experior (try): see peritus
exploro (1): seek out; explorator: scout (OLD: exploro may be a compound of ploro.)
exploration, explorational, explorative, exploratively, explorator, exploratory, explore, explorer, unexplored
exsul: one sent into exile; exsilium: exile
exile, exilic, post-exilian
OLD suggests independent root; LS: perhaps related to salio.
exter: outside; extra: outside (of); extremus: last; externus: outside
ad extremum, estrange, estrangement,ior, exteriorize, exteriorly, external, externalism, externalist, externality, externally, externalize, extra, extrageneus,
extraneous, extraneously, extrapolate, extravagance, extravagancy, extravagant, extravagantly, extravaganza, extravagate, extravagation, extreme, extremely, extremism, extremist, extremity, extrinsic, extrinsical, extrinsicity, extrinsically, in extremis, strange, strangely, strangeness, stranger
For complete list consult reverse index under exter-, extra-, extro-.
Note that extract etc. derived from traho contain the prefix ex-, not extra-.
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