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Hall B Monday 14:30-16:00 Computer 65

14:30 4136. Interleaved Slice Excitation for Echo-Shifted Acquisition of Orthogonal Proton Resonance Frequency Temperature Images

Axel Joachim Krafft1, Jaane Rauschenberg1, Florian Maier1, Jürgen Walter Jenne2,3, Wolfhard Semmler1, Michael Bock1

1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany; 2Mediri GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany; 3Clinical Cooperation Unit Radiation Oncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany

Proton resonance frequency temperature images are acquired with gradient echo techniques. As the temperature induced frequency shift is very small, long echo times have to be used. In such long-TE gradient echo pulse sequences, the available time for application of the encoding gradients between RF excitation and data readout is only partly used. In this work, we present a novel interleaved excitation and readout technique for the acquisition of two orthogonal slices. Compared to conventional gradient echo techniques, this strategy is substantially more time-efficient and allows for temperature monitoring along all three spatial directions around the temperature focus.

15:30 4137. In Vivo Evaluation of MRgHIFU Volumetric Sonication Using Interleaved Electronic-And-Mechanical Displacement of Focus

Lorena Petrusca1,2, Jacqueline Ngo1, Vincent Auboiroux1,2, Francois Cotton, 23, Jean-Yves Chapelon1, Rares Salomir1

1Inserm U 556, Lyon, France; 2University Lyon 1, Lyon, France; 3CHU Lyon Sud

Phased-array HIFU transducer under MR-guidance can bring important improvements in actual clinical strategy for prostate cancer treatment. The performances of a MR-compatible transrectal HIFU device with 16 circular rings were in vivo investigated on rabbit thigh. Dual-mode displacements of the focus was performed: electronically, along the ultrasound propagation axis and mechanically XZ 2D-translations and rotation around B0. Online fast MR-thermometry in 2 orthogonal planes, MRI assessment 5 days after the treatment and the histological analyze showed that a homogenous lesion was induced in the predefined zone. Dual-mode sonication paradigm offer the possibility to induce the lesion desired shape in a reasonable time period, and minimizing the side-effects.

Tuesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 65

13:30 4138. Experimental Comparison Ex Vivo of Different Sonication Patterns for Volumetric MRgHIFU Ablation

Lorena Petrusca1, Thomas Goget1, Magalie Viallon1, Loredana Baboi1, Christoph Becker1, Rares Salomir1

1Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland

Different sonication patterns (i.e. trajectories of the focus) were performed ex-vivo with a phased-array transducer: lines, unitary circles and concentric circles of different lengths/diameters for comparison purpose. The temperature profile along the ultrasound propagation axis was analyzed. For the same value of the line length and circle diameter and identical applied powers and durations of sonication, a significant drift of the maximum heating location below the treatment plane towards the transducer was noticed for circle or disk trajectories. Line scan sonications up to 24mm size provided symmetric and drift-free thermal build up. The latter pattern should be considered for fast and safe volumetric ablation with MRgHIFU.

14:00 4139. inter-Costal Liver Ablation Under Real-Time MR-Thermometry with Partial Activation of a HIFU Phased Array Transducer

Bruno Quesson1, Mathilde Merle1, Max Köhler2, Charles Mougenot3, Sebastien Roujol1, Baudouin Denis de Senneville1, Chrit T. Moonen1

1laboratory for molecular and functional imaging, bordeaux, France; 2Philips healthcare, Vantaa, Finland; 3Philips Healthcare, bordeaux, France

The partial obstruction of the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound beam by the rib cage complicates the treatment of liver tumors. A method for selective deactivation of the transducer elements located in front of the ribs (visualized on 3D anatomical MR images) is proposed. The effectiveness of the method for HIFU liver ablations is demonstrated ex vivo and in vivo in pigs during breathing with real-time, motion compensated, MR thermometry. No loss in heating efficacy was observed at the focal point and an important reduction of the heating in tissues surrounding the bones was obtained with deactivation of the transducer elements.

