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Research programme and results

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Research programme and results:

Under the project different procedures for the preparation of new inorganic systems are being developed and structural, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of the new compounds investigated. This is, in particular, related to the hexanuclear halide clusters of Nb, Ta, Mo and W and also to polynuclear complex compounds of different transition metals like iron, cobalt or nickel, that could possess interesting magnetic properties and serve as potential new magnetic materials.

Reactions of hexanuclear halide clusters of molybdenum and tungsten, M6X12, [M6(μ3-X)8X2(μ-X)4/2], with methoxide ions have been investigated. It has been found that a selective substitution of the halogen atoms by methoxo groups is possible. Two series of polymeric methoxo clusters have been prepared, the one containing methoxo groups as bridges between neighbouring cluster units, and the other having both, bridging and terminal methoxo groups at the same time. Also, a series of monomer compounds with methoxo groups occupying all six terminal coordination sites has been prepared. The crystal structure for monomer cluster [Na(CH3OH)5]2[Mo6(μ3-Br)8(OCH3)6] has been solved. The photoelectronic spectra revealed different modes of bonding of the ligands in the isolated compounds.

The investigation of the reactions between the hexanuclear tantalum clusters [Ta6X12(ROH)6]X2 (X = Cl, Br; R = CH3, C2H5) and organic halide cations, R4NX, has been continued. It is established that the [Ta6X12]2+ cluster unit, present in the starting species, could be preserved if performing the reactions in an inert gas atmosphere and by the use of high-vacuum line. In such a way the new diamagnetic species:

[R4N]2[(Ta6Cl12)Cl4(CH3OH)2] or [R4N]2[(Ta6Cl12)Cl4(CH3OH)2] and [R4N]2[Ta6Br12(C2H5OH)6]Cl4 (R = CH3, C2H5) containing the [Ta6Cl12]2+ and [Ta6Br12]2+ cluster units, respectively, have been isolated.

Crystal structures, electronic and magnetic properties of the two cluster compounds, [Ta6Cl12(CH3OH)6]Br3 and [Ta6Cl12(CH3OH)6]Br3·4H2O, containing the paramagnetic [Ta6Cl12]3+ unit, have been correlated. Their magnetic properties can be interpreted as Bonner-Fisher one-dimensional model of interacting magnetic centres. The available magnetic data have been discussed in the view of structural data with the emphasis on the crystallographic origin of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy for the compound [Ta6Cl12(CH3OH)6]Br3·4H2O.

As the first step in the efforts to synthesize high-spin polynuclear molecule-based magnetic compounds the new crystalline solids

[M(bpy)3]2[NbO(C2O4)3]Cl·nH2O (M = Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) have been prepared. Their spectroscopic and structural properties have been investigated.

Oznaka: 0098067


Voditelj/ica projekta: dr. sc. Biserka Gržeta

Tel. ++385 1 4561 120   e-mail:

Suradnici na projektu:
Biserka Gržeta, doktorica fiz. znanosti, znanstvena savjetnica

Suradnici iz druge ustanove:
Emilija Tkalčec, doktorica kem. znanosti, redovni profesor u mirovini, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, Zagreb

Program rada i rezultati na projektu:

Osnovni cilj istraživanja na ovom projektu je postizanje saznanja o promjenama strukture i fizičkih svojstava nekih tehnički zanimljivih materijala, koje se mogu postići uvođenjem metalnih dopanada u osnovnu strukturu materijala. Posebna pažnja usmjerena je na utvrđivanje oksidacijskog stanja i položaja kationa, te manjka kisika u strukturi uslijed dopiranja.

