Department of Communications

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19 September 2014


  1. Background

Broadcasting Digital Migration (BDM) is the process of converting the broadcast of television broadcasting signals from analogue to digital technology. The migration is made necessary by the developments in telecommunications technologies which enable a more efficient use of radio frequency spectrum as well as better quality pictures and sound. In order to receive the digital signal on their current analogue TV sets, households will need to use Set-Top-Boxes (STBs) that convert the digital signal into analogue signal. In terms of the policy the STBs would have a software solution which enable television viewers to review upcoming programmes using a remote control. This enables planning on the part of viewers to view relevant programmes for their own convenience.

The STB will have a Return Path Capability feature which will enable the public to receive as well as send a message back as opposed to only receiving messages. This feature therefore enables the full and interactive provision of e-government services such as accessing, filling in and sending back government forms without the viewer leaving home. Government would provide ownership support as an incentive of up to 70 per cent to approximately 5 million of the poorest TV owning households. These households will have to raise the other 30 per cent on their own. This support will be based on the anti-poverty strategy and its conditionalities. Funding for this support could be sourced from Universal Service and Access Fund (USAF) in terms of Section 81 of the Electronic Communication Act1. STBs will be manufactured or assembled locally in high volumes in order to help boost the development of the local electronics manufacturing sector. The Cabinet first approved the BDM Policy for the country in August 2008 and in an amendment in 2013.1

  1. Introduction

What merits mentioning is that most cases of digital migration do not mean that analogue transmissions (whether TV or radio) cease one day and digital broadcasting begins the next. There is typically a lengthy overlap envisaged. This is because a long process is needed in which broadcasters, signal distributors, regulators, manufacturers, governments and the public align themselves so that the digital transition will work successfully. This is especially acute on the consumer side, where millions of people are saddled with analogue sets that were never designed to receive digital signals directly. To have a premature analogue switch-off would leave millions without access to broadcasting.

  1. The case for DTT and the Case against DTT-An answer to what problem

The pressure on African countries to undergo and conclude TV digital migration is linked to a decision made at the United Nations agency, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The resolution on the deadline was adopted in 2006 at a meeting referred to as the Regional Radiocommunications Conference (RRC-06), and agreed by 101 nations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The decision was mainly in response to the interests of the European sector, because there is certainly no major pressure to free up airwave spectrum in Africa, and nor are there strong consumer electronics industries or consumer markets in many African countries.2 Backing the ITU decision on a timetable for digital migration is the accompanying decision that, after the defined cut-off date, this international organisation will no longer intervene to protect a country’s TV broadcast signals in any instances where these are being swamped by a neighbour’s, unless those signals have been switched to digital. In reality, however, this issue of signal swamping or cross-border interference with signals is not a serious issue in most African countries. On the contrary, huge swathes of the African population still do not even receive TV broadcasting signals of any sort, or at best can pick up a single national TV channel.

What this background also reveals is that the pressure for digital migration in developed countries is not demand-led, i.e. a response to the consumer market-place, but mainly supply-side driven. This in turn accounts for the imperative to build marketing and consumer-awareness into digital migration policies and strategies, persuading people to buy a STB or upgrade to a digital TV set. It is also a little publicised fact, but the 2006 treaty allows for an additional five years for a total of 30 African nations beyond the 2015 cut-off point. (Most Latin American countries, incidentally, have agreed to a switch-off of analogue TV transmissions around 2020). In other words, more than two-thirds of the countries on the African continent are exempt from the 2015 deadline, and instead have a 2020 switch-off date, even though some have voluntarily committed to the earlier time in agreements in regional fora and/ or through domestic policy decisions. The 20203 group in the continent excludes mainly Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries that are committed to 2015 under the ITU decision. Many African governments seem to feel that they have no choice but to rush to be part of the world of DTT before 2015 – despite the huge costs that will be involved in changing production, transmission and reception.
There are answers to the puzzle of why much of Africa is trying to move to complete DTT by 2015, when many are exempted from the ITU deadline, and here are some of the reasons:

  • There is a grave lack of understanding about the First World character of the drivers behind the process, and their inapplicability to African conditions;

  • Reinforcing this is a susceptibility to succumb to global hype about digital benefits;

  • There is also a sense of paranoia about the continent falling further behind developments elsewhere, and an aspiration to keep up (even when it does not make short-term strategic or economic sense);

  • Feeding all this are many consultancies and signal equipment manufacturers, who have a vested interest in digital transition happening sooner rather than later.

