Conditions for Cancellation/termination of a Scholarship
In order for the scholarships specified under this regulation to be cancelled and based on the special conditions in the regulations required for the continuation of the scholarship, the following conditions are sought:
Requirements of a scholarship/discount not being fulfilled or to be removed or academic success rate being lower than the rate specified for the scholarship.
Cancelling registration from the University or failing to renew one’s registration
Scholarships cancelled due to disciplinary offenses are not re-awarded.
Re-awarding Cancelled Scholarships -
Scholarships may be re-awarded on the condition that reasons for its cancellation are no longer valid. Re-awarding of educational support scholarships is evaluated within its own conditions. Scholarships cancelled due to disciplinary offenses are not re-awarded.
Students whose scholarships are cancelled during the Spring semester can be re-awarded their scholarship on the condition that grades obtained from the Summer School are sufficient for the scholarship to be re-awarded.
Scholarships, Leave of Absence, Cancelling Registration from the University
Scholarships of those who are on leave of absence are cancelled for the relevant semester and their situation is evaluated according to the ‘Regulations for Evaluation of Applications for Taking a Leave of Absence and Cancelling Registration from the University’. Conditions of those who receive a scholarship and who would like to cancel their registration from the University are evaluated according to the ‘Regulations for Evaluation of Applications for Taking a Leave of Absence and Cancelling Registration from the University’.
If tuition fee scholarships or anticipated discounts gained by this regulation are more than the student’s tuition fee, no payments are made to the student. However, if the tuition fee scholarship is less than the semester tuition fee, the difference is covered by the student. A student cannot benefit from multiple scholarships or discounts under any circumstances except for the High Honor Scholarship and special conditions specified in article 3(7). If a student is found suitable for more than one scholarship or discount based on the criteria, the scholarship/discount which would be the most advantageous for the student is applied.
Disciplinary Applications
Students who have been issued short, medium or long term suspension from the University are not eligible to receive a scholarship. Situation of those who received a warning or a reprimand are evaluated and finalized by the University Executive Board upon the recommendation of the Dean/Director.
Other Scholarship Applications
In order to increase quality (successful and qualified) student flow to the University and/or to promote the University abroad, scholarships on transportation, accommodation (dormitory), books and tuition fees are applied by the Rector’s Office upon informing the University Executive Board, on the condition that the budget approved by the Board of Trustees is not exceeded.
Other Matters
Apart from the conditions originated by the University administration, if students are on part-time status during certain semesters, those semesters are considered and processed as full semesters in terms of the scholarship time period. No scholarship, financial support or tuition fee discount is issued for those who register for the Summer School. Situations which may arise during the application of these regulations or which are not expressed explicitly on these regulations will be valid (applied?) upon the decision of the ‘Application Commission’ and the approval of the University Executive Board.
For more information please refer:
Because of the broad range of research interests of the faculty, there are numerous opportunities for students to do special project or research in most of the industrial engineering areas. Departmental publications over the past few years have been in the areas of ergonomics, flexible manufacturing systems, fuzzy logic and its applications, linear/convex feasibility and optimization, machine scheduling, productivity measurement, pull-push production systems, queuing models, finance, and technology forecasting.
Selected Publications of Faculty Members -
Emine Atasoylu, "Engineering Education: Globalization Efforts - Challenges And Achievements On A Small Divided Island", Proceedings of the ASEE 6th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2007.
Emine Atasoylu, "Engineering Ethics Education and Engineering Practice: A Study from a Small Island with an Impressively Large Number of Engineering Programs", Proceeding of the 114th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June, 2007.
Emine Atasoylu, Mehmet Kizildag, Erden Basar, Murude Celikag, and Sayedali Mousavi, “An Automated Attendance Monitoring and Registration System for EMU’s SPIKE Seminar Series”, proceedings of the 3 day International Conference Integration of Information Technology in Science Education, G.Magusa-TRNC, January 2007.