14:30 4140. Multi-Parametric Monitoring of Thermal Ablations Using Rapid Chemical Shift Imaging

Brian Allen Taylor1,2, Andrew M. Elliott1, Ken-Pin Hwang, 1,3, John D. Hazle1, Roger Jason Stafford1

1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States; 2The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, TX, United States; 3Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States

A rapid chemical shift imaging technique is presented that provides T2* values and T1-W amplitudes of multiple chemical species in addition to accurate and precise temperature estimates. Temperature response of each parameter is correlated with Arrhenius rate analysis to determine if measurements can aid in verifying treatment goals.

15:00 4141. Real-Time Bioheat Transfer Models for Computer Driven MR Guided LITT

David Fuentes1, Yusheng Feng2, Andrew Elliott1, Anil Shetty1, Roger McNichols3, J Tinsley Oden4, R Jason Stafford1

1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States; 2The University of Texas at San Antonio; 3BioTex Inc; 4ICES, The University of Texas at Austin

Treatment times of computationally assisted MR guided LITT are determined by the convergence behavior of PDE constrained optimization problems. This work investigates the feasibility of applying real-time bioheat transfer constrained model calibration to patient specific data and rigorously validates model calibrations against MR temperature imaging data. The calibration techniques attempt to adaptively recover the patient specific bio-thermal heterogeneities within the tissue and result in a formidable real time PDE constrained optimization problem. The calibrations are critical to the predictive power of the simulation during therapy which may be further exploited for treatment optimization to maximize the efficiency of the therapy control loop.

Wednesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 65

13:30 4142. MR-Guided Trans-Perineal Cryoablation of Locally Recurrent Prostate Adenocarcinoma Following Radical Prostatectomy

David Arthur Woodrum1, Lance Mynderse2, Akira Kawashima1, Krzysztof Gorny1, Thomas Atwell1, Fred Mcphail2, Bradley Bolster3, Wesley Gilson3, Kimberly Amrami1, Haraldur Bjarnason1, Matthew Callstrom1

1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 2Urology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 3Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.

Prostate cancer recurrence after definitive therapy can be as high as 25% after 15 years. Detection of these recurrences can be achieved using serial PSA coupled with dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI. Our hypothesis is MR-guided cryoablation can be used in the setting of prostate bed PAC recurrence to perform a precise image-guided focal ablation. Two patients with prior RRP and dynamic contrast enhancement(DCE) MRI abnormalities in the prostate bed were treated using MR-guided cryoablation. Both patients with recurrent prostate cancer in the prostate bed were successfully treated with MR-guided cryoablation. Immediate post-ablation DCE MRI demonstrated no definite residual tumor.

14:00 4143. Truly Simultaneous Clinical US/MRI: Dual Mode Visualization of Bubble Creation During RFA Inducing Susceptibility Variations Corrupting PRFS Thermometry

Magalie Viallon1, Joerg Roland2, Sylvain Terraz1, Christoph D Becker1, Rares salomir1

1Radiologie, Hopital Universitaire de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland; 2MREA, Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany

Recent work reported spatially related errors in temperature maps and TD during power application, while using 2D GRE-EPI PRFS imaging with orthogonal interleaved slices (1). We demonstrate that RFA induced cavitation’s effects are the primary source of errors in PRFS imaging using truly simultaneous ultrasonography and MRI.

14:30 4144. TMAP @ IFE - A Framework for Guiding and Monitoring Thermal Ablations

Eva Rothgang1,2, Wesley David Gilson2, Joerg Roland3, Joachim Hornegger1, Christine H. Lorenz2

1Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany; 2Center for Applied Medical Imaging, Siemens Corporation, Corporate Research, Baltimore, MD, United States; 3Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany

Thermal ablations are increasingly used for minimally invasive local treatment of solid malignancies, supplementing systemic treatment strategies such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy. We present an intuitive application for monitoring thermal treatment independent of heating source, in real-time, with multiplanar MRI. Systematic quality control of thermal maps is carried out on-line to ensure reliability of the displayed thermal data. The application is fully integrated into the Interactive Front End (IFE) which allows real-time MRI-guided placement of the heating device. Thus, the presented application supports the thermal ablation workflow from placing the ablation device to online monitoring the progress of ablation.

