Akın’s Linguistic Turn(s).” German Quarterly 83(3). 353-372.

2010. “The Caravanserai Turns Twenty: or, New German Literature—in Turkish?” Alman Dili ve Edebiyati Dergisi / Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur [Studies in German Language and Literature] 24. 55-83.

2009. “The New Cosmopolitan Monolingualism: Linguistic Citizenship in Twenty-first Century Germany.” Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 42(2). 130-140.

2008, co-authored with Robert Gramling, William Klein, Mary Roberts, Molly Waring, and Charles Eaton. “Self-rated cardiovascular risk and 15-year cardiovascular mortality.” Annals of Family Medicine 6(4). 302-6.

*2007. “Pamuk’s Dis-Orient: Reassembling Kafka’s Castle in Snow.“  TRANSIT: 3(1): 1-20.

Publications (In Preparation)

Scholarly Books and Monographs

2020. Literature in the Linguacene. In Preparation.

2019, invited project. Multilingualism, Algorithmic Order, and the Translatability Industry. Cambridge University Press.

Articles and Chapters

As “The Eaton Group”, Under revision / review with Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German. “Notes on the Future of Multilingualism in German Studies Instruction.”

2018, invited contribution. “A Critique of Multilingual Reason: Reviewing Recent Research in German Studies.” German Studies Review.

2018, invited contribution. “Bridge and Tunnel Multilingualism.” In Multilingualism in Film, edited by Gala Rebane and Ralf Junkerjürgen.

2018, invited contribution. “Troubles in the Linguacene: Initial Notes on a Linguistic Age.” Récits nationaux et conceptions de la « diversité» dans les discours, edited by Aline Gohard ed al.

2018, invited contribution. “On the Translatability Industry.” Applied Linguistics, special issue on Translating Culture, edited by Zhu Hua and Claire Kramsch.

Creative Work and Translations

Embargoed. Co-translated with Ilker Hepkaner, from the Turkish by Sabahattin Ali. The Madonna in the Fur Coat: A Novel. Embargoed by Penguin Classics until January 2018. 90 pp.

2014, co-translated with the students of German 450 (Spring 2013). From the German by Peter Waterhouse, “The Sound Valley.” [“Das Klangtal.”] TRANSIT 9(2): 1-11. Original in Neue Deutsche Literatur 51(1). 66-80.

2014, co-translated with Aron Aji, from the Turkish by Murathan Mungan. “The Leather.” [“Sahtiyan.”] 6th Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival Collection. 143-156.

2013, co-translated with Aron Aji, from the Turkish by Murathan Mungan. “Omaira.” Words Without Borders. n.p.

2013, co-translated with Ayşegül Savaş, 50% contribution, from the Turkish by Ersan Üldes. “Where We All Slowly Die.” [“Hepimizin Yavaş Yavaş Öldüğü Mekân.”] The American Reader.

2010, from the Turkish by Bejan Matur. “First Marks of Human Wit: Ramparts, Legends.” [“İnsan Aklının İlk İşaretleri: Burçlar, Kitabeler.”] PEN America Translation Slam. n.p.

2009, from the German by Zafer Şenocak. ”Eastward: Selections from the Forthcoming Novel.” [“Ostwärts.”] TRANSIT 5(1): 1-5.

Unpublished. Translation from the Turkish, by Zafer Şenocak, The Residence. A Novel. [“Köşk.”] İstanbul: Alef, 2008. 107 pp.

In preparation. Book-length poetry collection, co-translated with Aron Aji, from the Turkish by Murathan Mungan, In The Heart’s East. [Kalbinin Doğusunda.] City Lights Books. (Supported by an NEA Translation Fellowship). 187 pp.
Conferences/Scholarly Presentations

Keynotes Lectures

2017. “Seven Stadia Long: On the Disorderly Social Sojourn of Collaborative Translation.” #Transcollaborate Symposium. Prato / Italy, July 3.