Istraživali smo mehanizam ugradnje antimona u kasiterit (SnO2) kako bi se objasnio efekt promjene električne vodljivosti uzrokovan dopiranjem antimonom. Nanokristalni uzorci SnO2 dopirani antimonom (0-14 at% Sb) priređeni su procedurom koja uključuje sol-gel postupak i hidrotermalni tretman nakon toga. Uzorci su ispitani pomoću rentgenske difrakcije na prahu. Difrakcijske linije su bile proširene, a proširenje je imalo anizotropni karakter. Svi su uzorci imali tetragonsku strukturu tipa rutila. Ioni antimona Sb3+ i Sb5+ supstitucijski zamjenjuju ion Sn4+ u strukturi SnO2 s manjkom kisika. Ispitan je utjecaj termičkog tretmana na omjer Sb3+/Sb5+ u dopiranim uzorcima. Uzorci s 4 i 8 at% Sb su žareni po 1 sat na temperaturi 350, 450 i 550 °C i zatim sporo ohlađeni na sobnu temperaturu. Rentgenska difrakcija je pokazala smanjenje parametara jedinične ćelije termički tretiranih uzoraka, što je ukazivalo na oksidaciju iona antimona Sb3+ tijekom tretmana. 121Sb-Mössbauer spektroskopija je potvrdila smanjenje omjera Sb3+/Sb5+ u termički tretiranim uzorcima.

U sklopu istraživanja mulita (3Al2O3 · 2SiO2) ispitana je korelacija tipa prekursora mulita i mikrostrukture priređenog mulita, te kinetika kristalizacije mulita. Uzorci mulita priređivani su procedurom koja uključuje sol-gel postupak i termički tretman prekursora. Kao izvor komponente Al2O3 u pripremi mulita korišteni su Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O, γ-Al2O3 ili γ-AlOOH, a kao izvor komponente SiO2 korišten je tetraetoksisilan (TEOS). Uzorci mulita ispitivani su pomoću rentgenske difrakcije, elektronske mikroskopije (SEM, TEM) i rentgenske spektrometrije. Uočena je bitna razlika u mikrostrukturi mulitnih uzoraka koji su dobiveni iz prekursora koji su sadržavali Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O u usporedbi s uzorcima koji su sadržavali γ-Al2O3 ili γ-AlOOH. Prvi uzorci su imali izdužena kristalna zrna (duža os ~4-10 μm) uronjena u matricu od sitnijih neizduženih zrna (veličine ≤ 1 μm), dok su uzorci mulita dobiveni iz prekursora koji su sadržavali γ-Al2O3 ili γ-AlOOH imali samo neizdužena zrna veličine 0,5 μm odnosno 1,3 μm. Ovakva morfologija objašnjava se preklapanjem temperature kristalizacije i temperature sinteriranja u pojedinim slučajevima priprave mulita. Ustanovljeno je da kod priprave mulita iz dvofaznog gela prvi kristalizira mulit sastava 2:1 (2Al2O3 · SiO2) pri temperaturi od ~1200 °C, koji zatim na višim temperaturama postupno prelazi u sastav 3:2 (3Al2O3 · 2SiO2). Brzina prijelaza je veća što su čestice prekursora manje. Za uzorke mulita dopirane s 0-8 mol% Cr2O3, koji su priređeni iz Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O, Cr(NO3)3∙ 9H2O i TEOS-a, riješena je kristalna struktura pomoću Rietveldove metode. Ustanovljeno je da ioni Cr3+ uglavnom supstitucijski zamjenjuju Al3+ u oktaedrima AlO6, a manjim dijelom se ugrađuju u intersticijska mjesta duž osi c u strukturi mulita. Pri udjelu Cr2O3 većem od 7 mol% izlučuje se 3-5 tež.% druge faze, (Al,Cr)2O3.

Research programme and results:

A goal of research is to achieve a new knowledge about the changes of structure and physical properties of some technically interesting materials, which can be caused by introducing of metal dopands into the structure of the starting materials. Special attention is paid to determination of the metal oxidation state and position in the structure, and to determination of the oxygen deficiency.

The mechanism of antimony incorporation into cassiterite (SnO2) was investigated as to elucidate the change in electrical conductivity caused by Sb doping. Nanocrystalline Sb-doped SnO2 samples (0-14 at% Sb) were prepared using a sol-gel technique followed by hydrothermal treatment. Samples were examined by powder X-ray diffraction. Diffraction lines were broadened, the line broadening being anisotropic. The samples were tetragonal with a rutile-type structure. Both Sb3+ and Sb5+ ions were substituted for Sn4+ in the oxygen-deficient SnO2 structure. Samples containing 4 and 8 at% Sb were thermally treated at 350, 450 and 550 °C for 1 h, then slowly cooled to room temperature. XRD showed that unit-cell parameters of the annealed samples decreased, which suggested that oxidation of the Sb3+ ion took place in the annealing process. 121Sb-Mössbauer spectroscopy confirmed that Sb3+/Sb5+ content ratio in the samples decreased upon annealing.