15:00 4145. Imitation of Radiofrequency Ablation Scars with Laser System for MR Guided Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

Can Kerse1,2, Bulent Oktem3, Fatih Omer Ilday4, Ergin Atalar, 2,5

1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 2UMRAM (National Research Center for Magnetic Resonance), Ankara, Turkey; 3Material Science and Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 4Physics Department, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; 5Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

Fiber delivery of laser energy has no MR compatibility issues and is used with MR guidance in the field. But, it is not widely used as the cure of Atrial Fibrillation, since there is risk of perforating the myocardial wall. Several diffusing tip designs to emit light in cylindrical symmetry exist, but, due to their orientation with respect to the cardiac chamber, common RF delivery methods cannot be applied directly. In our study, we propose a novel multiple fiber laser energy delivery with catheter approach and a system that imitates the scars created with RF probes under MR guidance.

Thursday 13:30-15:30 Computer 65

13:30 4146. Feasibility of Multipolar Radiofrequency Ablation in the Pig Liver Under Simultaneous Real-Time MR Thermometry

Matthieu Lepetit-Coiffe1, Alexandru Cernicanu2, Olivier Seror, 1,3, Thomas Stein4, Yasmina Berber1, Mario Ries1, Chrit T. Moonen1, Bruno Quesson1

1Laboratoire IMF CNRS UMR 5231 / Universite Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France; 2Philips Healthcare, Suresnes, France; 3Service de Radiologie, Hopital Jean Verdier, Bondy, France; 4Celon/Olympus, Teltow, Germany

The feasibility of real-time MR thermometry for monitoring multipolar RF ablation was demonstrated both ex vivo and in vivo on a pig liver. The quality of the real-time thermal dose maps appeared satisfactory in the presence of respiratory motion and cyclic switching between the different pairs of RF electrodes. The large (about 250 cm3) resulting thermal coagulation volume was spatially homogeneous as predicted by the real-time lethal thermal dose maps and confirmed by the post procedural MR imaging and histology.

14:00 4147. Breath Hold Phase Correction for Water-Fat Separated MR Thermometry Using B0 Field Changes

Cory Robert Wyatt1, Brian J. Soher2, James R. MacFall2

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States; 2Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States

Proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS) thermometry of the breast is often confounded not only by the presence of fat in the tissue but also by respiration-induced B0 changes even in the absence of detectable breast motion. In this work, field fitting techniques used previously are used to extrapolate fat referenced B0 changes measured using fat-water separation methods to B0 changes in a water-only simulated tumor in a fat-water breast phantom. Results show that the B0 map extrapolation method reduces PRFS temperature errors between breath holds from a maximum of 5.55°C to less than 0.53°C.

14:30 4148. Real-Time Non Subtraction Thermometry Using Artificial Neural Networks

Manivannan Jayapalan1

1MR SW & Applications Engg, GE Healthcare, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Thermal monitoring in focused ultrasound applications is crucial step where MR is most widely used as it provides better thermal monitoring capability than others. Regular PRF shift technique involves, some form of image subtraction using a baseline pre-treatment images. Subject motion and tissue deformation due to coagulation can severely distort these techniques. Self-referenced methods require a large area of tissue around the ablation for polynomial fitting and can’t be used when tissue cooling is applied to sensitive structures. Here a new method of thermal monitoring using Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) trained by orthogonal least square algorithm is proposed. This method eliminates the need for baseline subtraction and also tolerates subject motion to a great extent. A feed forward, radial basis neural network is used with 2 input, 1 output and a hidden layer where the number of units in that layer is obtained using orthogonal least square algorithm learning method. Gaussian function is used as kernel whose centers are obtained through network learning. 2-D surface co-ordinates of phase image in a selected ROI is used as inputs while its corresponding phase value are used as output to train the network. Then the network is tested, where, the phase values obtained from the network and the actual values are compared. It was observed that the network output matches very well with the actual values which clearly proves that the neural networks approximates the phase distribution function very well.