Emine Atasoylu, U. Taneri, and İ. Salihoğlu, “An Inevitable Episode: Salination of Gönyeli Dam. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, (8):133-139, 1999.
Emine Atasoylu, U. Taneri and İ. Salihoğlu. “An Inevitable Episode: Salination of Gönyeli Pond. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Problems in the Mediterranean Countries, pp. 176, Nicosia, TRNC, 1997.
Haluk S. Balkan and Nidai Kordal, "A TSP-Based Electromagnetism-Like Mechanism for Political Districting Problem",Proceedings of1st. International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering,Proceeding Number :327, Gediz Univ., June 3-5, 2010.
Haluk S. Balkan, Kordal, Nidai, "Electoral Partitioning of T.R.N.C. for the Narrow District Election System", Proceedings of 29th. National Meeting on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering", Galatasaray University, İstanbul, 2008.
Haluk S. Balkan, Aksın İ. İpek, and Y. Cengiz Toklu, "Linear Programming Enables Finding better Aggregate Blends", Proceedings of 28th National Meeting on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering", Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, 2007.
Haluk S. Balkan, Burcu Toker Ersöz, "Design of Patient Admitance and Record System of a Hospital: A Case Study", Proceedings of 27th. National Meeting on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering", pp. 511-4, Kocaeli University, İzmit, 2006.
Haluk S. Balkan, and Burcu Toker Ersöz, "Business Process Redesign and Reengineering from the perspective of TQM", Proceedings of 26th National Meeting on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering", Koç University, İstanbul, 2005.
Haluk S. Balkan, Burcu Toker Ersöz, “Hospital Workflow Management: A Case Study”, Proceedings of OR/IE 2000, 21st National Meeting on OR and IE, pp. 158-161, Gazimağusa, 2001.
Haluk S. Balkan, Nureddin Kırkavak, M. K. Yurtseven, F.C Çetinkaya, Y. Günalay, "M.S. in Systems Engineering Management: A Proposal for a New Program", Proceedings of 15th International System Dynamics Conference, pp. 245-250, Istanbul, 1997.
Gökhan İzbırak, Béla Vizvári, Zoltan Lakner, “Results of Primary Research of Socio-Economic Aspects for Forecasting of Used-Car Supply and Increasing of Abandoned Cars in the Northern Cyprus", 7th International Congress on Cyprus Studies, 4-6 November 2009, EMU, Gazimağusa, TRNC.
Gökhan İzbırak, Murat Bengisu, and Mackieh Adham, ‘Work Related Challenges for Individuals Who Are Visually Impaired in Turkey. Journal for Visual Impairment & Blindness, Volume 102, No. 5, pp. 284-294, 2008.
Gökhan İzbırak, Murat Bengisu , and Adham Mackieh, “Problems Faced by Visually Impaired People at Work; the Case of Turkey”. International Conference on Problems & Success Factors in Business, perspectives from emerging market and transition economies III. 21 September 2006, International Atatürk Alatoo University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, pp. 61-72 , 2006.
Gökhan İzbırak, P. Kas, E. Klafszky, L. Malyusz, “Young Programming”, C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos (editors), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume 5, pp. 551-557, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Gökhan İzbırak, P. Kas, E. Klafszky, L. Malyusz, “Approximation of Linear Programs by Bregman's D F Projections”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 126, No. 1, pp. 69-79, 2000.
Gökhan İzbırak, “Young Programming”, XXI. National Congress on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (YA/EM 2000), 12-14 June 2000, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimağusa, TRNC, 2000.
Gökhan İzbırak, Kas, P., “On geometric properties of some divergence functions", VII. National Mathematics Symposium, 29/8/1994-2/9/1994, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1994.