2016. “Disinventing Monolingualism in Modern Language Research.” Transnationalizing Modern Languages conference. Italian Cultural Institute. London / United Kingdom, December 2.

2015. “Seven Types of Multilingualism.” Canadian Association of University Teachers of German. Ottawa, ON / Canada, May 31.

2014. “Face-Saving in Life-Saving: The Political Economy of End-of-Life Clinical Conversations.” Discourses on Death conference, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, November 9.

2014. “East by Eastwest: The Literary Occident of Turkish Transnational Modernity.” Where East Meets West?, University of Pennsylvania Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures Graduate Conference. Pennsylvania, PA / USA, February 21.

Invited Lectures (at peer institutions)

2017. “An Invitation to Critical Multilingualism Studies.” Arizona State University School of International Letters and Cultures. October 5.

2017. “On Dwelling in the Linguacene: Monolingualism, Optimization, and the Deportation of Meaning.” University of Michigan Department of Germanic Languages. March 17.

2017. “On Dwelling in the Linguacene: Where Reactionary Monolingualism meets Hypomnesic Monolingualism.” Berkeley Language Center. University of California at Berkeley. February 10.

2015 (via Skype). “Resistance and Language: Lessons from Viktor Klemperer.” Islamic University of Gaza. Gaza City / Palestine. March 27.

2015. “Toward an Anthropology of Monolingualism.” Department of Global Studies and Languages, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 4.

2014. “Peter Waterhouse’s ‘The Sound Valley’ (2003) and the Translative Experience.” University of Iowa Translation Masters in Fine Arts Program, Iowa City, IA / USA, November 10.

2014 “Re-Languaging Europe? A Critique of Multilingual Reason.” European Cultural Dis/Unification, European Union Center of Excellence & The European Studies Center. University of Pittsburgh, PA / USA, February 22.

2014. “A Right to Untranslatability? Multilingualism, Translation, and the Passing of World Literaricity.” The University of Maryland Department of Germanic Studies. College Park, MD / USA, February 20.

2013. “‘Die Übersetzung wird erst interessant, wenn sie ausser Kontrolle gerät’: Peter Waterhouse und seine mehr- oder wenigersprachige Welt.” [‘Translation first becomes interesting, when it gets out of control’: Peter Waterhouse and his more- or less-languaged world.”] Middlebury College German School. Middlebury, VT / USA, July 4.

2012. “The Invention of Monolingualism.” University of Richmond, Department of Modern Languages. Richmond, VA / USA, November 15.

2012. “Multilingual Second Language Acquisition: Insights and Implications, by way of Peter Waterhouse’s ‘Klangtal’ (2003).” University of California, Berkeley, DAAD German Language Teaching Methodology Workshop. Berkeley, CA / USA, November 8-9.

2012. “Laughing at the Dark: A Taxonomy of the Joke in End-of-Life Care Consultations.” The National Palliative Care Conversation Bank Consortium. University of Rochester Medical School. Rochester, NY / USA, March 2.

Colloquium Contributions

2018. “Is there a Right to Untranslatability?: Legal and Applied Linguistic Perspectives.” American Association for Applied Linguistics. Chicago, IL. March.

2017. “Translating Culture in the Linguacene: On the Political Economy and Large-scale Impact of Cross-Linguistic Data Retrieval (CLIR).” International Association of Applied Linguistics, Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. July.

2016. “Arizona, Linguistic Apartheid, and Comparative European Perspectives.” National Association for Ethnic Studies, Tucson, AZ / USA, March 17.

2015. “Multilingualism in German Studies Curricula.” American Association of Teachers of German, San Diego, CA / USA, November 20-22.

2014, with Claire Kramsch. “Recording vs. Communicating Trauma:  The Language Dilemma of Holocaust Survivors.” Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée. Brisbane, Queensland / Australia, August 10-15.

