• Prepare and implement the ESMF, SEP, LMP and ESCP and submit for Bank approval
• Disclose the ESMF, SEP, LMP and ESCP on MLSPP PIU website
• Prepare ESMPs according to ESMF
• For the first 20 subprojects, submit ESMPs to the WB for prior review.
• Perform the quality control and review of ESMPs.
• Disclose ESMPs on the official website of MLSPP PIU and incorporate ESMPs into the agreement with beneficiaries and procurement documents.
• Assign field specialists for the environmental and social monitoring.
• Monitor implementation of labor management procedures
• Perform inspections of the implementation of ESMPs, make recommendations and decide whether additional measures are needed.
• In case of non-compliance, ensure that the agreement with beneficiaries and procurement eliminates the noncompliance and inform the WB about the noncompliance and follow up.
• Prepare, update and implement a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) that considers vulnerable groups in addition to paying attention to the gender aspect of the Project.
• Hold consultation meetings and prepare and distribute leaflets or other informative documents to inform communities.
• Set up a multi-level GRM, monitor and address grievances related to the project under specified timelines.
• Provide guidance to the Grant Manager, SES RO officers, Case officers on E&S Risk prevention and mitigation measures.
• Summarize the environmental and social issues related to project implementation to WB in regular progress reports.
• Be open to comments from affected groups and local environmental authorities regarding environmental aspects of project implementation. Meet with these groups during site visits, as necessary.
• Coordinate and liaise with WB supervision missions regarding environmental and social aspects of project implementation.
• Conduct regular monitoring activities for the implementation of site specific ESMPs