Gökhan İzbırak, “The RAS Method Viewed as Entropy Programming Problem, Some Generalizations", VI. National Mathematics Symposium, 8-12 September 1993, EMU, Gazimağusa, TRNC, 1993.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, Syed Amjad Ali, and Erhan Ali Reza Ince, “Exact expression and tight bound on pairwise error probability for performance analysis of turbo codes over Nakagami-m fading channels” , IEEE Communications Letters, V.11, No.5, pp. 399-401, 2007.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, B.R.Handa, “Explicit estimators of the location and scale parameters of a symmetric hyperbolic distribution”, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 23(4), pp. 461-472, 2007.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, B.R.Handa, “Tests for equality of parameters of two exponential distributions with common known coefficient of variation”, Communications in Statistics- Theory & Methods, 2006.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, Erhan, Ali Riza Ince, and Syed Amjad Ali, “Efficient expression and bound for pairwise error probability in Raleigh fading channels, with application to union bounds for turbo codes”, IEEE Communications Letters, V.9, No.1, pp.25-27, 2005.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, B.R. Handa, and C.D. Ravindran,“Testing of scale parameter of the exponential distribution with known coefficient of variation: conditional approach”, Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, Vol. 31, 73-86, 2002.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, D.Z. Dervis and T. Iqbal, “Measurement-based MMPP modeling of voice traffic in computer networks using moments of packet inter-arrival times”, Conference Proceedings of IEEE International Conference of Networking ICN’01, Colmar, France, 2001.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (editor: P. Lorenz), No.2094, 570-578,Springer Verlag, 2001.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, “Distribution free approximations to moments of a counting renewal process with application to data and voice traffic”, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Information Technology, New Delhi, 2000.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, “Estimating the minimum and maximum of truncation parameters of two non-regular distribution”, An International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics & Probability and Their Applications, New Delhi, 2000.
Nirmal Singh Kambo, B.R. Handa, “Estimation of common parameters of several exponential distributions”, Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, Vol.49, 147-158, 1999.
Mohammad Mesgarpour, Nureddin Kırkavak and Hakan Özaktaş, “Bicriteria scheduling problem on the two-machine flowshop using simulated annealing”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6022, 166-177, April 2010.
Nureddin Kırkavak, Banafsheh K., ‘Kapasite kısıtlı kafile büyüklüğü belirleme problemi için geliştirilen Benzetim Tavlaması uygulamasına en uygun parameter değerlerinin tespiti’, 27.Ulusal Y öneylem Ataştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Kongresi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2-4 Temmuz 2008.
Nureddin Kırkavak, and Cemal Dinçer, “The General Behaviour of Pull Production Systems: The Allocation Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 479-494, 1999.
Nureddin Kırkavak, and Cemal Dinçer, “Modeling and Analysis of Pull Production Systems: A Mathematical Approach”, Journal of Industrial Engineering (in Turkish), Vol.8, No. 2-3, 1997.
Nureddin Kırkavak, and Cemal Dinçer, “The general behavior of Pull Production Systems: The allocation problems”, EURO XV—INFORMS XXXIV Joint International Meeting, Barcelona-SPAIN, July 1997.
Nureddin Kırkavak, and Cemal Dinçer, “Çekme Tipi Üretim Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi ve Analizi: Matematksel bir yaklaşım”, TMMOB/MMO Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, Vol. 8, No. 2-3, 3-17, Mayıs-Haziran 1997.
Nureddin Kırkavak, Cemal Din çer, “Performance evaluation models for single-item periodic pull production systems”, Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 47, No. 2, 239-250, February 1996.
Nureddin Kırkavak, and Cemal Dinçer, “The allocation of workload and buffer capacities in two-stage periodic pull production systems”, INFORMS XXXII, Los Angles-USA, Spring 1995.
Nureddin Kırkavak, Cemal Din çer, “Analytical Loading Models in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 71, No. 1, 17-31, 1993.
Nureddin Kırkavak, “Optimization in prismatic part manufacturing by traveling salesman algorithm” (in Turkish), 3 rd National Machine Design and Manufacturing Conference, Middle East Technical University, Ankara-TURKEY, September 1988.