2013, with Maureen Freely and Aron Aji. “The Turkish Translation Trust.” American Literary Translators Association. Bloomington, IN / USA, October 16.

Other Conference Talks

2014. “Translating from a Translative Language: Sabahattin Ali and the Early Turkish Republic of Letters.” American Literary Translators Association. Milwaukee, WI / USA, November 12-15.

2013. “Translating Transgender: Pronouns, Pre-ops, and Prosody in Murathan Mungan’s short story ‘The Tears of Love, or Rapunzel and the Raven’ [‘Aşkın Gözyaşları, ya da Rapunzel ile Avare’} (1984).” American Literary Translators Association. Bloomington, IN / USA. October 17.

2013. “Yolculuk nereye? / Journey to Where? Disarticulating the Turkish Turn in German Studies.” Middle East Studies Association. New Orleans, LA / USA, October 10.

2013. “The Application Word Quit Unexpectedly: Hofmannsthal’s 21st-Century Afterlife.” German Studies Association. Castleton, CO / USA, October 3.

2012. “Beyond the Death Panels: The Sociolinguistics of End-of-Life Care Consultations.” American Association of Applied Linguistics. Boston, MA / USA, March 26.

2011. “New German Literature—in Turkish?” Modern Language Association. Los Angeles, CA / USA, December 27-30.

2010. “What is / was Monolingualism?” German Studies Association. Oakland, CA / USA. October 7-10.

2010. “Das Dilemma des kosmopolitischen Monolingualismus in der interkulturellen Germanistik.” [“The Dilemma of Cosmopolitan Monolingualism in Intercultural German Studies.”] Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik [International Congress of Germanists]. University of Warsaw, Warsaw / Poland, July 30-August 7.

Invited Symposium Contributions

2015. “Einsprachigkeit und Sprachdifferenz.” [“Monolingualism and Linguistic Difference.”} University of Luxembourg, April 26.

2014, with Chantelle Warner. “Translating Multilingualism in the Southwestern Borderlands: Three Case Studies.” Researching Multilingually Symposium. Durham / England. October 17.

2014. with Chantelle Warner, “Multilingual Ecologies in the American Southwest Borderlands.” Researching Multilingually Grant Launch. University of Glasgow / Scotland, May 26.

2014. “Conversations at the End of Life.” The Ohio State University Center for Folklore Studies. Columbus, OH / USA, February 7.

2013. “Hysterical Postsecularism: Rhetorics of Indifference toward Islam in Europe and the US.” Symposium: “Mobilizing Difference: Gender, Islam, and the Production of Contemporary Europeanness.” University of Illinois. Champaign, IL / USA, September 12.

2012. “Die Erfindung des Monolingualismus.” Symposium: “Mehrsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur – philologische Herausforderungen.” Laboratoire de linguistique et de littérature allemande. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, September 22.

2011. “’You Pray Like We Have Fun’: Toward a Phenomenology of Secular Islam.” Humboldt Kolleg International Conference: “Migration, Religion, and Germany.” The Ohio State University, Mershon Center for International Security Studies. Columbus, OH / USA, April 8-9.

2010, with Chantelle Warner. “Toward a Contact Pragmatics of Literature.” Traditions and Transitions in German Curricula, Waterloo Center for German Studies, University of Waterloo, Ontario / Canada.

Awarded Grants and Contracts


2014-2017. (Award amount: $3,309,663, Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.) Co-Investigator (10% contribution): "Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law and the State.” Principal Investigator: Alison Phipps OBE, University of Glasgow / Scotland.


2013-2017. (Award amount: $1,320,000, American Cancer Society, Grant ID: RSG-13-239-01.) Co-Investigator (5% contribution): “Prognosis Communication and Race in Advanced Cancer Care.“ Principal Investigator: Robert Gramling, University of Rochester Medical Center. Rochester, NY / USA.


