Regarding Workpackage E: Visits to another research centre:
Name: József Váncza
Dates: 18-20. June, 2001
Visited partner institution: Sixth Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints, Charles University, Prague
Report attached
Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.: 8
Virtual Laboratory for EE, VE
PLANET networking
WE had been working on the development of our CIM Research Laboratory to open co-operation means for exploiting the Extended Enterprise research theme, the Virtual Enterprise theme and the related themes for internationally accessible resources. Our visiting professors from Germany and from France were of a great help in launching this program. Their final reports are attached.
The purchase of up-to-date peripherals for the VE research was a great step forward..
We organized and prepared the MIM IFAC Workshop in early August.
Many scientific papers were developed and submitted.
Heavy preparatory work was devoted to the IFIP PROLAMAT Conference to take part in November.
Proposals were prepared and submitted.
PLANET II proposal prepared
Joining ERCIM WG on Constraints Report attached
Organisation of the IEA/AIE-2001 Conference, Budapest, 4-7. June, 2001
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