Dedication: 3/15/05

partum: give birth; parens

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partum: give birth; parens: parent

antepartum, amphiparous, biparental, biparous, congestiparous, co-parent, criniparous, deiparous, dentiparous, dorsiparous, fetiparous, fissiparous, foliiparous, frondiparous, gemmiparous, godparent, grandparent, gravipara, greatgrandparent, in loco parentis, larviparous, muciparous, multipara, multiparity, multiparous, nullipara, nulliparous, nymphiparous, omniparous, oviparity, oviparous, ovoviviparous, para, parent, parentage, parental, parentalism, parentality, parentally, parentcraft, parentela, parentelic, parenthood, parenticide, parenting, parentless, parentship, parous, parturiency, parturient, parturifacient, parturition, planned parenthood, pluriparous, polyparous, postpartum, primipara, primiparous, puerperal, purpuriparous, quadriparous, ramiparous, repertoire, repertory, sebiparous, secundipara, seed parent, sexuparous, step-parent, sudoriparous, tubiparous, unipara, uniparental, uniparous, unparented, uriniparous, viper, viperid, viperiform, viperine, viperish, viperling, viperous, viperously, viviparity, viviparous, viviparously, vivipary, water viper

See also aperio, operio.
Parisii: Parisii (tribe of Gauls)

Paris, Parisian, Parisienne

parma: shield

Parma, Parmesan, Parmesan cheese

paro (1): prepare; comparo: get ready

aparejo (Sp), apparat, apparatchik, apparatus, comprador, disimperialism, disrepair, dissever, disseverance, disseveration, disseverment, divide et impera, emperor, emperorship, empire, empress, imperatival, imperativally, imperative, imperatively, imperativeness, imperativism, imperator, imperatorial, imperatorially, imperial, imperialism, imperialist, imperialistic, imperialize, imperially, imperious, imperiously, imperiousness, imperium, inseparability, inseparable, inseparably, inseparate, inseparately, inseparable, inseparableness, inseparation, inseparative, inseverable, inseverably, irreparable, irreparably, mpret, neoimperialist, overprepare, parade, paradeless, parader, parados, parament, parapet, parapetless, pare, parer, paring, parison, parrier, parry, photorepair, prep, preparate, preparation, preparative, preparator, preparatory, prepare, preparedness, preparer, preprepared, preppy, rampart, repair (fix), repairer, repairman, reparable, reparably, reparation, reparative, scuba, semper paratus, separability, separable, separate, separately, separateness, separation, separationism, separationist, separatism, separatist, separatistic, separative, separator, separatory, separatrix, sever, severable, several, severally, serveralty, severance, shoe repair, unprepared, unpreparedly, unpreparedness, unrepaired, unseparated, unsevered

N.B. OED indicates that para- of parachute etc. is not from paro.
pars (gen. partis): part; partior (4): divide; portio: a part

alpha particle, antiparticle, apart, apartheid, apartment, apartness, apportion, apportionment, beer party, beta particle, bipartisan, bipartite, Bonaparte, compart, compartment, compartmental, compartmentalization, compartmentalize, coparcenary, coparcener, coparceny, co-part, copartitive, copartner, copartnership, copartnery, counterpart, counterparty, decapartite, depart, departed, departer, department, departmental, departmentalization, departmentalize, departmentally, departure, digitipartite, dipartite, dispart, disproportion, disproportional, disproportionality, disproportionally, disproportionate, disproportionately, disproportionation, equipartition, ex parte, forepart, GOP, houseparty, impart, impartation, impartee, imparter, impartial, impartialist, impartiality, impartially, impartibility, impartible, impartibly, impartite, impartment, interparty, intraparty, jeopardize, jeopardous, jeopardy, microparticle, multipartite, multiparty, nanoparticle, nonparticipating, non-partisan, nonparty, octopartite, overpart, overpartial, parcel, parcel post, pard (person), pardner, parse, parser, part, partake, partaker, parti (Fr), partial, partialism, partialist, partiality, partialize, partially, partialness, partibility, partible, participant, participate, participating, participation, participational, participative, participator, participatory, participial, participle, particle, parti-colored, particular, particularism, particularistic, particularity, particularize, particularization, particularly, particulate, partigeneric, partile, parting, partisan, partisanship, partite, partition, partitioner, partitionment, partitive, partitively, partly, partner, partnerless, partnership, partness, parton, part-owner, part-time, partway, party, partygirl, partygoer, partyman, partypooper, passel, pluripartite, portion, portioner, portionist, portionless, principal parts, proportion, proportionable, proportional, proportionalism, proportionality, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportioned, proportionment, quadripartite, quasiparticle, quinquepartite, reapportion, reapportionment, repartee, repartition, reproportion, searchparty, sexpartite, sex party, shore party, State Department, tantipartite, third party, Treasury Department, tripartisan, tripartism, tripartite, tripartization, unipartite, virile part, War Department, water party, wave-particle, wedding party, wine party, workparty

