III. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Эцняшдян атмосферя дахил олан истилик газшякилли молекулларын щярякят сцрятини артырыр.
2. Кцтлянин тяркибиндя олан енержи онун малик олдуьу температурдан тамамиля фяргли олур.
3. Истилик енержиси васитяси иля суйу бухара чевирмяк олур.
4. Електронларын бир истигамятдя ахыны нятиъясиндя електрик ъяряйаны йараныр.
5. Електрик кечириъиляриндя електронлар бир атомдан диэяриня асанлыгла ахырлар.
6. Протонларын чякиси атомун чякисиндян щямишя аз олур.
7. Електрон чох кичик кцтляйя малик олуб електрик йцкц кими ваъиб бир хассяйя маликдир.
8. Ян эцълц микроскопун кюмяйи иля беля атому эюрмяк мцмкцн дейил.
9. Торпаг суйа нисбятян даща тез гызыр, лакин радиасийа нятиъясиндя бу истилийи даща сцрятля итирир.
10. Истещсал просесляринин автоматлашдырылмасы сянайенин бцтцн сащяляриндя мцщцм рол ойнайыр.
IV. Translate the following text into your native language:
A lifted weight has potential energy due to the higher position into which it has been lifted since it can do work as it falls under the action of gravity.
Since energy may be transformed from potential to kinetic a lifted weight which possesses potential energy in its highest position if allowed to fall will gradually lose its potential energy. At the same time it will acquire velocity and therefore kinetic energy. A ball thrown vertically into the air possesses at the beginning of its flight kinetic energy, but as it rises it is gradually comes to rest thus losing its energy in that form. However, as it rises it is acquiring potential energy with respect to the level from which it started. In other words, while rising its kinetic energy is transformed into potential one. It is found that the total energy possessed by the body or system of bodies under consideration before and after the transformation is the same.
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