The effect of these factors on African decisions about the desirability and the deadlines for digital migration is evident in various statements and decisions by African actors. A 2008 study for the African Union on harmonising policy and regulation on the continent4 suggests in its programme of action that there should be “acceleration of migration from analogue to digital broadcasting systems”. Significantly, this was without an elaboration of why envisaged benefits of this would outweigh the costs at this stage of the continent’s evolution.5 The Nigerian National Broadcasting Commission has termed the migration an “inevitable global phenomenon”, by implication saying that Africa cannot stand aside.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) agreed in 2009 that the Southern African region should work towards completing digital migration by 2013 (South Africa has actually set 2011 and countries like Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya have targeted 2012), and they also agreed that there should be a unified standard for the STB receiving devices.6

  1. The Broadcasting Digital Migration Value-Chain

Transmitting (sending out) broadcast content is a central element in a wider chain of broadcast communication. First, there is the prior or “live” (simultaneous) process of production (often drawing on content that has been stored or archived).Second, the sense for shifting to digital transmission only makes sense if there is also a digital reception, or conversion to analogue reception, at the end stage of consumption.

Although the end goal of digital migration is to digitize the entire process, the initial focus of digital migration tends to be on the distribution dimension. There is no point in audiences having digitally-enabled receivers, if the signals they receive are still analogue. In short, the two stages – digital transmission and digital reception – are interdependent in some ways, but they can also be de-linked in others, thanks to the intervention of set-top boxes. The gadget (STB) needs to be manufactured or imported, and then promoted, marketed, distributed and acquired by viewers. With the box, consumers can continue to view broadcasting on the screens of their analogue TV sets. Without reaching that point, digital migration as a whole is not finally complete, although the signal transmission stage may be.

    1. Regulatory Environment

The DTT policy needs to avoid being a silo that confines itself only to broadcasting, and thereby misses potential digital interfaces with the internet. An example here is that, because of the expense involved, it is unrealistic to expect the broadcast industry to take any serious steps towards DTT unless there is clear and specific government policy on the subject of migration. The same goes for signal distributors. Likewise, manufacturers and retailers will not act in terms of making or distributing set-top boxes until there is policy certainty around specifications and costs.

There needs to be hard strategy arising from policy. For example, will government guarantee an initial order so as to stimulate the supply of set-top boxes? And how will these boxes be distributed? Can a nation’s post-office play a role, or is it only up to private sector retailers? Is there going to be a plan for e-government services via DTT? Will there be new compelling digital channels on air that will entice consumer uptake over time? If not, will a country face a disruptive stampede to acquire boxes just before switch-off because they don’t want to lose their existing channels? Will there be a period where the information divide actually deepens because analogue TV transmission is terminated while many viewers have not acquired the STBs to keep watching on their existing analogue TV sets?
Although the decision to disband the Digital Dzonga was received as surprise move by government, at the same time, the decision also provoked fierce criticism from the industry. In the absence of this body since 2010 the Department has convened a number industry workshop to discuss many issues including standard issue, however, some analyst have argued that a new Dzonga or body needs to be institutionalised as a forum that not only provides feedback but also helps to align the key actors along many aspects of digital migration rollout.
This is because unlike the realm of the “old” broadcasting world, new stakeholders, sometimes with multiple roles (e.g. a telecoms company in the businesses of both transmission and content).These will be not just broadcasters who, once strengthened, may want some space to run more channels, but also telecoms companies and internet service providers (ISPs). There are also entities with interests in data traffic, like banks, scientists, and the military. What this boils down to is the politics and processes around spectrum management, and who will cover costs and reap benefits from the digital migration.

The DTT is part of the reason why the World Intellectual Property Organisation has been debating a possible new treaty on protection of broadcast signals from piracy, in the context of the digital age, and that is why government policy should not be limited to broadcast digital migration, but should encompass the digitisation much more widely.