parus: titmouse

parvus: small; parum: too little

multum in parvo, paraffin, parvanimity, parvidentate, parvifolious, parvipotent, parvitude, parvirostrate, parviscient, parvoline, pavovirus, parvule

Paul and other names are related.

pasco, pastum: feed; pastor: shepherd; pabulor: forage; pabulum: grazing

co-pastor, depasturage, depasture, pabulum, pannage, pascual, pastern, pastille, pastor, pastorage, pastoral, pastorale, pastoralism, pastoralist, pastorality, pastoralization, pastoralize, pastorally, pastorate, pastorie, pastorless, pastorly, pastorship, pastourelle, pasturable, pasturage, pastural, pasture, pastureland, pester, pesterer, pesteringly, pestersome, repast

Pasco may be related to panis.

See pester in AHD and OED.

passer: sparrow

passeres, passeriform, passerine

passim (here and there), pateo (lie open): see pando

Patavium: Padua

Padua, Paduan, Patavinian, patavinity

pateo: see pando
pater (gen. patris): father; (pathr); patria: native land

compadre, compaternity, compere, expatriate, expatriation, grandpaternal, impaternate, impetrate, in nomine Patris et Filli et Spiritus Sancti, Jupiter, nonrepatriable, padre, padrone (It), parricidal, parricide, Pat, pater, paterfamilias, paternal, paternalism, paternalist, paternalistic, paternality, paternalized, paternality, paternity, paternity suit, paternity test, Pater Noster, patria, patriate, patriation, patricentric, Patricia, patrician, patriciate, patricidal, patricide, Patrick, patriclan, patrifocal, patrilateral, patriline, patrilineage, patrilineal, patrilinear, patriliny, patrilocal, patrimonial, patrimony, patripassian, patripotestal, patrist, patrix, patron, patronage, patronal, patroness, patronization, patronize, patronizer, patronizing, patronizingly, patronless, patronly, patronne (Fr), patronship, patroon, patter, patterer, pattern, patternation, patternization, patternize, patternless, Patty, pere (Fr), perp, perpetrate, perpetration, perpetrator, pro patria, repair (move), repatriate, repatriation, Tricia, unpatronized

patior, passum: suffer; patientia: endurance

compassion, compassionable, compassionate, compassionately, compassive, compassivity, compatibility, compatible, compatibly, counterpassion, disimpassioned, dispassion, dispassionate, dispassionately, dispassive, histocompatible, impassibility, impassible, impassibleness, impassibly, impassionate, impassionately, impassioned, impassionedly, impassive, impassively, impassiveness, impassivity, impatience, impatient, impatiently, incompatibility, incompatible, inpatient, omnipatient, outpatient, paso (Sp), passibility, passible, passiflora, passion, passional, passionary, passionate, passionately, passionateness, passionflower, passionist, passionless, Passion Sunday, Passion Week, passival, passivate, passivation, passivator, passive, passively, passiveness, passive resistance, passivism, passivist, passivity, passivizable, passivization, passivize, patience, patient, patienthood, patientless, patiently, patripassian, pseudopatient, satispassion, up-patient

pauci: few

paucal, paucidentate, pauciflorous, paucifoliate, paucipinnate, pauciradiate, paucity, pococurante

pauper: poor; paupertas: poverty

depauperate, depauperation, dispauper, dispauperize, impoverish, impoverished, impoverisher, impoverishment, pauper, pauperdom, pauperism, pauperization, pauperize, poor, poorbox, poorhouse, poorly, poor man, poor mouth, poorness, povertarian, poverty, poverty line, poverty-stricken, species-poor, water-poor

paveo: fear

pavid, pavor

pavio: pound, strike down

pave, pavement, paver, paving, stone pavement, unpaved

pavo (gen. pavonis): peacock

pavonazzo (It), pavonian, pavonine, peacock (OED, but W3 rejects), peafowl, peahen

