D.A.2 Increased, enhanced FP participation
səhifə 6/24 tarix 07.01.2022 ölçüsü 224 Kb. #89140 növü Report
D.A.2 Increased , enhanced FP participation
There was a significant increase in the FP5 participation , and a list of the submitted/ successful FP5/FP6 projects is detailed in the appended section.
D.A.3. Periodic report +12 months
has been given after the Second Six-month period.
As Yearly reports of MTA SZTAKI –CoE is appended for 2002,. Separate sections are created for the list of yearly publications and for the citations.
D.A.6. Periodic report for the 7 th , reporting period
D.A.6+ Final Report is planned by December 2004.
Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.: B
Exploitation and dissemination , twinning , advanced multimedia system architectures and educational and training courseware applications for infrastructure , adoption of video-conferencing infrastructure to support enhanced co-operation means