Orhan Korhan and Adham Mackieh. A Model for Occupational Injury Risk Assessment of Musculoskeletal Discomfort and Their Frequencies in Computer Users. Safety Science, vol. 48, Issue 7, PP 868, August 2010.
Adham Mackieh, Murat Bengisu, Gökhan İzbırak ‘Work Related Challenges for Individuals Who Are Visually Impaired in Turkey. Journal for Visual Impairment & Blindness, volume 102, No. 5, P 284-294, 2008.
Adham Mackieh, Murat Bengisu, Gökhan İzbırak, “Problems Faced by Visually Impaired People at Work; the Case of Turkey”. International Conference on Problems & Success Factors in Business, perspectives from emerging market and transition economies III. 21 September 2006, International Atatürk Alatoo University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. p 61-72, 2006.
Adham Mackieh, Orhan Korhan, “Musculoskeletal Disorders and the use of computers“( Bilgisayar Kullanımında Ortaya Çikan Kas, İskelet ve Sinir Sistemi Rahatsızlıkları). The 11’Th congress of Ergonomy (ERGONOMİ 11. ULUSAL KONGRESİ). “ Istanbul Teknik University ,” 26-28 December 2005. It will be Printed in Turkish.
Adham Mackieh, and C. Çilingir, “Effect of Performance Shaping Factors on Human Error ,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 22, pp. 285, 1998.
Adham Mackieh, S. Alten and C. Çilingir, Simulation of the Control Board of an Experimental Nuclear Reactor, Transaction of the American Nuclear Society, 73, pp. 127, 1995.
Alagar Rangan, Timothy I. Matis, Raja Jayaraman, Optimal Price and Pro rata Decisions for Combined Warranty Policies with Different Repair Options, IIE Transactions, 40, pp. 984-991, 2008.
Alagar Rangan, Ayse Tansu, Some Results on a New Class of Shock Models, Asia Pacific Journal of Operations Research, February 2008. (Revised version submitted for publication.)
Alagar Rangan, Ayse Tansu, A New Shock Model for Systems subject to Random Threshold Failure, International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Paris, 2008.
Alagar Rangan, Vahidhossin Khiabani, Extended Warranty Policies with Warranty Options, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 2008.
Alagar Rangan, Dimple Thyagarajan, Timothy I. Matis, Optimal Replacement Policies of Repairable Systems Subject to shocks, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol 2, No 3, pp. 286-298, 2007.
Alagar Rangan, Saman Khajoui, A Stochastic Model for the system design, based on burn in, Warranty and Maintenance, Accepted for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the 1st Annual RFID Eurasia Conference, Sept 5-6, 2007.
Alagar Rangan, Dimple Thyagarajan, Sarada Y., Optimal Replacement of Systems Subject to Shocks and Random Threshold Failure, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol 23, No 9, pp. 1176-1191, 2006.
Alagar Rangan, Dimple Thyagarajan, A New General Repair Model for Systems Subject to Failures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering 2005, IIT Kharagpur, India, pp 599-609, 2005.
Béla Vizvári, Navid Hashemian,A Method to Schedule Both Transportation and Production at the Same Time in a Special FMS, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, 12-2008.
Béla Vizvári, G. Kovács,On the Chvatál-Complexity of Knapsack Problems, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, 15-2008.
Béla Vizvári, Other Options (in Hungarian, Egyéb lehetoségek), Élet és Irodalom (Life and Literature), LII, No. 21, p. 15, 2008.
Béla Vizvári, Zsolt Csizmadia, Peter L. Hammer, Artificial Attributes in Analyzing Biomedical Databases, Centre de Recherches Mathémathiques, Bookchapter in CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, vol. 45, 41-65, 2008.
Béla Vizvári, Zoltán Lakner,Application of decision support methods in preparation for a Hungarian bio-fuel programme, (in English), Gazdálkodás (Farming), 52, 22th special issue, 17-31, 2008.