pax: peace; paciscor: agree, settle; paco (1): pacify; pactum: agreement

appeaseable, appease, appeasement, compact (n), copay, copayment, dead pay, dispeace, inappeasable, La Paz, nonpaying, nonpayment, overpay, overpayment, pacation, pace (L), paciferin, pacifiable, pacific, pacifically, Pacific Ocean, pacification, pacificator, pacificatory, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacifistically, pacify, pact, pax, pay, payability, payable, payables, payback, paychannel, paycheck, payday, paydirt, payee, payer, payfreeze, payload, paymaster, payment, payoff, payola, payout, pay phone, payroll, payscale, paytoilet, pay-TV, paywindow, paz, peace, peaceable, peaceably, peace-breaker, Peace Corps, peace economy, peaceful, peacefully, peacefulness, peacekeeper, peaceless, peacemaker, peacemonger, peacenik, peace-offering, peace prize, peacetime, postpaid, prepay, prepayment, rate-payer, repacification, repacify, repay, repayable, repayment, requiescat in pace, taxpayer, time payment, transpacific, unappeasable, underpaid, underpay, unpacific, unpacified, unpaid, unpeaceful, unpeacefully, well-paid

pecco (1): make a mistake

impeccability, impeccable, impeccableness, impeccably, impeccancy, impeccant, peccability, peccable, peccadillo, peccancy, peccant, peccatophobic, peccavi

pecten: comb

pecten, pectinated, pectination, pectineal, pectunculate, peignoir (Fr)

pectus (gen. pectoris): chest

angina pectoris, expectorant, expectorate, expectoration, expectorative, expectorator, in pectore, in petto (It), parapet, parapetless, pecs, pectoral, pectoriloquy, pectus, petronel, petto (It), poitrinaire (Fr), postpectus

pecu: herd; pecus: head of cattle; pecunia: money; peculium: private property

impecuniary, impecuniosity, impecunious, impecuniously, pecudiculture, peculate, peculation, peculative, peculator, peculiar, peculiarity, peculiarize, peculiarly, pecuniary, pecunious, picayune

pediculus (louse): see pes

pedo: fart

peior: worse (comparative of malus)

impair, impairer, impairment, pejorate, pejoration, pejorative, pejoratively, pejorism, pejorist, pejority, unimpaired
pelagus: open sea: see pelagoV
pellis: hide

peel (n), peeling, pelisse, pellagra, pellagrous, pellicle, pellicular, pelt, peltry, pilch, pillion, surplice

LS says akin to palla; OLD does not. OED disputes derivation of pelt from pellis and suggests pelt may be derived from pellet and pila (ball). AHD derives pelt from pellis.
pello, pulsum: push, strike; pulso (1): hit; pulto (1): beat

appeal, appealable, appealing, appealingly, appellant, appellate, appellation, appellative, appulse, compel, compellability, compellable, compellent, compeller, compelling, compellingly, compulsion, compulsionist, compulsitor, compulsive, compulsively, compulsiveness, compulsivity, compulsorily, compulsory, contrapropeller, counter-appellant, counterappeal, dispel, dispellent, expel, expellable, expellee, expeller, expulsatory, expulsion, expulsive, expulsively, expulsory, hydropropulsion, impel, impellent, impeller, impulse, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, impulsivity, interpellate, interpellation, interpulse, irrepealable, lateropulsion, micropulsation, monopropellant, monopulse, peal, prop(ellor), propel, propellable, propellant, propeller, propjet, propulsion, propulsive, propulsor, pulsar, pulsate, pulsatile, pulsation, pulsator, pulsatory, pulse, pulsebeat, pulseless, pulser, pulsimeter, push, pushbutton, pushcart, pusher, pushful, pushiness, pushmobile, pushoff, pushover, push-pull, pushup, pushy, rappel, reappeal, repeal, repel, repellant, repellent, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, repulsively, repulsiveness, retropulsion, sex appeal, sex impulse, shelf appeal, turbo-prop, up-push, water repellent

