Affiliate marketing isn't hard, but it does require knowledge, planning, and consistent effort
to make any significant income. Here are some things you can do to insure your venture into
affiliate marketing is successful.
Start right by learning about affiliate marketing and the steps required to be a success.
Choose only quality affiliate products and services. You'll be judged by the
product/services you promote, so don't just focus on the income, but also on the
Research the programs so you understand how and when you're paid, and other
important money issues you need to know to ensure the program is a good fit.
Choose affiliate items that match your niche or the content on your home business
website or blog. For example, if you write about figure skating, affiliate links to
motorcycles or a new set of saddlebags won't do well.
Mix and match affiliate ads so you don't overwhelm your visitors. In-content affiliate
links usually have the best click through rates over image links.
Always disclose your affiliate relationship. Most visitors will probably understand
that graphic ads will lead to your getting paid, but if you write a review or use an in-
text link as a recommendation, you want your readers to know that may lead to
compensation as well.
Market, market, market. Don't rely on social media alone to drive people to your
website or blog to take advantage of your affiliate recommendations. Understand who
your target market is, where you can find it, and how you can entice it to your site.
Start an email list. The most successful affiliate marketers use email in their affiliate
marketing. Don't put this off. Email marketing can increase your affiliate profits
(Source: Duermyer, 2017. Available at: https://www.thebalance.com/can-you-really-