    1. Digital Migration and Universal Access

In aggregating all these stakeholder interests overall, the rationale and consequent outcome is supposed to be “public interest” – the general interest of all is supposed to be the guiding principle of what policy finally gets decided. One such consideration in this is the notion of “universal access”.7

The substance of government policy is critical and what decides if this costly process will be subsidised by the state or not, and whether such support will be at the stage of production, transmission or reception, or combination thereof. For instance, in South Africa, special agencies (USAASA) have been nominated to play a role in ensuring that universal access through a portion of subsidy could come from a South African statutory body distributing monies levied from the telecom industry, the Universal Service and Access Fund (USAF).
In terms of STBs administration, questions have been raised by a range of stakeholders about Universal Services and Access Agency of South Africa’s (USAASA’) effectiveness and management capabilities. In the past, when the agency was focused solely on telecommunication access, it regularly received qualified audit reports and much of its budget remained unspent and in 2011/12 financial year, based on gross financial mismanagement and non-delivery of its core mandate, the previous Portfolio Committee on Communications recommended the firing of the entire board to the Minister8 The indicated reasons and others have fuelled doubts about the body’s capacity to lead such an extensive and critical process and to roll out the subsidy effectively.9 It is still unclear how the subsidy will be administered, with proposals being considered of applying the subsidy at the manufacturing level, or at distribution level or as coupons to individuals as last resorts.10
The last issue is where the actual distribution will happen, the South African Post Office (SAPO) with more than 2 000 postal outlets throughout remains an open option, however, Post Office needs more than 200- additional outlets which is required to meet its postal licence condition as per the Universal Postal Union (UPU) of rolling out a single postal office for every 10 000 people to ensure that people have access to postal services nearby.

    1. Scheme of Ownership Support for Poor Households

In its statement on the approval of the digital policy, Cabinet indicated that government would susbsidise 70 per cent of the cost of STB for five million poorest television owning household.11 Beneficiaries of this subsidy would have to pay the remaining 30 per cent(R 210) themselves.12 However, due to the delays in manufacturing and the economic situation especially the Eurozone crisis, this figure needs to be updated to reflect the correct future asking price of the STB

Notwithstanding this, although the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) has approved the technical requirements for STBs, however, the process of manufacturing of STBs has been slow to get off the ground.13 However, the 2012/13 latest Strategic Plan of the Department appears to have revised this numerical figure to target 1 000 ICT SMMES in the DTT implementation14.

    1. The Technological Environment

Transmission in this sense is generally understood to apply to terrestrial transmission systems (particularly TV), as distinct from satellite. But not all countries are going the route of Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT); countries like India put emphasis on satellite for delivery of digital broadcast content. While both are costly, there are advantages to DTT in that existing signal distribution towers can be re-purposed and ultimately also utilised for wireless broadband internet, meaning a return-path for the audiences to interact with digital broadcast content. On the other hand, satellite – although it can be obscured in some localities – is very good for reaching remote areas.

In many instances in Africa, a combination of the two digital systems will be in operation. For example, satellite is thus used to get signals to remote base stations which in turn may re-transmit the signal on a terrestrial basis. Within digital TV, there is a distinction between High Definition (HD) and Standard Definition (SD) transmission, based on the amount of data being transmitted. HD produces a much richer image because it embodies more data. Its resolution is approximately five times better than SD. However, by the same token, HD also takes up more bandwidth and a single digital signal can accommodate far fewer channels if they are in this format, as compared to if they are in SD. This bears on policy decisions as to what kinds of services to licence. It also bears on reception.

In 2008, the Department published a DDT policy setting out a three-year plan for South Africa to transition from analogue television to digital terrestrial television (DTT). On 7 and 17 February 2012, the Department published an amendments to the Policy. Interestingly only a few additional amendments were introduced in the later version, including a definition for 'regional television', deleting the reference to unique identifiers for set top boxes and the reference to a set top box system that will preserve government's investment.15

    1. Economic Issues: Consumer Awareness Campaign

While there has been some media coverage about the switch-over deadlines, much of this is negative due to reports on the policy delays and bungles. In order to view digital television, audiences will need an STB to covert the digital signal to an analogue. Economics is partly about the balance between costs and benefits, and about which groups are affected in regard to the equation. As indicated above, the key driver for digital migration in developed countries is economic. The interests involved can be categorised into business, consumer and government interests.