Pelorus: Pelorus (Hannibal's pilot)

pelvis: shallow bowl

intrapelvic, pelvic, pelviferous, pelviform, pelvimeter, pelvirectal, pelvis, pelviscopy, pelvisternal
pendo, pensum: weigh, hang; pendeo: hang; pondus (gen. ponderis): weight

append, appendage, appendant, appendectomy, appendicitis, appendicular, appendix, avoirdupois, codependence, codependent, compendiary, compendious, compendiously, compendium, compensable, compensate, compensation, compensational, compensative, compensatory, counterpoise, counterponderant, decompensation, depend, dependability, dependable, dependably, dependant, dependence, dependency, dependent, dependently, depender, dependingly, dispensability, dispensable, dispensary, dispensation, dispensative, dispensatively, dispensatorily, dispensatory, dispense, dispenser, equipoise, equiponderate, expend, expendability, expendable, expender, expenditure, expense, expensive, expensively, filipendulous, funipendulous, impend, impendence, impendency, impendent, impending, imponderable, independence, independency, independent, independently, indispensable, indispensably, inexpensive, inexpensively, inexpensiveness, interdependence, interdependent, interdependently, misspend, outpension, overcompensate, overcompensation, overexpenditure, pansified, pansy, penchant, pend, pendant, pendeloque (Fr), pendency, pendent, pendente lite, pendentive, pendicle, pending, pendulant, pendular, pendulate, pendule, penduline, pendulize, pendulograph, pendulosity, pendulous, pendulously, pendulousness, pendulum, pennant, pensee (Fr), penseroso, pensiero (It), pensile, pension, pensionable, pensionary, pensione (It), pensioneer, pensioner, pensiones, pensionless, pensionnaire, pensionnat, pensive, pensively, pensiveness, pensum, pent (= penthouse), penthouse, perpend, perpendicular, perpendicularity, perpendicularly, perpension, peseta (Sp), peso (Sp), poise, poiser, ponder, ponderable, ponderal, ponderance, ponderosity, ponderous, ponderously, ponderousness, pound (wt), poundage, pounder, prepense, preponderance, preponderant, preponderantly, preponderate, propensity, recompensable, recompense, spend, spendable, spender, spending-money, spendthrift, suspend, suspender, suspense, suspenseful, suspension, suspension-bridge, suspensive, suspensively, suspensor, suspensorial, suspensorium, suspensory, undependable, vilipend, war expenditure, war pension

penes: under the control of, within + intro: go in (see inter, intra); penetralis: innermost

impenetrability, impenetrable, impenetrableness, impenetrably, impenitrate, impenetration, interpenetrate, penetrability, penetrable, penetrably, penetralia, penetramater, penetrance, penetrant, penetrate, penetrating, penetration, penetrative, penetratively, penetrator, penetrometer, unpenetrated

ph Penates related to penes.
penis: tail

pencil, penciler, penicil, penicillate, penicilliform, penicillin, penile, penis, penis-envy, time-pencil

penna (feather): see pinna

penuria: scarcity (cf. paene)

penurious, penuriously, penuriousness, penury

per: through

ampersand, parboil, parvenue, per, per-, per annum, per diem, perceive, perform, permit, etc.

Note rare alternative spelling par-; e.g., parvenu.
perdix: partridge: see perdix

peritus: skilled; periculum: danger; experior: try

experience, experienced, experienceless, experiential, experientially, experiment, experimental, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentalize, experimentally, experimentation, experimenter, expert, expertise, expertly, expertness, imperil, imperilment, inexperience, inexperienced, inexpert, inexpertly, JPEG, overexperienced, parlous, peligro (Sp), peril, perilous, perilously, perilousness, peritus, sexpert, unexperienced, work experience

perna: ham

impearl, pearl, pearl-diver, pearlescence, pearlescent, pearlessence, Pearl Harbor, pearliness, pearling, pearlite, pearl oyster, pearl shell, pearlstone, pearlware, pearly, pearly gates, perlaceous, perle, perlite, seedpearl

perpes (continuous): see peto
Persa: Persian (PersiV)

peach, peachbloom, peachblossom, peach cobbler, peachpie, Peach State, peachstone, peachtree, peachworm, peachy, Persia, Persian, Persianization, Persic, persicaria, persicary, persico, persiennes (Fr)

persona: mask

antipersonnel, businessperson, chairperson, co-personal, craftsperson, depersonalization, depersonalize, dispersonalize, dispersonate, dispersonification, dispersonify, dramatis personae, impersonal, impersonalism, impersonalist, impersonality, impersonalize, impersonally, impersonalness, impersonate, impersonation, impersonative, impersonator, interpersonal, layperson, monopersonal, multipersonal, nonperson, parson, parsonage, parsonic, parsonical, person, persona, personable, personage, personal, personalia, personalism, personalist, personalistic, personalismo (Sp), personality, peronality clash, personality cult, personality trait, peronality type, personation, personalization, personalize, personally, personalty, persona (non) grata, personate, personation, personator, personhood, personification, personifier, personify, personless, personnel, personologist, personology, salesperson, split-personality, spoilsperson, spokesperson, suprapersonal, townsperson, transpersonal, tripersonal, unipersonal, VIP, workperson