In the scope of structural studies of mullite (3Al2O3 · 2SiO2) a correlation of the precursors type on microstructure of sol-gel derived mullite was investigated. Mullite samples were prepared using a sol-gel technique followed by thermal treatment of the precursors. Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O, γ-Al2O3 or γ-AlOOH were used as the alumina source for precursors and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as the silica source. Prepared mullite samples were examined by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) and X-ray spectroscopy. Clear difference was found in the microstructure of mullite samples derived from the precursors with Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O in comparison to the samples containing γ-Al2O3 or γ-AlOOH. The former exhibited elongated mullite grains (with longer axis of ~4-10 μm) embedded into the "equiaxial mullite matrix" of smaller grains (size ≤1 μm), while mullite samples derived from precursors containing γ-Al2O3 or γ-AlOOH exhibited only equiaxial grains (size of 0.5 μm and 1.3 μm, respectively). This morphology is due to the overlapping of mullite crystallization and sintering temperatures in specific preparation cases. It was evidenced that in the mullite formation process from diphasic gels, mullite with approximate 2:1 composition(2Al2O3 · SiO2) crystallizes at ~1200 °C which subsequently converts into 3:2 composition(3Al2O3 · 2SiO2) at higher temperatures. This process is faster for the precursors containing smaller particles. For mullite samples which contained 0-8 mol% Cr2O3 (derived from Al(NO3)3∙ 9H2O, Cr(NO3)3∙ 9H2O and TEOS), the crystal structure was solved by the Rietveld method. It was found that Cr3+ ions mainly substitute for Al3+ in the AlO6 octahedra, and in a small amount occupy interstitial sites along the c-axis of the mullite structure. Above the doping level of 7 mol% Cr2O3 the second phase appeared in the system, namely (Al,Cr)2O3.

Oznaka: 0098129


Voditelj/ica projekta: dr. sc. Rozelinda Čož-Rakovac

Tel. ++385 1    e-mail:

Suradnici na projektu:
Rozelinda Čož-Rakovac, doktorica biol. znanosti
Mato Hacmanjek, doktor biol. znanosti, viši asistent
Ivančica Strunjak-Perović, doktorica biol. znanosti, mlađi asistent, znanstvena novakinja
Natalija Topić-Popović, doktorica biol. znanosti, viša asistentica, znanstvena novakinja

Program rada i rezultati na projektu:

Grupa se u svibnju 2003. godine preselila u prostorije Zavoda za kemiju materijala. Do kraja godine Grupa je uredila i opremila svoj laboratorij pri ZKM-u, te počela znanstvenu i stručnu djelatnost po svom novom programu. Grupa je izradila i prijavila složeni tehnologijski istraživačko-razvojni projekt (STIRP): Autorizirani dijagnostički centar za bolesti riba, rakova i školjaka; izradila je pojedinačni poslovni plan za Svjetsku banku: Authorized Diagnostic Center for Aquatic Organisms Diseases, koji je odobren kao jedan od 4 pilot-projekata Banke pri IRB-u (TAL projekt).

U okviru postojećeg znanstvenog projekta «Biokemijska i molekularna reakcija riba na stanje ekosustava» br. 0098129, Grupa je radila na biokemijskim i molekularnim istraživanjima koje je moguće sagledati kroz kvalitativne i kvantitativne promjene na subcelularnoj i ekstracelularnoj razini ispitivanih riba.

Članovi Grupe su u tom periodu objavili 1 CC rad, predali na ocjenu još 3, sudjelovali na međunarodnim i domaćim znanstvenim i znanstveno-stručnim skupovima, seminarima i predavanjima, polazili tečajeve, te se usavršavali u svojim specijalizacijama u suradnji sa srodnim institutom u Nizozemskoj. Aktivno su sudjelovali u znanstveno-popularnoj emisiji «Trenutak spoznaje».

Research programme and results:

In May 2003 the Group moved to the premises of the Division of Materials Chemistry (DMC). Till the end of the year the Group equipped and established a well-functioning laboratory within the DMC, started scientific and professional activities according to its new program. The Group completed and submitted a STIRP project: Authorized Diagnostic Center for Diseases of Fish, Shellfish and Crustaceans; developed a business plan for the World Bank: Authorized Diagnostic Center for Aquatic Organisms Diseases, which was evaluated as one of the 4 pilot-projects of the Bank within the RBI (TAL Project).