Business interests want to get greater usage of especially TV airwaves spectrum – be these TV broadcasters, cellphone companies, wireless internet service providers, banks or others. Where analogue radio frequencies are used up, and no more FM licences can be issued, then those who want to enter or expand the radio market would also like to see digital services becoming available.
To an extent, consumer interests are also an economic driver, in that more efficient use of the airwaves via digital is likely to mean there are more services available to the public in the broadcast marketplace.16 Consumers, generally speaking, are expected to pay something towards the transition, and not only via their taxes; they are required to make some investment in a STBs even in cases of partial government subsidy. The cost of the boxes is an economic issue of relevance, and this depends on issues of import duties and local industrial manufacturing policy.Lloyd (2009)17 in addressing the issue of public broadcasting in Southern Africa asserts that the process of migration to digital is extremely expensive as it requires the replacement of transmission and production equipment by broadcasters. There is recognition of the opportunities as well.18
According to the SABC’s 2012-13 Strategic Plan, in delivering the key strategic objectives, the public broadcaster has identified the launch of 12 New TV Channels on the DTT platform including, 24 Hour News Channel,; 24 Hour Sports Channel; and 2 Regional TV channels19, however, new channels mean potential for new competition. 20 One of the biggest threats is that which is faced by public and other broadcasters and that is audience fragmentation. This is a possibility if public broadcasters are not equipped to provide viewers with easy access to their services particular if one takes into account that the SABC is predominantly reliant on commercial income (adverting and sponsorship account for 80 per cent of the revenue)21 .
In addition to these challenges, audiences targeted by commercial broadcasters are likely to be wealthier and whether the commercial television are likely to outsmart economic storm is unclear. For instance, according to Marcel Golding, CEO of free-to-air broadcaster e-TV, “…the introduction of new channels will fragment audiences … drive down advertising rates. It is unlikely … that advertising spend … will increase – it is more likely that the available spend will have to be shared across more channels. As more channels mean higher costs for broadcasters, this will have an adverse effect on incumbent broadcasters.”22
A further challenge highlighted in the Digital Migration Working Group (DMWG) report to the Minister is the need to develop capacity in the independent production sector to meet increased content demand given the increase in channels. The report recommends that ‘additional government support mechanisms for content development should form part of the government’s digital switch-over strategy.23 In February 2010, the Department of Communications indicated that it would be establishing a South African Broadcast Production Advisory Body and called for the nominations to the structure.24 Has this been achieved? If not what are bottlenecks with regards to this issue?
It states that Digital Content Generation Hubs will be established aimed at increasing content production and that these will work with ‘all broadcasters, independent producers and the iKamva Institute -is a training school established by government focusing on radio, television and electronic communication).

  1. The Digital Migration and the Rise of Creative Industries

The concept of “pluralism” refers to the extent of “players” in broadcasting, and “diversity” refers to the range of broadcast content on offer. There can be a connection, in that a greater number of broadcast outlets (especially if separately owned) can often mean that a greater diversity of content is carried on these outlets. However, this latter outcome does not automatically follow from the former.

A key global issue in digital migration is the question of content regulation in broadcasting. In the analogue age, public claims on private broadcasters could be legitimised as being in the general interest, thanks to the fact that frequencies were scarce. This rationale informed the imposition of licence conditions (e.g. programme mix, language mix, local content quota) on private broadcasters. It also reinforced the idea that state-owned broadcasters especially should impartially serve society’s general interests. Local content requirements are generally stronger in the case of state-owned broadcasters rather than private ones. However, private commercial broadcasters are often still required to support local music to a certain degree, even if the costs of acquiring this are more expensive than equivalent imported from abroad (where larger markets are the main profit hub, and sales to developing countries incur very marginal costs to the rights holder).25
In the digital era, there are differences. Where the airwaves can be used by many more players (and for many purposes), it is sometimes argued that the scarcity factor falls away, and with it, the rationale for imposing public service obligations, they are amongst the first to argue that such conditionalities should fall away when they broadcast on digital. This argument is certainly accepted by ICASA, although critics believe that the scarcity rationale does not lose all its power simply because there are more channels in the digital system (many of which are being given as incentives to incumbent players anyway). The critics argue that it is still public property that is being leased by the broadcasters.
On the other hand, it is the case that, in theory at least, more technical availability of channels on digital does mean more access potentially for smaller and greenfields players within the broadcast sector.