N.B. persona is not per + sonare.
persuadeo (persuade): see suadeo
pertica: pole

perch (pole)

pes (gen. pedis): foot; impedimentum: hindrance; expedio: set free; impedio: hinder; pedes: footsoldier; pedites: infantry (cf. pouV)

aliped, backpedal, biped, bipedal, bipedality, breviped, centipede, cheliped, cirriped, decempedal, duopedal, equipedal, equipede, expedience, expediency, expedient, expediential, expediently, expedite, expediter, expedition, expeditionary, expeditious, expeditiously, expeditiousness, fissipede, impeach, impeachability, impeachable, impeachment, impeacher, impedance, impede, impeder, impedible, impedient, impediment, impedimenta, impedimental, impeditive, inexpedience, inexpediency, inexpedient, longipede, maliped, millipede, monoped, moped, multiped, octoped, orthopedics, orthopedist, overpedal, palliopedal, palmiped, pawn (chess), pawn chain, ped, pedal, pedaler, pedalist, pedalo, pedal power, pedalpusher, pedate, pedatifid, pedatiform, pede, pedestal, pedestrial, pedestrian, pedestrianate, pedestrianism, pedestrianize, pedicab, pedicel (pedicle), pedicular, pediculate, pediculation, pediculine, pediculosis, pediculous, pedicure, pediferous, pediform, pedigerous, pedigree, pediluvium, pedimanous, pediment, pedimental, pedimentation, pedipalp, pediplain, pediplanation, pediplane, pedometer, pedomotive, pedomotor, pedoscope, peduncle, peduncular, pedunculate, pedunculation, pentapedal, peon, peonage, peonism, pes, petiolar, petiolate, petiole, petiolule, pied-a-terre (Fr), piedmont, Piedmontese, pied noir (Fr), pinniped, pioneer, pioneering, plumiped, polyped, quadruped, quadrupedal, quinquepedal, revamp, scopulipede, scutiped, sesquipedalian, sexipede, soft-pedal, soliped, taliped, talipes, tarsiped, tenuipede, tripedal, trivet, unimpeachable, unimpeached, unimpeded, uniped, vamp (shoe), velocipede

pessimus: worst (superlative of malus)

pessimism, pessimist, pessimistic, pessimistical, pessimistically, pessimum

pestis: plague

biopesticide, pesky, pest, pest control, pest-house, pesticidal, pesticide, pestiferous, pestilence, pestilent, pestilential, pestilently, pestology, pesty

peto, petitum: seek; appeto: desire; impetus: attack; repeto: demand

anticompetitive, appetency, appetite, appetible, appetizer, appetizing, centripetal, compete, competence, competency, competent, competently, competition, competitive, competitively, competitor, competitory, corticipetal, impetigo, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetuousness, impetus, inappetence, incompetence, incompetency, incompetent, incompetently, in perpetuum, noncompetitive, omnicompetence, omnicompetent, perpetual, perpetualism, perpetualist, perpetually, perpetual motion, perpetuance, perpetuant, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuative, perpetuator, perpetuity, perpetuum mobile, petitio principii, petition, petitonable, petionary, petionee, petitioner, petitive, petulance, petulancy, petulant, petulantly, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repeater, repetend, repetiteur, repetition, repetitious, repetitiously, repetitive, repetitively, semicompetent, unappetizing

pica: magpie

magpie, pica, pie (magpie), piebald, pied

LS suggests from pingo; OLD lists separately.

picus: woodpecker

picarian, piciform, picine, picoid, picodeous, piculet, Picus

pignus (gen. pignoris): pledge

pignorate, pignoration, pignorative

pila: ball (perhaps see also pilus)

peel (vb), peelable, peeler, peeling, pellet, pelletization, pelletize, pelota (Sp), peloton, pep-pill, pill, pillbox, pilule, platoon, poison pill

See note for pelt under pellis.
pila: pillar (perhaps see also pilum)

pilaster, pile (quantity), pillar, pillarist, pillarless, pillory, stockpile, woodpile

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