Based on the overall evaluations of each e-resource, the system is capable of assigning a specific number of stars. The criteria could be a complex mixture and weighted values of the responses given by users
Categorization of e-Resources
Based upon the contents classification of each e-resource, the system is capable of categorizing the e-resources into different categories so that the users can easily browse through and narrow their search to the very specific results they have in mind.
Graphical Representation
Graphical representation of evaluation results is possible. Currently these results are presented on a textual basis in a tabular format. It is possible to display the results in graphical representation for higher impact.
Automatic informing of other users of new e-resources, which we know they are interested in. At the time of registration, the users are asked questions to answer. Based upon these questions and answers, the system will figure out what sort of e-resource's each user is interested in. Using this fact, the system upon registration of new e-resources will inform the target users of the newly registered e-resources.
User Tracking & Advanced Auditing
It is possible to carry out user tracking if needed. I.e For each session that each user initiates, actions can be traced and areas of interests etc. could be determined. Further each action that they perform at the web site could be recorded. Advanced auditing will provide much better control of the web site by the admin user.
Advanced search facility
More sophisticated search options including AND/OR/NOT logical combinations of search texts can be made available through this extension.