  1. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Service’s Action Plan to Benefit SMMEs in the DTT Value-Chain

On 6 June 2012, the Department of Communications and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) launched the Set-Top Box (STB) decoder standard (SANS862:2012) for free-to-air digital terrestrial television. The Department of Trade and Industry identified the manufacturing of STBs as an area to drive local procurement and to continue growth in the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMME) sector. The standard (SANS862:2012) outlines the minimum performance requirements related to the production of STB decoders; the overall objective is to accelerate South Africa’s transition to free-to-air digital terrestrial television coupled with the strengthening of economic growth in the country.26

  1. Conclusion: the Switch over Continuous Date Delayed

During January 2012, the Department announced that the deadline for switching on digital television signals, which had been set down for April 2012, would be shelved. This was another delay in a process that has seen many setbacks over the past five years. 27

When a country makes the switch over from analogue television to digital, there are two important dates. The first is the date on which digital television signals are launched and the second is the date on which the analogue television signal is turned off for good. The period between the two is known as the dual illumination period during which both digital and analogue signals run side by side. This period is the time frame within which the country needs to convert all its analogue television households to digital set-top boxes.”.28.29

  1. Set-Top-Box Manufacturing

According to the Southern African Digital Broadcasting Association, the most critical aspect of DTT is the STBs manufacturing. ICASA cannot go ahead with plans outlined on licensing spectrum in the 800MHz and 2,600MHz bands until there is a proper policy directive from the Department. 30 There are approximately ten million television households in SA. Of these, just over 3 million receive the pay-TV digital satellite services of MultiChoice and TopTV. These pay-TV services are received via a satellite and STB. The remaining seven million TV homes receive analogue terrestrial signals through which they access the free-to-air services of the SABC (1, 2 and 3) and eTV. Of these seven million TV households that will need to migrate to digital, more than half (4,5 million) will not be able to afford a STB.

As envisioned by the Department, the scheme will see the poorest of South Africa’s 10-million television households undergo a means test to establish who would qualify for a subsidy. An economic model was developed for the group on STBs prices and affordability showed that five-million television households could not afford the STBs at any price. 31 The model for the subsidy scheme has come under fire, with analysts’ insiders arguing that a voucher system, which is currently in favour, would see the five-million households undergoing a means test before they received a voucher for a subsidy. Anyone wanting to access the subsidy would have to prove they received a social grant and had a paid-up television licence. Furthermore, analysts also say that the voucher system would place a heavy strain on retailers who would have to accept the vouchers and then reclaim the money from Government.32

  1. Progress to Date on Key Policy, Regulations in the Digital Terrestrial Television

Key policy initiatives in Communications
Parliament should regularly monitor how the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services implements the Digital Migration Policy and ensure that the television owners are adequately informed of the impact that the process will have on the citizens of the country. Parliament should also request more detail on how the DTPS will ensure that the subsidy on the Set Top Boxes distributed equitably and will be allocated to deserving television owners.33

    1. Independent Communication Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

ICASA is the independent regulator of the ICT sector in the country. In terms of the 2012 policy, ICASA is mandated to issue regulations to the industry (broadcasting tariffs) as means to support policy directives on DTT.

To this end, Draft Regulations were published in November 2012 for public comment. The purpose of these Regulations is to:

  • Regulate the digital migration of the existing television channels;

  • Prescribe the conditions for the assignment of channel capacity in Multiplex 1 and Multiplex 2 for the purposes of digital migration and the creation of a platform for DTT;

  • Prescribe the procedure for the authorisation of digital incentive channels; and

  • Set the time frames within which the terrestrial television broadcasting service licensees must provide for dual illumination.

    1. Sentech

  • Sentech is the signal distributor for Free To Air (FTA) and commercial DTT transmissions and Sentech on track for 84 per cent population coverage by March 2014

  • Satellite coverage will be used for the rest of the population to achieve full 100 per cent - true universal access and

  • Network currently in operation on a non-commercial basis, both terrestrial and satellite

Issues for Consideration

Has three Mpumalanga sites which were outstanding completed and these are Lydenburg, Piet Retief and Sabie?
Haw far is the Dzamba site in Limpopo from completion?
The tender validity has been extended three times due to the e-TV court case proceedings and what is the current status of manufacturing given the fact that there appears to be no agreement between the aggrieved parties?
What is the nature of the operational and strategic relationship between the Department and Rules of Operations (ROO) Committee established by the broadcasters?
Conformance lab ready for operations
How ready is the conformance lab as capability to test decoder parameters in the DVB-T and DVB-T2 environment including testing for Health & Safety as well as EMC, in other words are there any trials currently taking place in the conformance lab?
Marketing and Consumer Support
The marketing campaign is being implemented in conjunction with all the stakeholders involved in the DTT project i.e. SABC, Sentech, SABS, ICASA and USAASA, with the DoC implementing the National Awareness campaign via a Service provider (Media Corner).34
How effective is this advertisement given the fact that there appears to be lack of awareness campaign in the mainstream and non-mainstream media domain despite the imminent cut-off date set by the ITU, as well as fact that in many countries where DTT was implemented successful, an average 3 years- consistent advertisement was applied.