15:00 4149. 3D Reduced-FOV MR Thermometry with Fat Suppression Using a Hybrid Method Combining a 2DRF Pulse, Parallel Imaging, and UNFOLD

Chang-Sheng Mei1,2, Jing Yuan3, Lawrence P. Panych4, Bruno Madore4, Nathan J. McDannold4

1Department of Physics, Boston College, Chesnut Hill, MA, United States; 2Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital,, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States; 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong; 4Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

3D MR thermometry using PRF shift has issues due to the requirement of relatively long TE and the presence of fat. A hybrid method combining 2DRF pulse, parallel imaging, and UNFOLD in a 3D sequence is proposed here, which offers advantages in terms of spatial coverage and measurement accuracy, as compared to typically-used 2D sequences.

Cardiovascular Interventional & Devices

Hall B Monday 14:00-16:00 Computer 66

14:00 4150. Mr Guided Transmyocardial Delivery of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Gene Into Infarct Scar with Established Remodelled Left Ventricle

Maythem Saeed1, David Saloner1, Phillip Ursell2, Loi Do1, Mark Wilson1, Alastair J. Martin1

1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, Ca, United States; 2Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, Ca, United States

It is unknown whether MR-guided transendocardial delivery of hepatocyte growth factor gene (HGF) is effective in ameliorating LV remodelling. XMR suite (x-ray cath-lab and a 1.5T MR scanner) for real-time imaging, transendocardial delivery and assessing the gene effects in swine with remodelled LV. Six MR sequences were used for evaluation of the efficacy of therapy. MR-guided transendocardial delivery of HGF a) ameliorated global function and 3D strain, b) activated perfusion, neovascularization and myogenesis in scar and c) reduced infarct. The combination of this therapy and XMR technique may be useful in patients with ischemic myocardium and cell loss (apoptosis).

14:30 4151. Visualization of Ablation Lesions by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI

Andriy Shmatukha1, Bharathi Sundaram2, Xiuling Qi2, Samuel Oduneye2, Jeff A. Stainsby1, Graham A. Wright2, Eugene Crystal2

1Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada

An approach for rapid and reliable visualization of radiofrequency (RF) ablation lesions using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI is presented. Novel processing algorithms are presented that demonstrate the ability to identify distinct regions within RF lesions and can do so more rapidly than traditional dynamic contrast enhanced processing methods.

15:00 4152. An Approach for MRI Based Pre-Operative Planning of Cardiac Interventions Via Trans-Apical Access

Erol Yeniaras1, Nikhil Navkar1, Zhigang Deng1, Mushabbar A. Syed2, Nikolaos V. Tsekos1

1Computer Science, University fo Houston, Houston, TX, United States; 2Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Kentucky, United States

The aim of this work is to implement an approach for pre-operative planning of cardiac interventions via a trans-apical access using CINE cardiac images. Multislice sets of short and long axis planes were analyzed to identify access corridors in 3D, from the apex to the base of the heart, which ensure that a tool may transverse the ventricle without contact to the epicardial wall for all heart phases. Studies illustrate that apical areas can be delineated through which a tool may be inserted to access the mitral valve along a straight path and the aortic valve through a curved one.

