As with numerical control and other manufacturing equipment, microprocessors are moving into the area of industrial robotics.
The advent of high-capability microprocessor-based controls will also have an impact upon robot programming techniques. Off-line high-level language programming will be employed, particularly on complex, long or high-precision operations. Control of groups of robots in manufacturing systems by a control computer, already done in isolated installations, will become more common. Off-line simulation with interactive graphics systems will permit development and prove-out of new programmers without interruption production. The development of more specialized robots is just as important as the development of higher-capability control systems and, sensory feedback. Without sacrificing the flexibility of programmable automation, the trend towards special robot configuration applications will continue. A measure of specialization has already been achieved as is evident from the “painting robots” color, and assembly robot and portable arc-welding robot. New mechanical configurations may be developed as well as new programming methods.
With regard to robot capabilities the requirements are relatively easy-low-cost reliable sensors, in particular vision systems. In fact, all applications require standardized off-line programming. Robots, in general, are unable to complete tasks as quickly as humans. For some applications, spray painting, or arc welding, this is not a problem. For other applications, such as small part assembly it is. Here the servo-system must be improved to better accommodate the rapid changes in inertial characteristics of the robot manipulator allow velocities to change rapidly during each cycle.
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