Within existing scientific project “Biochemical and Molecular Reaction of Fish to the Ecosystem Status” No. 0098129, the Group worked on biochemical and molecular research through qualitative and quantitative changes on subcellular and extracellular level of assayed fish.

The members of the Group published 1 CC paper, submitted another 3 for evaluation, actively attended international and national scientific and professional conferences, seminaries and lectures, attended courses, and extended their education through specialized collaboration with a Dutch institute with a similar program. They were active in a popular-scientific broadcast “Trenutak spoznaje”.

Oznaka: HITRA


Voditelj/ica projekta: dr. sc. Damir Kralj

Tel. ++385 1 4561 004   e-mail:

Suradnici na projektu:
Vesna Babić-Ivančić, doktorica kem. znanosti, znanstvena suradnica
Ljerka Brečević, doktorica kem. znanosti, znanstvena savjetnica
Jasminka Kontrec, doktorica kem. znanosti, viša asistentica, znanstvena novakinja
Damir Kralj, doktor kem. znanosti, viši znanstveni suradnik
Program rada i rezultati na projektu:

Cilj je predloženih istraživanja razviti postupak priprave taložnog kalcijeva karbonata (TKK), korištenjem vapna i ugljikova dioksida kao osnovnih sirovina, u kojem bi, uz poznavanje kinetičkih, termodinamičkih i hidrodinamičkih čimbenika, te mijenjanjem procesnih parametara, bilo moguće kontrolirati fizikalno-kemijska svojstva taloga. Od tih svojstava svakako su najvažniji minerološki sastav, raspodjela veličine čestica taloga i njihova morfologija. Predviđeno je primarna istraživanja obaviti u laboratorijskom mjerilu s kemikalijama analitičke čistoće, a u kasnijoj fazi prijeći na rad u većem mjerilu s prirodnim vapnencem i kemikalijama tehničke čistoće. U završnoj bi fazi vođenje procesa trebalo u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri automatizirati, a bude li to moguće, razviti i kontinuirani postupak.

Tijekom 2003. godine napravljeni su taložni dijagrami za homogeni sustav, Ca(OH)2(aq)–H2CO3(aq)- H2O, i za sustav suspenzije vapnenog mlijeka, Ca(OH)2(s)-CO2(g)-H2O, pri čemu je posebna pažnja posvećena mineraloškom sastavu, morfologiji i raspodjeli veličine čestica taloga. Osim toga, konstruirani su reaktori za provedbu kinetičkih eksperimenata u oba sustava, homogenom i heterogenom.

Research programme and results:

The aim of the proposed investigations is to develop a procedure for preparation of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), in which, by using kinetic, thermodynamic and hydrodynamic factors and by changing process parameters, the physical chemical properties of precipitate (mineralogical composition, particle size distribution and morphology) are controlled. The basic precipitation components will be lime and carbon dioxide. The initial investigations are anticipated to be held in the laboratory scale equipment using analytical grade chemicals and the later ones to involve higher laboratory scale equipment and the use of limestone and technical grade chemicals. In the final phase of the project, the introduction of automation in the process and, if possible, the development of a continuous process is anticipated.

During 2003 the precipitation diagrams of the homogeneous, Ca(OH)2(aq)–H2CO3(aq)- H2O, and the slaked lime system, Ca(OH)2(s)-CO2(g)-H2O, were constructed. A special consideration was given to the mineralogical content, morphology and particle size distribution of the precipitates obtained. Besides, the reactors for carrying out the kinetic experiments in both systems, homogeneous and heterogeneous, were designed.