Béla Vizvári, New upper bounds on the probability of events based on graph structures, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 10, 217-228, 2007.
Béla Vizvári, Gergely Kovács,On the Control of Dynamical Systems Defined by Decreasing One Dimensional Set-Valued Function, on the Arable Land in Hungary, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, RRR 17-2007.
Béla Vizvári, Zs. Csizmadia, G. Kovács,A Stochastic Programming Based Analysis of the Field Use in a Farm, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, 20-2007.
Béla Vizvári, Gergely Kovács,"6th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science" (2006, Pécs) in PU.M.A., 17, No. 3-4, 2007.
Béla Vizvári, Gergely Kovács,A mathematical model of the Giffen-effect (in Hungarian), Szigma, No. 1-2, pp. 31-47, 2007.
Béla Vizvári, Levente Nyárs,The Effect of the BSE Crises on the Meat Market of EU (in Hungarian), X-th Scientific Days in Agroeconomics, Gyöngyös ( Hungary), 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Dávid Bozsó, Levente Nyárs,Shocks on the meat market of some EU-15 countries, Georgikon Days, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Zsolt Csizsmadia, P.L. Hammer,Generation of Artificial Attributes for Data Analysis, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, RRR 1-2006.
Béla Vizvári, Zoltan Lakner, Gergely Kovacs and Zsolt Csizmadia, A Stochastic Programming and Simulation Based Analysis of the Structure of the Production on the Arable Land in Hungary, RUTCOR, Rutgers University, Research Report, RRR 16-2006.
Béla Vizvári, P.L. Hammer, P. Kas,A simple test for integer programming problems with bounded integer variables, Annales Universitatis Scientarium Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae, Sectio Mathematica, 48, 3-8, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Integer programming, (Textbook in Hungarian), Typotex, Budapest, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Zoltán Lakner, Az élelmiszergazdasági logisztika új kihívásai (New challenges of the logistics of Food Industry), Logisztikai évkönyv. (Bookchapter in the Yearbook of Logistics 2006), Magyar Logisztikai Egyesület, Hungarian Society of Logistics), pp. 51-58, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Dávid Papp,Effective solution of linear Diophantine equation systems with an application in chemistry, J. of Mathematical Chemistry, 39, 15-31, 2006
Béla Vizvári, György Dósa, Az általánosított LPT algoritmuscsalád egyforma párhuzamos gépek ütemezésére (The Generalized LPT Family od Algorithms for Scheduling Identical Parallel Machines, in Hungarian), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 23, 17-37, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, P. Majlender,On generalizing the OGY method, Annales Universitatis Scientarium Budapestiensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae, Sectio Mathematica, 48, 121-137, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, G. Alexe, S. Alexe, P.L. Hammer,Pattern-based feature selection in genomics and proteomics, Annals of Operations Research, 148, 189-201, 2006.
Béla Vizvári, Levente Nyárs, On the estimation of the supply function of the Hungarian pork market, Journal of Central European Agriculture, 6, 527-536, 2005.
Béla Vizvári, Roland Deme,On the optimal resource allocation of the company having factories in two countries, which produce substitutes, if there is static expectation on the exchange rate, Szigma, 35, No. 1-2, pp. 67-83, 2004.
Béla Vizvári, Z. Lakner, I. Hajdú, K. Kajári, Gy. Kasza, P. Márkusz,Competitive Food Sector - Good Live on Rural Area, (in Hungarian, Versenyképes élelmiszergazdaság - élheto vidék), Gazdálkodás (Farming), 51, o. 4, pp. 1-12, 2001.
Faculty who have been Supported by A-Type Project Funding
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Adham Mackieh (with Orhan Korhan)
Project Title: An Empirical Investigation of the Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders During Computer Use and Finding Ways to Prevent Them. (The project completed successfully)
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bela Vizvari (with Asst. Prof. Dr. G ökhan İzbırak)
Project Title:Recent and Future Trends on the Car Market of TRNC. (The project completed successfully)
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