15:30 4153. MR-Guided Electrophysiology System for Activation and Pace Mapping in Left Ventricle

Samuel O. Oduneye1, Andriy Shmatukha2, Vladimir Verpakhovski3, Charles L. Dumoulin4, Ehud Schmidt5, Eugene Crystal6, Graham A. Wright1

1Medical Biophysics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2GE Healthcare, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 4GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 5Brigham and Women's Hospital & Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States; 6Arrhythmia Services, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Canada

In recent studies, electrophysiology information has been compared with pre-acquired MR images to determine the relation between the two measurements; however, that approach is sensitive to registration errors and changes in anatomical conditions. Here, we present an MR-compatible EP system for real-time MR imaging able to directly locate and characterize electrical properties of potential arrhythmogenic regions in the left ventricle (LV) by measuring local conduction velocities at different pacing frequencies.

Tuesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 66

13:30 4154. An Active Delivery Cable for VSD Closure Under MRI-Guidance

Jamie A. Bell1, Christina E. Saikus1, Kanishka Ratnayaka1,2, Israel M. Barbash1, Anthony Z. Faranesh1, Michael C. Slack, 1,2, Robert J. Lederman1, Ozgur Kocaturk1

1Translational Medicine Branch, Division of Intramural Research, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States; 2Cardiology Division, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC, United States

We have created an active MRI-compatible delivery cable incorporating a loopless antenna that enables greater visualization of the occlusion device during percutaneous delivery and deployment of the device under MRI. During in vivo use, deployment and positioning of the occlusion device in the ventricular septum was apparent with the increased signal provided by the active delivery system. The device appearance provided by this active delivery cable combined with the superior soft-tissue visualization of MRI makes the treatment of a wide range of structural heart disease under MRI guidance feasible and promising.

14:00 4155. Deflectable Catheter for Interventional Cardiovascular MRI

Ozgur Kocaturk1, Jamie A. Bell1, Christina E. Saikus1, Vincent Wu1, Merdim Sonmez1, Kanishka Ratnayaka1,2, Robert J. Lederman1

1Translational Medicine Branch, Division of Intramural Research, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States; 2Cardiology Division , Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC , United States

The mechanical characteristics of most commercially available catheter devices are provided by metallic components such as metal braiding or pulling wires in deflectable devices which make them unsuitable for the MR environment. We have developed a deflectable catheter that utilizes Kevlar fiber instead to produce the same shaft support and torquability with a braided tubing and tension mechanism for tip deflection. This device could enable a wide range of MRI-guided cardiovascular interventions in difficult to reach anatomies.

14:30 4156. Simultaneous Imaging and Catheter Tracking: More Robust Performance with Joint Use of All Data

Steve Kecskemeti1, Ethan Brodsky1, Walter Block1, Orhan Unal1

1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States

Current methods of catheter tracking [1] interrupt the imaging sequence at some predefined update rate to acquire several projections to determine the position of the catheter. We have a taken a different approach and have developed a robust method to extract the tracking data directly from the imaging data using an interleaved 3D radial (VIPR) k-space acquisition. The method presented in this abstract uses the information from all the projections within a VIPR interleaf to determine the catheter location. This results in a more robust prediction of the catheter location and reduces the perception of jitter in the catheter position.

15:00 4157. Model-Based Catheter Shape Reconstruction for Interventional MRI

Carsten Oliver Schirra1, Philip G. Batchelor1, Reza Razavi1, Sebastian Kozerke1,2, Tobias Schaeffter1

1Division of Imaging Sciences, King’s College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom; 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Conventional MR imaging methods result in prohibitively long measurement times hampering 3D catheter imaging in real-time. Despite progress in applying spare signal sampling theorems to catheter imaging, undersampling factors remain limited. In the present work a model-based reconstruction technique is proposed which determines the parameters describing the catheter shape directly in undersampled k-space data exploiting the limited degrees of freedom necessary. A parameterized model of a catheter is fitted by minimizing the l2-norm. It is demonstrated that the catheter shape can be reconstructed from highly undersampled data indicating the potential of the method for 3D real-time imaging of catheter devices.

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