Oznaka: HITRA



Voditelj/ica projekta: dr. sc. Biserka Gržeta

Tel. ++385 1 4561 120   e-mail:

Suradnici na projektu:
Ivančica Bogdanović Radović, doktorica fiz. znanosti, znanstvena suradnica, Zavod za eksperimentalnu fiziku
Biserka Gržeta, doktorica fiz. znanosti, znanstvena savjetnica
Milko Jakšić, doktor fiz. znanosti, viši znanstveni suradnik, Zavod za eksperimentalnu fiziku
Maja Tonković, doktorica kem. znanosti, viša znanstvena suradnica, Zavod za fizičku kemiju

Suradnici iz druge ustanove:
Igor Janjatović, dipl. inž. geol., Istra Cement International d.d., Pula, konzultant

Vanjski suradnici:
Boris Matković, doktor kem. znanosti, znanstveni savjetnik u mirovini, konzultant

Program rada i rezultati na projektu:

Kalcij-aluminatni cement je hidraulično mineralno vezivo koje u vrlo kratkom vremenu (od svega nekoliko sati) postiže iznimne čvrstoće, što ga u novije vrijeme čini nezamjenjivim u nizu primjena kao npr.: brzi popravci oštećenja cesta i mostova, uzletnih i sletnih zrakoplovnih staza, pristaništa i slično. Cement visoke kvalitete može se proizvesti samo iz sirovine optimalnog kemijskog sastava, koji osigurava dobivanje cementnog klinkera optimalnog faznog sastava. U okviru ovog projekta razvit će se postupak primjene Rietveldove metode, uz korištenje rentgenske difrakcije, za svrhu kontrole kvalitete aluminatnog cementnog klinkera.

Research programme and results:

Calcium aluminate cement is a hydraulic mineral binding material which develops high strength in a quite short time of few hours. This makes the aluminate cement irreplaceable in many applications such as: fast repairs of roads, bridges, airfields, quays, etc. High quality cement can be obtained only from row materials of optimal chemical composition, that ensure production of cement clinker of optimal phase conposition. In the scope of this project an application of the Rietveld method in quality control of the aluminate cement clinker will be worked out.


Znanstveni radovi objavljeni u časopisima koji su indeksirani u Current Contents-u:


Antonić-Jelić, Tatjana; Bosnar, Sanja; Bronić, Josip; Subotić, Boris. Experimental evidence of the "memory" effect of amorphous aluminosilicate gel precursors. // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 64 (2003), 1-3; 21-32.


Brničević, Nevenka; Bašic, Ivan; Hoxha Besnik; Planinić, Pavica; McCarley, Robert E. Molybdenum and tungsten cluster methoxides with bridging, terminal or mixed bridging-terminal methoxo groups: preparation and properties. Crystal structure of [Na(CH3OH)5]2[Mo6(m3-Br)8(OCH3)6]. // Polyhedron. 22 (2003); 1553-1559.


Brnić, Zoran; Vekić, Branko; Hebrang, Andrija; Anić, Petar. Efficacy of breast shielding during CT of the head. // European Radiology. 13 (2003); 2436-2440.


Denac, Matjaž; Musil, Vojko; Šmit, Ivan; Ranogajec, Franjo. Effects of talc and gamma irradiation on mechanical properties and morphology of isotactic polypropylene/talc composites. // Polymer Degradation and Stability. 82 (2003), 2; 263-270.


Dragčević, Đurđica; Bišćan, Jasenka. Surface potential of β-alanine at the electrolyte/air and artificial seawater/air interface. // Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 223 (2003); 35-43.


Drašner, Antun; Blažina, Želimir. Hydrogen sorption properties of the LaNi5-xGaxalloys. // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 359 (2003), 1-2; 180-185.


Gotić, Marijan; Popović, Stanko; Ivanda, Mile; Musić, Svetozar. Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of V2O5 powders. // Materials Letters. 57 (2003), 21; 3186-3192.


Ilijaš, Boris; Ražem, Dušan; Miljanić, Saveta; Cerovac, Zdravko; Orehovec, Zvonimir. Optoelectronic reader for CET dosimeter, a radiation accident chemical dosimetry system. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 68 (2003); 1005-1010.


Ivanković, Siniša; Gotić, Marijan; Jurin, Mislav; Musić, Svetozar. Photokilling squamous carcinoma cells SCCVII with ultrafine particles of selected metal oxydes. // Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 27 (2003.); 225-233.


Ivanković, Hrvoje; Tkalčec, Emilija; Nass, Rüdiger; Schmidt, Helmut. Correlation of the precursor type with densification behaviour and microstructure of sintered mullite ceramics. // Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 23 (2003); 283-292.


