Sixth Generation (3rd Great Grandchildren)
36. Enrique LAGOS GALUP (Lino LAGOS VILLARINO11, Maria Aniceta VILLARINO DE LA TORRE5, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1).
Enrique married Luisa Clementina LEZICA THOMSON.
Children from this marriage were:
54 F i. Victoria LAGOS LEZICA Y GALUP was born on 8 Aug 1904 in Buenos Aires.
Victoria married Arturo LANUSSE PINTO, son of Gobernador tres períodos de Misiones, Político Juan José LANUSSE FERNANDEZ and Ernestina PINTO DURAO.
37. Corina WILDE LAGOS (Candelaria LAGOS VILLARINO13, Maria Aniceta VILLARINO DE LA TORRE5, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1).
Corina married John HORNE Escritor.
Research Notes:Residente en Uruguay
Children from this marriage were:
+ 55 M i. Franklin HORNE WILDE .
39. Elena Catalina INSIARTE THWAITES (Manuel Antonio INSIARTE VILLARINO Abogado, Doctor17, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1) was born in 1862 in Chascomús, prov de Buenos Aires.
Elena married Alejandro TALAFERRO in 1884.
Children from this marriage were:
56 F i. Elena Noemí TALAFERRO INSIARTE was born in 1887 in Bs As and died on 4 Sep 1962.
Elena married Zenón CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA Y ROMERO, son of Domingo Zenón CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA Y PIÑEYRO and Magdalena ROMERO, on 8 Oct 1909 in Bs As.
41. María Manuela INSIARTE THWAITES (Miguel INSIARTE VILLARINO Landowner, Hacendado, político, funcionario.18, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1).
María married José FONROUGE PEYRANO Abogado, Doctor, Magistrado, son of Jules Joseph Nicolas (León) FONROUGE DE LESSEPS Marino. Coronel de Marina and María PEIRANO SANGUINETTI.
General Notes:Vocal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Diputado Nacional por 4 períodos consecutivos (1898 a 1914)
Presidente de la Comisión de Negocios constitucionales de la Cámara de Diputados
de la Nación.
Children from this marriage were:
57 M i. Jose Maria FONROUGE INSIARTE Profesor de Bellas Artes .
Jose married Esther WILKS.
+ 58 F ii. María Mathilde FONROUGE INSIARTE was born in La Plata, Buenos Aires.
43. Enrique Segundo THWAITES INSIARTE (Martina Arminda INSIARTE VILLARINO20, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1) was born on 13 May 1856 in Bs As, was christened on 28 Jul 1856 in Parroquia f 179, Bs As and died 31 jun 1912 in Bs As.
Enrique married Máxima Natividad LASTRA OLIVERA, daughter of José Rufino LASTRA BARRIOS and Genoveva OLIVERA GARCÍA, on 8 Mar 1884 in Bs As, Monserrat f 32.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 59 F i. Arminda THWAITES LASTRA was born in 1887 and died in 1950.
60 M ii. Enrique José THWAITES LASTRA Médico was born in 1885 in Bs As and died on 17 Aug 1962 in Bs As.
Enrique married Angela Fernanda BIDAU LASTRA, daughter of Eduardo BIDAU and Angela LASTRA Y QUIRNO COSTA, on 12 Dec 1928 in Bs As.
61 M iii. Máximo Raúl THWAITES LASTRA Abogado was born in 1890 and died on 26 Nov 1968.
Máximo married María Inés PEDROLINI PARERA, daughter of José PEDROLINI and Delia PARERA.
+ 62 F iv. Sara THWAITES LASTRA , died on 25 Sep 1979.
47. Contralmirante Hortensio Vital THWAITES INSIARTE Marino. (Martina Arminda INSIARTE VILLARINO20, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1) was born on 28 Apr 1861 in Chascomús , Buenos Aire, was christened on 1 Jun 1861 in Parroquia Nta Sra de la Merced, Chascomús and died on 15 Jun 1924.
General Notes:Entró como cadete de la Escuela Naval el 6 jul 1882, egresó de la Escuela Naval en la Octava promoción con puntaje sobresaliente el 4 de enero de 1884 junto con el Ingeniero Naval Gustavo Demetrio Sundblad Roseti, ambos con el grado de Alférez de Fragata, Contralmirante este último que casó con su prima hermana Julia Genara Thwaites Foley entre 1892-3, miembro de la Comisión que supervisara los trabajos de construcción de la Fragata Sarmiento, presidida por el Almte Domecq García.