2011-2012. (Award amount, $24,427, Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry.) Principal Investigator (50% contribution), with Chantelle Warner and Aslı Iğsız: “Multilingual, 2.0?: An International Symposium, and Critical Multilingualism Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal.”

2011-2012. (Award amount $9,122, Office of the Senior Vice-President for Research.) Principal Investigator: “Critical Discourse Analysis, Bioethics, and Race: A Qualitative Inquiry.”

Doctoral Theses Chaired

Kyung Lee Gagum, PhD (chair). Currently faculty at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dissertation Title: “The Manga Boom: Fairy-Tale Transculturations between Germany and East Asia.” Filed May 2017, UA Department of German Studies Transcultural German Studies Doctoral Program.

Martina Schwalm (chair). Dissertation Topic: Histories of Touch in Turkish and German Literature. Conferral expected May 2020, UA Department of German Studies Transcultural German Studies Doctoral Program.

Yannleon Chen (chair). Dissertation Topic: Literary Representations of the Red Army Faction. Conferral expected May 2020, UA Department of German Studies Transcultural German Studies Doctoral Program.

Patrick Ploschnitzki (chair). Topic: Dubbing, Subtitling, and Translation in German Television and Film. Conferral expected May 2021.

Doctoral Theses Advised (Committee Member)

Malena Samaniego, PhD. 2018. UA Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition. (Chair: Sonia Colina)

James Howell, PhD. 2017. UA Transcultural German Studies. (Chair: Steven Martinson).

Diane Richardson, PhD. 2017. UA Transcultural German Studies. (Chair: Chantelle Warner).

Ahmet Okal, PhD. 2016. UA School of Middle East and North African Studies. (Chair: Janet Nicol).

Kathy Sclafani, PhD. 2012. Rutgers University, Comparative Literature.

Collaborators on grants and publications from the last five years

Abraham Acosta, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Arizona

Aron Aji, Masters of Fine Arts in Translation Studies Program, University of Iowa

Stewart Alexander, Department of Consumer Sciences, Purdue University

Wendy Anderson, Division of Hospital Medicine and Palliative Care Program, University of California at San Francisco

Jenica Cimono, Division of Hospital Medicine and Palliative Care Program, University of California at San Francisco

Jane Deluca, School of Nursing, Clemson University

Till Dembeck, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur und für Interkulturalität, University of Luxembourg

Nathalie Dougoud, School of Nursing, University of Rochester

Aniruddha Dutta, Department of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, University of Iowa

Ronald Epstein, Palliative Care Program, University of Rochester

Kevin Fiscella, Palliative Care Program, University of Rochester

Elizabeth Gajarty-Coots, School of Nursing, University of Rochester

David Kirkland Garner, Department of Music, Duke University

Deniz Göktürk, Department of German, University of California at Berkeley

Robert Gramling, Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Vermont

Ilker Hepkaner, Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University

Anton Kaes, Department of German, University of California at Berkeley

Claire Kramsch, Graduate School, University of California at Berkeley

Susan Ladwig, Palliative Care Program, University of Rochester

Maureen Metzger, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Minoo Moallem, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, University of California at Berkeley

Sally A. Norton, School of Nursing, University of Rochester

Stephen Pantilat, Division of Hospital Medicine and Palliative Care Program, University of California at San Francisco

Alison Phipps OBE, Languages and Intercultural Studies, University of Glasgow

Heather Pyke, School of Nursing, University of Rochester

Timothy Quill, Palliative Care Program, University of Rochester

Mechelle Sanders, Palliative Care Program, University of Rochester

Ayşegül Savas, Independent Writer

Matthew Somoroff, Department of Music, Duke University

Susan Stanek, School of Nursing, University of Rochester

Marie Thomas, Division of Hospital Medicine and Palliative Care Program, University of California at San Francisco

Chantelle Warner, Department of German Studies, University of Arizona

Bethany Wiggin, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pennsylvania

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