Forest with a canopy dominated by eucalypts, and a dense understorey comprising many species of low shrubs, generally with small, hard leaves (sclerophyllous). The understorey is dominated by the Families Dilleniaceae (e.g. Hibbertia spp.), Epacridaceae (e.g. Acrotriche fasciculiflora, Astroloma humifusum), Leguminosae (e.g. Pultenaea involucrata, Platylobium obtusangulum, Acacia myrtifolia) and Proteaceae (e.g. Hakea rostrata). The understorey also contains abundant lilies and orchids, and sparse but diverse native grasses. A sparse midstorey of Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon, Native Cherry Exocarpus cupressiformis and banksias Banksia spp. may be present. The understorey and midstorey density is heterogeneous, with structure dependant upon fire history and other disturbance.