Se retiró del servicio activo de la Marina de Guerra el 18.3.1916.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Alferez de Fragata; 4 Jan 1884; Escuela Naval.
Hortensio married Elizabeth Maud KIFT JONES, daughter of Roberto KIFT and Jane JONES, about 1900.
Children from this marriage were:
63 F i. Daisy Elizabeth THWAITES KIFT was born in 1897 and died on 10 Oct 1897. The cause of death was Falleció a los 9 meses de nacer.
64 F ii. María Elisa THWAITES KIFT .
María married Alejandro IRIBARREN.
65 M iii. Carlos Roberto THWAITES KIFT .
Carlos married Susana DÍAZ DE VIVAR Y VIVARES on 11 Apr 1936.
66 F iv. Susana THWAITES KIFT was christened on 18 Jun 1907.
Susana married Francisco Gabriel ORTÍZ DE OCAMPO Y SEGUI Entrenador de Rugby.
67 F v. Arminda THWAITES KIFT .
51. Samuel Manuel INSIARTE OCHOA (Samuel Aniceto INSIARTE VILLARINO21, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1) was born on 24 Feb 1864 in Chascomús , Buenos Aires and was christened on 28 May 1864 in Chascomús , Buenos Aires (LB 9-f111 Parroquia Nta Sra Merced) ps Manuel Insiarte 39 años domic en Chascomús y Genara Moyano, nat Tucumán de 50 años dom. Bs As.
Samuel married Traductora Maria Gertrudis SCHARFF KLAPPENBACH, daughter of Philip Adolf SCHARFF HALBACH-HILGER Empresario and Josefina Carolina KLAPPENBACH VILCHES, about 1877.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Marriage Contract; Abt 1887; Buenos Aires.
2. Education; Remscheid (Alemania). Fue educada en Remscheid en la Residencia familiar de su padre. Trabajó de traductora en la Embajada de Alemanía en la Argentina, hablaba 7 idiomas, entre ellos Latín y Griego.
Children from this marriage were:
68 F i. María Catalina (Mariquita) INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 10 Sep 1889.
She never married.
69 M ii. Enrique Manuel INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 5 May 1891 and died in 1947 in Caracas, Venezuela.
70 F iii. Sara INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 5 Nov 1892.
Sara married Roberto Gustavo SCHARFF KLAPPENBACH, son of Philip Adolf SCHARFF HALBACH-HILGER Empresario and Josefina Carolina KLAPPENBACH VILCHES.
+ 71 F iv. Raquel INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 22 Feb 1899 in Bs As.
+ 72 M v. Juan Carlos INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 18 Apr 1894 and died on 6 Aug 1962.
73 F vi. María Amalia INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 16 Sep 1901 in Buenos Aires and died in España.
María married Celso ROJAS about 1950.
+ 74 M vii. Samuel Adolfo INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 9 Jan 1905 in Capital Federal (Buenos Aires) and died on 11 Jun 1952 in Capital Federal (Buenos Aires)Acta1059 Secc Dep Tomo 2K Cap Fed.
75 M viii. Samuel INSIARTE SCHARFF .
He never married.
[ Place picture here. Filename: C:\MIS DOCUMENTOS\Genaro Insiarte Ochoa.jpg ]
[ Caption: Genaro Insiarte Ochoa ]
[ Descrip: mi tío bisabuelo materno ]
52. Genaro INSIARTE OCHOA (Samuel Aniceto INSIARTE VILLARINO21, Manuela VILLARINO DUPUY6, Pablo3, Angel2, Fernando1) was born in 1866 and died in 1920 in La Pampa.
Genaro married Clara SCHARFF KLAPPENBACH, daughter of Philip Adolf SCHARFF HALBACH-HILGER Empresario and Josefina Carolina KLAPPENBACH VILCHES, about 1896-1897 in Buenos Aires.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 76 F i. Esther INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 13 Nov 1889.
77 M ii. Raúl INSIARTE SCHARFF was born in 1898 and died in 1918 in Caracas, Venezuela. The cause of death was en los Carnavales, por un supuesto enfriamiento.
78 F iii. Adela INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 21 May 1903.
Adela married Augusto LAGOS.
79 F iv. Catalina INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 26 Jul 1904.
Catalina married Arturo ASTIGUETA.
80 F v. Celia INSIARTE SCHARFF was born on 27 Nov 1910.
Celia married Roberto Carlos TARIGO.
81 F vi. Susana INSIARTE SCHARFF .
Susana married Miguel Felix RODRIGUEZ.
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