The South African Post Office (SAPO)

  • SAPO is mandated to provide postal services to reserved and unreserved areas of RSA. In terms of DTT they are mandated to use their existing infrastructure and country-wide footprint for distribution of STB’s

SAPO has since developed an online system to administer the distribution process.
Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

USAASA drafted a qualifications criteria for the receipt of subsidised STB’s and this was not yet ready.


African Union. Study on Harmonisation of Telecommunication, Information and Communication Technologies Policies and Regulation in Africa (2008) D/projects/ITU_EC_ACP

Altech, (2012). Digital Migration. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed on 14 August 2014].
Berger, G. (2009) “Beyond broadcasting. the future of state-owned broadcasters in Southern Africa.” Research report published by Highway Africa. Available at or
Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.)

Department of Communications media statement, (2012). South Africa’s Department of Communications and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) launch Set-Top Box Standard at the ICT Indaba 2012. [[Accessed on 3 August 2012].

Duncan, J. (2013). The Mercury. Digital migration saga all boxed up. [Internet] Available from: c [Accessed on 19 August 2014].

Gedye, L. (2012). Mail and Guardian. Digital TV migration on hold – again. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed on 3 August 2012].


Pule, D. (2012). Media briefing by the Minister. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed on 3 August 2012].

Pule, D. Budget Vote speech, (8 May 2012). [Internet] Available from: < [Accessed on 3 August 2012].

Suliman, T. (2012). Screen Africa. Facelift to digital migration policy. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed on 3 August 2012].

South Africa: Digital Migration Policy (2012) h t t p : / / w w w . i c a s a . o r g . z a / L e g i s l a t i o n R e g u l a t o r y / WorkingdocumentsPendingProcesses/DigitalMigration/Draft/tabid/201/ ctl/ItemDetails/mid/872/ItemID/41/Default.aspx 2&Itemid=457

Vorster, G. (2012). Business Tech. Analogue switch-off: 672 days and counting. [Internet] Available from: [Accessed on 3 August 2012]

1 Electronic Communications Act, Act No.36 of 2005 as amended

2 Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy(2008)

3 Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Togo, and Tunisia. The 2020 cut-off was also agreed for countries not at the 2006 conference: Benin, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Madagascar, Niger, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone and Somalia4.4452

4 Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa

5 African Union. Study on Harmonisation of Telecommunication, Information and Communication Technologies Policies and Regulation in Africa(2008)

6 Berger, G. (2009)

7 –meaning that benefits of policy should be available to every person living in a society, even in the most rural districts.

8 Portfolio Committee on Communications(2013) BRRR Report

9 DoC, NEMISA, USAASA(2009/09) Annual Reports

10 P. Vecchaitto(2009) USAASA must justify its existence.

11 See Doc, Media Statement; Cabinet Approved Digital Migration Policy(2008)

12 Ibid

13 AfriMAP/Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa(2010)

14 Department of Communications(2012) Strategic Plan, pg 97

15 Suliman, T. (2012).

16 In some variations, digital can also mean better technical quality, although that is not automatic – it depends on the degree of compression, and also whether digital broadcasts are directly consumed in digital form or converted into analogue.

17 Lloyd, L. 2009. Public Broadcasting in Southern Africa: Beyond Protocols and Rhetoric. A Review.

18 Berger, G. Article. “Bail out SABC, build broadband or deliver on digital migration?” (2009

19 SABC(2012-2015) Strategic Plan

20 In South Africa this can be seen with the 2007/2008 licensing of new payTV broadcasters by the regulations


21 AfriMAP/Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa(2010)

22 Golding, M.(2012)

23 Digital Migration Working Group report, pg, 84

24 Doc Brodacsting Act(4/199) Public nominations to serve on the South African Broadcast Production Advisory Body, publisherd on 5 February 2010 in Government Gazzette no 32932.

25 South Africa: Media Release (2009)

26 Department of Communications media statement, (6 June 2012).

27 Gedye, L. (2012).

28 Ibid.

29 Pule, D. (2012).

30 Mungadze, S. (2012).

31 Gedye, L. (2012)

32 Gedye, L. (2012).

33 Berger, G. (2009)

34 The Department committed to begin the formal National Awareness Campaign in June 2013


Research Unit | Author: Sandile Nene Author contact details: 021 403 8225

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