ESS 6 – Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources This standard is relevant because the implementation of subprojects for which the project would undertake in-kind transfer of assets may cause minor impacts on biodiversity and/or living natural resources, if implemented in rural areas. The requirements of this standard will be duly addressed by introduction of principles of sustainable management of living natural resources into subproject-specific ESMPs as well as to the training programs and advisory services to be delivered under the project, especially those targeting poor rural population.
Specifically, in order to ensure that project activities undertaken by beneficiaries with the support of in-kind grants will not cause adverse impacts on biodiversity and living natural resources, the ESMF provides for a set of environmental and social screening criteria to be applied during the evaluation and approval of in-kind grants, in order to ensure that any risks of impacting biodiversity and natural resources are avoided or minimized.
Additionally, ESMF criteria for working near protected areas and potential critical habitats includes requirements for detailed mapping and, where necessary, identification of species and habitats. Specific issues will include instructions for necessary sections in any site specific ESMPs to be prepared and provision for protecting biodiversity project financed activities.
ESS 7 – Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities This standard is not relevant because no indigenous people are known to reside in Azerbaijan.