Katušin-Ražem, Branka; Mihaljević, Branka; Ražem, Dušan. Microbial decontamination of cosmetic raw materials and personal care products by irradiation. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 66 (2003); 309-316.


Katušin-Ražem, Branka; Ražem, Dušan. Availability of oxygen in radiation-induced peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 67 (2003); 475-478.


Kontrec, Jasminka; Kralj, Damir; Brečević, Ljerka. Cadmium removal from calcium sulphate suspension by liquid membrane extraction during recrystallization of calcium sulphate anhydrite. // Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 223 (2003), 1-3; 239-249.


Kosanović, Cleo; Subotić, Boris. Preparation of mullite micro-vessels by a combined treatment of zeolites. // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 66 (2003), 2-3; 311-319.


Krznarić, Ivan; Antonić, Tatjana; Bronić, Josip; Subotić, Boris; Thompson, Robert W. Influence of silica sources on the chemical composition of aluminosilicate hydrogels and the results of their hydrothermal treatment. // Croatica Chemica Acta. 76 (2003), 3; 7-17.


Medaković, Davorin; Slapnik, Rajko; Popović, Stanko; Gržeta, Biserka. Mineralogy of shells from two freshwater snails Belgrandiella fontinalis and B. kuesteri. // Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A. 134 (2003); 121-127.


Mihaljević, Branka; Ražem, Dušan. Oxidation kinetics of iron(II) ion with t-butoxyl radical. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 67 (2003); 269-274.


Mihaljević, Branka; Ražem, Dušan. Monothiocyanatoiron(III) complex in dichloromethane: methanol solvent mixture.. // Croatica Chemica Acta. 76 (2003); 249-255.


Miljanić, Saveta; Knežević, Željka; Štuhec, Matjaž; Ranogajec-Komor, Maria; Krpan, Katarina; Vekić, Branko. Energy dependence of new TLDs in terms of Hp(10) values. // Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 106 (2003), 3; 253-256.


Musić, Svetozar; Krehula, Stjepko; Popović, Stanko; Skoko, Željko. Some factors influencing forced hydrolysis of FeCl3 solutions. // Materials Letters. 57 (2003), 5-6; 1096-1102.


Musić, Svetozar; Popović, Stanko; Maljković, Miroslava; Skoko, Željko; Furić, Krešimir; Gajović, Andreja. Thermochemical formation of IrO2 and Ir. // Materials Letters. 57 (2003), 29; 4509-4514.


Pucić, Irina; Ranogajec, Franjo. Phase separation during radiation crosslinking of unsaturated polyester resin. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 67 (2003), 3-4; 415-419.


Ranogajec-Komor, Maria; Miljanić, Saveta; Blagus, Saša; Knežević, Željka; Osvay, Margit. Selective assessment of the fast neutron component in mixed neutron-gamma field using TLD activation. // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 67 (2003), 3-4; 581-585.


Ristić, Mira; Nowik, Israel; Popović, Stanko; Felner, Israel; Musić, Svetozar. Influence of synthesis procedure on the YIG formation. // Materials Letters. 57 (2003), 16-17; 2584-2590.


Sikirić, Maja; Šmit, Ivan; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka; Tomašić, Vlasta; Pucić, Irina; Primožič, Ines; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada. Effect of the spacer length on the solid phase transitions of dissymmetric gemini surfactants. // Langmuir. 19 (2003); 10044-10053.


Strunjak-Perović, Ivančica; Čož-Rakovac, Rozelindra; Topić Popović, Natalija. Micronucleus occurence in diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum). // Veterinary Medicine - Chech. 48 (2003), 8; 215-219.


Šorgić, Božica; Drašner, Antun; Blažina, Želimir. Structural and hydrogen sorption properties of the RENi5-xAlx (RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Y) Alloys. // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 356-357 (2003); 501-504.


Tkalčec, Emilija; Ivanković, Hrvoje; Nass, Rüdiger; Schmidt, Helmut. Crystallization kinetics of mullite formation in diphasic gels containing different alumina components. // Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 23 (2003); 1465-1475.


Topić, Mladen; Valić, Srećko; Gallot, Yves; Musić, Svetozar. Investigation of relaxations in polystyrene-polyoxyethylene copolymer by thermally stimulated current. // Thermochimica Acta. 400 (2003); 205-211.

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