Dipple Patients Participation Group
Thursday 2nd March 2017
Bunty Murtagh (BM)
Christopher Harrold (CH)
Angus Watts (AW)
Adine Hunt (AH)
Sandra Acott (SA)
Angela Murray (AM)
Katie Senior (KS)
Simon Johnson (SJ)
Peter Wagner (PW)
Sandra Bell (SB)
Maggie Venn (MV)
Apologies: None received
Minutes of last meeting: Accepted as true record
Matters arising:
Malling Health are still in special measures despite being clear, as they are out of their time frame. They are due to have another visit in May.
Took the advice from the last meeting and had a fire safety check carried out in his home and was very impressed and pleased with it all.
Praised SA for the notice boards in West Wing.
Email account:
SA has been notified by the retired chair that this has now been closed down with no outstanding messages. She will now look into opening a new account.
An AGM should take place before the end of the financial year – 6th April. However as there is no treasurer at present this will be left on the agenda for next meeting. There is no fixed venue for the meetings at present but it was suggested that this could take place on a Time to Learn afternoon when surgery waiting rooms could be used. SJ reported that the group’s treasurer, Keith Bobbin (KB) was not currently in good health which is possibly why he hasn’t attended this meeting.
There was some discussion as to how best spend the current funds and among the suggestions were seminars, group insurance. SJ said that he had seen an article regarding insurance for this type of group which could also help with public events. KB to be contacted regarding this. Power point presentations which could be tailored to the needs of each surgery were also suggested and the group were enthusiastic about this. BM said that she is happy to work with surgeries to help provide this, SJ also offered help/support.
It was suggested that the IT department could be approached to see if they had any free standing computers that could be used. To start with Malling Health and BM will liaise with KS.
Dates for future meetings:
These will continue to take place on the first Thursday of every other month.
Car Park:
It has been noted that more cars have been using the car park but not necessarily by patients. This could be due in part to the car park which serves the local shops has a time restriction. SA will look into getting a sign made up advising that the car park is for staff and patients of the Dipple Centre only.
Posters to encourage new members:
Most surgeries have done this, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have had much effect.
New Chair/Secretary:
AM suggested that the meetings could be chaired on a rota basis. The next meeting will be chaired by Dr Arayomi’s surgery and members were asked to let Adine have their email addresses so that the next agenda can be sent out. Her email address is P.managery00758@nhs.net
Treasurer’s report:
Held over to next meeting
Group insurance:
To discuss at next meeting
Bank account update:
Held over to next meeting
Heart of Pitsea:
SJ reported that the Health Awareness Day that had been held in the Dipple Centre foyer had been successful. Unfortunately there had not been time to involve the surgeries but they will be invited next time. It is hoped to hold 3 events per year.
Information about various activities and new initiatives are in the latest HOP newsletter and surgeries have been given copies to display in their waiting rooms.
Patient Questions:
AW: Has concerns regarding BTUH and its capacity to cope with the current increase of new homes being built.
SA: Meetings are to be held very soon with the landlords regarding the new building. Funding has now been granted.
SJ: “Hearability” would ilke to hold a conference and it may be possible to do this as a joint event and help promote the PPG
PW: There are some areas of the website for West Wing which are not very clear. SA is happy to have feedback and will look at this.
SB: Asked if anybody knew of a Dr Basal as he had apparently given permission for his car to be sprayed in the Dipple car park. Nobody present has heard of him/her. 4 complaints had been received about this.
Some discussion about the closing of Care Line at the end of 2017 and concerns about finding an alternative that would not be more expensive. Basildon Council website apparently has information available which will help to find another provider and could possibly be cheaper.
Meeting closed at 12.15
Date of next meeting Thursday 4th May at Dr Arayomi’s surgery, East Wing.
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